
The internet in a nutshell.

Oct 22nd, 2013
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  1. [18:58] <Crono|Away> hi chaineh
  2. [18:59] <WeinribZ> Hi
  3. [18:59] <Chainoffire> hi cronoeh
  4. [18:59] <Chainoffire> hi Wienribz
  5. [18:59] <Crono|Away> hi weinreh
  6. [19:02] <WeinribZ> Hi
  7. [19:06] <Chainoffire> are you new?
  8. [19:07] <Crono|Away> i am
  9. [19:08] <Chainoffire> yes crono, you are completely new.
  10. [19:08] <Chainoffire> welcome to the wiki crono
  11. [19:08] <Crono|Away> whats a wiki
  12. [19:10] <Sora1995|Cloud> speaking of wiki
  13. [19:10] <Sora1995|Cloud> did we skip the roundtable?
  14. [19:10] <Chainoffire> Crono: It's a place where people who have no lives and no future go and have a giant orgasm about Kingdom hearts.
  15. [19:10] <Chainoffire> and occasionally edit
  16. [19:10] <Sora1995|Cloud> rarely ever edit*
  17. [19:11] <Crono|Away> sounds hot
  18. [19:11] <Crono|Away> any chicks?
  19. [19:11] <Sora1995|Cloud> females don't exist on the internet
  20. [19:11] <Sora1995|Cloud> only males and undercover police
  21. [19:12] <Chainoffire> unless you're into trannys, they can be found on the underlayers of the internet
  22. [19:13] <Crono|Away> do futanari count as trannies
  23. [19:13] <Chainoffire> Sora: they did it last time too. It's because due dates no longer exist
  24. [19:13] <Sora1995|Cloud> ?
  25. [19:14] <Chainoffire> Crono: only in hentai
  26. [19:15] <Crono|Away> dammit
  27. [19:15] <Crono|Away> *quits*
  28. [19:15] <WeinribZ> hot
  29. [19:16] <Chainoffire> it's okay crono, there's always friendship.
  30. [19:16] == RoxasNobody [8240238f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #KHWiki-social
  31. [19:17] <Crono|Away> friendship....with futanaris?
  32. [19:17] <Crono|Away> im strangely ok with this
  33. [19:17] <RoxasNobody> ...
  34. [19:17] <Crono|Away> ....
  35. [19:17] <Chainoffire> yup! and even furries.
  36. [19:17] * Crono|Away escapes.
  37. [19:17] * Crono|Away escapes SO HARD.
  38. [19:17] * Chainoffire escapes harder
  39. [19:18] <Sora1995|Cloud> friendship is magic
  40. [19:18] <RoxasNobody> that's always a nice way to enter a conversation
  41. [19:18] <Chainoffire> you should've seen what we said before
  42. [19:19] <RoxasNobody> I'm not sure if I really want to...
  43. [19:19] <Chainoffire> we basically just summed up the wiki.
  44. [19:19] <Chainoffire> and the internet.
  45. [19:20] <RoxasNobody> ah, of course
  46. [19:20] <WeinribZ> cocks
  47. [19:20] <Chainoffire> ... the gun
  48. [19:21] <WeinribZ> COCKS
  49. [19:22] <Chainoffire> THE GUN
  50. [19:22] * Crono|Away cocks SO HARD
  51. [19:22] <Crono|Away> wait
  52. [19:22] <Crono|Away> i think i forgot something there
  53. [19:22] <RoxasNobody> XD
  54. [19:23] <Chainoffire> you didn't add enough tentacles
  55. [19:23] <WeinribZ> ^
  56. [19:24] <Chainoffire> and it needs more children's card games
  57. [19:25] <Crono|Away> on motorcycles?
  58. [19:26] <WeinribZ> On fuckin' motorcycles
  59. [19:26] <Chainoffire> No, that would be lame.
  60. [19:28] <WeinribZ> You're lame
  61. [19:28] <Chainoffire> No, YOU'RE LAME! Wanna know why?
  62. [19:29] <Chainoffire> because shut up.
  63. [19:30] <WeinribZ> fuck you, you want to fight
  64. [19:30] <Chainoffire> Let's settle this like men! Through a children's card game!
  65. [19:31] <Chainoffire> In America!
  66. [19:31] <WeinribZ> ON MOTORCYCLES
  67. [19:32] <Chainoffire> Good Enough.
  68. [19:33] <WeinribZ> yeah
  69. [19:33] <Crono|Away> ....
  70. [19:33] <Crono|Away> so on motorcycles, like i said
  71. [19:33] <WeinribZ> Yeah
  72. [19:33] <WeinribZ> I got your wish through clever manipulation
  73. [19:34] <Chainoffire> shut up mokuba.
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