
The Sheikah Trials, Part 4

Apr 25th, 2020
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  1. <Darte> Fishlips ->
  2. <Darte> now that I have arms ->
  3. <Kirran> (Darte, man of a million gifs.)
  5. <DM> *You regain your senses after being transported back from the grey realm.*
  6. <Darte> (I keep my pocket full of gifs, too bad it's so terrible at caching)
  8. <Kirran> Well, better than being full of blinding light.
  9. <DM> *You're now in a room, where five bright, focused lights shine throughout the room. One on the ceiling, and one on each of the walls.*
  10. <DM> [???]: Ahh, is it already this trial?
  11. <Dex> smash the lights
  12. <Dex> Smash the lights!
  14. <Dex> AN AR CHY WOOOO
  15. <DM> *The voice, similar to when you were fighting the Darkness, echoes from all around the room.*
  17. <DM> [???]: I heard you defeated the first two trials.
  18. <Red_Enrics> You're damn right we did!
  19. <DM> [???]: Can you defeat me?
  20. * Red_Enrics shrugs
  21. <Red_Enrics> Probably not.
  22. <Red_Enrics> We've had so much trouble with the other two trials
  23. <Red_Enrics> We're gonna get wrecked
  24. <DM> [???]: I see. Well... no one has defeated me before.
  25. <Kirran> Why so gloomy Red?
  26. <Kirran> Assuming Dex finds a way to bend reality, we can't end up too badly off.
  27. <Red_Enrics> Well excuse me, SOMEBODY had to waste my both of my fairies.
  28. * Red_Enrics is grumpy.
  29. <Kirran> You can have my red potion if you want.
  30. * DM had no part in that. It was totally the light man. You just gotta not walk into the light.
  31. <DM> [???]: Let us... fight.
  32. <Dex> Forsoothe goode sirrah! I know not what thou talkest abouteth.
  33. <Red_Enrics> Explosions
  34. <Red_Enrics> We blew up multiple times
  35. <Red_Enrics> Like my great grandfather
  36. <Red_Enrics> Michael Bay Enrics the 5th
  37. * DM face-palms.
  38. <DM> *Red_Enrics, from now on, when you die, you will explode.*
  39. <Raine> Tee hee...
  40. <Raine> Exploding Red...Red everywhere...
  41. <DM> *The lights on the walls all focus on you all, one on each of you. Your shadows become apparent, and the voice of the Essence of Shadow bounces from one shadow to another.*
  42. * X_X is now known as Shadow
  43. * Darte is now known as Knuckles
  44. * Dex is now known as Fax
  45. * Kirran is now known as Darklink42
  46. <Fax> WE RIDE
  47. * Knuckles is now known as Darte
  48. <Darklink42> Ah HA!
  49. * DM grabs his 80 cal sniper rifle and readies to fire it from beyond the fourth wall.
  50. * Darklink42 is now known as Kirran
  51. * Fax is now known as Dex
  52. <DM> *Roll inits!*
  53. <Shadow> $init 1d10
  54. <Tatl> Shadow: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
  55. <Red_Enrics> $1d10
  56. <Tatl> Red_Enrics: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 7. Total: 7. Successes: 1.
  57. <Red_Enrics> $init 1d10
  58. <Tatl> Red_Enrics: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 8.
  59. <Dex> $init 1d11
  60. <Tatl> Dex: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 1.
  61. <Kirran> $init 1d13
  62. <Tatl> Kirran: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 5.
  63. <Kirran> Ah crap...
  64. <Darte>
  65. <Darte> $init 1d11
  66. <Tatl> Darte: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
  67. <DM> $init s
  68. <Tatl> The battle has begun!
  69. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  70. <Tatl> Bonus Turns: Shadow (10).
  71. <Shadow> Hmm, I wonder...
  72. <Dex> What its like to be the first in space?
  73. * Shadow spawns another Light. It's now coming from the floor.
  74. <Darte> this is us now.
  75. <DM> stats -
  76. <DM> ??h | 6 Lights
  77. <DM> wait
  78. <DM> WAIT
  79. <Shadow> ??h | 6 Lights
  80. <Shadow> $endturn
  81. <Tatl> Shadow has ended their turn.
  82. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  83. <Tatl> Bonus Turns Over! Round 1 Begins Now!
  84. * Shadow spawns a second light on the ceiling.
  85. <Shadow> $endturn
  86. <Tatl> Shadow has ended their turn.
  87. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  88. <Dex> Heeey.
  89. <Dex> If we don't do anything does that mean the shadows don't do anything?
  90. <Shadow> Those that stall infinitely will not pass this trial.
  91. <Darte> "If we don't move our shadows won't move. Sounds like a plan."
  92. <Kirran> Too simple a solution.
  93. <Darte> "...anyone got some light reading material?"
  94. <Shadow> I will end it at my own whim if you simply wait, and you will fail this trial.
  95. <Red_Enrics> 37h 11m | Auto Drunk Status
  96. <Kirran> I say we just kick the lights out.
  97. <Kirran> Or throw Dex at them.
  98. <Red_Enrics> Or throw the DM
  99. <Shadow> Let's give this... 5 rounds. If you do not defeat me at the end of 5 rounds, you automatically lose.
  100. <Dex> I wouldn't want to take the spotlight from you.
  101. * Darte shrugs. "This probably isn't an illusion, if they are as false as we've been led to believe."
  102. <Kirran> Illusions can still hurt us Darte. I think the light proved that pretty well with Red.
  103. <Darte> "But this isn't a normal Sheikah giving us trials. This is an intruder."
  104. <Dex> What iiiiiif we make the light brighter?
  105. <Kirran> No, the intruder was the one interrupting the trials.
  106. <Kirran> Power of blood, blood spear.
  107. <DM> (my bad, I screwed up something)
  108. <DM> (some reason my copy+pasta screwed up, and it was missing a passive)
  109. <DM> (refresh)
  110. <Kirran> Also, how are we going to make the lights brighter? I've got Raine, but she's a coin toss.
  111. <Shadow> What makes you believe that I am an intruder, Zora?
  112. <Dex> I dunno. I've got a poe lantern and a magic lantern.
  113. <Dex> OR
  114. * Darte rolls his eyes. "Not the time for arguing. I've learned that, if nothing else."
  115. <Shadow> ??h | 7 Lights
  116. <Kirran> True enough.
  117. <Dex> We bust all the lights and then use area of effect attacks!
  118. <Kirran> (Wasn't it at six lights?)
  119. <Dex> Make the shadow be the dark!
  120. <Kirran> (Oh, nevermind, that was before it's second turn...)
