
{NEW} Discovery Son Hyungjoon

Jun 23rd, 2019
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  1. Username: @GlisteningHobi
  2. First slot pick: Anthem
  3. Backup slot: ---
  4. First faceclaim choice: Rocky (Astro)
  5. Backup faceclaim: Yoonbin (Treasure13)
  6. Rate your activity: 8.5/10
  7. Message: I hope you like the way you are doing this new and improved apply fic. I am enjoying it so far and I love the aesthetics.
  9. Full name: Son Hyungjoon (손 현준)
  10. Other names: n/a
  11. Nicknames: Joon | Joonie the Menace | Satan | Lucifer | Troublemaker
  12. Years of age: Intl; 19 Krn; 20
  13. Birthday: 1st January 2000
  14. Birthplace: Busan, South Korea
  15. Hometown: Gwangju, South Korea
  16. Nationality: Korean
  17. Ethnicity: Korean
  18. Sexuality: Heterosexual
  19. Height: 177cm (5'10)
  20. Weight: 63kg (138 lbs)
  21. Known languages: Korean
  23. Background: Hyungjoon was born in Busan however, he and his family moved to Gwangju, South Korea. His mum, left him when he turned 5 to start a new life with another man and his children. Hyungjoon was always starting trouble, whether it was arguments in school or messing with his neighbourhood. Many people were not very fond of his behaviour and he would often be called a "problem child" or a "mistake". In school, he was constantly in detentions and getting expelled due to always being a nuisance in school towards teachers and the students. At first, he didn't use to purposefully cause trouble however, he started to crave for attention and did the only thing that he knew, cause trouble. His father was never really supportive of him or very fond of him, his dad hated him and his behaviour. In school, he got into a fight with another student however, he did not reaveal the reason why the fight was started. He was told to either reveal the reason behind the fight or to be sent to the camp. The reason behind the fight was that the boy constantly made hurtful and inappropriate comments about his mum, and finally he lost it and lashed out at him. The reason behind his change of behaviour was because since he was never payed attention to and he never really recieved love from his parents, he decided that any attention was fine with him.
  25. Personality:
  26. + Menace; he is constantly causing trouble wherever he is and he is so used to doing this, that it has been internalised and it just comes natural to him to start trouble.
  27. + Misunderstood; people definitely have a certain perception of him and he hates how nobody tries to dig deeper and see what he is really like.
  28. + Nonconformist; he does not like being the same as other people and he prides himself on being true to himself and his values.
  29. + Attention-seeker; he sometimes does things just for attention because he just feels like he needs someone to invest their time on him and pay attention on him.
  30. + Troublesome; he is just not very well behaved.
  31. + Careless; he is quite impulsive and does not think before she acts.
  32. + Confident; he is very secure in himself and does not shy away from people. He is able to speak his mind and socialise with people very easily.
  33. + Understanding; he is a very understanding guy and he is a really good person to have deep conversations with since he has a different outlook on life.
  34. + Sharp-tongued; he is really good at insulting people and he knows how to insult people where it will actually hurt them. He only does this when the person has truly offended him.
  36. Family:
  37. Son Eunji | Mum | 48
  38. Son Haneul | Dad | 45
  39. Allergies:
  40. + Hayfever
  41. Diagnoses:
  42. + Athazagoraphobia; this is a fear of being forgotten or ignored
  44. Habits/quirks:
  45. + Licking his lips
  46. + Sniffing
  47. + Washing his hands
  48. + Clicking his neck, back and knuckles
  49. + Running his fingers through his hair
  50. + Zoning out at random times
  51. + When he is stressed out, he constantly chews gum and one time he finished a jumbo pack of gum in 3 days.
  54. + Being the centre of attention
  55. + Socialising
  56. + Going on late night walks
  57. + Riding his skateboard
  58. + Drawing/painting on his canvas
  59. + Wearing snapbacks
  60. + Exercising/boxing
  61. + Deep conversations
  63. Dislikes:
  64. + Being ignored or interrupted
  65. + Talking about his parents, especially his mum
  66. + Showing vulnerability
  67. + Being lied to
  68. + Snow
  69. + People forgetting things that he has told them
  71. Positive traits: min of 4 max of 6
  72. + Very honest; Hyungjoon is generally a very honest person and is not usually one to lie unless it is really necessary. He hates it when other people lie.
  73. + Loyal; he is an extremely loyal guy and sticks by a person through thick and thin. This is because this is what he wants in his life, he wants trustworthy friends who have his back.
  74. + Intelligent; he is a smart guy but noone noticed this since he was always in and out of school.
