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Aug 18th, 2017
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  1. [09:47] <Mnemomeme> no JG, please, regale us with stories about how Heidegger disagrees with Locke
  2. [09:47] <JohnGuru> lol
  3. [09:47] <JohnGuru> I have no idea what Locke says, mnemo. I never had much interest in the guy
  4. [09:48] <JohnGuru> the notion of human rights is interesting
  5. [09:48] <JohnGuru> I don't think people take it seriously in the way he originally proposed it, though
  6. [09:48] <JohnGuru> why is 'writing' in the nick list?
  7. [09:49] <Mnemomeme> I can't even begin to pretend I'm capable of participating in the name game. In my experience of reading philosophical texts, the people who qualify an entire concept as <Name of someone> are just being assholes to everyone else present, whether they have read the books themselves or not. I have read Hume, and there's not a chance in hell I'd ever refer to any idea as "Hume's position"
  8. [09:49] <JohnGuru> *nods*
  9. [09:49] <JohnGuru> it's not like science, is it, mnemo, where people know what theory came from who
  10. [09:50] <Mnemomeme> I've also read a lot of other philosophers, little bits of them anyway. I still refuse to play
  11. [09:50] <commoner> common sense was a good read, Tom payne died broke and only had 4 people at his furneal, 3 of them were indians
  12. [09:50] <JohnGuru> it's important to match up scientists with their theories, but when it comes to philosophy, fuck that shit man ..
  13. [09:50] <Mnemomeme> JG, well when you get down to the brass Engels of it, the Sartre comes out and suddenly everyone's Rand.
  14. [09:50] <JohnGuru> blah blah blah
  15. [09:51] <Mnemomeme> babble babble babble logic babble babble sources, yadda yadda ad hominem
  16. [09:51] <Mnemomeme> you're just talking about ideas... if you don't know what the ideas are, shut the hell up. Ya know? The Name Game is politics, it isn't debate.
  17. [09:52] <Mnemomeme> politics is debated, but debate is a verb there. The overarching body of politics is mostly not debate... it's stupid things like poll statistics and speculative analysis of potential poll statistics
  18. [09:53] <JohnGuru> oh cripes mnemo, you can be so stupid. By mentioning the name, it fills in the idea, completes it. Most decent ideas can't be stated in one short IRC sentence, so if you know, it's, like, Searle's blah blah, then you know what it is
  19. [09:54] <Mnemomeme> never heard of anything less useful in my life... solar powered flashlights are more useful than "unscientific poll results asking people to speculate on who they might vote for if there is an election"
  20. [09:55] <+nips> what I'm curious to know is why you do not simply take the community that is this channel and chat as you would have yourself do free from the oppression of channel management, Mnemomeme
  21. [09:55] <Mnemomeme> JG, even as an abbreviation it doesn't work. For example, Descartes was all over the place on the concept of free will. When you say "descartes model of free will" you're not specifying anything, there's at least four options there.
  22. [09:55] <+nips> you profess to suffer injury; please avail yourself of the remedy you tell us you plan to do
  23. [09:56] <JohnGuru> Mnemo, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were disagreeing with me ... but as that's not possible ..
  24. [09:56] <+nips> as I mentioned previously, Mnemo, I'm unwilling to have you be the one user in channel who is granted special privilege to insult and attack others as you see fit to do so, and that includes the attacks you make against myself as well as JohnGuru
  25. [09:57] * writing (writing@ Quit (Read error: EOF from client)
  26. [09:57] <+nips> it's time to stop that behaviour, Mnemo
  27. [09:57] * Mnemomeme rolls around on the ground getting all muddy and screams "I'm bein oppressed! You saw it didn't you! You saw her oppress me?"
  28. [09:57] <JohnGuru> lol
  29. [09:57] <+nips> yes; if you are so oppressed take the 15 users of this channel you claim will 'leave with you' and be gone
  30. [09:57] <JohnGuru> I do like a sense of humor
  31. [09:57] <+nips> save us all, please; but do it now
  32. [09:57] <+nips> don't wait
  33. [09:58] <JohnGuru> morning catnip :)
  34. [09:58] <JohnGuru> guess what, I just bought a new airplane :)
  35. [09:58] <+nips> good morning, JohnGuru :)
  36. [09:58] <+nips> did you?
  37. [09:58] <JohnGuru> yes, a virtual DC-3 :)
  38. [09:58] <Mnemomeme> big fat slow and hard as hell to land... good practice
  39. [09:58] <+nips> heh - I think I know a DC-3 non-virtual style
  40. [09:58] <JohnGuru> probably the most famous flightsim aircraft model in the business .. the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum has been developing and distributing it for more than 10 years
  41. [09:59] <Mnemomeme> Jg, can you land successfully on the okinawa strip?