  121. <Kirran> Shadow can't exist without light. But if it can spawn lights, how do we stop it from doing so?
  122. <DM> (Red, if you don't say your action within a minute, I'm hitting $endturn)
  123. * Darte pokes Red_Enrics
  124. <Red_Enrics> Oh shi
  125. <Darte> * with a non-damaging poke
  126. <DM> (lol)
  127. * Maliki_lagiban has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  128. <Darte> (30 seconds until )
  129. * Red_Enrics falcon punches the Shadow. (Power)
  130. <Red_Enrics> $23d10
  131. <Tatl> Red_Enrics: You rolled 23 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 8, 9, 3, 10, 10, 1, 2, 4, 8, 3, 5, 8, 10, 7, 10, 9, 3, 9, 7, 1, 5 and 6. Total: 139. Successes: 19.
  132. <DM> (which person's shadow are you punching?)
  133. <DM> (just curious)
  134. <Red_Enrics> (My Shadow)
  135. <DM> (kay)
  136. <DM> *You punch your own shadow, and your fist meets a floor of concrete pain.*
  137. <DM> *I should probably note that because the Shadow exists from everywhere, it's able to bypass Cover.*
  138. <Red_Enrics> Looks like that attack was,
  139. <Red_Enrics> *sunglasses*
  140. <Red_Enrics> Concrete
  142. <Shadow> A good attempt, but you missed.
  143. <Red_Enrics> 37h 11m | Drunk | Michael Bay | Sunglasses
  144. <Red_Enrics> $endturn
  145. <Tatl> Red_Enrics has ended their turn.
  146. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  147. * Darte looks at the ground beneath my feet, then at Red_Enrics' feet.
  148. <Darte> (Red's attack:
  149. <DM> *Darte, you see your own shadow. Your shadow mimics your movements, as per usual.*
  150. <DM> *And at Red_Enrics's feet is his shadow.*
  151. <Red_Enrics> (The shadows are copying us: )
  152. * Darte tries to punch Red_Enrics' shadow.
  153. <DM> (fyi, now that I've established the ground is made of concrete...
  154. <DM> (the concrete's successes are... 30. If you come short of 30, you take damage equal to the difference in successes)
  155. <Kirran> So the plan is shadow boxing? Literally.
  156. <Darte> $16d10
  157. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 5, 3, 8, 9, 1, 2, 7, 1, 5, 5, 7, 4, 6, 5 and 9. Total: 79. Successes: 10.
  158. <DM> *Darte, you punch the ground with your arm, only to find the ground has been installed with Newton's 3rd Law of Physics.*
  159. <Kirran> Looks like a job for Dex.
  160. <DM> *Because damage is halved, you take 10 damage - defense*
  161. <Dex> Hup!
  162. <Darte> 7 damage
  163. <Darte> 18h18m | Concretely Mollified.
  164. <Darte> $endturn
  165. <Tatl> Darte has ended their turn.
  166. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  167. <Kirran> (What do the lights actually look like?)
  168. <DM> *They look like spotlights. It's a little jarring to look directly into any of them, but they don't completely blind you, unlike the previous trial.*
  169. <Kirran> (So they are physical items generating lights? Or just sort of non-descript beams?)
  170. <DM> *As far as you can tell, there's no mechanism that's causing the lights. They're simply spawning from the walls/ceiling. So yes, non-descript beams.*
  171. <DM> *There is nothing physical causing the beams.*
  172. <DM> *The ones on the walls are about 15 feet above the ground, and the ones on the ceiling are about 30 feet above you.*
  173. <Kirran> (What about the ones on the floor?)
  175. <DM> *There are no lights being caused from the floor. The two shining from the ceiling are shining onto the floor as general illumination, but that's about it.*
  176. <Darte> (we could start a BROADWAY SHOW with all these lights!)
  177. <Kirran> So no brillant ideas other than punching the ground like a bunch of cavemen?
  178. <DM> *You could pull out Raine.*
  179. <DM> *You also have those stupid 10-sided coins.*
  180. <Kirran> Oh dear lord...
  181. <DM> (1 minute till auto-$endturn if action is not declared)
  182. * Kirran lets Raine out, because it's worked so well in the past...
  183. <DM> (kay)
  184. <DM> 1 = darkness; 2 = light
  185. <DM> $1d2
  186. <Tatl> DM: You flipped 1 coin. Values: Heads (1). Results: 1 Head (1) - 0 Tails (2).
  187. <Kirran> Go fly up to the sealing and cover those two lights as best you can Raine.
  188. <Raine> Light or'll still burn the same...
  189. <DM> *Raine turns to darkness. All light that comes into contact within a 5-foot diameter of Raine is blocked by darkness.*
  190. <DM> *Her aura of darkness is enough to blot out one of the lights, but they're spread out on the ceiling.*
  191. <DM> (oh wait, I did say earlier a light spawned on the ground..... meh, let's just say it doesn't exist anymore, so Shadow is down to 6 Lights... 5 Lights now that Raine is covering one)
  192. <Shadow> ??h | 5 Lights
  193. <Kirran> (Would stomping on the ground damage me?)
  194. <DM> (how hard of a stomp are we talking?
  195. <DM> (if it's a stomp with no roll, no. If it's a stomp with a roll, yes... unless it exceeds 30 successes)
  196. <Kirran> (Not a hard enough one to break my leg.)
  197. <DM> (well, state it as an action)
  198. <Kirran> Well, since our grand plan is to attack the shadows on the ground...
  199. * Kirran stamps on the ground where his shadow is, but not hard enough to trigger a roll.
  200. <DM> *Your foot hits the ground. You feel a slight shock run through your leg as physics kicks in..... god dangit, I didn't intend that.*
  201. <DM> *But you don't take damage.*
  202. <Shadow> ??h | 5 Lights
  203. <Kirran> $endturn.
  204. <Kirran> $endturn
  205. <Tatl> Kirran has ended their turn.
  206. <Tatl> ROUND 1: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  207. <Dex> Wanna see a trick?
  208. <DM> (I am now afraid)
  209. <Kirran> Uh oh
  210. <Dex> Now you see me.
  211. <Dex> And now you don't
  212. <Dex> Poof!
  213. <Dex> Camouflage
  214. <Dex> $endturn
  215. <Tatl> Dex has ended their turn.
  216. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  217. <DM> *Dex, you disappear as the light that hits you instead bends around you. You are no longer causing a shadow.*
  218. <Dex> Can't have shadows if light passes through you.
  219. <DM> *Raine roll!
