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a guest
Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. # Plugin developed by Niketion, License: MIT
  2. # Github:
  3. permission-denied: "&cNon Hai Il Permesso."
  4. usage-controlhacker:
  5. - '&5/ch reload &7- Reload config'
  6. - '&5/ch setzone (cheater/checker/end) &7- Set various location'
  7. - '&5/ch stats <checker> &7- Check stats of a checker'
  8. - '&5/ch reset <checker> &7- Reset stats'
  9. - '&5/ch top &7- See top of checker'
  10. zone-set: "&aZone %value% successfully set."
  11. usage-control: "&aUsage: /control <player>"
  12. usage-finish: "&aUsage: /finish <player>"
  13. player-not-found: "&c%player% non trovato..."
  14. stats-not-found: "&cStats of %player% not found..."
  15. is-not-in-check: "&c%player% isn't in a check"
  16. cheater-is-quit: "&4&l[!!!] &c%player% is quit from a control."
  17. check-yourself:
  18. enabled: false
  19. message: "&cNon Puoi Controllarlo."
  20. title:
  21. title-message: "&cCONTROLLO"
  22. subtitle-message: "&7Da %player%"
  23. cheater-message:
  24. - "&4&lATTENZIONE!"
  25. - ""
  26. - "&7Fornisci ID teamviewer/anydesk"
  27. - "&7Per Il Controllo (%player%)"
  28. - "&cNon Sloggare."
  30. old-finish: false # I would recommend using the new version
  31. checker-message: "&a%player% è Stato Teleportato Nella Zona Del Controllo, STARTA IL CONTROLLO
  32. finish-cheater-message: "&aGrazie Per La Pazienza,Controllo Finito"
  33. finish-checker-message: "&a%player% è Stato Teleportato Fuori Dal Controllo."
  35. finish-first-option:
  36. display-name: "&e&lREFUSAL CONTROL/ADMISSION"
  37. commands: # (Command by Console)
  38. - "tempban 5day %cheater% Rifiuto/ammissione"
  39. finish-second-option:
  40. display-name: "&c&lHACK"
  41. commands: # (Command by Console)
  42. - "tempban 14day %cheater% Hack In Controllo"
  43. finish-third-option:
  44. display-name: "&a&lCLEAN"
  45. commands: []
  47. stats-deleted: "&aStatistiche Del Player %player% Eliminate."
  48. stats-message:
  49. - "&aStatistiche Di %player%:"
  50. - "&aTutti I Plugin:&7 %value-1%"
  51. - "&aPulito:&7 %value-2%"
  52. - "&aHack:&7 %value-3%"
  53. - "&aAmmissioni/Rifiuto:&7 %value-4%"
  55. top-number: 10
  56. top-null: "&cHistory not found..."
  57. top-message:
  58. head: "&aTop Controllori &7(%date%)&a:"
  59. default: "#%number% &7%player% - %value%"
  61. command-quit-from-control:
  62. enabled: true
  63. commands:
  64. - "tempban 7d %player% Quit Durante Controllo"
  65. format-chat:
  66. format: "&c[%time%]&f %player%: %message%"
  67. event:
  68. stop-command: true
  69. command-whitelisted:
  70. - "/f"
  71. stop-move: false
  72. stop-drop: true
  73. stop-break: true
  74. stop-place: true
  75. stop-damage: true
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