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a guest
Jan 15th, 2019
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  3. - [x] Shawshank redemption
  4. - [x] Warrior
  5. - [x] Hateful 8
  6. - [x] Inglorious Bastards
  7. - [x] Cool runnings
  8. - [x] Ex machina
  9. - [x] Jay and silent bob strike back
  10. - [ ] Clerks
  11. - [ ] Mall rats
  12. - [ ] Dogma
  13. - [x] Tommy boy
  14. - [x] Full Metal Jacket
  15. - [x] The fifth element
  16. - [ ] Horrible bosses
  17. - [x] Groundhog Day
  18. - [x] Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
  19. - [ ] Vanilla Sky
  20. - [ ] Momento
  21. - [x] Last man on earth
  22. - [x] Crazy stupid love
  23. - [ ] Hook
  24. - [x] Good morning Vietnam
  25. - [ ] Birdcage
  26. - [x] Office Space
  27. - [x] Walk Hard, the Dewey Cox Story
  28. - [x] The Waterboy
  29. - [ ] The Thing
  30. - [x] Perks of being a wallflower
  31. - [ ] Cube (1997)
  32. - [ ] Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle
  33. - [ ] The Birds
  34. - [x] Seven Pounds
  35. - [x] The Bucket List
  36. - [ ] Schindler's List
  37. - [x] Con Air
  38. - [ ] 500 Days of Summer
  39. - [ ] Stardust
  40. - [x] one hour photo
  41. - [ ] Death to smoochie
  42. - [x] Four lions
  43. - [x] national lampoon's vacation
  44. - [x] Westworld
  45. - [ ] Mrs Peregrines home for peculiar children
  46. - [x] Dr strange
  47. - [x] Fantastic beasts
  48. - [ ] Gone Girl
  49. - [ ] The Perfect Host
  50. - [x] Saw
  51. - [ ] Saw II
  52. - [x] Argo
  53. - [ ] Trumbo
  54. - [ ] Mr. deeds
  55. - [x] Enter the Void
  56. - [x] Big Lawbowski
  57. - [ ] Hardcore Henry
  58. - [x] Sweeney Todd
  59. - [ ] Goldeneye
  60. - [ ] Flight (2012)
  61. - [ ] Iron Sky
  62. - [x] Tucker and Dale vs Evil
  63. - [x] Tropic Thunder
  64. - [ ] Dear reader wizard people on YouTube
  65. - [ ] Titanic
  66. - [ ] Dead poet society
  67. - [x] Good will hunting
  68. - [x] Life aquatic with Steve zeezou
  69. - [ ] All quentin tarintino
  70. - [ ] All wes Anderson
  71. - [x] Hunt for the Wilderpeople
  72. - [ ] Misfits (show)
  73. - [ ] American Psycho
  74. - [ ] Misery (1990)
  75. - [x] Silence of the Lambs
  76. - [x] Idiocracy
  77. - [ ] The Expanse
  78. - [x] A League of Their Own
  79. - [x] Blast from the Past
  80. - [ ] The Naked Gun
  81. - [ ] Quantum Leap
  82. - [x] Matrix
  83. - [x] Blazing Saddles
  84. - [ ] A million ways to die in the west
  85. - [x] Mad Max: Fury Road
  86. - [x] Inside Out
  87. - [x] Star Wars
  88. - [x] The Martian
  89. - [x] Jurassic World
  90. - [x] Avengers: Age of Ultron
  91. - [x] Ant Man
  92. - [x] Captain America: Civil War
  93. - [x] Zootopia
  94. - [x] Batman Vs Superman
  95. - [x] The Jungle Book (They made a new one)
  96. - [x] Finding Dory
  97. - [x] Ghost Busters (New one)
  98. - [x] Independence Day: Resurgence
  99. - [x] The BFG
  100. - [x] Central Intelligence
  101. - [x] Matilda
  102. - [x] Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985)
  103. - [x] Brave Heart
  104. - [ ] The mist
  105. - [ ] Maverick
  106. - [x] Joe Dirt
  107. - [ ] Vicky Christina Barcelona
  108. - [ ] Kubo and the two strings
  109. - [x] Super Bad
  110. - [ ] Blow
  111. - [x] Requiem for a Dream
  112. - [ ] It follows
  113. - [ ] Secret Window
  114. - [ ] Dances with Wolves
  115. - [ ] Snowden
  116. - [ ] Alien Vs Predator
  117. - [ ] Hacksaw Ridge
  118. - [x] Split
  119. - [x] Get Out
  120. - [x] The Perks Of Being A Wallflower
  121. - [ ] The Edge Of Seventeen
  122. - [ ] Psycho(Alfred Hitchcock)
  123. - [x] The Interview
  124. - [ ] The Girl On The Train
  125. - [ ] Slumdog Millionaire
  126. - [ ] Silver Linings Playbook
  127. - [ ] King Arthur(the Clive Owen one)
  128. - [ ] The Master
  129. - [ ] Oh brother, where art thou?