  220. <DM> $1d2
  221. <Tatl> DM: You flipped 1 coin. Values: Tails (2). Results: 0 Heads (1) - 1 Tail (2).
  222. <Kirran> Well, that works for you anyways.
  223. <Dex> Go stealthy you dork.
  224. <DM> *Raine turns to light. Instead of blocking the light, it amplifies the light. The room illuminates overall, and the shadows appear to be a little lighter, but they still exist.*
  225. <Dex> I thought Sheiks were all about stealth.
  226. <Shadow> Hmm, I suppose I'll just wait this out.
  227. <Shadow> $endturn
  228. <Tatl> Shadow has ended their turn.
  229. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  230. <Darte> Sheieiokah
  231. <Kirran> That kind of only helps when shadows aren't the thing trying to attack/fight you.
  232. * Sephiroth has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  233. * Red_Enrics flops onto his Shadow.
  234. * DM face-palms.
  235. <Red_Enrics> (What do I roll?)
  236. <Darte>
  237. <DM> (nothin')
  238. <Red_Enrics> (;~;)
  239. <DM> *You flop onto the ground, attempting to cover your shadow.*
  240. <Red_Enrics> 37h 11m | Drunk | Michael Bay | Sunglasses | Flopped
  241. <DM> *However, one of the lights from the wall shines at you from an angle. Your shadow is small, existing on the other side of you still.*
  242. <Red_Enrics> $endturn
  243. <Tatl> Red_Enrics has ended their turn.
  244. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Darte (6), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  245. * Red_Enrics gets back up
  246. <DM> (brb 1 minute)
  247. <Red_Enrics> *Flop cured*
  248. <Red_Enrics> *Sunglasses break*
  249. <Red_Enrics> *Sunglasses cured*
  250. <Red_Enrics> *Hasn't exploded in the last turn*
  251. <Red_Enrics> *Michael Bay cured*
  252. <Red_Enrics> *Goes sober*
  254. <Red_Enrics> *Drunk cured*
  255. <DM> (back)
  256. * Darte flips the Ten-Sided Coin.
  257. <Kirran> Oh no...
  258. <Darte> $1d10
  259. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 1. Total: 1. Successes: 0.
  260. <DM> (wait wait wait)
  261. <DM> (state your problem)
  262. <Darte> ....
  263. <Darte> "I was trying to solve my shadow..."
  264. <Darte> Now I've got 100 problems
  265. <Shadow> The hell did you just roll?
  266. <Shadow> Is that... a coin? Or a dice?
  267. <DM> (annnd where did you flip the coin?)
  268. <Darte> "Is there an option D? It's option D."
  269. <Kirran> (Perhaps you shoudl consider rerolling Darte.)
  270. <DM> *Your coin sticks to the floor where your shadow is.*
  271. <DM> *Permanently.*
  272. <DM> oh, 1 means it goes missing
  273. * DM rewinds that.
  274. * Darte throws a re-roll
  275. <Darte> $1d10
  276. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 10. Total: 10. Successes: 2.
  277. * DM dies laughing.
  278. <Kirran> Well....
  279. <DM> WHELP
  280. <DM> ... flip the coin
  281. <Kirran> That happened.
  282. <Darte> $1d2
  283. <Tatl> Darte: You flipped 1 coin. Values: Tails (2). Results: 0 Heads (1) - 1 Tail (2).
  284. * Darte is now known as Knuckles
  285. * Knuckles is now known as Darte
  286. <DM> *The coin lands with a definitive thump onto the ground. It sticks to the ground, and then the floor plunges into a despair of darkness around you, Darte.*
  287. <DM> *Darte, you find yourself falling... falling and falling... into your own shadow. You continue to fall infinitely, increasing in velocity, until you exceed the capacity for the speed of logic.*
  288. <DM> *You pass out momentarily.*
  289. <DM> *You awaken... and find yourself at the depths of despair. You see Ramsey in a corner, and Fran continuing to explode in another corner.*
  290. * Darte begins to gibber madly.
  291. <DM> *You hear Ramsey curse under his breath... "Curse you Zoidberg!"*
  292. <DM> *Suddenly, Zoidberg appears behind you Darte.*
  293. <DM> *You pass out again.*
  294. <DM> *You finally reappear, one more time... hearing a man rapping "VIDEOGAAAAAMEZ", and now you exist as a hamburger. Welcome to Cuil Land.*
  295. <DM> *The rest of you look for Darte, but he's no longer there with you all.*
  296. <DM> *Darte has died. Congrats on your 10!*
  297. <DM> *Also, your coin is stuck to the concrete floor where you once were.*
  298. <Darte> $removeme
  299. <Tatl> Darte has removed theirself from battle.
  300. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5) and Dex (1).
  301. <DM> *Your shadow has been solved! And so have you.*
  302. <Kirran> Well, this sucks.
  303. <Shadow> ... would someone like to tell me what just happened?
  304. <Kirran> Dex won, Darte's gone, and I've got no invisibility potion.
  305. <Shadow> I'm pretty sure I didn't cause that.
  306. <Kirran> Hell if I know.
  307. <Dex> Flip your coin fool.
  308. <Shadow> WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP
  309. <Dex> What's the worst that could happen?
  310. <Red_Enrics> (WHAT THE HELL, MUMBLE.)
  311. <Shadow> ... weird... I felt like I was possessed for a moment.
  312. <DM> *The Essence of Zoidberg goes to haunt Darte's ghost.*
  313. * Darte is now known as Dead_Darte
  314. <Dead_Darte> ;~;
  315. * Fireblast124 has quit (Connection reset by peer)
  316. <Kirran> Um, honestly, I'd drop it except I feel like it would interpret that action as a flip.
  317. <Kirran> I've got bad enough luck without tempting fate. Or Raine.
  318. * Fireblast124 ( has joined #zurpg
  319. * ChanServ gives voice to Fireblast124
  320. <Raine> Tee hee...
  321. <DM> (you know...)
  322. <DM> (you could try to have Raine flip the coin instead of you)
  323. <Dex> DO IT
  324. <Red_Enrics> (THRILLER NIGHT)
  326. <Kirran> Raine, come sit on my shoulder.
  327. <DM> (just make sure, state the problem before you flip the coin)
  329. <Raine> Sure thing boss.
  330. * Dead_Darte peers into my inventory.
  332. <Dead_Darte> "...oh. OH."
  333. <Dex> DO IT
  334. * Kirran backs himself to a corner.
  335. * Dead_Darte uncorks a bottle with his phantom hands.
  336. <Red_Enrics> (I am just dying right now due to the voice chat.)
  337. <Dead_Darte> A fairy floats out and farts in Darte's general direction before flitting away.
