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May 7th, 2017
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  1. [18:15] <Vincent> A new day begins at the Leblanc estate...or could it have been only a few hours since the last time you were awake? With no notion of time and the skies always dark and dreary it's hard to eerie wind blows through the mansion despite all windows being closed. Could it be a reaction to what had happened the day before?
  2. [18:15] |<-- Becky has left (Ping timeout)
  3. [18:16] -->| Becky ( has joined #MAIDRP
  4. [18:18] <Vincent> A maid had been killed. By a man who had simply emerged from the mist they had all thought to be impenetrable. But what had been more surreal about the entire event, could it have been the master's rather laid back attitude? That the killer had been called...a ghost? Or perhaps that the maid returned shortly after...without any memory of her own death...
  5. [18:20] * Midori steps out of her room, rubbing her eyes. Her head STILL hurts from all that hogwash this Vincent person tried to feed her... But a good nights sleep helps.
  6. [18:23] * Becky saunters out of Vincent's room, adjusting her uniform with a sly grin before heading downstairs.
  7. [18:23] <Vincent> A shape emerged from the mist, she was covered in small scrapes and cuts from head to toe, but had no idea why or when she had received such wounds...hadn't she been here just a few minutes ago? She had only gone into the mist for to see something...and suddenly she was back, with no recollection of what happened afterwards. Len appears to have a slight limp...
  8. [18:26] * Vincent continues working on his papers in bed. A bored frown on his lips, "Such poor no no, this won't do..." he mumbled stepping out of his bed and walking to the dresser to change. "...oh, it's you." he talked to seemingly no one, "Yes yes, you did a fine job. Please continue on." he muttered, getting changed.
  9. [18:29] =-= Snackrun_Chronicles is now known as Taco_Chronicles
  10. [18:29] * Becky approaches Midori, "Good morning~"
  11. [18:30] * Midori looks around at the main hall... sighing. The place is filthy! What have the other maids been doing, aside from bitching and moaning about her having her throat slit? Ridiculous... She sets about cleaning things up. She looks to Becky and gives a slight nod, the only acknowledgement of the greeting.
  12. [18:30] <Len> "ugh..what happened..why am I limping?" Len limps back to the mansion, she nears the entrance and sees no one standing outside like before...was her sense of time screwed up? She goes to knock on the door.
  13. [18:31] <Becky> "Make breakfast once you're finished here, won't you?" Becky heads for the front door, hearing the knock. Becky gives a 'welcoming' smile as she opens the door, "Hello~"
  14. [18:31] <Midori> "..." She shrugs, and finishes up the cleaning. She supposes she could do that...
  15. [18:34] * Miranda awakens a bit late. She stays in bed, thinking about what happened just the day before. She kept wishing that it was just a dream, but it was just too real to be one.
  16. [18:34] <Len> "um..uh..Hello..I..uh came to be a new maid?" Len feels awkward giving this introduction. "My name is Len"
  17. [18:35] <Becky> "Of course of course...My name's Becky, the head maid here~ Why don't you get started and dust the living room, hmm? You can meet the master later.."
  18. [18:36] =-= Taco_Chronicles is now known as Taco_and_Nacho_Chronicles
  19. [18:38] * Vincent finishes changing and starts walking down the stairs...ah, it would pleasant to be able to eat something made by someone other than Becky for a change again. She had such reserved tastes despite her personality.
  20. [18:38] * Len nods and enters the mansion. "Thanks" She goes to look for a duster to dust the place.
  21. [18:39] * Vincent walks over to the living room and takes a seat. He opens up yet another book and starts reading through it.
  22. [18:41] * Miranda rolls out of bed and gets dressed and begins to walk out to the kithen.
  23. [18:42] * Becky saunters her way to the living room to keep an eye on the new girl
  24. [18:42] * Len finds a duster and dusts the places that look all dusty. Taking a glance at Becky every once in a while
  25. [18:44] <Becky> "Master...If you haven't noticed, we've welcomed a new sheep to the flock~ Her name is Len...Remember her?"
  26. [18:46] * Midori heads to the kitchen once she's finished with the main hall, deciding to get started on breakfast... Some nice hash browns, maybe, along with pancakes and sausage... She thinks she's doing rather well, too! She thinks.
  27. [18:47] <Vincent> "Oh Len? Hmm...I can't say I recall her very well. Always too quiet that one." Vincent rubbed his chin in thought. "Rebecca, could I have some tea? It would appear I am out."
  28. [18:47] <Miranda> "O-Oh, Midori!" she says, a bit startled when she walks in the kitchen behind her. "Would you help me out with breakfast?"
  29. [18:48] * Midori looks at the mild disaster that is currently her attempt at breakfast... "... Um... perhaps that would be wise."
  30. [18:48] * Midori reaches up semi nervously to rub at her throat, a bit worried at her mistake. She doesn't know it but the line her fingers trace is -precisely- where her throat was slashed previously.
  31. [18:48] * Becky curtsies and goes to retrieve some tea, "At once, my lord."
  32. [18:49] * Becky arrives in the kitchen, "Midori...What is this supposed to be?"
  33. [18:49] <Midori> "...." She shrugs.
  34. [18:50] <Becky> "Unacceptable. I suggest you try again, and DON'T mess up." Becky glared, preparing some tea
  35. [18:52] * Len thinks about what Vincent says 'recall'? I've only just got here! She finishes dusting and turns to him. "....Well I just got here sir"
  36. [18:53] * Becky brews the master's favorite tea quickly and heads off for the living room again, "Here you are, my master. Do understand that Midori is having some trouble with breakfast. But it will be ready soon." she bowed gracefully
  37. [18:53] <Midori> "I suggest you keep your suggestions to yourself, and let me do my job." She says, quite calmly. It seems she's not as easily pushed around her previous incarnation...
  38. [18:53] * Midori goes back to helping Miranda with the cooking
  39. [18:53] <Miranda> "H-Hey! Take it easy on her, she's helping me re-cook it now. Just hold your horses." she goes back to cooking with Midori.
  40. [18:54] <Vincent> "Ah, thank you very much Rebecca, I look forward to it." Vincent replied, sipping his tea happily. It would seem the tea had a more soothing effect to him than the presence of his maids.
  41. [18:55] * Becky sits near Vincent, devising how best to punish Midori on her next screw-up.
  42. [18:56] <Vincent> ...someone else wakes up in front of the mansion. Opening her eyes to a bleak environment with barely anything to see but mist. The mansion before her towers, it looks rather intimidating but compared to the was a tad better. Meredith tried to recall something...why she was here, where she came from...but nothing came to mind.
  43. [18:58] * Meredith brought a hand up to her head and rubbed it, hoping the pressure would help in some way. "Ohh... What am I doing here?" She looks about... Then stands up and tries the door.
  44. [18:58] -->| Airi ( has joined #MAIDRP
  45. [18:58] * Miranda finishes up by placing the fried bacon on to pancakes with little smiley faces, leaving one with a frowny face for a certain some one. "Looks like we're done here, I shouldn't have to tell you who THAT one is for." she says, pointing to the frowny face as she grabs two other plates and brings them to the table.
  46. [18:58] <Becky> "Hmmm? Len dear, get the door won't you?"
  47. [18:59] =-= Airi is now known as Narrator
  48. [19:00] * Meredith suddenly stops knocking, thinking to herself to try exploring. This must be her house, and since she didn't have a key...
  49. [19:01] <Midori> "Oh, indeed! She -is- a little rude, isn't she... Oh! Hey, look over there, don't you think we can serve it on those plates instead? They would be so much nicer."
  50. [19:02] * Meredith tries walking around, perhaps the back door would have an emergency spare?
  51. [19:02] <Miranda> "My hands are kinda full, can you take care of it for me?" she asks, not really waiting for an answer as she walks out.
  52. [19:02] <Miranda> "Here you go, sir." she says, laying a plate with smiley pancakes on it in front of him and a small saucer of syrup next to it and proceeds to do the same with the other plate she carries for herself. "Midori should be out very soon with the rest. "
  53. [19:02] * Len nods and heads to the door. She opens it and sees no one there. she closes it and returns to the sitting room
  54. [19:03] <Midori> "Well, sure, I suppose..." She begins transferring the food to those 'nicer plates'... taking the opportunity to add a little extra stuff to Midori's plate, mixing in the bad stuff with the good. This'll teach her...
  55. [19:04] <Vincent> "Ah, thank you very much Miranda." Vincent takes his meal and begins eating it, "Ah, so refreshing to eat something different..." he smiled giddily.
  56. [19:05] <Miranda> "Different?" she tilts her head a bit, cutting her pancakes into small squares. "What do you normally have?"
  57. [19:05] <Narrator> In the back Meredith of course does not find a spare key...maybe she should try knocking? The back seems a bit, creepier than the front for some reason what with that well over there, just out of sight.
  58. [19:05] * Becky takes her plate and eyes it suspiciously, taking a bite...
  59. [19:06] * Midori comes out to take a seat, quite happily digging into her meal! Mmm, good stuff.
  60. [19:06] * Meredith looks about, noticing the well...
  61. [19:06] * Len enters the room. "Uh, Becky there was no one at the door." she goes and finds and seat
  62. [19:06] * Meredith walks up to it curiously...
  63. [19:06] <Becky> "How strange..." Becky takes another bite...
  64. [19:07] <Midori> "Wow, Miranda... this stuff is good! Way better than what I made."
  65. [19:07] <Narrator> A strange voice whispers to Meredith in her mind, "In this house, death is only a transient phase and thus not an ending. There is no ending here, only a continuous walk forward into nothingness..."
  66. [19:07] <Miranda> "I guess I must've been a good cook at one time." she obviously can't remember, but maybe she was~
  67. [19:08] <Narrator> It is rather quiet out back, strange. She had been able to hear the wind earlier out in front...
  68. [19:09] * Meredith freezes up upon hearing the voice. "Death..." She repeated the word, placing no emphasis on it, nor any spin. It sounded as neutral as an everyday word, and it almost surprised her how mundane her voice had sounded.
  69. [19:09] <Vincent> "Hmmm, we usually had Becky's cooking. I just feel refreshed eating a meal made by someone else is all." Vincent replied with his trademark impossible smile.
  70. [19:10] * Meredith walks closer still to the well...
  71. [19:10] * Len takes a seat and eats silently
  72. [19:11] * Becky sets down her plate with a hint of disgust, "I can't say the same, my lord..."
  73. [19:11] * Midori blinks at Becky... "You didn't like it?"
  74. [19:12] <Miranda> "What do you mean? Your taste buds must be broken~" she giggles a bit before dipping a piece of pancake into syrup and eating it.
  75. [19:12] <Narrator> The well is old, there is a small broken bucket by it's side. From here the mansion suddenly becomes a lot harder to spot, as if you were becoming's so quiet.
  76. [19:12] * Becky shakes her head, "No, I simply can't eat this. Master, I'd like to request a moment with Midori in the kitchen, I'll need her to prepare me something else to eat..." Becky gave Vincent a small smile.
  77. [19:13] <Miranda> "I'm the one who cooked the meal, miss Midori mearly helped, I insist you let me do it." she says, standing in Midori's defense.
  78. [19:14] * Midori crosses her arms. "... Everyone else seems to be enjoying thier breakfast quite well! If you don't like it, then I would say that is your own problem, now isn't it?"
  79. [19:14] * Meredith picks up the bucket idly, looking to the mansion as if watching a shooting star pass...