  42. [09:59] <+nips> ah, interesting
  43. [10:00] <JohnGuru> mnemo, hell yes
  44. [10:00] <Mnemomeme> impressive
  45. [10:01] <Mnemomeme> back when I was using microsoft flightsim 4, it took me two weeks to get it one time. Never tried again.
  46. [10:01] <JohnGuru> the dc-3 is able to take off out of an unimproved dirt runway of only 1850 ft, and can land on an unimproved runway only 2500 ft long, which makes it the most versatile heavy aircraft in the world. Only the C-130 comes close
  47. [10:02] <JohnGuru> that's why there are still DC-3's flying here and there
  48. [10:02] <Mnemomeme> kept slamming into the cliffs either at the front or the back of the strip, or sometimes wind shear would roll me nito the side of the mountain
  49. [10:02] <JohnGuru> lot of 'em in alasker
  50. [10:02] <JohnGuru> mnemo, FS9 is a lot more realistic than the old FS4. I remember FS4. I started with that
  51. [10:03] <Mnemomeme> I hit mountains a lot when trying to land anywhere in japan, but okinawa was my nemesis
  52. [10:04] <Mnemomeme> landing strip is on a cliff, and has another cliff at the end. Zero room for error
  53. [10:04] <Mnemomeme> you can't pull up and try again, it's one shot
  54. [10:05] <Mnemomeme> and just as you get to the strip you get hit by that wind shear that curls around the mountain
  55. [10:05] * Ragtime^ ( has joined #Philosophical
  56. [10:05] <Mnemomeme> can't believe anyone actually put a real airport in a place like that
  57. [10:06] <Mnemomeme> might as well put it underground
  58. [10:08] <Mnemomeme> easier to land on strip three in san francisco
  59. [10:08] <Mnemomeme> which averages three crashes a year IRL
  60. [10:09] <Mnemomeme> usually not passenger planes so it's not news
  61. [10:18] <commoner> Apple has a factory in China, 500 thousand workers, 25 cafeterias, and 5 high bunk beds, the suicide rate was so high, management had to put nets around the buildings
  62. [10:21] <Mnemomeme> "Your contract does not allow you to kill yourself. You will continue working in deplorable conditions for free until we say you can leave."
  63. [10:21] <Mnemomeme> yep, slavery
  64. [10:22] <Mnemomeme> I wonder what a cafeteria designed to feed a hundred thousand people three times a day looks like
  65. [10:22] <JohnGuru> like a pig trough
  66. [10:22] <commoner> military chow line I suspect
  67. [10:23] <Mnemomeme> my thoughts exactly
  68. [10:23] <JohnGuru> you pipe the swill into the
  69. [10:24] * Broadus ( has joined #Philosophical
  70. [10:24] <Mnemomeme> commoner, a hundred thousand people three times a day. that's 0.86 seconds per "customer" if it's a chow line.
  71. [10:24] <Mnemomeme> and that's for one meal a day
  72. [10:25] <Mnemomeme> I would guess it's probably a giant trough full of rice, and a bunch of little tables with flavorings and additional components like vegetables, sauce, meat... scattered around.
  73. [10:25] <commoner> well, maybe we should cut the eating time to 0.83 seconds to increase profits
  74. [10:26] <Mnemomeme> pfff, as if chinese factory slaves ever get to eat meat, heh
  75. [10:27] <Mnemomeme> the occasional insect or stray pidgeon maybe
  76. [10:27] <Mnemomeme> assuming the factory doesn't spend ten thousand years worth of wages on a bug zapper system to prevent them from eating any meat at all
  77. [10:28] * JohnGuru ( has left #Philosophical
  78. [10:28] * JohnGuru ( has joined #Philosophical
  79. [10:28] <JohnGuru> i'm heading out for the day. Might be back tonight.
  80. [10:28] <Mnemomeme> great
  81. [10:28] <JohnGuru> take care y'all .. commonman, nips
  82. [10:28] <JohnGuru> mnemo
  83. [10:28] <Mnemomeme> well, unban me when you get back
  84. [10:28] <JohnGuru> heh
  85. [10:28] * JohnGuru ( has left #Philosophical
  86. [10:28] <commoner> see ya JG
  87. [10:30] * tolkach ( has joined #Philosophical
  88. [10:36] <Mnemomeme> heya tolkach
  89. [10:36] <Mnemomeme> your name was mentioned recently, but I don't think I have ever actually talked to you before. Since the mention was during an argument about people I have supposedly been abusive to, I was wonder... have we met?