  338. <Dead_Darte> 3h18m
  339. * Dead_Darte is now known as Darte
  340. <Darte> "....What. Was. That."
  341. <Raine> Lizard man, you flip your own coins.
  342. <Darte> $join
  343. <Darte> $init join
  344. <Tatl> Darte has entered the fray.
  345. <DM> *Darte, you revive. As you do, you hear "WOOOOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP WOOP" before fully rematerializing. Your shadow also reappears.*
  346. <DM> $turns
  347. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1) and Darte (0).
  348. * Kirran has done his best to minimize his shadow by standing with Raine in a corner.
  349. <Kirran> $endturn
  350. <Tatl> Kirran has ended their turn.
  351. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1) and Darte (0).
  352. * Dex flips Kirran's coin for him.
  353. <DM> *Kirran, as you attempt to minimize your shadow with Raine's light, the wall's light switches off you. Your shadow now exists due to Raine's light.*
  354. <Kirran> 0-0
  355. <DM> *Dex, you will have to use Steal for that to work.*
  356. <DM> *Also, if you do that, you will break from Camouflage.*
  357. * Darte flinches at the eldritch sound.
  358. * Fireblast124 has quit (Quit: Bed)
  359. <Dex> Hmmm.
  360. <Kirran> Well Dex, if you've got any bright ideas for erasing the rest of our shadows, the class would love for you to share.
  361. <Kirran> Short of that, I've got nothing.
  362. * Dex paints Kirran with invisible ink.
  363. * Dex paints everyone else with inivisible ink.
  365. <DM> *You have no invisible ink.*
  366. <Dex> Whatchu gunna do now DM
  367. <Dex> Well of course I don't I used it all up painting them.
  368. <Kirran> (If he did, you wouldn't be able to see it DM.)
  369. <Dex> $endturn
  370. <Tatl> Dex has ended their turn.
  371. <Tatl> ROUND 2: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1) and Darte (0).
  372. <Kirran> And anyways, I'm not chancing going out Darte-style. I'd have to flip two coins to survive that.
  373. <Kirran> Unless you guys favor the idea of being covered in Kirran-bits.
  374. <Raine> Just like a cereal...
  375. <Raine> : D
  376. <Dex> I'm ok with that on a personal level.
  377. <DM> (oh right, forgot to log its stats)
  378. <Shadow> ??h | 6 Lights (7 including Raine) | 16 Power from Stat Copy
  379. <DM> *... annnd Darte, it totally shouldn't be your turn.*
  380. <DM> *so....
  381. <Darte> $endturn
  382. <Tatl> Darte has ended their turn.
  383. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1) and Darte (0).
  384. <DM> *Something made of fire begins to form near the ceiling.*
  385. <Shadow> I grow bored with you all...
  386. <DM> [???]: Maaaaybeeeeee IIIII can beeee of uuuuuuse!
  387. <DM> *You hear a loud whisper that attacks your eyes as a set of fire claws materializes near the ceiling.*
  388. <DM> [???]: It is I... the Essence... of Betrayal!
  389. <Kirran> Wat
  390. * X__X is now known as Betrayal
  391. <Betrayal> $init j
  392. <Tatl> Betrayal has entered the fray.
  393. <DM> stats -
  394. <Shadow> $endturn
  395. <Tatl> Shadow has ended their turn.
  396. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  397. <Shadow> Good, something that will entertain me has arrived.
  398. * Red_Enrics flopity flips his coin
  399. <Red_Enrics> $1d10
  400. <Tatl> Red_Enrics: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 7. Total: 7. Successes: 1.
  401. <DM> (name your problem)
  402. <Red_Enrics> (I'm not invisible.)
  403. <Kirran>
  404. <DM> (from now on, if you flip the coin before stating the problem, you will have to reroll... I'll let this one slide)
  405. <Red_Enrics> (I blame Dex.)
  406. <Dex> I think potassium and oxygen are O K
  407. <DM> (roll $1d2)
  408. <Red_Enrics> $1d2
  409. <Tatl> Red_Enrics: You flipped 1 coin. Values: Heads (1). Results: 1 Head (1) - 0 Tails (2).
  410. <DM> *Something good happens to you all!*
  411. <Kirran> (Would not have called that.)
  412. <DM> *Null Field no longer blocks recovery. Red_Enrics, you become invisible. This will last until you're either hit or you do an action (simple movement will not break invisibility).*
  413. <Red_Enrics> (I am confusled)
  414. <Red_Enrics> (I'll flip it at the essence of betrayel.)
  415. <DM> *Your coin flies into the air.... roll Courage to determine how high it goes)
  416. <Red_Enrics> $44d10
  417. <Tatl> Red_Enrics: You rolled 44 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 6, 2, 2, 9, 4, 7, 3, 6, 3, 6, 8, 7, 7, 1, 3, 7, 4, 1, 7, 1, 2, 4, 9, 3, 1, 9, 7, 2, 6, 1, 6, 7, 2, 1, 4, 7, 5, 1, 2, 7, 10, 9 and 3. Total: 212. Successes: 24.
  418. <DM> *Betrayal is 20 feet into the air, so you'll need to beat 20 successes*
  419. <DM> *The coin lands pokes one of Betrayal's eyes out. It now has a permanent eyepatch, and it takes 1 damage.*
  422. <Betrayal> WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!
  423. <Red_Enrics> EYEGOUGER BIATCH
  424. <Shadow> What's with those coins?
  425. <Betrayal> How did you get that stuck to me?! I'm made of FIRE!
  426. <Red_Enrics> 37h 11m | Stealing Dex's Moves
  427. <Kirran> Back door solutions to problems.
  428. <Red_Enrics> $endturn
  429. <Tatl> Red_Enrics has ended their turn.
  430. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  431. * Darte steal's Kirran's turn
  432. <Kirran> Wat
  433. <Red_Enrics> (Moooooooooo)
  434. <Kirran> Raine's roll
  435. <Kirran> $1d2
  436. <Tatl> Kirran: You flipped 1 coin. Values: Tails (2). Results: 0 Heads (1) - 1 Tail (2).
  437. * Darte sips on a Red Potion.
  438. <DM> *Raine remains a great big ball of light.*
  439. <Darte> 13h18m
  440. <Darte> $endturn
  441. <Tatl> Darte: You cannot end somebody else's turn. Wait until your turn comes up.
  442. <DM> (I'll hit $endturn when it comes to your turn, Darte)
  443. * Kirran bottles the errant fairy. She's just causing too much trouble for the moment.