  80. [19:16] * Becky stands, waiting for her master's approval
  81. [19:16] * Vincent nods, "Hmmm...Midori does have a point Becky. It does seem strange that everyone enjoyed their meal."
  82. [19:16] <Vincent> " bizarre..."
  83. [19:17] * Vincent scratches at his hat.
  84. [19:17] * Becky hands Vincent her plate, "Would you like a taste of mine?"
  85. [19:17] <Vincent> "Oh, sure." Vincent takes her plate.
  86. [19:18] <Midori> "Hmph! I'll have some as well, just to prove it to you!" She reaches over to nab a piece of food... of course she's careful to avoid one of the tainted bits she added. And she's quite pleased to see some of them missing already... that's what you get, woman!
  87. [19:18] * Len finishes her meal and idly watches the events. Finally beginning to relax
  88. [19:19] * Vincent takes a bit himself, his smile turn sour. "Oh my...this meal does indeed taste quite differently from ours..."
  89. [19:20] <Becky> "I just need a fresh plate is all, master...Is my request granted?"
  90. [19:20] <Narrator> A sloshing sound is heard near Meredith.
  91. [19:21] <Meredith> "Hm?" The girl turns her head to the sound curiously.
  92. [19:21] <Narrator> "Hm?" Meredith can hear the echo from the well.
  93. [19:21] <Miranda> "But I used the same ingredients for the entire meal, what could be wrong?"
  94. [19:22] <Vincent> "Ah who knows, perhaps she was simply unlucky. Please follow Rebecca Midori."
  95. [19:22] * Vincent nodded his approval.
  96. [19:22] * Midori crosses her arms, thinking. "I'm sure you didn't grab anything bad accidentally. I was watching you the whole time..."
  97. [19:22] * Meredith quickly turns about face and backs away from the well, slowly... She unconsciously holds the bucket up to herself defensively.
  98. [19:22] <Midori> "... Fine." She stands up, glaring daggers at Vincent before heading for the kitchen.
  99. [19:23] <Narrator> The sloshing sound can still be heard near sounds closer now.
  100. [19:24] * Becky follows closely behind Midori, closing the kitchen door behind him. "Looks like that pan is still on, why don't you fry me some more sausage, hmm...?"
  101. [19:24] <Becky> them*
  102. [19:24] <Miranda> "I do hope she doesn't go too hard on her..."
  103. [19:25] * Len stands up. "Excuse me" She leaves the room and wanders around
  104. [19:26] * Meredith shudders, noting how close the sounds were closing in on her. Something in her head tells her to leave, and she heads back to the mansion... The only landmark in sight.
  105. [19:26] <Midori> "Hrmph. I still just think you're too lazy to make your own breakfast." She goes to the fridge, grabbing some sausage for frying.
  106. [19:27] <Vincent> "Hmmm, that Len girl is as quiet as ever." Vincent muses.
  107. [19:27] * Becky stands close by to the oven, waiting. "I preferred the old Midori better, so cute...But breaking you in will be a touch more fun~"
  108. [19:27] <Narrator> The sloshing was now quiet again. Meredith could see the mansion now and was rather close to it.
  109. [19:29] * Midori just hrmphs, tending to the sausage as it cooks. "I still think this whole 'old midori' thing is a bad hoax. If my throat was cut, how could I be here now?"
  110. [19:30] <Vincent> "So miss Miranda!" Vincent smiled, they were alone right now.
  111. [19:30] * Len wanders upstairs. Something is telling her that she should snoop around, so she decides to try to find the master's room
  112. [19:30] * Meredith tries the backdoor...
  113. [19:30] <Miranda> "Oh, yes sir?" she says, sitting back down.
  114. [19:31] * Becky smiled, not bothering to answer. Just eyeing the frying sausage. As the meat searedm its juices came to bubble in the hot oil...Becky stuck a fork into the meat while it was still popping with hot grease. She forcefully grabbed Midori's jaw and opened her mouth to plant the sausage inside and holding it shut.
  115. [19:31] <Narrator> Meredith can see a window a large window in the back, it's too high to knock on however as the back of the mansion was on a small hill. The door seems to be in good shape, the backdoor leads to a hallway near the kitchen.
  116. [19:32] <Becky> held*
  117. [19:32] [INFO] Using <chrome://chatzilla/skin/output-light.css> as default motif.
  118. [19:33] <Becky> " Does it taste good!?"
  119. [19:33] <Meredith> "Hmm..."
  120. [19:33] <Vincent> "How do you feel today?" Vincent asked the girl, sipping his tea. "Are you ready for another glorious day of work?"
  121. [19:33] * Meredith takes her bucket and chucks it at the window.
  122. [19:34] * Midori blinks and looks to the fork as Becky gets the sausage. "It's not done ye-" Then it's forced into her mouth! Her scream is, at the very least, muffled by the hand over her mouth, but she thrashes mightily, that's for damn sure!
  123. [19:35] * Becky giggles, holding Midori to her and stroking her hair, "This hurts me more than it hurts you, you know~ I hope you've learned your lesson!" Becky released the trashing Midori
  124. [19:35] <Narrator> THE WINDOWS BREAKS! The bucket flies into the kitchen and lands near Becky's feet. She is sprayed with small shards of glass....
  125. [19:36] * Midori falls to the floor as soon as she's released, immediately spitting the sausage out onto the floor. "K-KYAAAH! WHA HE HUCK!?"
  126. [19:36] * Becky winces, shielding herself before stomping to the window, "What was that!?"
  127. [19:36] <Miranda> "W-What was that?!" she says, hearing the crash and heading to the kitchen.
  128. [19:36] <Meredith> "Oh! It smashed beautifully~"
  129. [19:36] * Meredith attempts to hop onto the window frame...
  130. [19:37] <Becky> "You! Did you throw that bucket!?" Becky put her hands on her hips
  131. [19:37] <Meredith> grab*
  132. [19:37] <Narrator> "Oh, someone has returned simply." Vincent sipped his tea calmly, he probably should have mentionned it to the others. It slipped his mind.
  133. [19:37] <Miranda> "What's going on in here? Who's out there?"
  134. [19:38] * Meredith freezes once again, not expecting the voice. "E-Eep! So this place wasn't abandoned?"
  135. [19:38] * Len enters a room upstairs. She looks around hoping to find something
  136. [19:39] * Becky walks over and grabs Meredith pulling her inside, looking out at the mist she grabs some seran wrap and tap from the kitchen to patch up the window for now. "Yes, this is the mansion of my Master Vincent."
  137. [19:40] <Becky> tape*
  138. [19:40] * Becky looks down at Midori, "Hmph."
  139. [19:40] <Narrator> A presence can be felt behind Len, out of the corner of her eyes...she can see...a maid uniform?
  140. [19:40] <Meredith> "Whoopsie~ I'm sorry!"
  141. [19:41] * Meredith gets dragged along without any resistance.
  142. [19:41] * Midori just stays on the ground, hands over her mouth, trying not to cry out in pain. She turns her gaze up at Becky and smiles triumphantly, even through the pain. At least her plan for the bitch worked... it'll just pay off a little bit later.
  143. [19:42] * Becky sets Meredith down, tapping her heel. "I'll bring you to the master...And you!" she glares down at Midori, "Clean this mess up."
  144. [19:42] * Becky snaps her fingers and heads out of the kitchen for the living room, telling Meredith to follow.
  145. [19:43] * Len turns and sees a maid uniform...."why would that be here?"
  146. [19:43] <Miranda> "Midori? Are you alright?" she says, extending a hand to help her up.
  147. [19:43] * Midori stands up with Miranda's help, laughing quite openly at Becky for a moment before she begins cleaning. "Ahl be fine..."
  148. [19:44] <Miranda> "Here, let me help you." she says, getting a hand and getting the smaller pieces.
  149. [19:45] * Meredith watches the two others, not saying a word...
  150. [19:46] * Midori just nods her thanks to Miranda... She gestures to her mouth, hoping the other girl will take that as an explanation of why she's not too talkative right now
  151. [19:46] <Narrator> As Len looks at the maid uniform laying on a chair infront of a mirror, she sees someone behind her. Her back turned so that Len can only see her long brown hair...she was wearing a blue maid uniform.
  152. [19:46] * Meredith finally walks off in the direction Becky was last headed in~
  153. [19:47] <Miranda> "...Oh, you must still be hungry!" she grabs her by the hand and drags her back out to the table.
  154. [19:47] * Midori blinks, eyes going wide as she shakes her head! She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue, showing the blisters that are no doubt forming.
  155. [19:47] * Vincent finishes his own meal and cleans himself. He wondered what was taking the maids so long.
  156. [19:48] * Becky leads Meredith to the living room, bowing before Vincent, "Another girl, sir."
  157. [19:48] * Meredith looks to Becky, "hey, did you happen to see a bucket around here?"
  158. [19:49] * Len gulps and turns around slowly.
  159. [19:49] * Becky grimaces, feeling her stomach churn slightly. "It's...Still in the kitchen, yes."
  160. [19:49] <Miranda> "What happened?! Nevermind, let's go to the bathroom and find something to put on it!"
  161. [19:49] <Narrator> When Len turns around, the other maid is gone. However Vincent's bed has been made...Len didn't do that, did she?
  162. [19:50] * Midori doesn't much care for the idea of putting strange things in her mouth... but the burns ARE painful... she just gives a somewhat resigned sigh and makes to follow Miranda
  163. [19:50] <Meredith> "Oh! Well, then you'll forgive me if I go back to retrieve it?"
  164. [19:52] <Becky> "Do greet the master, first."
  165. [19:53] * Len could've sworn she saw someone in here. The bed couldn't have been made that fast. She decides to end her investigation for now and goes back down stairs
  166. [19:54] <Meredith> "Ah~ Very well." She bows to the man as well, though the lateness of the action makes one wonder how formal that could be...
  167. [19:55] * Vincent sips his tea and gets up, following her bow in a grandiose manner. As always, his eyes were completely obscured by his top hat leaving only his large grin to show his current mood, he seemed jovial today. "Ah Meredith! My little firecracker! You grand entrance last time was equally extravagant!"
  168. [19:56] * Becky goes to sit near the master, tapping her heel.
  169. [19:57] <Vincent> "Rebecca, could you fetch the others? I have a bit of a favor to ask them..."
  170. [19:57] <Meredith> "Really? That's amusing~" Hold on. "Errm... How do you know me?"
  171. [19:59] * Becky stands, speaking over her gurgling stomach, "At once my lord." Becky exits the living room to look for the other maids...
  172. [19:59] <Vincent> "Oh my, I've been over this multiple times and it really is getting dreary...suffice to say, you've been here before even if you cannot recall. I'm here to offer you a safe haven from the mist until you can get your memories back."
  173. [19:59] <Meredith> "Oh! Well, that's real kind of you. How do you know I lost my memories?"
  174. [19:59] * Len enters the room and stands off to the side. Suddenly uneasy about the Master. She replays the brown haired girl and the suddenly made bed over and over again in her head. Trying to make the events seem a bit logical
  175. [20:03] <Vincent> "Oh, they always do. Every single one of them...lost in the mist so to say."
  176. [20:03] * Meredith sighs, somehow not surprised either... "That mist is so dangerous, hm~"
  177. [20:04] <Vincent> "I don't know about that. But it certainly is unforgiving. I would recommend acting with caution." He waved a hand.
