
calabash feature

Apr 10th, 2017
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  1. Feature: Sample Feature
  3. Scenario: Check Balance
  4. Given App is running
  5. Then I wait until text "--" disappear
  6. Then I press button with label "recordButton"
  7. Given I start observe value of object with label "balanceLabel"
  8. Then I wait for a few minutes...
  9. Then I compare value of object with label "balanceLabel"
  10. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  11. Then I press button with label "recordButton"
  12. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  14. Then test is complete
  16. Scenario: Discover Video Streaming and Blocked User And Video
  17. Given App is running
  18. Given I wait until object with label "discoveryButton" appear
  19. Then I press button with label "discoveryButton"
  20. Given I wait video collectionview not empty
  21. Then I watch the first video streaming
  22. Then I wait for a few minutes...
  23. Given I see field with label "chatInputTextField"
  24. Then I enter "Hello world New" to field with label "chatInputTextField"
  25. Given I wait until object with label "chatSendButton" appear
  26. Then I press button with label "chatSendButton"
  27. Given I wait until object with label "reportButton" appear
  28. Then I press button with label "reportButton"
  29. Given I wait until object with label "Lain-lain" appear
  30. Then I press button with label "Lain-lain"
  31. Then I touch the confirmation button with label "OK" if it appear
  32. Then I choose the first chat cell
  33. Given I wait until object with label "Lain-lain" appear
  34. Then I press button with label "Lain-lain"
  35. Then I touch the confirmation button with label "OK" if it appear
  36. Then I choose the first chat cell
  37. Given I wait until object with label "Block chat milik pengguna ini" appear
  38. Then I press button with label "Block chat milik pengguna ini"
  39. Given I wait until object with label "Ya" appear
  40. Then I press button with label "Ya"
  41. Then I touch the confirmation button with label "OK" if it appear
  42. Given I wait until object with label "reportButton" appear
  43. Then I press button with label "reportButton"
  44. Given I wait until object with label "Block streamer ini" appear
  45. Then I press button with label "Block streamer ini"
  46. Given I wait until object with label "Ya" appear
  47. Then I press button with label "Ya"
  48. Given I wait until object with label "liveButton" appear
  49. Then I press button with label "liveButton"
  51. Then test is complete
  53. Scenario: Set Cover Image Scenario
  54. Given App is running
  55. Given I wait until object with label "profileCoverButton" appear
  56. Then I press button with label "profileCoverButton"
  57. Given I wait until object with label "imageStateButton" appear
  58. Then I press button with label "imageStateButton"
  59. Then I touch the confirmation button with label "OK" if it appear
  60. Given I wait until object with label "imageCollectionView" appear
  61. Then I scroll the collection view to index 3
  62. Given I wait until object with label "shutterConfirmButton" appear
  63. Then I press button with label "shutterConfirmButton"
  64. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  65. Given I wait until object with label "profileCoverButton" appear
  66. Then I press button with label "profileCoverButton"
  67. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  68. Given I wait until object with label "shutterConfirmButton" appear
  69. Then I press button with label "shutterConfirmButton"
  70. Given I wait until object with label "reTakeButton" appear
  71. Then I press button with label "reTakeButton"
  72. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  73. Given I wait until object with label "shutterConfirmButton" appear
  74. Then I press button with label "shutterConfirmButton"
  75. Given I wait until object with label "pickImageButton" appear
  76. Then I press button with label "pickImageButton"
  77. Then I touch the confirmation button with label "OK" if it appear
  78. Given I wait until object with label "cameraStateButton" appear
  79. Then I press button with label "cameraStateButton"
  80. Given I wait until object with label "switchCameraButton" appear
  81. Then I press button with label "switchCameraButton"
  82. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  83. Given I wait until object with label "shutterConfirmButton" appear
  84. Then I press button with label "shutterConfirmButton"
  85. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  86. Given I wait until object with label "shutterConfirmButton" appear
  87. Then I press button with label "shutterConfirmButton"
  88. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  90. Then test is complete
  93. Scenario: Live and Block Scenario
  94. Given App is running
  95. Given I wait until object with label "recordButton" appear
  96. Then I press button with label "recordButton"
  97. Given I see field with label "chatInputTextField"
  98. Then I enter "Hello world New" to field with label "chatInputTextField"
  99. Given I wait until object with label "chatSendButton" appear
  100. Then I press button with label "chatSendButton"
  101. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  102. Then I choose the first chat cell
  103. Given I wait until object with label "Lain-lain" appear
  104. Then I press button with label "Lain-lain"
  105. Then I touch the confirmation button with label "OK" if it appear
  106. Then I choose the first chat cell
  107. Given I wait until object with label "Block chat milik pengguna ini" appear
  108. Then I press button with label "Block chat milik pengguna ini"
  109. Given I wait until object with label "Ya" appear
  110. Then I press button with label "Ya"
  111. Then I touch the confirmation button with label "OK" if it appear
  112. Given I wait until object with label "askButton" appear
  113. Then I press button with label "askButton"
  114. Given I see field with label "voteQuestionTextField"
  115. Then I enter "Bagaimana kabarmu hari ini?" to field with label "voteQuestionTextField"
  116. Given I see field with label "voteAnswerATextField"
  117. Then I enter "Sehat selalu" to field with label "voteAnswerATextField"
  118. Given I see field with label "voteAnswerBTextField"
  119. Then I enter "Umm, ga terlalu..." to field with label "voteAnswerBTextField"
  120. Given I wait until object with label "startVoteButton" appear
  121. Then I press button with label "startVoteButton"
  122. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  123. Given I wait until object with label "endNowButton" appear
  124. Then I press button with label "endNowButton"
  125. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  126. Given I wait until object with label "recordButton" appear
  127. Then I press button with label "recordButton"
  128. Given I wait until object with label "closeResultButton" appear
  129. Then I press button with label "closeResultButton"
  130. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  132. Then test is complete
  134. # still error
  136. Scenario: Login
  137. Given App is running
  138. Given I wait until object with label "showPrivacyButton" appear
  139. Then I press button with label "showPrivacyButton"
  140. Given I wait until object with label "acceptPrivacyButton" appear
  141. Then I press button with label "acceptPrivacyButton"
  142. Given I wait until object with label "facebookSignInButton" appear
  143. Then I press button with label "facebookSignInButton"
  144. Then I will authorize mivo
  145. Then I wait for a few seconds...
  147. Then test is complete
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