  444. <Darte> otay ;_;
  445. <DM> *You bottle Raine. She pokes the inside of the bottle and mopes. ;_;*
  446. <Kirran> So the darkness was everywhere, and we needed to hit it all at once. The light was regenerative, and needed to be covered.
  447. <Kirran> Shadow depends on light, but there's no apparent way to get rid of it's lights, nor is there a way to harm it, since it's our shadows.
  448. <DM> *By the way, Betrayal is 20 feet in the air. If anyone wants to attack it in melee, you'll have to first roll Courage vs. 20 successes to get that high.*
  449. <Dex> You're the only one still visible.
  450. <Kirran> Thanks Dex, for that.
  451. <Kirran> >_>
  452. <Darte> (
  453. <DM> *Both Darte and Kirran are visible currently.*
  454. <Dex> i thought darte was in some sort of weird hell shadow dimension
  455. * Betrayal is also visible... and it's casting a shadow, though it's a fluctuating shadow.
  456. <Kirran> We don't win this fight by turning invisible. Mostly because most of us can't.
  457. <DM> *Darte transported himself back via fairy.*
  458. <Dex> ohhhhhhhhhhhh
  459. <Dex> oh
  460. * DM pokes Kirran with a stick.
  461. <DM> (1 minute till auto-$endturn)
  462. <DM> *Fyi, Higher Capacity does not proc on costs.*
  463. <DM> (warning given, it's been a minute)
  464. <DM> $endturn
  465. <Tatl> DM has ended Kirran's turn.
  466. <Kirran> $endturn
  467. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  468. <Tatl> Kirran: You cannot end somebody else's turn. Wait until your turn comes up.
  469. <DM> (lol)
  470. * Kirran sits in his corner and pouts.
  471. <Dex> ok
  472. <Dex> gunna gouge the betrayer
  473. <DM> *Kirran, you look just like Raine. Now that Raine is no longer causing a light, one of the wall lights redirects onto you.*
  474. <Dex> $41d10
  475. <Tatl> Dex: You rolled 41 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 3, 10, 1, 9, 2, 4, 5, 10, 3, 7, 9, 3, 8, 7, 2, 3, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 6, 9, 6, 2, 10, 3, 2, 4, 2, 8, 3, 5, 7, 5, 7, 7, 3 and 5. Total: 214. Successes: 27.
  476. <DM> *You successfully leap into the air on level with Betrayal!*
  477. <Dex> $48d10
  478. <Tatl> Dex: You rolled 48 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 6, 2, 9, 3, 10, 4, 5, 5, 4, 5, 2, 9, 6, 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1, 5, 2, 8, 4, 1, 10, 8, 1, 3, 3, 1, 9, 5, 8, 4, 7, 2, 6, 7, 10, 9, 6, 4, 9, 10, 6, 5 and 7. Total: 258. Successes: 33.
  479. <Betrayal> $15d10
  480. <Tatl> Betrayal: You rolled 15 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 7, 8, 4, 2, 4, 6, 9, 4, 8, 6, 7, 9, 7 and 2. Total: 87. Successes: 9.
  481. <Dex> roll vs courage
  482. <Dex> 29 damage
  483. * Betrayal takes 29 damage... Dex, you take 29 burn damage.
  484. <Dex> i might have just killed myself
  485. * Kirran slow claps
  486. <Kirran> The mission in which every character commited suicide to win the trial.
  487. <Darte> \Don't jinx it, we haven't won yet.
  488. <DM> *Dex, you rip out the Betrayal's eyes, including the stuck coin. You also burn yourself to death.*
  489. <Kirran> Not all of us have killed ourselves.
  490. <Dex> yeah im down
  491. <Betrayal> Gah!
  492. <Dex> $endturn
  493. <Tatl> Dex has ended their turn.
  494. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  495. <Dex> 0h 12m
  496. <Darte> Good point. Get busy, then!
  497. <Darte> $endturn
  498. <Tatl> Darte has ended their turn.
  499. <Tatl> ROUND 3: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  500. <Betrayal> 11h | Loss of depth perception | Partially blind
  501. <Betrayal> Hmph, it's good I'm looking at this around from an outside source.
  502. <Kirran> Wishing I had that level of insight at this point.
  504. * Betrayal looks and sees... Kirran and Darte.
  505. <DM> *Red_Enrics is still invisible.*
  506. * Kirran waves at betrayal.
  507. * Betrayal sees Kirran moping in a corner... and Darte not mopping.
  508. <Betrayal> Ahh, I have found myself a target...
  509. <Kirran> A sad little wave.
  510. * Darte is sweeping instead.
  511. * Betrayal tries to use Mind Control on Darte!....
  512. <Betrayal> $1d3
  513. <Tatl> Betrayal: You rolled 1 Die with 3 Sides. Result: 3. Total: 3.
  514. <Betrayal> (Roll Wisdom!)
  515. <Darte> $30d10
  516. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 30 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 1, 6, 10, 1, 1, 1, 6, 7, 8, 7, 3, 8, 10, 9, 10, 9, 8, 5, 1, 10, 9, 3, 7, 7, 7, 8, 9, 3 and 7. Total: 184. Successes: 25.
  517. <Betrayal> $40d10
  518. <Tatl> Betrayal: You rolled 40 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 3, 8, 2, 10, 8, 2, 1, 9, 9, 10, 9, 6, 7, 5, 6, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3, 8, 2, 7, 5, 7, 4, 1, 3, 2, 7, 10, 5, 5, 1, 5, 8, 5 and 9. Total: 209. Successes: 27.
  519. * Betrayal takes control of Darte!
  520. <Darte> ;_;
  521. <Darte> ;u;
  522. <Darte> ^u^
  523. <Shadow> Hmm, someone actually hit me earlier. Interesting.
  524. <Betrayal> $endturn
  525. <Tatl> Betrayal has ended their turn.
  526. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  527. * Shadow uses Mind Control on Kirran! (Roll Wisdom)
  528. <Shadow> $40d10
  529. <Tatl> Shadow: You rolled 40 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 5, 3, 5, 7, 8, 7, 2, 5, 7, 6, 10, 9, 8, 2, 1, 1, 2, 9, 1, 2, 1, 10, 8, 2, 7, 5, 10, 6, 7, 8, 8, 3, 2, 7, 9, 5, 6, 3 and 8. Total: 224. Successes: 30.
  530. <Kirran> (Is it a spell?)
  531. <DM> (yes)
  532. <Kirran> $36d10
  533. <Tatl> Kirran: You rolled 36 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 6, 4, 2, 10, 10, 2, 7, 4, 8, 3, 3, 1, 8, 7, 7, 10, 5, 10, 8, 1, 4, 8, 9, 6, 1, 7, 6, 2, 7, 4, 8, 8, 6, 7 and 5. Total: 210. Successes: 28.