  178. [20:05] * Miranda searches through cabinets for a bit and finds the ointment. "Here it is! Be sure to apply this as the instructions say." she says, handing it to her.
  179. [20:06] * Midori takes a moment to look over the instructions, then sighs and shows it to Miranda, pointing out one particular bit... "Not for oral consumption". She gives a helpless shrug.
  180. [20:07] |<-- Ty has left (Ping timeout)
  181. [20:07] <Meredith> "...and despite this you seem cheerful! This mansion must be a nice place~"
  182. [20:07] <Miranda> "Ahh, you're right..."
  183. [20:08] <Miranda> "Well, just try to drink lots of cool liquids!"
  184. [20:08] <Vincent> "Oh! Well I'm enjoying myself tremendously!" Vincent grinned, "I trust you will do the same."
  185. [20:08] <Becky> "Pectin helps~" Becky smiles, leaning into the bathroom. "The master would like to have all of the maids together."
  186. [20:09] * Midori nods to Miranda. She planned on that already, at least. She just gives Becky a glance and a smile, before heading for the master's location.
  187. [20:09] <Meredith> "Thank you, I'll try~ As soon as I get back that bucket. Forgive me, this girl will return in a moment~"
  188. [20:10] * Meredith bows again before walking off to the kitchen, her steps are light and bubbly.
  189. [20:10] <Vincent> "Don't mind me~" Vincent smiled.
  190. [20:10] <Miranda> "Oh, I left in the middle of our conversation, I hope he isn't angry with me." she worries and returns to the living room
  191. [20:11] <Vincent> "Oh, there you all, where is Len?"
  192. [20:11] * Becky follows behind, arriving near the master.
  193. [20:13] * Miranda bows. "I'm sorry for leaving so rudely, sir."
  194. [20:13] * Len steps out of the shadowy corner. "Present sir"
  195. [20:14] <Vincent> "Rudely? Oh, do not mind that." He turns to Len as she arrived, "Ah, Len. You're now all here."
  196. [20:14] <Vincent> "I need three of you to go out into the mist."
  197. [20:15] * Becky froze, certainly not one to volunteer...But was curious.
  198. [20:16] <Vincent> " any volunteers?" Vincent asked.
  199. [20:16] * Midori blinks...
  200. [20:16] * Midori sighs after a few moments, and raises her hand.
  201. [20:17] * Meredith arrives in the kitchen and picks up the bucket that was left behind.
  202. [20:17] * Len is reluctant to go back into the mist..but..
  203. [20:17] * Len raises her hand
  204. [20:18] -->| AngryFurby ( has joined #MAIDRP
  205. [20:18] <Vincent> "Ah, Midori and Len great...could I have someone else?" he asked, surprised none of the girls bothered to even ask him why they were going out in the first place.
  206. [20:19] * Meredith walks back into the living room, waving her bucket around! "Look! It's back! It's even in the same broken condition I found it in~"
  207. [20:19] * Midori would LIKE to ask why they're going into the mist... but talking is a little painful right now...
  208. [20:19] <Vincent> "Ah Meredith, welcome back. I was just asking around for some volunteers to go out and retrieve some provisions."
  209. [20:19] <Miranda> "The...The mist, sir?"
  210. [20:20] <Meredith> "Provisions? Would you need some help with that?"
  211. [20:21] <Vincent> "Yes indeed Miranda, out there in the mist. I'll give you precise directions soon enough. I could use one more maid to go out, as I'd like you girls to keep an eye on eachother out there."
  212. [20:22] * Midori looks to Miranda... silently asking with her eyes, 'please come with us!'
  213. [20:23] <Meredith> "Hmm... Oh, that mist is scary~"
  214. [20:23] * Len thinks if she gets out of here, she'll remember what happened to her, hopefully
  215. [20:23] <Miranda> "But he said himself it was dangerous!"
  216. [20:25] <Vincent> "Well yes, but it should be alright so long as you three stick close to each other." Vincent replied, "I've had maids go out before and every time most of them came back..."
  217. [20:26] * Midori blanches. MOST of them...!?
  218. [20:26] <Meredith> "Hm! Well, then perhaps I shall join."
  219. [20:26] * Len gulps. What does he mean by 'most of them'
  220. [20:27] * Meredith holds the bucket with the both of her hands and steps forward.
  221. [20:27] * Becky sits on the armchair of the master's seat, not at all intending on venturing into the mist
  222. [20:27] <Miranda> "I-I guess, if a majority of them came back..."
  223. [20:27] <Vincent> "Ah, perfect then Meredith. You, Len and Midori shall go out into the mist."
  224. [20:28] <Vincent> "Miranda, you shall work with Becky then till they return."
  225. [20:28] <Meredith> "Oh, no, if that other girl wants to go then who am I to get in her way~ It looks to be her t--" She suddenly shuts her mouth, though her pleasant smile remains on her face.
  226. [20:29] <Miranda> "...Very well."
  227. [20:30] <Vincent> "Ah, well it does not matter much. I'd like to send more out but frankly I require some maids to stay here as well..." Vincent scratched at his hat, "So, Rebecca and Meredith, could you go repair the window while I explain what these girls will do?"
  228. [20:31] * Becky stood and bowed, "At once, my lord."
  229. [20:31] <Meredith> "Oh, your window is broken~ I wonder how that happened."
  230. [20:31] <Vincent> "No need to be modest Meredith." Vincent grinned.
  231. [20:33] * Meredith hides her smile with a hand as she walks to the kitchen.
  232. [20:33] <Vincent> "Now girls, please listen carefully."
  233. [20:34] * Midori sighs softly... She looks around the room a little, as if it's the last time she's going to see the place. Not that she'll miss it... she leans towards Vincent. She's not fond of HIM either, but she listens all the same.
  234. [20:35] * Becky headed behind Meredith, "The glass is cleaned up at least..." Becky grabs a set of replacement panes from an undisclosed location. "Let's get to it, hmm?" Becky had a dour look on her face, her stomach making an odd noise now and then.
  235. [20:35] =-= Taco_and_Nacho_Chronicles is now known as Hazuki
  236. [20:36] <Meredith> "Yes, let's! Oh, since we're about to work together, you ought to know my name~ Please call me Meredith."
  237. [20:37] * Len nods and snaps to attention
  238. [20:37] * Vincent takes out a small piece of paper with a crude sketch on it, it looked like it had been drawn by a little girl. "This is precious information that a maid collected one day, as you well know our little mansion is rather secluded and does not run on electricity but rather oil and coal." Vincent muttered.
  239. [20:38] <Vincent> "Well, long story short, we're almost out of oil and I'd like you to go fetch some from this place." he handed the paper to Midori.
  240. [20:38] <Becky> "Hmm, call me Rebecca, little Meredith.." Becky forced a smile, as she worked on the window
  241. [20:39] <Narrator> The small piece of paper has a drawing of the mansion, a road and a small unidentified building further down that road, it had several Xs marked here and there as well, only a straight line drawn and a number of meters inscribed."
  242. [20:41] <Meredith> "Very well, Rebbecker~" She worked hard, switching with Rebecca on the ladder as they replaced the panes.
  243. [20:41] <Miranda> "Oh, excuse me! My name is Miranda, pleased to meet you.
  244. [20:42] -->| Ijou ( has joined #MAIDRP
  245. [20:42] * Becky finished the windows with Meredith's help, "Good as new.."
  246. [20:43] <Meredith> "Yes! It's as though it was never broken~" She scratched her chest lightly as she held the ladder for Becky.
  247. [20:44] * Meredith called out into the living room. "Nice to meet you, Miranda~!"
  248. [20:46] * Becky leaned out the kitchen to hear Vincent still speaking to the maids, with a sigh she took a seat on a barstool in the kitchen. "What to do, what to do.,."
  249. [20:46] * Vincent waits the maids reactions. None of them said anything, " there something wrong with all of you?" he snapped his fingers.
  250. [20:47] * Midori takes the paper, looking at it skeptically. She looks up at Vincent again, before giving a resigned sigh and a nod.
  251. [20:49] <Vincent> "...none of you have any questions? Really? I'm a bit surprised and dissapointed. Perhaps you 3 are simply braver than the rest." Vincent shrugged getting up.
  252. [20:49] * Len bows. "We'll be sure to get everything you need"
  253. [20:49] <Miranda> "Is it really safe though? You seem very content here as it is."
  254. [20:50] * Meredith waited patiently, swaying somewhat.
  255. [20:51] <Vincent> "Hmm? I don't recall ever saying it was safe, just 'safer' with 3 maids." Vincent replied, opening the main door to them. "Please do try and return promptly."
  256. [20:51] * Midori opens her mouth, ready to ask a question... then she shrugs, sighing and forgetting about it. It hurts too much to talk... damn Becky...
  257. [20:52] * Becky rocks her feet slowly as she sits, "What do you think of the mansion, Meredith~?"
  258. [20:53] <Meredith> "Well, I can honestly say it's the strangest thing I've ever seen~"
  259. [20:55] <Becky> "Hmmm, I'd say it's stranger outside than in...But I understand. Care to go exploring?" Becky smiled
  260. [20:55] * Midori looks to the others... a "Shall we go?" expression quite plaintive on her face.
  261. [20:55] <Miranda> "I do hope you're right...Yes, let's."
  262. [20:55] <Meredith> "Oh, yes! That sounds fun."
  263. [20:56] * Len nods, "Yeah"
  264. [20:56] <Miranda> "I don't know if "fun" is the right word..."
  265. [20:56] <Becky> "Excellent!" Becky stood, "Where shall we go first, hmmm? How about the basement?"
  266. [20:57] * Midori steps out the door, expecting the others to follow behind her... looking at the map, trying to make heads or tails of the childish setup of it.
  267. [20:58] * Len follows Midori out of the door, having second thoughts about going back into the mist already
  268. [20:59] <Vincent> "Oh Rebecca, actually I'd like it if you two would go up to the clock tower." Vincent asked.
  269. [20:59] <Miranda> "The basement seems easy, I like that idea."
  270. [20:59] <Meredith> "Oh, the clock tower!"
  271. [20:59] <Becky> "Hmmm? Very well my lord~" Becky curtsied with a smile and began to lead Meredith, "Come along, dear~"
  272. [21:00] * Meredith follows after Becky, swinging her bucket in a carefree manner. "Okay, Rebecker~"
  273. [21:02] <Vincent> "Erm...why doesn't anyone ask any questions any more?" Vincent wondered, Becky hadn't even bothered to ask her WHY he wanted her up there.
  274. [21:02] <Vincent> "Oh well, guess she'll find out for herself."
  275. [21:03] * Becky arrived in the clocktower after heading upstairs with Meredith... "Here we are~"
  276. [21:04] <Meredith> "Oh, it looks complex."
  277. [21:05] * Midori stops after a couple dozen steps into the mist... she holds the map at arms length, turning it this way and that, trying to make sense of it... man, Vincent REALLY needs to learn how to draw...
  278. [21:05] <Narrator> The clock tower is the same as always, more so an attic than a complex series of gears. There's a lift that can lead towards the top of the tower as the stairs are damaged and rather dangerous...the pulley doesn't look all that much frankly.
  279. [21:05] <Becky> "It certainly is..." Becky wandered inside, what did the master want them to do up here?
  280. [21:05] <Becky> She had neglected to ask~
  281. [21:06] <Miranda> "I wish he would have at least given us a better map than this..."