  75. + Understanding; he is a very understanding person and likes digging deeper into someone's personality instead of judging them by their exterior personality.
  77. Negative traits:
  78. + Short-tempered; he is quite easily annoyed and when he is angry, he is very hard to control.
  79. + Honesty; he is very honest however, his honesty can get him into trouble and this is usually when he is too honest.
  80. + Stubborn; Hyungjoon can be quite a stubborn person and this is usually heightened when he is in a bad mood. He is not one to give up easily and when he knows he is right.
  81. + Rude; he is generally just a rude person and likes to cause problems and inconveniences for people. He is rude to the teachers, the camp counsellors and the other campers all the time.
  83. Strengths:
  84. + He is very creative
  85. + He is quite intelligent
  86. + His smile
  87. + He has really good linguistic skills
  88. + He is very athletic
  90. Weaknesses:
  91. + Being ignored or forgotten
  92. + When people ask or talk about his mum
  93. + Talking about his dad
  94. + Being seen as inadequate
  96. Trivia:
  97. + He loves boxing because it is a good way to let of some steam.
  98. + He knows how to ride a motorbike.
  99. + He is actually a really good artist and two full artbooks of all of his works.
  100. + He had a pet dog called Rari but sadly he died when he turned 15.
  101. + He has never had a proper birthday.
  102. + He loves Childish Gambino, Asap Rocky and A boogie wit da hoodie and his playlists are full of their songs.
  103. + If he had to pick who was closest to his ideal type, he would pick HOBGOBLIN.
  105. Sense of style:
  106. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/333759022370163582/
  107. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/349029039853227736/
  108. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/731060951986929715/
  109. https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/333759022365282118/
  111. Any secrets:
  112. + He had a girlfriend, who he was very close with however, she cheated on him with one of his friends.
  114. Possible slots to be friends with:
  115. + Hobgoblin
  116. + Illusion
  117. + Runaway
  118. + Babe
  119. In different ways, they are all very similar and he feels like he can relate to them very well.
  121. Possible slots to not get along with:
  122. + Shine Forever
  123. + Eclipse
  124. + Going Crazy
  125. He doesn't hate them but he just finds that it is very hard to talk to them and open up to them.
  127. Suggested scenes alone:
  128. + Contemplating whether to contact his mum or not because one of his friends said that he should but he decides not to.
  129. + On a bad day, he goes to the gym and exercises until he is exhausted.
  130. + He is in a really good mood and he is smiling, and everyone is shocked about this since he is not one to smile a lot.
  131. + He goes on a late night walk and just hums along to his playlist.
  133. Suggested scenes with others:
  134. + He is having a bad day and ends up insulting some of the people and really hurts HELP ME but as soon as he is calmer, he starts to feel a bit guilty.
  135. + He and HOBGOBLIN, have a deep conversation about his situation and his past.
  136. + He teaches a few friends how to skateboard.
  137. + He goes to the gym with a few friends.
  139. Feelings on skinship: Hyungjoon is quite comfortable with all forms of skinship. He is not a shy person and does not shy away from people. He is also very comfortable with initiating skinship with people. She is just genuinely just an open and outgoing person.
  141. Feelings on family: He does not have a good feeling about family since his mum left him and his dad hates him. He feels like he is not in a good place to have an opinion. From his perspective, when people start saying "families forever" and stuff like that, he scoffs or laughs because from personal experience, he feels like that is not true. He doesn't have that special bond with his family however, he feels like he does need it. It is just that he never gets it.
  143. Feelings on trust: Trust is very complicated. You can trust someone really easily and they end up hurting or you can take a lot of time to trust someone and they get tired of waiting for you. So it can be very damaging either way in his opinion. Personally he takes a bit of time to trust people but he knows that if the person is genuine, then they would be willing to wait.
  145. Feeling about the camp: He genuinely believes that the camp would not help him. He believes that nothing can help him. He doesn't doesn't really want to go there since he was sent there as punishment so he thinks it will be terrible. He was hesistant to go because she didn't know what the place would be like, for all she knew, the place could have been a bootcamp. Once he is there, he starts to like it and sees it as a way to make good friends.
  147. Friendship or happiness: He values true friendship more than happiness since is genuinely quite an isolated person since his dad hates him and his mum left him. He feels like to get true happiness, he needs people by his side to support him and help him through tough times. It was especially hard to deal with his mum leaving him and his girlfirend cheating on him since he had nobody to comfort him.
  149. Anything I missed you wanted to include: n/a
  150. What are you looking forward to in the book: I am looking forward to the how the apply fic plays out.
  151. Any suggestions on what you wanna see happen:
  152. + Maybe a fight between two or three slots.
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