  534. * Kirran throws a reroll at the shadow
  535. <Shadow> hang on
  536. <DM> (what's your shadow and light affinities?
  537. <Kirran> shadow: 2, light: 3
  538. <Shadow> +6 successes, -2 successes... +4 successes total
  539. <Shadow> $40d10
  540. <Tatl> Shadow: You rolled 40 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 2, 9, 2, 4, 10, 1, 4, 1, 5, 9, 4, 6, 6, 10, 8, 4, 8, 10, 8, 6, 3, 9, 4, 5, 6, 1, 8, 8, 6, 7, 7, 9, 1, 6, 5, 8, 9, 3 and 2. Total: 229. Successes: 29.
  541. * Shadow takes control of Kirran.
  542. <Kirran> Dammit...
  543. <Shadow> Ahh, I have control over one of my own bretheren...
  544. <Betrayal> 11h | Loss of Depth Perception | Blind | Controlling Darte
  545. <Kirran> Isn't the worst thing that's happened to me today.
  546. <Kirran> Go poking around in there, you might call up images of naked fishmen. Just saying...
  547. <Shadow> ??h | 6 Lights | 16 Power, 40 Wisdom | Controlling Kirran
  548. <Shadow> $endturn
  549. <Tatl> Shadow has ended their turn.
  550. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Shadow (10), Red_Enrics (8), Kirran (5), Dex (1), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  551. <DM> *Red_Enrics, you continue to be invisible.*
  552. * Lightwulf ( has joined #zurpg
  553. <DM> (Lightwulf, to #zuchat you go)
  554. * Red_Enrics is stillllll thinking. (Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
  555. <DM> (one minute to auto-$endturn)
  556. <Red_Enrics> Fuck it
  557. <Kirran> So, how are you doing, essence of shadow controller?
  558. <Red_Enrics> Worth losing invisibility
  559. * Red_Enrics strikes the Essence of Betrayel with a scythe. (CouragE)
  560. <Red_Enrics> $46d10
  561. <Tatl> Red_Enrics: You rolled 46 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 4, 1, 7, 2, 9, 2, 4, 1, 8, 10, 5, 6, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 4, 2, 4, 6, 2, 10, 4, 6, 7, 7, 1, 1, 9, 1, 10, 4, 4, 3, 8, 6, 2, 10, 1, 6, 6, 10, 2 and 5. Total: 228. Successes: 28.
  562. <DM> *You successfully jump up to Betrayal!*
  563. <Red_Enrics> $46d10
  564. <Tatl> Red_Enrics: You rolled 46 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 10, 9, 2, 8, 7, 2, 10, 9, 8, 5, 8, 1, 9, 8, 10, 9, 5, 1, 8, 9, 6, 6, 10, 6, 4, 8, 3, 6, 6, 9, 8, 3, 10, 8, 5, 6, 10, 9, 1, 10, 6, 3, 5, 5 and 9. Total: 301. Successes: 43.
  565. <Betrayal> $15d10
  566. <Tatl> Betrayal: You rolled 15 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 4, 1, 8, 7, 10, 9, 9, 5, 4, 10, 6, 2, 8 and 2. Total: 87. Successes: 11.
  567. <Betrayal> oh right
  568. <Betrayal> $5d10
  569. <Tatl> Betrayal: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 4, 7, 10 and 5. Total: 30. Successes: 4.
  570. <Red_Enrics> 43-11 = 32 Damage
  571. <Betrayal> make that 7 successes
  572. <Red_Enrics> ....
  573. <Kirran> Yep, everyone has now killed themselves once except me. And I doubt the solution to this puzzle was suicide.
  574. <Red_Enrics> FUCK
  575. * Red_Enrics explodes
  576. <Red_Enrics> $removeme
  577. <Tatl> Red_Enrics has removed theirself from battle.
  578. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Shadow (10), Kirran (5), Dex (1), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  579. <Red_Enrics> 0h 11m |Nope
  580. <Kirran> Can you just flip the coin for me?
  581. <Kirran> Or make me do a silly dance.
  582. <Kirran> It would kind of capstone this particular experience, I feel.
  583. <DM> *Red_Enrics, as you eliminate the Essence of Betrayal with a sweep of your scythe, its fires wrap around you. Michael Bay orchestrates the particles of the flames, and you explode spectacularly, briefly fully illuminating the room for a moment.*
  584. <Dex> $removeme
  585. <Tatl> Dex has removed theirself from battle.
  586. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Shadow (10), Kirran (5), Darte (0) and Betrayal (0).
  587. <Dex> i totally forgot to remove myself
  588. <Betrayal> $removeme
  589. <Tatl> Betrayal has removed theirself from battle.
  590. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Shadow (10), Kirran (5) and Darte (0).
  591. <Betrayal> Alas, I am defeated...
  592. * Betrayal is now known as X__X
  593. <Dex> And you suck cocks.
  594. <DM> (hang on)
  595. * Lightwulf has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  596. <Shadow> <Shadow> ??h | 6 Lights | 16 Power, 46 Courage, 40 Wisdom | Controlling Kirran
  597. <DM> *Kirran and Darte, you both notice something about your remaining shadows...
  598. <DM> *Your shadows are bleeding.*
  599. <Kirran> Creepy.
  600. <DM> *But you yourselves are not bleeding.*
  601. <Shadow> Hmm, what shall I do with you...
  602. <Kirran> I still vote humilating dance.
  605. * Shadow has Kirran use PSI Strike on Darte! (Roll Wisdom)
  606. <Shadow> $32d10
  607. <Tatl> Shadow: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 4, 9, 1, 5, 9, 6, 10, 7, 3, 8, 9, 6, 6, 7, 5, 9, 5, 1, 9, 2, 8, 3, 6, 2, 1, 8, 6, 6, 5, 3 and 1. Total: 171. Successes: 22.
  608. <Shadow> +2 successes
  609. <Darte> $32d10
  610. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 7, 6, 8, 1, 8, 7, 4, 5, 3, 3, 8, 6, 5, 6, 10, 7, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5, 10, 6, 2, 9, 8, 4, 8, 7, 1 and 8. Total: 183. Successes: 24.
  611. <DM> (it's using Kirran's stats, not its own)
  612. <DM> ROLLOFF
  613. <Shadow> $32d10
  614. <Tatl> Shadow: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 2, 3, 7, 9, 8, 4, 9, 3, 1, 4, 8, 8, 1, 9, 9, 5, 10, 1, 10, 10, 8, 2, 9, 9, 2, 3, 8, 9, 1, 1 and 5. Total: 186. Successes: 22.