  282. [21:06] * Len follows Midori and looks at the 'map' behind Midori's shoulder. "Uhm, we should go straight, that seems the quickest way"
  283. [21:06] <Becky> "Hmm...I'm not so sure if the lift could carry my weight...Meredith?"
  284. [21:07] <Meredith> "Hm? Oh, certainly."
  285. [21:07] * Meredith seemed to have been distracted by the inner workings, but soon walked into the lift.
  286. [21:07] <Meredith> of the clock tower*
  287. [21:08] * Midori nods to Len... it sounds like as good an explanation as any. Seeing no particular help coming from Miranda, she heads... straight!
  288. [21:08] <Narrator> Midori's team hears a creaking sound nearby as they walk forward.
  289. [21:09] <Len> "What's that?" Len looks around
  290. [21:09] <Meredith> "Ready on your word, Rebecker~"
  291. [21:09] <Miranda> "W-What's that?!" she says, turning quickly looking for the noise.
  292. [21:09] * Midori turns as well... she doesn't say anything, but she's a little unnerved by the noise.
  293. [21:10] * Becky began to work the pulley to the lift, moving Meredith up...
  294. [21:10] <Narrator> The creaking continues for a little while, it was a metallic sound as if a door was opening. A rather ominous sound considering the deadly silence...
  295. [21:11] * Becky hurried with the pulley, a little worried...
  296. [21:11] * Meredith looked upwards, wondering what could possibly be up in that clock tower.
  297. [21:11] * Len ignores the bad feeling in her gut. "We should go towards the sound" she suggests
  298. [21:12] <Narrator> As Meredith goes up, she comes across some spiders web and such. This place really was poorly kept.
  299. [21:12] * Becky manages to pull the lift to the top, "What's up there, little Meredith?"
  300. [21:12] * Midori blinks and looks incredulously at Len. Does she REALLY think that's wise?"
  301. [21:12] <Miranda> "We're out in the middle of nowhere, what could possibly be making that noise?!"
  302. [21:13] * Meredith feels tempted to find a rag or a duster or something... However, she sticks to her first duty and scans her surroundings.
  303. [21:13] <Len> "Quit looking at me like that! It seems better than wandering around endlessly in mist...."
  304. [21:14] <Narrator> The top of the clock tower has a few chairs here and there as well as a machine on it. Probably the controls to the tower, they looked damaged.
  305. [21:15] <Narrator> Becky can feel a presence watching her...
  306. [21:15] <Meredith> "Umm, I see some chairs... oh, there's something strange here!"
  307. [21:15] * Meredith walks toward the machine.
  308. [21:16] * Midori shakes her head... SHE'S against going to investigate the sound. Investigating sounds is what always gets young girls killed in the horror films after all!
  309. [21:16] * Becky wanted to go up... "Be careful, dear~"
  310. [21:16] <Vincent> The creaking sound is nearby, however it suddenly stops. You get the feeling that it's right there however...will you check it out?
  311. [21:17] <Narrator> Out of the corner of her eye, Becky can see a person standing there...she can just barely see her however. Brown hair...
  312. [21:18] * Len shrugs. "Fine, we shouldn't check it out. After all, wandering around the mist can't possibly be worse"
  313. [21:18] <Meredith> "Oh, don't worry about me. I'm just going to see what this thing's all about!"
  314. [21:18] * Midori looks at the map again, then holds it out to Miranda. She's the only one who hasn't taken a look at the map yet, maybe SHE can make some sense out of it...
  315. [21:18] * Meredith arrives at the console and takes a seat...
  316. [21:18] * Becky turns around, on edge, "Hello...?"
  317. [21:19] <Narrator> The figure Becky saw was gone as suddenly as she appeared.
  318. [21:19] * Miranda is now covered in goosebumps. "Crapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrapcrap!"
  319. [21:19] <Becky> "....." Becky taps her heel, "How strange..." should she ask the master later?
  320. [21:20] * Miranda reaches out with her hand shaking and takes hold of the map. "W-W-What? You expect me to be able to read it?"
  321. [21:20] <Narrator> Becky can now hear footsteps behind her...and a soft breathing.
  322. [21:20] * Midori nods urgently! Turning back to where the sound came from...
  323. [21:21] <Len> "We don't have any better options. Someone might be able to help us out"
  324. [21:22] <Miranda> "...I can't make head or tails of this thing."
  325. [21:22] <Narrator> The console Meredith sits in front of has seen better days, but it looks as if it could be repaired...but would the clocktower start working again if she did?
  326. [21:22] * Becky backs up against the wall, keeping an eye out, "Who's there!"
  327. [21:22] * Midori looks crestfallen as Miranda mentions she can't make sense of it... She turns towards that sound, looking resigned again. it seems they don't really have a choice.
  328. [21:23] |<-- Ampersand has left (Connection reset by peer)
  329. [21:24] <Narrator> Becky can see a mirror directly infront of her, looks like something that had been left in their 'attic' a while back. Could that have been what she had seen? Maybe Meredith's steps were just making an echo?
  330. [21:24] * Len snaps and points toward the sound. "Let's go" she walks toward the sound
  331. [21:25] * Midori follows... very hesitantly.
  332. [21:25] * Meredith looks about the console everywhere, but no matter what she just can't seem to understand it!
  333. [21:26] <Narrator> As Midori, Len and Miranda approach, they see a rusty metallic cage. It's door was hanging open and limply creaking open and shut in the wind. It was hanging on a tree by the side of a road.
  334. [21:26] * Midori looks at the map... referencing it for anything that could be a road.
  335. [21:26] * Becky heads toward the mirror slowly, she's not sure why...
  336. [21:27] * Len looks up at the cage. "This is a very ominous scene..."
  337. [21:28] <Narrator> The mirror is beautifully decorated, with golden rims and such. Becky looks stunning in it despite all the dust clouding some of the view...a shame it was up here really.
  338. [21:29] * Meredith sighs and looks up at the roof...
  339. [21:29] * Becky admired herself momentarily before pulling a rag out of her apron to clean the mirror up some, maybe she could have one of the maid's bring it down to her room later...
  340. [21:29] <Narrator> The console flickered lightly as Meredith seemed to just make things worse, perhaps the clock tower was simply not meant to be fixed today? Looking around, she could see a small walkway with a door at the end.
  341. [21:30] <Meredith> "Hm? Oh, a door~ Let's see where it leads."
  342. [21:30] <Narrator> The cage is empty, though it is rather rusty and filled with grime. This was probably what was making that creaking sound.
  343. [21:31] * Midori just rolls her eyes... Of course it's an ominous scene. That's why she didn't really want to investigate it in the first place! She continues checking the map, looking for anything that... might... be a cage next to a road. Which probably means some vaguely square squiggles next to a long line.
  344. [21:31] <Narrator> As Becky cleans the mirror, she sees someone directly behind her. Brown hair, a maid uniform much like herself...she had her back turned however and was not facing the mirror despite hanging behind Becky.
  345. [21:32] * Becky played a different tact, watching the girl
  346. [21:32] * Len decides to examine the tree. "Maybe there might be signs of an animal or something"
  347. [21:32] <Becky> 's movements in the mirror, "Hello there..." she cooed
  348. [21:32] <Narrator> There is indeed a road next to a cage, well more like a road with cages all around it. In fact, the road lead straight to the mansion...oh so that's what that squiggle meant!
  349. [21:34] <Narrator> The door seems to be locked unfortunately.
  350. [21:35] <Miranda> "I-It was just a cage. What a relief."
  351. [21:36] * Meredith looks a little annoyed, after trying the door a couple times.
  352. [21:36] <Narrator> The girl in the mirror does not reply, simply standing there. She can't possible be watching Becky with her back turned to her...
  353. [21:36] * Meredith takes her bucket and throws it at the door!
  354. [21:36] * Becky turns around swiftly, would the girl be there?
  355. [21:37] <Narrator> The girl was indeed gone.
  356. [21:37] <Narrator> The bucket bounces off, no surprise there.
  357. [21:37] * Midori blinkblinks... turning the map... with a sudden look of inspiration, she grabs the other two maids, rushing off in the correct direction! THey're going to get that oil yet, and FUCK checking out creepy cages!
  358. [21:38] * Meredith suddenly twirls about, walking back to pick up the bucket.
  359. [21:38] * Becky sighs, tapping her heel. "Hey Meredith, are you almost done up there?"
  360. [21:39] <Narrator> As the girls walk by they notice all the cages are simply empty, why were they even hanging there to begin with? Also...the mist seemed to clear up just enough to let the maids see each side of the road, where cages and trees surrounded them.
  361. [21:39] <Meredith> "Yes~ Would you like to see what's up here? I'm having no luck with the machine."
  362. [21:39] <Miranda> "This is too creepy, maybe we should move a bit quicker..."
  363. [21:40] <Len> "...What are these cages for..?"
  364. [21:40] <Becky> "I don't really have a way up there, and I can't say I trust that lift..." Becky crossed her arms, feeling a chill
  365. [21:40] * Midori shakes her head... she doesnt CARE what the cages are for and she doesn't want to find out! She just wants to get the oil, and GTFO
  366. [21:40] <Miranda> "I hope we don't come across what was in these cages..."
  367. [21:42] <Meredith> "Oh, too bad~ Then, perhaps we're done here?" She walks back to the lift.
  368. [21:42] * Len smiles. "Well at least we found our way."
  369. [21:42] <Narrator> Becky can feel a presence directly behind her again.
  370. [21:44] * Becky ignored the presence and lowers the pulley to bring Meredith down to her quickly
  371. [21:44] <Narrator> A hand puts itself on Becky's shoulder.
  372. [21:44] * Meredith looked to Becky as she came down. WHAT DOES SHE SEEEEEE?
  373. [21:45] <Narrator> Meredith can see another maid behind Becky, brown hair...but she cannot see that maid's face due to her angle. The pulley goes down sickeningly slow...
  374. [21:45] <Meredith> "Oh, Rebecker. Who's your friend?"
  375. [21:46] <Narrator> Midori's team can now see a small convenience store by the road, it seems devoid of life but was still rather stocked.
  376. [21:46] * Becky freezes, feeling the hand on her. "I can't say that I know her..." Becky looks over her shoulder
  377. [21:47] <Miranda> "W-What is this doing here?!"
  378. [21:47] * Midori looks at the map again, searching for whatever might be a convinience store... is THIS where they're supposed to go for the oil? And if not, where from here? She looks around for any oil or gasoline pumps, anything of the sort...
  379. [21:48] <Narrator> Becky sees...her hair at first...but instead of a face, the maid has nothing but a bloody opening as if someone had ripped it out...
  380. [21:48] * Len shrugs and walks ahead. "We'll we'd better hurry and get the oil.." yet again her sense of time feels screwed up
  381. [21:48] * Becky works the pully faster, "M-Meredith!"
  382. [21:50] <Meredith> "Buh!" She grips onto something quickly, almost losing her balance in the confusion. "Please, Rebecker! I can't hold on too well!"
  383. [21:50] <Narrator> The apparition's hand does not let go of Becky, it takes a step closer to her...reaching her other hand out to Becky...
  384. [21:50] <Becky> "What do you want from me?" Becky asked breathlessly, working the pulley furiously to have some support by her soon.
  385. [21:52] <Narrator> The convenience store seems to have a lone gas pump on the side. However it also had a few plastic bottles filled with a transparent fluid in it, perhaps that would do?