  90. [10:37] <Mnemomeme> *wondering
  91. [10:41] <+nips> Mnemo : cease and desist from complaining about how management runs this channel
  92. [10:41] <Mnemomeme> nips, cease and desist from assuming that every word that comes after my name is somehow about your stupid ass
  93. [10:41] <+nips> Mnemo : you seem to believe JohnGuru can unban you in the event I or myself or neo ban you
  94. [10:41] <+nips> he cannot
  95. [10:41] <Mnemomeme> You, you, or neo
  96. [10:41] <Mnemomeme> got it
  97. [10:42] <+nips> oh; pardon me
  98. [10:42] <+nips> myself, ribbit, or neo
  99. [10:42] <+nips> clear now?
  100. [10:42] <Mnemomeme> ribbit isn't here anymore, you chased him out.
  101. [10:42] <+nips> JohnGuru is not the one for you to appeal to
  102. [10:42] <Mnemomeme> neo isn't here anymore either.
  103. [10:42] <LionClan> hello
  104. [10:43] <+nips> how's that new channel of yours and the 15 chatters who you are taking with you coming along?
  105. [10:43] <Mnemomeme> I dunno, you want to force the issue right now?
  106. [10:43] <+nips> it would be more productive for all if you were to concentrate your efforts in building your userbase there
  107. [10:44] <+nips> in that way, you get what you want, and then the need for you to complain about oppressive management here in this channel would be obviated
  108. [10:44] <Mnemomeme> Hey, everyone that thinks catnips is a psychotic bitch, let's move out of this hellhole.
  109. [10:44] <+nips> you'd have no cause to continue to ensure this channel is free from trolls as you declare trolls to be in this channel
  110. [10:44] <+nips> it's a simple request, but for some reason you refuse to comply
  111. [10:44] <Mnemomeme> stop being a crazy bitch is a simple request too. I'l comply when you do.
  112. [10:44] <LionClan> I missed JG again
  113. [10:45] <+nips> Mnemomeme: you have declared yourself my enemy
  114. [10:45] <+nips> Mnemomeme: and yet here you are
  115. [10:45] <Mnemomeme> Do you own this place now?
  116. [10:45] <LionClan> he isn't your enemy
  117. [10:45] <Mnemomeme> Is this #sanctuary2 ?
  118. [10:45] <LionClan> you are paranoid.
  119. [10:46] <LionClan> he just doesn't like hearing about op skills for hours
  120. [10:46] <LionClan> no one does
  121. [10:46] <Mnemomeme> no, LC, I am not her enemy, but she is mine. She stands against everything good and wholesome and worth preserving about this community, and she's drawing the line in the sand right now. She has just asked me to take everyone that doesn't like her, and leave.
  122. [10:46] <+nips> LionClan: please do be sure to join Mnemomeme's new channel
  123. [10:46] <LionClan> try something more philosophical
  124. [10:46] <Mnemomeme> catnips, the community here aren't all always present, give me a few days and I'l move.
  125. [10:46] <LionClan> see you ranted at me for half a day about op skills
  126. [10:47] <LionClan> did anyone enjoy that
  127. [10:47] <LionClan> besides you
  128. [10:47] <+nips> Mnemomeme: just do it; take the community you say will follow you, and be gone
  129. [10:47] <+nips> Mnemomeme: stop threatening and start acting
  130. [10:47] <Mnemomeme> make this the topic please
  131. [10:47] <Mnemomeme> [10:47] <+nips> Mnemomeme: just do it; take the community you say will follow you, and be gone
  132. [10:47] <LionClan> then the next day you chatted for a couple hours normally
  133. [10:47] <Mnemomeme> that way you won't be bothered by any of those people showing up
  134. [10:48] <LionClan> see when you stop talking about op skills, you're not a bad person
  135. [10:48] <LionClan> and a rather enthusiastic chatter
  136. [10:48] <LionClan> so quit being paranoid
  137. [10:48] <+nips> LionClan: please do join Mnemomeme's new channel
  138. [10:49] <Mnemomeme> it isn't mine. I still refuse to be an op.
  139. [10:49] <LionClan> and quit thinking every question requires a lesson on op skills
  140. [10:49] <+nips> LionClan: you're welcome to discuss me in his channel all you like
  141. [10:49] <+nips> Mnemomeme: not my problem
  142. [10:49] <Mnemomeme> You're making it your problem
  143. [10:49] <+nips> Mnemomeme: do as you said you would do
  144. [10:49] <+nips> Mnemomeme: stop saying what you are going to do and do it
  145. [10:49] <Mnemomeme> ok
  146. [10:49] <LionClan> the only reason I even mention you, is it is half of what is discussed here
  147. [10:49] <LionClan> you, you , you
  148. [10:50] <LionClan> so let me have some philosophy with my coffee
  149. [10:50] <LionClan> Down in front.
  150. [10:50] <LionClan> !newtop
  151. [10:50] <@Socrates> Can the meaning be deconstructed at all? Can the decontruction of language lead to a constructive result or not?
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