Guest User

list of commands provided by Vim Text Editor.

a guest
Sep 9th, 2021
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  1. the - enters the insertion mode at the point preceding where the cursor is placed.
  2. THE - Enters the insertion mode at the beginning of the line where the cursor is placed.
  3. to - Enters the insertion mode at the next point where the cursor is placed .
  4. TO - Enters the insertion mode at the end of the line where the cursor is placed.
  5. x, dl - Clears the character highlighted by the cursor.
  6. X - Deletes the character on the left of the cursor.
  7. w - Goes to the next word by placing the cursor on the first letter.
  8. b - Moves to the previous word by placing the cursor on the first letter.
  9. 0 - Moves the cursor to the first character of the line where it is located.
  10. $ - Moves the cursor to the last character of the line where it is located.
  11. r - Enables editing of a character. Once the cursor is placed on the character, type the command followed by the character that will replace the one highlighted by the cursor.
  12. R - Enables continuous editing of the sentence. Once you type this command, each new character typed on the keyboard will replace the one highlighted by the cursor.
  13. s - Deletes the character highlighted by the cursor and enters insert mode.
  14. S - Deletes the line where the cursor is located and enters insert mode
  15. ESC - Exits insert mode and returns to normal mode.
  16. u - It undoes the last action performed.
  17. Cr - It reruns the last action performed
  18. dd - It deletes the entire line where the cursor is located and places the cursor at the beginning of the previous line.
  19. dw -It deletes the word where the cursor is located and positions itself on the first character of the next word.
  20. d $ - It deletes what is beyond the cursor on the same line.
  21. cc - It deletes the line where the cursor is placed and goes into insert mode.
  22. cw - By positioning the cursor on the first letter of the word, the whole word is deleted, the insertion mode is finally enabled.
  23. cl - Deletes the character where the cursor is positioned and goes into insert mode.
  24. yy - Copies the line where the cursor is placed.
  25. yw - Copies the character where the cursor is placed.
  26. $ y - Copies the word from where the cursor is placed.
  27. p - Pastes to the position after the cursor
  28. P - Pastes to the position preceding the cursor
  29. or - Creates a new row below the one where the cursor is placed
  30. OR - Creates a new line above the one where the cursor is placed
  31. : w -Saves the written text
  32. : Q! , ZQ - Stops editing the document by closing Vim without saving
  33. : x,: wq, ZZ - Saves the changes and closes Vim.
  34. : help - Opens a window containing useful tips for using Vim.
  35. : help {argument} - Opens a window containing instructions and descriptions on the requested topic
  36. qz - Allows you to record macros. Once the recording has started, it is possible to enter text and / or type commands to be execute in series. When you are done recording your Macro (combination of instructions), type the command z. To run the recorded macro, type the @z command.
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