  386. [21:52] <Meredith> "Just- Are you okay down there?"
  387. [21:52] <Narrator> The apparation puts it's hand on Becky's face...
  388. [21:53] <Becky> "Get away from me!!" Becky kicked at the apparition as she brought the lift down to her level finally
  389. [21:54] * Midori walks over boldly to those plastic bottles, kneeling down to look at them... well, oil sometimes IS clear... could this be it? She opens up one of the bottles and sniffs at it.
  390. [21:54] <Narrator> The apparation dissapears as soon as Becky kicks at it. Fading away while still reaching out to Becky...
  391. [21:54] * Meredith walked out of the lift, looking concerned as the spirit disappears.
  392. [21:55] * Len laughs at Midori sniffing the contents of the bottle. "We should ask the store clerk, we have to pay for this stuff anyway"
  393. [21:55] * Midori shrugs and gestures inside. She doesn't see anyone...
  394. [21:55] * Becky looks to Meredith, breathing heavily, Becky walks over and grabs Meredith's hand. Giving a final look at the golden mirror, "We should leave..."
  395. [21:55] <Miranda> "Maybe there's snacks inside? Them master did mention enjoying new foods.
  396. [21:56] <Meredith> "Yes... Are you hurt?"
  397. [21:56] * Len follows Midori inside
  398. [21:56] <Narrator> It certainly smells like oil. It looked as if someone had taken the time to fill up all these bottles but forget to take them with them.
  399. [21:56] * Becky pulls along Meredith, "Startled is all...Thank you. What did you see up there?"
  400. [21:57] * Meredith finally seems to catch on and walks closely behind Becky. "Nothing out of place, Rebecker. There was a machine, but I could not do anything with it, and there were chairs. Oh! I do recall a locked door, as well."
  401. [21:57] <Len> "What kind of store is this?" Len decides to look behind the counter
  402. [21:58] <Narrator> The store had a few things that seemed rather normal, magazines, snacks and a frozen section as well. It was empty though and who knows how long the food has been here.
  403. [21:58] <Becky> "Let's...Report back to the master." Becky nodded slowly, surely he'd know what it was. Thought it was in the air whether or not he'd explain it. Leading Meredith downstairs she curtsied to Vincent, "My lord, if you have a moment..."
  404. [22:00] * Meredith watched Becky curiously and then... brought a hand up to the maid's face, where the ghost had touched her.
  405. [22:00] * Midori watches the others go inside and shrugs. She starts looking around for something she can use to carry all these bottles. A cart, a wheelbarrow... anything!
  406. [22:00] <Vincent> "Ah, yes Rebecca? What is it?" Vincent asked, reading from his books as always.
  407. [22:00] * Miranda grabs a few things off the shelves, magazines, snacks, and a few packs of cigarettes. Who knows, maybe Vincent has been DYING for one of these. She pockets what she can and carries the magazines. "I suppose there's no harm in taking these, I mean, it is pretty abandoned...
  408. [22:01] * Becky flinched, looking down at Meredith momentarily, "I...Saw a girl, and a golden mirror...And Meredith found some manner of machine and a locked door in the clocktower.
  409. [22:02] * Len picks up a random magazine from behind the counter and fingers through it. "Well this is boring"
  410. [22:02] <Meredith> "As well as some chairs. Master, was the clock tower used as a lookout at some point?"
  411. [22:02] <Vincent> "A locked door? Oh right, that's the service entry for repair outside of the clocktower. It's locked because it's dangerous...if you broke it down you'd just drop down to the ground." Vincent explained.
  412. [22:03] * Becky looked down at Meredith protectively, "Thank goodness Meredith didn't try to go through it...But as to the girl...She had brown hair..And no face."
  413. [22:03] <Narrator> The convenience store is indeed, surrounded by mist but beyond the akward emptyness, it was a very standard building. On the wall there seems to be scribbles...
  414. [22:03] <Meredith> "Yup! That would have been quite a drop~"
  415. [22:04] <Vincent> "Hmm? A girl with no face you say? Ah..." Vincent grew a bit solemn.
  416. [22:05] -->| Garizard ( has joined #MAIDRP
  417. [22:05] <Miranda> "Hmm, what's that say?" she mumbles to herself, squinting to get a better look.
  418. [22:05] <Vincent> "There is a spirit haunting these halls...the spirit of a person who their face to a monster and died. That girl instead of being reborn, simply continued on as an apparition...she's killed quite a few of my maids." Vincent sighed, "I had thought she was gone. She hadn't done anything in recent years..."
  419. [22:06] |<-- Becky has left (Quit: )
  420. [22:06] =-= Garizard is now known as Becky
  421. [22:07] <Meredith> "Ah, so she's killed~"
  422. [22:07] <Becky> "I see...What shall we attend to now, my master?" Becky made a note that this apparition was hostile...
  423. [22:07] <Narrator> "Nathalie - 13, day of the maids that came with me has died...something took her away in the mist. Me and my friend Nicole have barricaded ourselves's scary but I think we should be okay, the other maids will come for us..."
  424. [22:08] * Len drops the magazine and looks at the scribbles Miranda is looking at
  425. [22:09] <Narrator> "Nathalie - 13, day two...none of the maids came today. Food isn't that bad, at least I can stay away from creepy old Vincent."
  426. [22:10] * Midori continues to look around outside... untill finally she finds a cart. One of those little tiny ones for small children to push around though... it's SOMETHING at least. She pushes it over to the oil jugs, starting to load as many as she can into the cart.
  427. [22:10] * Miranda 's blood runs colder and colder the more she reads. "B-B-But that'd mean...They didn't make it...."
  428. [22:10] * Len chuckles "Hey, that's the same way I feel about him..." she mutters to herself
  429. [22:10] <Vincent> "Hmm? Oh, I was hoping you could fix the clocktower...but I suppose I should probably wait for one of the other maids instead to take care of it." Vincent thought.
  430. [22:11] <Vincent> "Perhaps you could clean the rooms?" he suggested, "Midori's old room is still rather messy after all..."
  431. [22:12] <Meredith> "Ah, terribly sorry! I'm just incapable of it for now~"
  432. [22:12] <Narrator> "Nathalie - 13, day four...Nicole went out to do some recon...I stayed here because I was scared, I...hope she comes back."
  433. [22:12] <Becky> "Right...I mean, at once my lord." Becky curtsied and lead Meredith away, heading upstairs to clean
  434. [22:13] * Meredith salutes dutifully before walking out with Becky.
  435. [22:13] * Len feels a chill down her spine. she reads more of the scribbles seriously now
  436. [22:14] <Miranda> "She isn't coming back...poor girl."
  437. [22:14] <Narrator> "Nathalie - 13, day five. Nicole came back safe and sound, she found a way out of here...nothing came for us so we think it might be safe. We'll leave tomorrow."
  438. [22:14] * Becky headed into Midori's room first, the carpet still soaked through... "It's such a pain to clean up blood." Becky sighed
  439. [22:15] * Len sighs in relief upon reading that one
  440. [22:15] <Meredith> "Hm? Blood? A victim of the spirit?"
  441. [22:15] <Miranda> "...Oh, she made it. That was surprising."
  442. [22:15] * Meredith looked inside a nearby room for cleaning materials while talking with Becky..
  443. [22:16] <Miranda> "M-Maybe this story will have a happy ending...Yeah...right..."
  444. [22:16] <Narrator> "Nicole - 16, day seven...Nathalie...died last night. She was sleeping too close to the barricade and something took her away...all that I have left is the map she made with my directions...I..I miss her...but, I'm going back now...I can't stay here."
  445. [22:16] <Becky> "Victim of a guest, rather..." Becky got onto her hands and knees and began to scrub with a prepared solution poured onto a rag
  446. [22:16] <Len> "i'm not too optimisstic.."
  447. [22:17] <Miranda> "But...If we have her map then she must have made it, right?"
  448. [22:17] <Narrator> "Whoever reads this...please, becareful, the mist is the least of your worries...goodbye."
  449. [22:17] <Len> "or they found the map but not the girl"
  450. [22:18] <Miranda> "What does she mean "least of our worries"? I mean, there's obviously things out there, I've heard that terrible sloshing myself, but to put it like that..."
  451. [22:19] * Meredith scrubbed the back of the door. "So gruesome..." Meredith was surprised by how detached she was from the scenario, as if she were cleaning up nothing more than wine. Why is that?
  452. [22:19] <Vincent> A screeching sound can be heard nearby. Two maids inside...
  453. [22:20] * Becky bundled up the bloody sheets to wash, "Mhmm..You're handling this quite well, little Meredith.."
  454. [22:20] <Meredith> "Hm~ It must be because I don't know what's happened? It kinda looks like just another stain."
  455. [22:21] <Miranda> "Crap! What the hell is that noise?!"
  456. [22:21] <Len> "what the..." Len turns to the direction of the sound
  457. [22:21] * Midori blinks and stands up suddenly, forgetting all about her chore of loading up that cart with the oil!
  458. [22:22] <Becky> "True enough~" Becky said softly, wringing out the sheets and returning to help clean the rest of the room thoroughly, "It was that girl Midori~"
  459. [22:23] <Narrator> Somethings lashes out of the mist and grabs onto Midori's leg! It suddenly starts pulling!
  460. [22:23] <Meredith> "Oh, so that was her name? How sad. She must be happy now, though. Wherever she is."
  461. [22:25] <Becky> "She's still at the mansion actually~ Or rather she's out on a chore now with the others.." Becky smiled. "Though I can't imagine she's too happy...Out in that fog..."
  462. [22:25] * Midori decides now is a good time to go inside... but then she's grabbed! She screams, extending an arm and trying to pop one of her prepared fighting claws into her hand, but she's so scared now that she completely fumbles the maneuver, the claws clanking as they fall to the pavement just out of her reach. She's pulled off her feet.
  463. [22:26] * Len hears Midori scream and rushes outside. She grabs midori by the arms and holds on
  464. [22:26] <Meredith> "Huh? O-oh! I just assumed... Wow, to survive this so well is lucky~"
  465. [22:27] <Miranda> "We forgot about Midori!" she yells, running after Len
  466. [22:29] <Becky> "No...She died~" Becky kneeled beside Meredith, "You may have died here too you know...A long time ago..I can't say that I remember~"
  467. [22:29] <Narrator> A long white ribbon is wrapped around Midori's leg...the screeching continues as the creature fights with Len to take Midori away. It stays hidden in the mist, but it's apparent that it moves around a lot by the cable moves from left to right.
  468. [22:31] <Midori> "K-KYAAAH! GET IT OFF!"
  469. [22:31] <Len> "Damn persistent thing,,,"
  470. [22:32] <Meredith> "Oh? So I've died. Huh!" Somehow, a portion of her brain feels as if it's supposed to be panicking by now, but every other edge feels everything is completely normal. "So... You've died too?"
  471. [22:33] * Miranda gets the sudden urge to sing...But that'd be so inappropriate right now. "C-Common Len, you can do it!"
  472. [22:34] * Becky drapes an arm over Meredith with a pondering expression on her face, "Oh, most certainly so...You don't remember much. A blurry, still image perhaps...But I've died before, yes."
  473. [22:35] * Len pulls with a burst of strength and pulls Midori free from the monster.
  474. [22:36] <Meredith> "Somehow... that doesn't surprise me." While she says this, half of her thoughts scream out about how wrong the situation looked!
