
Mashed Potatoes

Dec 27th, 2019
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  1. Mashed Potato
  3. 1. Wash Potatoes
  4. 2. Peel potatoes (Optional)
  5. 2. Cut potatoes into smaller chunks
  6. 3. Add water to a adequately sized saucepan. The water should cover the potato
  7. 4. Add the potatoes to the water and add a pinch of salt
  8. 5. Bring the potatoes to the boil
  9. 6. Turn the heat down and simmer until the potatoes are soft (10-20 mins)
  10. 7. Drain the potatoes using a colander
  11. 8. Place the potatoes back in the saucepan
  12. 9. Add a knob of butter and a small amount of cream/milk
  13. 10. Mash
  14. 11. Taste and test consistency. The mash should be thick, smooth and creamy without being too viscous.
  15. 12. Repeat step 9 until desired taste and consistency is reached
  16. 13. Add salt and pepper to taste
  17. 14. Serve
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