  615. <Shadow> +2 successes
  616. <Darte> $32d10
  617. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 2, 7, 2, 8, 6, 6, 5, 7, 6, 5, 10, 10, 1, 8, 1, 10, 6, 10, 3, 2, 1, 4, 4, 8, 3, 8, 6, 3, 3, 9 and 10. Total: 175. Successes: 24.
  619. <Kirran> Wow
  620. <DM> REALLY?!
  621. <DM> .........rolloff
  622. <Shadow> $32d10
  623. <Darte> tsk tsk Tatl
  624. <Tatl> Shadow: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 7, 1, 10, 2, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 6, 1, 5, 8, 10, 3, 6, 7, 3, 7, 7, 5, 10, 3, 7, 3, 5, 10, 6, 1, 6 and 3. Total: 175. Successes: 26.
  625. <Darte> $32d10
  626. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 8, 5, 7, 6, 3, 10, 3, 10, 4, 1, 10, 8, 6, 9, 1, 4, 7, 1, 7, 5, 2, 2, 8, 4, 4, 3, 10, 2, 8, 5 and 9. Total: 173. Successes: 22.
  627. <DM> *Kirran, controlled by the Shadow, fires a blast of darkness at Darte, dealing 28 - 22 = 6 damage - defense
  628. <Darte> 3 damage
  629. <Darte> 10h18m
  630. <Shadow> ??h | 6 Lights | 16 Power, 46 Courage, 32 Wisdom | Controlling Kirran
  631. <DM> $endturn
  632. <Tatl> DM has ended Kirran's turn.
  633. <Tatl> ROUND 4: Shadow (10), Kirran (5) and Darte (0).
  634. * Darte 's eyes widen in fear.
  635. <Darte> "Kirran, what are you doing? You're gonna get us killed!"
  636. * Kirran is still thinking furiously at his controller.
  637. <Darte> (pretty much every console RPG gamer ever)(
  638. * DM thinks furiously at what he's controlling, which is controlling something furiously that's thinking furiously about what's controlling him about what's controlling him.
  639. * DM unthinks himself.
  640. * Kirran slips in spirit behind the fourth wall through so much thinking.
  641. <Kirran> Oh, that's what Dex was always talking about.
  642. <DM> Get off my bridge!
  643. * DM kicks Kirran out of the fourth wall and back into the room.
  644. <DM> *Kirran, you regain control of yourself. What.*
  645. * Kirran is feeling more enlightened
  646. <Shadow> How did I lose control suddenly? It's like... a greater force... suddenly altered existence.
  647. * X__X is now known as Zoidberg
  649. * Zoidberg is now known as X___X
  650. <Kirran> Hey Darte, why are our shadows bleeding?
  651. <Kirran> Because that is seriously creeping me out, and it's the only hint we've had this whole time about what to do.
  652. * Darte blinks and grins.
  653. <Kirran> And I'm not punching the ground, so don't even say it.
  654. <DM> *Hmm, what would've caused your shadows to bleed?*
  655. <Kirran> Exploding fire
  656. * Kirran tries his best to summon Vincent, master of explosions.
  657. <DM> *Vincent unappears before himself. It appears to have not worked.*
  658. <Kirran> Alas...
  659. <DM> (1 minute to auto-$endturn)
  660. * Darte whips out his Bloody Edge.
  661. <Kirran> Well Darte, you could roll a bomb across the room and try that.
  662. <Kirran> Or you can go crazy again...
  663. * Darte grimaces. "I'd rather not wipe you out just yet, 'defiler'."
  664. * Darte launches himself at Kirran...
  665. * Darte and swipes at his shadow.
  666. <Kirran> ...........................................................................................
  667. <Darte> $44d10
  668. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 44 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 5, 6, 8, 10, 4, 3, 6, 6, 1, 10, 6, 6, 5, 10, 3, 10, 5, 1, 3, 2, 3, 2, 4, 1, 1, 8, 5, 3, 10, 4, 4, 7, 9, 3, 8, 8, 2, 9, 9, 9, 4, 1 and 4. Total: 236. Successes: 29.
  669. <DM> *Your sword strikes the ground with a CLANG, scraping the concrete floor.*
  670. <Shadow> ??h | 6 Lights | 16 Power, 44 Courage, 32 Wisdom
  671. <Kirran> What the hell was that?
  672. <Shadow> Close, but not quite.
  673. * Darte snarls.
  674. <Darte> $endturn
  675. <Tatl> Darte has ended their turn.
  676. <Tatl> ROUND 5: Shadow (10), Kirran (5) and Darte (0).
  677. <Dex> dont forget you could summon the essence of unseen
  678. <Shadow> Well, I still have Mind Control... might as well try the other one.
  679. * Darte holds up the Bloody Edge, tsking at the chipped blade.
  680. * Shadow tries to use Mind Control on Darte! (Roll Wisdom)
  681. <Shadow> $32d10
  682. <Tatl> Shadow: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 10, 6, 6, 9, 6, 10, 8, 6, 2, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8, 7, 7, 1, 4, 8, 3, 10, 2, 10, 9, 10, 9, 9, 5, 9, 9 and 6. Total: 216. Successes: 31.
  683. <Darte> $32d10
  684. <Shadow> +6 successes
  685. <Tatl> Darte: You rolled 32 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 2, 3, 9, 10, 7, 6, 5, 6, 3, 8, 7, 1, 1, 3, 10, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 6, 4, 2, 6, 3, 1, 10, 7, 8, 7 and 8. Total: 161. Successes: 19.
  686. <Kirran> Try it on me again, Shadow.
  687. * Shadow takes control of Darte and drains... 35 - 19 = 16 magic from him.
  688. * Darte turns to Kirran, horrified. "No. HIT ME"
  689. <Darte> 10h2m
  690. <Shadow> ??h | 6 Lights | 16 Power, 44 Courage, 32 Wisdom
  691. <Shadow> $endturn
  692. <Tatl> Shadow has ended their turn.
  693. <Tatl> ROUND 5: Shadow (10), Kirran (5) and Darte (0).
  694. <Darte> 10h2m | Marionette of the Shadows
  695. * Kirran looks at the shadows again.
  696. <DM> *The shadows are bleeding out. Your shadows seem to be gasping and tired.*
  697. <DM> *Darte, the Shadow has control of your actions, but not your speech.*
  698. <Dex> do some aerobic exercises
  699. <Dex> your shadows have been neglecting their cardio
  700. <Kirran> The shadow or the man...