  475. [22:37] <Narrator> The monster's ribbon pulls back without it's intended target. The creature screeches furiously in the mist but seemingly runs off, being unable to match Len's overwhelming strenght...just what was that thing?
  476. [22:38] * Midori quickly stands up and moves closer to the store, breathing heavily, her heart jackhammering in her chest. "L-let's just grab the oil and get the FUCK back to the mansion!"
  477. [22:38] <Miranda> "Y-Y-Yeah! I can't stand it out here..."
  478. [22:39] <Becky> "Mhmm, I'm sure you'll live awhile longer as long as you don't let your curiousity get the better of you~" Becky smiled, standing to move on to the next room to clean.
  479. [22:39] * Len sighs. "We should stay together for now on." she goes to pick up a couple of bottles while shaking lightly, despite the events she tries to stay calm.
  480. [22:40] <Meredith> "I'll try, Rebecker~"
  481. [22:41] * Midori grabs the cart, as filled as she has it, and gets ready to push it back. She's certainly ready to hoof it...!
  482. [22:41] * Meredith lightly walks along with the red-haired maid.
  483. [22:41] <Narrator> Out the window, the mist seems to have settled. The wind blew gently against the windows.
  484. [22:41] * Becky cleaned the rooms methodically with Meredith, without much trouble or incidence it seems... Becky looks outside, "I wonder how the others are faring~"
  485. [22:41] <Narrator> Becky can see two children playing outside.
  486. [22:43] <Miranda> "Yeah, let's go already..."
  487. [22:43] * Midori nods... holding up her hand... she puts up one finger... then two...
  488. [22:43] * Len feels a bit more shakey. "Come on, let's go, the longer we stay here the more things will come after us."
  489. [22:43] <Narrator> The children start playing around the well.
  490. [22:44] * Midori puts up her third finger, then heads back for the mansion!
  491. [22:44] <Narrator> As the maids head back, the cages appear different...
  492. [22:44] * Becky looks outside at the children, "Meredith...Come here, won't you?"
  493. [22:44] * Meredith hums some nursery rhyme as she dusts. "Hm? Sure, Rebecker!"
  494. [22:45] * Becky points outside, "You can see that too...Right?"
  495. [22:45] * Midori ignores the pain in her mouth to speak her mind this time! "Dont even stop to look at them, lets just keep going!"
  496. [22:45] * Meredith looks through the window...
  497. [22:45] * Miranda takes a few occasional glances at them~
  498. [22:46] * Len keeps moving. She's almost running
  499. [22:46] <Narrator> In each cage...there was now a body...hanging upside down. They were all facing the was as if they were staring at them. One cage remains empty however, the door opened.
  500. [22:47] <Narrator> The children lean against the well, it looks as if they're laughing. They look up at Becky and Meredith and smile...before leaning back and falling into the well...
  501. [22:47] * Len gets really uneasy. "Let's run for it"
  502. [22:47] <Meredith> "Oh, they fell!"
  503. [22:47] * Midori nods her agreement!
  504. [22:47] * Miranda turns pale as she sees the empty one. "That couldn't be for one of us...could it?"
  505. [22:48] <Narrator> There appears to be something inside the empty one.
  506. [22:48] <Len> "Ignore it!"
  507. [22:49] * Midori doesn't need any prompting other than that... but... she can't help but look...
  508. [22:49] <Narrator> It appears to be an enveloppe.
  509. [22:49] * Becky holds onto Meredith's shoulder, "Y-Yes, they sure have...Poor things."
  510. [22:50] <Meredith> "Perhaps they'd like us to meet them?"
  511. [22:50] * Meredith wraps her arms around Becky's waist, curiously watching the well.
  512. [22:51] <Miranda> "B-But what if it's important?"
  513. [22:51] * Len makes a sudden stop and goes toward the envelope.
  514. [22:51] <Becky> "I can't imagine I want to meet them, very much...But I'd chaperone you if you insisted." Becky stroked at Meredith's hair absent-mindedly
  515. [22:52] <Midori> "Wh-what are you doing!?"
  516. [22:52] <Meredith> "Oh, no, perhaps I should leave my curiosity at that~"
  517. [22:53] <Miranda> "Len! No!"
  518. [22:53] <Len> "....Just stay over there..." Len climbs in and grabs the envelope
  519. [22:53] <Becky> "I'm glad to hear you've been listening to me~" Becky smiled, "Shall we check on the master again?"
  520. [22:53] <Narrator> Len receives [Letter Home]
  521. [22:54] <Meredith> "Okay!" She had her pleasant smile again, and waved goodbye to the well before they left.
  522. [22:54] * Len climbs out of the cage and returns to the others. "Now let's go" She pockets the letter
  523. [22:55] <Narrator> The cage shuts behind Len after she leaves.
  524. [22:55] * Becky waved as well without thinking and led Meredith down to the master, "The rooms are cleaned my master." Becky bowed deeply as always
  525. [22:58] <Vincent> "Ah, good job Rebecca as always, I do wonder when the other maids will arrive however..." Vincent wondered outloud.
  526. [22:59] <Becky> "I'm sure MOST of them will come back, as you said my lord...Would you require anything else of miss Meredith and I?"
  527. [23:00] <Meredith> "We can do this all day~!" She cheerfully piped up.
  528. [23:00] <Vincent> "Ah, please begin lunch! I'm sure the maids will be hungry as they return." Vincent suggested joyfully.
  529. [23:01] <--| AngryFurby has left #MAIDRP
  530. [23:01] * Becky laughed softly, "I wasn't able to eat for days after my last trip into the mist...Meredith and I shall tend to it immediately, my master." Becky bowed and led Meredith to the kitchen
  531. [23:02] <Miranda> "How much farther do you think it is?"
  532. [23:02] <Meredith> "Just sit tight, it'll be the best for miles around."
  533. [23:02] * Len keeps walking at a fast walking pace so she doesn't lose the other two. "I don't know. We can run for it.."
  534. [23:02] <Midori> "Far enough that we should just GET THERE."
  535. [23:03] <Narrator> Up ahead, Midori and company can see someone standing in their way...
  536. [23:04] * Becky was just as chipper as Meredith was, the girl's joy was infectious. Becky set to preparing a light lunch of breadbowl soups and a salad~
  537. [23:04] * Len stops. "Who is that?"
  538. [23:05] <Miranda> "I dunno, maybe it's one of the other maids. I hope it isn't that dreadful Becky...
  539. [23:05] <Midori> "... Oh no..."
  540. [23:06] <Narrator> The shape stumbles over to them in a very akward if it had difficulty walking. As it grew closer...flesh was apparent...a body decomposed to the point of seeing muscle and bone...a bag covers it's head.
  541. [23:07] * Meredith helped with prep, but took to stirring as Becky managed the more complicated tasks. She swayed in rhythm while stirring, as if her body was connected to the spoon and moved along with it. "Stirred so well it turns into mush~"
  542. [23:07] <Narrator> The thing stumbles towards Midori and the others...
  543. [23:07] * Miranda covers her mouth. "Oh my god, what the hell is that?!"
  544. [23:08] <Vincent> A moaning sound escapes from the bag...blood covers the bottom of the sack covering it's head...whatever was under that bag, was certainly not pretty...
  545. [23:09] <Becky> "Ahh, such fun, little Meredith~" Becky smiled, ladling the soup into breadbowls and mixing up the salad.
  546. [23:09] * Miranda there it is again, that sudden urge to sing...But this isn't the time, not here, not now.
  547. [23:10] <Midori> "oh... Oh god..." She lets go of the cart and slips her claws into slightly trembling hands...
  548. [23:11] <Narrator> In the kitchen window, two children play.
  549. [23:11] <Miranda> "R-...R-...RUSSIAN ROULETTE IS NOT THE SAME WITHOUT A GUN!" she blurts out, and not too long after a spell circle appears next to her and the sound of 5 blanks, followed by one bullet is heard, but the bullet barely misses.
  550. [23:11] * Meredith took a couple bowls and carried them out to the dining room. "Yup! It's a nice day for soup~"
  551. [23:12] * Len takes a few steps back and remembers that she forgot her rifle.."Shit"
  552. [23:12] <Narrator> The creature lumbers forward...suddenly, low moaning can be heard behind the other maids from the shut cages behind.
  553. [23:12] * Becky looks outside momentarily getting a chill...She carries the salad out to the dining room as well, calling, "My master, if you're hungry, lunch is served~"
  554. [23:13] * Miranda the moaning doesn't scare her, not after all she's seen and heard since she got here...
  555. [23:14] <Vincent> "Ah, please bring a plate here. This has gotten rather interesting..." Vincent said, writing down in his notebook.
  556. [23:17] * Becky bowed, "At once, my master..." retrieving a plate with a breadbowl and some salad, she wondered briefly if the master would ever run out of books to read judging boy how often he read...
  557. [23:17] * Len doesn't think and attacks the figure by tackling it to the ground.
  558. [23:18] <Becky> "Please enjoy, master.."
  559. [23:18] <Becky> by*
  560. [23:18] <Vincent> "Ah, thank you Rebecca. I do believe the other maids should be here soon..." Vincent muttered, "As well as our next 'guest'"
  561. [23:19] <Narrator> The corpse falls to the ground, tries vainly to get itself back up...
  562. [23:20] * Midori rushes forward while it's on the ground, drawing back with her claws (essentially eight inch blades she holds between her fingers, three to a hand) and stabbing down at the creatures head!
  563. [23:20] <Becky> "Our next guest, hmm...?" Becky bowed out of the room and headed for the dining room to eat with Meredith...She was going to try and stay out of this one. Though she'd be...A little upset if it were to kill Meredith. Becky did her best to ignore the ghostly chilren in plain sight out of the window
  564. [23:20] * Len winces. "oohh, brutal.."
  565. [23:21] <Narrator> The creature's bag falls off, revealing the remains of what used to be pigtails and such, the empty eye sockets stare at Midori for a moment before the creatures gurgles one last time before falling limp.
  566. [23:21] * Meredith on the other hand seemed to watch them curiously as she ate her soup. "I liked your choices~ The soup tastes great with the salad."
  567. [23:23] * Midori pulls the claws back, turning to look back at the cages. "I... I think we should hurry before those ones get out!
  568. [23:23] <Becky> "Thank you, Meredith..." Becky found her eyes drawn to the children as well.. "They're...Rather persistant, aren't they?"
  569. [23:23] <Narrator> The children play around a dead tree nearby, throwing a rope around a branch. They smile and wave at Meredith as one of them wraps the cord around her neck, she then falls down, limp and hanging from the cable.
  570. [23:24] <Meredith> "Oh..."
  571. [23:24] <Narrator> The other girl laughs as if she's having fun, she repeats the process by herself, waving at Meredith as well before killing herself.
  572. [23:25] <Narrator> The mansion is within sight now...looks like the group made it.
  573. [23:25] * Meredith sniffs, a tear falling onto her plate. It was the only one though, and she wipes it off quickly.
  574. [23:25] * Becky strokes Meredith's hair, finishing her lunch, "Don't pay them any mind dear..."
  575. [23:26] <Meredith> "M...Mhm."
  576. [23:26] * Midori grabs her cart and hustles back to the mansion, in a real hurry to get there -now-...
  577. [23:27] <Miranda> "We made it..."
  578. [23:27] |<-- Len has left (Ping timeout)
  579. [23:28] * Becky sets up lunch for the others, bringing her own plate and Meredith's to the kitchen to wash off.