  130. - [ ] The Patriot
  131. - [ ] No Country for Old Men
  132. - [ ] There will be Blood
  133. - [ ] Princess Mononoke
  134. - [ ] Young Frankenstein
  135. - [x] Fight Club
  136. - [ ] Reservoir Dogs
  137. - [x] The Godfather
  138. - [ ] Taxi Driver
  139. - [ ] A Clockwork Orange
  140. - [x] Contact
  141. - [ ] 12 Angry Men
  142. - [x] The Matrix
  143. - [ ] North by Northwest
  144. - [ ] IT
  145. - [x] IT 2017
  146. - [x] Grandmas boy
  147. - [ ] Italian Job
  148. - [x] Shutter Island
  149. - [ ] Beverly Hills Cop III
  150. - [ ] Old Boy
  151. - [ ] Dances With Wolves
  152. - [ ] Into The Wild
  153. - [x] Saving Private Ryan
  154. - [x] Borat
  155. - [ ] Whiplash
  156. - [ ] The Ringer
  157. - [ ] The prestige
  158. - [x] Split
  159. - [ ] It Follows
  160. - [ ] 10 things I hate about you
  161. - [ ] The Call
  162. - [x] John Wick 1
  163. - [ ] John Wick 2
  164. - [ ] Dragon ball Z
  165. - [ ] Naruto
  166. - [x] 127 Hours
  167. - [ ] Bates Motel
  168. - [ ] The impossible
  169. - [ ] The Belko Experiment
  170. - [ ] The Following
  171. - [x] Half Baked
  172. - [x] Masterminds
  173. - [ ] Watchmen
  174. - [x] Kingsmen
  175. - [x] Hocus Pocus
  176. - [x] Jurassic Park
  177. - [x] Young Frankenstein
  178. - [x] Split
  179. - [ ] Hacksaw Ridge
  180. - [x] Cobra
  181. - [ ] King Fury
  182. - [ ] Booty Call
  183. - [ ] Rushmore
  184. - [x] Baby Driver
  185. - [ ] Annabelle
  186. - [x] What we do in the shadows
  187. - [x] Split
  188. - [x] 10 Cloverfield Lane
  189. - [ ] Boondock Saints(1&2)
  190. - [ ] Harold and Maud
  191. - [ ] The Island
  192. - [ ] The Big Short
  193. - [ ] Wonder Woman
  194. - [x] Primer
  195. - [x] Time Lapse
  196. - [ ] Bernie
  197. - [ ] The greatest showman
  198. - [x] Annihilation (high priority)
  199. - [ ] The theory of everything
  200. - [ ] Spider-Man Homecoming
  201. - [ ] Red Sparrow (J Law boobs?) ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  202. - [ ] Zodiac
  203. - [ ] Donnie Darko
  204. - [ ] The disaster artist
  205. - [ ] Black Klansman
  206. - [ ] Blackfish
  207. - [ ] Lars and the Real Girl
  208. - [ ] The Shape of Water
  209. - [ ] Silent Hill
  210. - [ ] Death Note (TV)
  211. - [ ] The Mist
  212. - [ ] Whatโ€™s Eating Gilbert Grape
  213. - [ ] Ed Wood
  214. - [ ] Almost Heros
  215. - [ ] The Ballad if Bustard Scrubs
  216. - [ ] Bird Box
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