  701. <DM> *Your corpse fails to emit something audiable, dead lizard.*
  702. <Darte> "KILL. ME."
  703. <Dex> knocked out thank you very much
  704. <Dex> its like pokemon
  705. <Dex> i fainted
  706. <Kirran> I won't.
  707. <Darte> "You heard what it said. No-one has ever passed this test. Why do you think that is?"
  708. <Kirran> Because my tribe are kind of bastards like that and don't particularly like to give clues about this kind of thing.
  709. <Dex> FRIGGIN HIT HIM
  710. <Dex> YOU NANCY
  712. <Kirran> Downside of being shadow folk.
  713. <Shadow> Hmm, this one's abilities seem to equal your own. Are you sure you want to attack him?
  714. * Red_Enrics is now known as Red`s_Head
  715. <Red`s_Head> GET ON WITH IT
  716. <DM> (1 minute to auto-$endturn)
  717. <Kirran> Our shadows are bleeding. Why? We haven't hit each other, yet they weaken.
  718. <Darte> "There's no time!"
  719. <Darte> "We've struck those with shadows down. It's WEAKENING IT."
  720. * Kirran stands right next to Darte so the shadows overlap, then strikes the ground with his sword.
  721. <Darte> "These shadows are not our own!"
  722. * Maliki ( has joined #zurpg
  723. <DM> (rolling?
  724. <Kirran> (Courage)
  725. <Kirran> $37d10
  726. <Tatl> Kirran: You rolled 37 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 8, 8, 4, 5, 2, 5, 5, 1, 5, 1, 7, 8, 5, 4, 4, 2, 5, 4, 8, 3, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 1, 1, 5, 7, 9, 7, 4, 5, 4, 9 and 4. Total: 166. Successes: 17.
  727. <DM> *Kirran, you stab the ground. Your sword bounces off the concrete.*
  728. <Shadow> It seems this game is over.
  729. * Kirran throws a reroll at himself because why not
  730. <Kirran> $37d10
  731. <Tatl> Kirran: You rolled 37 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 3, 2, 1, 4, 10, 7, 7, 3, 9, 8, 10, 7, 7, 2, 7, 1, 9, 6, 6, 8, 8, 9, 7, 4, 5, 2, 9, 8, 6, 8, 7, 7, 6, 6, 4 and 7. Total: 229. Successes: 29.
  732. * Darte wails in pure terror.
  733. <DM> *Your sword just barely pierces the concrete.*
  734. <Kirran> Eat frustration, stupid concrete.
  735. <Shadow> Sorry, wrong target.
  736. <DM> ($endturn?)
  737. <Kirran> $endturn
  738. <Tatl> Kirran has ended their turn.
  739. <Tatl> ROUND 5: Shadow (10), Kirran (5) and Darte (0).
  740. * Shadow has Darte sit in the corner.
  741. <DM> $endturn
  742. <Tatl> DM has ended Darte's turn.
  743. <Tatl> ROUND 6: Shadow (10), Kirran (5) and Darte (0).
  744. <DM> $init r
  745. <Tatl> DM: The bot has been reset.
  746. <Shadow> It is unfortunate.
  747. <Shadow> You have lost the trial. A pity, because you did hit me, several times.
  748. <Kirran> I'd have killed for some deku nuts, honestly.
  749. * Red`s_Head rematerializes
  750. <Shadow> Indeed.
  751. * Red`s_Head is now known as Red_Enrics
  752. * Shadow reveals his final stats.
  753. <Shadow> 23h | 6 Lights | 16 Power, 37 Courage, 32 Wisdom
  754. <Shadow> 23/75h | 6 Lights | 16 Power, 37 Courage, 32 Wisdom
  755. <Darte>
  756. <Shadow> That explosion hurt quite a bit... the fact it blotted me out was rather... painful.
  757. <DM> *Dex and Red_Enrics, you both revive.*
  758. <Red_Enrics> Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
  759. <Red_Enrics> rejgo0iw4j
  760. <Shadow> Kirran... the reason no one passed this trial....
  761. <Shadow> No one was willing to attack their true shadows.
  762. <Shadow> Themselves.
  764. <Kirran> I'm ashamed to say the thought crossed my mind...
  765. <Kirran> but I overthought it.
  766. <Dex> Also I can't believe you guys lost after I killed myself to bring down Essence of Betrayal
  767. <Shadow> Nonetheless, all of you have passed two trials.
  768. <Kirran> Wait, so you're saying the solution actually was suicide?
  769. <Red_Enrics> How was I suppose to know that Betrayel would blow me up
  770. <Shadow> Yes. Suicide through physical attacks.
  772. <Kirran> Wow...
  773. <Shadow> Impa should be here soon...
  774. <Shadow> She will give you all your reward.
  775. <Shadow> Until then...
  776. <Kirran> I still can't divinve the purpose of the trial.
  777. <Kirran> Why is self-harm the answer?
  778. * Shadow stops speaking. Your shadows fade out for an instant before returning to normal.
  780. * Kirran sighs.
  782. <DM> [???]: It is not self-harm.
  783. <DM> [???]: It is the ability to defeat and overcome one's self.
  784. <DM> *You hear a deep, deep voice, coming from directly above you.*
  785. * Shadow is now known as X_X
  786. <Kirran> Would we not have been better served fighting through Link's trial against his shadow self?
  787. <Dex> Impa sure sounds manly now.
  788. <DM> [???]: Hmph. I am not Impa.
  789. <DM> [???]: I... heh heh heh heh...
  790. <Kirran> I do NOT like that laugh.
  791. <DM> [???]: Impa will not be seeing you just yet.
  792. <Dex> You heh heh heh heh?
  793. <Red_Enrics> Igor? I know that laugh
  794. <Dex> This also means that we won't be seeing Impa yet!
  795. <DM> [???]: I am the Essence of Command.
  796. <Dex> LOGIC!
  797. * X_X is now known as Command
  799. <Red_Enrics> YA WANKA
  800. <Kirran> Man, there's an essence for everything.
  801. <Command> Some of you may know me under a different name...
  803. <Red_Enrics> THe essence of
  804. <Red_Enrics> Beer?
  806. <Command> That is Rokan's lance, Sheikah, is it not?
  807. <Kirran> It is.
  808. <Command> Excellent. I shall kill its new user too.
  809. <Kirran> Oh shiiii....
  811. <Dex> I COMMAND IT
  812. <Command> I am Garunoff, Essence of Command. You shall all serve me... or die!
  813. <DM> -=QUEST PAUSE=-
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