  580. [23:28] <Narrator> The children's bodies dissapear from the trees.
  581. [23:30] <Narrator> Everything looks fine for now, the team have successfully retrieved oil for the mansion. The creaking of the cages in the distance catch their attention.
  582. [23:31] -->| Ruby ( has joined #MAIDRP
  583. [23:31] <Miranda> "They must be empty again..."
  584. [23:31] |<-- Becky has left (Quit: Becky)
  585. [23:31] =-= Ruby is now known as Becky
  586. [23:31] * Miranda follows Midori.
  587. [23:32] * Midori goes up to the door and opens it, panting a little from the excitement. She still holds one of her claws, dripping blood. "M-master! We're back!
  588. [23:32] * Becky turns back, hearing the others, "Hmmm..?"
  589. [23:32] * Meredith waved to the freshly arrived maid.
  590. [23:34] <Vincent> "Ah." Vincent steps out to check up on his maids, "It would appear you all came back, wonderful!"
  591. [23:34] <Becky> "Lunch is ready~" Becky cooed to the scarred maids.
  592. [23:34] <Vincent> "Could I have the map back?" Vincent held out his hand expectantly.
  593. [23:35] * Midori sets aside her bloody claw, freeing up her hand so she can dig in her pocket for it. "I'll make a better one, this one is terrible..."
  594. [23:36] <Miranda> "About the girl that wrote this, where is she now?"
  595. [23:36] <Vincent> "Oh, I suppose that's fine Midori." Vincent nodded, leaving the map withher for now. "Which girl?"
  596. [23:37] * Becky smiled, sauntering over to the master's side
  597. [23:37] <Miranda> "You said that map was made by a previous maid, so she must have come back. Where is she?"
  598. [23:37] * Midori hands over the map. "Where do you want the oil... master?"
  599. [23:39] <Vincent> "Oh...Nicole? I'm afraid she...suffered a rather tragic end." Vincent shook his head. "You may meet her again someday, she was rather excentric."
  600. [23:39] <Vincent> "Please put it in the basement Midori."
  601. [23:39] <Becky> "Mmmmm..." Becky smiled nostalgically, draping an arm over Vincent
  602. [23:40] <Miranda> "Oh, OK..." she knew all she needed to know about that.
  603. [23:40] * Midori nods and begins to transfer the oil down there, not bothering with the cart inside the mansion. She carries them two jugs at a time.
  604. [23:41] <Vincent> "Ah, Miranda do happen to be skilled?" Vincent asked, "I believe the clocktower could use a nice repair..."
  605. [23:42] <Miranda> "I don't see why I couldn't give it a shot..."
  606. [23:42] <Narrator> In the basement, Midori can see that it's pretty much empty beyond the furnace and...something rectangular in the darkest corner. It's pretty dark in the basement, it has no light to itself.
  607. [23:43] <Vincent> "Ah, really? That'd nice." Vincent nodded in approval, "Please be careful with the automated pulley system, shake it up to much and it'll most likely break. Perhaps you should bring someone with you?"
  608. [23:43] * Midori blinks a few times and looks at that something rectangular... she's so curious... but does she dare? After some deliberation, she steps a little closer, squinting to make out more details in the darkness.
  609. [23:43] <Miranda> "Right, of cou-..." Becky seemed to be the only one around. She sighs. "I guess Becky could give me a hand..."
  610. [23:45] <Narrator> The rectangular thing appears to be a box put on it's side...oh wait, a refrigerator?
  611. [23:45] <Becky> "Hmmmm?" Becky left the master's side, "Very well..." she'd have to be on guard for that apparition...
  612. [23:46] <Vincent> "Oh, then please ask her to aid you then." Vincent smiled, sitting back down at his couch. "Please do so quickly, the next guest will arrive soon!"
  613. [23:46] * Meredith looked around, noting the slowly emptying room.
  614. [23:46] <Miranda> "Well then, let's go..." she says and begins to go toward the pulley. "Great, another guest..."
  615. [23:47] * Becky follows behind slowly, "Hmm, we'll have to be careful~"
  616. [23:48] <Meredith> "Huh, busy day!"
  617. [23:49] <Becky> "Well, why don't...You go up, and I'll work the lift."
  618. [23:49] <Vincent> "I suppose so Meredith, so have you enjoyed yourself?" Vincent asked.
  619. [23:50] <Miranda> "...How about you go up and I work the lift?"
  620. [23:50] <Meredith> "Of course. Rebecker's so nice it makes everything more fun! She tends to touch me a lot, though."
  621. [23:50] <Miranda> "Ah, that'd defeat the purpose..."
  622. [23:51] * Miranda sighs as she gets on to the pulley.
  623. [23:51] * Becky pulls up Miranda, looking behind her constantly
  624. [23:52] <Vincent> "Yes yes, she tends to touch people a lot in general." Vincent nodded.
  625. [23:52] * Miranda taps her finger on her side to the beat of a song. "She got a lot of pretty pretty boys, that she calls friends..."
  626. [23:52] <Meredith> "Oh! Well, it must be normal then~"
  627. [23:53] * Becky manages to get Miranda to the top without difficulty, "Ok...Now hurry up, alright?"
  628. [23:53] <Narrator> The pulley works properly, Becky's voice is hard to hear from up there though, it really is quite a high tower.
  629. [23:53] <Miranda> "Yeah yeah..." she says, wandering around looking for the click
  630. [23:53] <Miranda> 'clock
  631. [23:55] * Becky keeps her back to the wall, waiting to hear from Miranda...
  632. [23:55] <Vincent> The clocktower's main controls lay near Miranda. They sparkle a bit due to Meredith's previous attempt, but it looked as if they had some kind of power at least.
  633. [23:56] <Miranda> "I shouldn't have volunteered for this at all..."
  634. [23:56] <Vincent> "I suppose it is kind of normal, well for her anyways." Vincent shrugged lightly, "You seem to be adapting rather well!" Vincent seemed a bit surprised, "The last few times you were here you were quite easy to frighten..."
  635. [23:56] * Midori blinks at the... refridgerator. She walks over, tilting her head, examining it closely.
  636. [23:57] <Meredith> "I... Really? No, you must be right. Ever since I've arrived, my thoughts have all been screaming in horror. I barely feel a thing, though."
  637. [23:58] <Narrator> A door is visible to Miranda from a walkway nearby.
  638. [23:58] * Midori hunkers down and gets hands on the fridge, pulling it up so that it's standing up properly.
  639. [23:58] <Midori> "What's a fridge doing down here...?"
  640. [23:58] * Becky hadn't warned Miranda about the door...But did she care enough about her to warn her?
  641. [23:59] <Narrator> The frige opens up slightly, a dim red glow comes out of it. Looks like it has power.
  642. [00:00] <Midori> "Huh... Wierd. Is it plugged in somewhere...?" She looks around for the plug.
  643. [00:01] <Narrator> There seems to be no plug attached to the frige. Why was it here if it could work on it's own?
  644. [00:01] <Miranda> "Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, mail - upgrade it~" she sings to herself as she seemingly presses a bunch of random buttons until she gets it right.
  645. [00:03] * Midori scratches her head. She'll have to go ask the Master about this... she gently pushes the door shut, then pats the fridge, almost affectionately. "You stay right here. We might have a use for you yet!"
  646. [00:03] <Becky> "Are you almost done?" Becky called
  647. [00:03] <Narrator> The clocktower bursts to life, spinning lightly it's gears. A red light blinks nearby and the clock tower's needles do not move however...a pulley was under the light.
  648. [00:04] <Miranda> "Yeah, I think I fixed it!"
  649. [00:04] <Narrator> *a level, not a pulley
  650. [00:05] * Miranda looks over at it and pulls it. "This should start it up..."
  651. [00:06] * Midori heads back up the stairs. "Oh Master! I found somethin' interesting."
  652. [00:06] <Meredith> "Is this normal, too?"
  653. [00:06] <Narrator> The gears come to life and suddenly the clock tower's needles start moving...however, this joyous occasion is ruined by the pulley suddenly falling to the ground, it's support system being shredded apart by a massive gear spinning on it and cutting the cables. The whole pulley falls to the ground beneath.
  654. [00:07] <Becky> "Miranda...?" Becky calls
  655. [00:08] <Vincent> "'s certainly strange...but not impossible I suppose" Vincent replies to Meredith before turning to Midori, "Oh, what have you found?" he asked.
  656. [00:08] <Midori> "It's kinda strange. A refridgerator in the basement, that seems to be working... but it isn't even plugged into anything."
  657. [00:09] <Vincent> "A-ah...that thing...please ignore it. It is...defective." Vincent muttered.
  658. [00:09] <Midori> "Defective?" She blinks. "But it seemed to be working fine. Shouldn't we keep extra food in it or something?"
  659. [00:09] * Miranda dead?
  660. [00:11] * Miranda only not.
  661. [00:11] <Miranda> "UHH, BECKY? I THINK I'M TRAPPED UP HERE..."
  662. [00:11] <Vincent> "No, it's pretty defective. I wouldn't recommend ever approaching it, it's dangerous as well." Vincent replied.
  663. [00:11] * Midori blinks a few times... "Well... I suppose."
  664. [00:12] <Becky> "Oh dear~" Becky cooed, "Is there anything up there that could help? Otherwise you may just have to...Jump. I'll do my best to catch you~"
  665. [00:12] <Meredith> "A dangerous fridge?"
  666. [00:13] * Miranda jiggles the handle on the door she noticed earleir.
  667. [00:13] * Meredith imagines a fridge that froze anybody that came near it.
  668. [00:14] <Narrator> The door on the otherside of the walkway is an option for Miranda of course...there's also the rather unsafe looking stairs...
  669. [00:14] * Becky hums to herself, not hearing a reply from Miranda
  670. [00:15] <Vincent> "Well, defective items tend to be dangerous yes."
  671. [00:16] * Midori scratches her chin. Maybe she could fix it... "What's wrong with it?"
  672. [00:18] <Meredith> "Well, it wouldn't be that bad if you wanted something frozen quickly!
  673. [00:18] <Vincent> "I'm not quite sure myself, I just know that no matter what you put inside of it, it never stays fresh."
  674. [00:18] <Midori> "Ah, probably a problem with the refridgeration unit then!"
  675. [00:20] <Vincent> "There's also the rather dangerous part of it in that it tends to slam it's door shut in a rather dangerous manner."
  676. [00:20] <Midori> 'Hmm... well maybe I'll leave it alone for now then. What else needs to be done?"
  677. [00:21] * Miranda sighs. "I guess it's the stairs then..."
  678. [00:21] <Becky> "Suit yourself~"
  679. [00:22] <Miranda> "...After I try this door." she mumbles, pulling a bobby pin from he hair. "I hope this works, I've only ever seen it on TV..."
  680. [00:24] * Miranda opens the door, gets a nice glimpse of just what it leads to, and immediately slams it, her heart pounding. "...Stairs it is."
  681. [00:25] <Narrator> Miranda can feel a presence behind her...
  682. [00:25] <Vincent> "Ah, please fold the laundry...and could one of you fetch me more tea? I seem to have run short again." Vincent sulked lightly, his large grin becoming a large frown.
  683. [00:25] <Miranda> "...Oh god, what is it now..." she thinks to herself as she turns around.
  684. [00:26] <Midori> "Ah... I can handle the laundry, Master..."
