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Jan 15th, 2019
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  1. Over the years, observing the trend of personalised recommenders or huge "scandals" like Cambridge Analityca and US election, I realised how the data and most importantly, its analysis is valuable and important these days - it is literally a world-changing power. Reading "50 years of data science" and "The Future of Data Analysis" showed me, as a keen observant, who always tries to interpret and analyse the surrounding world, that data science field is definietly something more than old fashioned statistics. As a computer scientist I became fascinated about algorithmic procedures for mining, analysing , interpreting data but above all else, how intelligent solutions might be used in any computing branch - for instance Netflix using machine learning in networking and distributed systems fields to improve streaming quality.
  2. First of all, Lancaster University offers a great opportunity of being involved in fantastic projects and researches in which I would love to be involved. During this year Iam working on a real estate recommender system under the custody of professor Plamen Angelov , which gave me a good insight into a research taking place at the university. Reading publications like ... has thaught me the fully functioning data science algorithm can be initiated but most importantly, how a proper research on it shall be conducted. Furthermore, after a prospective completion of the project, I have already prepared a possible extension (it willuse Big Data to recommend products correlated to real estate) of the project, which, according to the proffessor, might succesfully become a conference publication in the future.
  3. To this programme, particullary the computing path, especially attracted me an opportunity to enhance my current skills but also, a deep dive into a completely new fascinating field. Out of my experience in distributed systems and systems architecture in general, the course will allow me a smooth transition to more advanced and up-to-date aspects of computing, but also provide a good background in statistics and genereal knowledge about data science and being a researcher. Apart from that, I am really excited of the prospect of an intern as a part of the course, as it gives a great chance of undertaking an independent research, which I really enjoy working on my current project. Furthermore, the placement is presented in a professional environment, which I am the most curious of and looking forward it.
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