  685. [00:27] * Midori heads toward the laundry room, intent on handling some clothes!
  686. [00:27] <Narrator> Brown hair...Miranda can see brown hair and a blood void in place of a face...the brown haired maid reaches out her hand to Miranda's face...
  687. [00:28] <Miranda> "Wh-What are you? What do you want?!" she says, moving to the side a bit. She knew that door was behind her and just what was behind the door...
  688. [00:28] * Meredith follows after Midori!
  689. [00:28] * Meredith stops and makes a sharp turn as she passes the kitchen, aiming to prepare Vincent's tea instead.
  690. [00:30] <Narrator> The brown haired girl clasped her hand on Miranda's face, preventing Miranda from moving out of the way of the door. She slowly started sealing her grip with a vice like grip...cracks of bone apparent...
  691. [00:31] * Becky yawned watching the stairs, "Miraaandaa~"
  692. [00:33] * Meredith wanders toward the stove, noticing... a freshly brewed cup of tea right on the counter! How lucky~ She takes the cup and some crackers and carries it to Vincent.
  693. [00:34] <Vincent> "Ah! Tea! I'm afraid working on my studies is just not the same without some tea..." Vincent replied with a large grin, he took some tea and a cracker and sipped it gently.
  694. [00:34] * Miranda struggles to sing, maybe she'll be able to shoot laser beams or something this time...Nope, she can't even get out a simple scream.
  695. [00:35] <Meredith> "Of course! Though I just found it lying about, how does it taste?"
  696. [00:35] =-= Canis|Sleep is now known as Canis
  697. [00:36] <Narrator> The brown haired ghost squeezes one final time and pulls! She rips out the front of Miranda's skull with sheer brute force...taking away her face. The brown haired girl then looked to Miranda with the voice in it's face and pushed the rest of her out the door...
  698. [00:36] <Narrator> *void
  699. [00:37] * Midori has the laundry folded well enough in no time, smiling at a job well done. She contemplates slipping some itching powder into Becky's clothes or something... then idly decides against it. She simply carries the laundry to the rooms of the appropriate owners, declining any undue shenanigans.
  700. [00:38] * Miranda falls back without any more struggle, she falls back through the door. "And I'm freeeee....Free fallin..."
  701. [00:38] <Narrator> The brown haired maiden puts on Miranda's's a rather poor match...however she manages to make Miranda's face smile. "" her twisted smile faded and she dissapears...
  702. [00:40] * Becky taps her heel slowly, "Miranda...?"
  703. [00:41] * Becky shrugs and turns to leave
  704. [00:43] * Becky heads downstairs slowly, "Master...?"
  705. [00:43] * Meredith seemed to be standing adamantly in front of Vincent.
  706. [00:43] <Vincent> "Oh it tastes divine Meredith...ah yes Rebecca?" Vincent wondered.
  707. [00:44] <Meredith> "Great!" A small part of her wonders if this is how all the other maids get their tea.
  708. [00:44] <Becky> "The clocktower is working again, my lord~ However the lift seems to have collapsed. In addition to the stairs Miranda may not have a way back down...Though she didn't reply when I called to her."
  709. [00:46] <Vincent> "Oh, the lift collapsed? that I think about it putting the lift in the way of the gears was a rather poor choice, frankly I just went up there because it was peaceful..."
  710. [00:46] <Meredith> "That explains the chairs~"
  711. [00:47] <Becky> "Master, really~" Becky laughed softly, "I do wonder if miss Miranda is alright..."
  712. [00:49] <Narrator> Outside by Miranda's strewn about pieces, someone starts slowly picking her up, part by part...
  713. [00:50] * Meredith hung her head darkly, not wishing to tell Becky the news.
  714. [00:52] * Miranda yawns, wandering up the mansion steps. "I hope they don't mind me asking for directions..." she thinks ot herself, knocking at the door.
  715. [00:52] * Becky hummed softly, "Well at least the tower's fixed~ What now, my master? Aren't we expecting a guest?"
  716. [00:54] <Narrator> A voice whispers to Miranda, "To move forward is to walk deeper into the abyss, once you cross a certain line there will be no return...or desire for it to change."
  717. [00:55] <Miranda> "W-What was that?..."
  718. [00:55] <Midori> "I'll get it."
  719. [00:56] <Vincent> "I was...but I do wonder where she might have gone..." Vincent seemed perplexed.
  720. [00:56] * Midori goes to the front door, opening it up! "Hello! Welcome to... Wha? Miranda? What are you doing out here?
  721. [00:56] <Meredith> "Oh? Is that the guest?"
  722. [00:56] * Midori speaks the last bit loudly enough to be easily overheard!
  723. [00:56] <Miranda> "D-Do I know you, ma'am?"
  724. [00:57] <Midori> "O-of course you do! You work here, I even helped you in the kitchen this morning. What're you playing at anyway? C'mon, get in here." She reaches out to gently take Miranda's elbow and pull her inside
  725. [00:59] * Miranda is pulled inside. Upon grabbing her, Midori feels something very rough~
  726. [01:00] * Midori blinks and looks down where her hand is. "Um..."
  727. [01:01] * Meredith watches in interest.
  728. [01:02] * Becky yawns, leaning over the master
  729. [01:04] * Vincent ignores Becky as usual, prefering to read his books while sipping on Meredith's tea. "So...who was it?" he asked, he hadn't expected the guest anymore...where was she?
  730. [01:04] <Midori> "It's... Miranda. But she's... different."
  731. [01:04] <Miranda> "W-What? You think I'm a freak, don't you...Everyone thinks that..."
  732. [01:04] <Midori> "What!? No! Of course I dont!
  733. [01:05] <Miranda> "Y-you're just saying that to make me feel better..."
  734. [01:05] <Vincent> "Oh dear...looks like Miranda found a way to get herself killed."
  735. [01:05] <Midori> "No! I'm not, really!
  736. [01:05] <Meredith> "Oh, she died~"
  737. [01:05] <Becky> "Poor thing~" Becky cooed
  738. [01:10] * Becky looked around, everyone had certainly gone quiet...
  739. [01:11] <Vincent> "Very well, please sit down Miranda. I have a lot to explain..."
  740. [01:11] <Miranda> "Umm...OK? I just wanted directions." she says, sitting down.
  741. [01:13] * Vincent gives Miranda the short version, she's died lots of times, she probably just died and she's free to stay until she gets her memories back.
  742. [01:15] * Becky hangs over the master's shoulder, a little disappointed she didn't get to see Miranda die.
  743. [01:15] <Miranda> "This is some kind of joke, right? I'll have you know I remember everything just fine, why, just the other day I...Uhh..."
  744. [01:18] <Meredith> "Hmm... I wonder what my last death was like..."
  745. [01:19] * Meredith looks thoughtful, as if she wasn't thinking about her own death, but perhaps reflecting on the news or thinking of an old song she barely remembered.
  746. [01:19] <Vincent> "Well regardless, you're here now and the mist is pretty dangerous. Would you like to stay?"
  747. [01:20] <Miranda> "I guess...I guess I don't have any choice. Can I help out somehow? I'll only stay for a few days, just until the mist lets up..."
  748. [01:22] <Vincent> "You can work as a maid till then...well I suppose that guest isn't coming tonight. So feel free to take it easy." Vincent informed her. "Everyone, you may now take a break."
  749. [01:24] <Midori> "Oh... great!"
  750. [01:24] <Meredith> "A break? Oh, I forgot they existed~"
  751. [01:25] * Miranda stays seated, she needed some time to process all of this. It seemed far fetched but it also all added up...
  752. [01:25] * Vincent sighs, "I'm surprised you died so quickly and after you told me you were going to pierce the mansion's secrets..."
  753. [01:26] <Miranda> "I-I said that...You must be mistaken, I couldn't have possibly said something like that...Could I?"
  754. [01:26] [INFO] Using <chrome://chatzilla/skin/output-dark.css> as default motif.
  755. [01:28] <Vincent> "Ah, well it doesn't matter anymore. You are simply you right now, that's all that matters. I do wish I knew what had killed you however..." Vincent wonders, he can see a few bruises around Miranda's face...
  756. [01:28] * Becky smiles softly, pulling herself away from the master for now.
  757. [01:29] <Becky> "To think I could have been in your place~ How frightening.."
  758. [01:29] * Midori eyes Becky momentarily. If only she had been... She brushes that thought away and goes up to her room to relax.
  759. [01:30] * Meredith imagines what the situation would have been like with Becky sitting there, talking to Vincent like this...
  760. [01:30] <Miranda> "Well, I'm glad you're OK, though we've only met..."
  761. [01:31] <Vincent> "Well, anyways. Please do take it easy. I shall retreat to my room." Vincent said, bowing to the girls politely and walking off.
  762. [01:31] * Meredith waves to Vincent as he leaves. "Goodbye, sir."
  763. [01:31] <Becky> "Hmmm? How nice~ I did tell you to jump down to me, back then...Perhaps you'll learn to trust me in the future?" Becky smiled "Do relax, master...Would you like me to come up later?"
  764. [01:31] <Meredith> "...Has the master ever died?"
  765. [01:32] * Becky eyes Meredith, "Not that I know~"
  766. [01:32] <Vincent> "No, I'd rather not Becky. Please sleep in your own room." Vincent replied flatly before walking upstairs.
  767. [01:32] * Becky pouted softly after him, heading near Meredith, "Master can be so cold..."
  768. [01:32] <Miranda> "Could you be...His girlfriend?"
  769. [01:33] <Meredith> "He must be tired~"
  770. [01:34] * Becky sighed, "I'm more like his 'plaything', he'll just as soon ignore me if he's not in the mood~ I could at least give him a massage, I wonder what's got him so down..."
  771. [01:34] * Becky sat down and crossed her legs
  772. [01:35] * Vincent sighed as he walked into his room closing the door, "...oh it's you again. Yes, excellent job as always. Please leave me be, I must admit I'm a bit weary...these maids come back a lot faster than they used to..." Vincent muttered to...someone.
  773. [01:35] <Miranda> "Oh my, I'm so sorry." she blushed at the thought. "I-I do hope he cheers up, I bet it has something to do with me. I'm sorry..."
  774. [01:37] * Becky patted the space next to her, "Don't fret, he's a complicated man~ and I live to serve him...It's the least I can do. It's not like I care for him like 'that'." Becky scoffed, folding her arms
  775. [01:38] * Meredith sat behind Becky, back to back. "Were my previous lives clueless about things like this as well?"
  776. [01:38] * Vincent continues talking to the other one in the room, "...oh, how unfortunate for that guest. The children was it? They did seem more active today..." Vincent sighed and climbed into bed.
  777. [01:39] <Becky> "You'll be just as clueless each time...Some of the maids in the past really took to the 'riddle' of this place...But just living is enough for me."
  778. [01:39] <Miranda> "You mean you've never umm..."died"?
  779. [01:41] <Becky> "I've died twice I've been told." Becky began to brush out her hair, "I don't ask much as the master doesn't answer much."
  780. [01:44] * Meredith kept silent now, just listening to the mansion about them.
  781. [01:46] <Narrator> The mansion of rebirth...In this house, death is only a transient phase and thus not an ending. There is no ending here, only a continuous walk forward into nothingness. To move forward is to walk deeper into the abyss, once you cross a certain line there will be no return...or desire for it to change.
  782. [01:47] <Narrator> Chapter 2 End-
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