
Magical Burst: Session 33: Potentially Problematic

Aug 4th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, July 27, 2014
  3. 6:08 PM - Smas has been invited to chat.
  4. 6:08 PM - Smas entered chat.
  5. 6:09 PM - Data: heyo everyone
  6. 6:09 PM - Smas: sup peeps
  7. 6:09 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I'm eating so hang out a bit
  8. 6:09 PM - Smas: it's like a motha fuckin family reunion up in here
  9. 6:09 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: hardly
  10. 6:09 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: should have saved that line for when ryan gets back from band camp or whatever
  11. 6:09 PM - Smas: oh no man, that's like
  12. 6:10 PM - Smas: way too far away
  13. 6:18 PM - Nicolefancy: i wonder if apy is eating chineese food
  14. 6:19 PM - Saiko Itami: i thought he couldnt digest anything else
  15. 6:19 PM - Nicolefancy: tru fax
  16. 6:20 PM - Nicolefancy: if he eats anything else he has to get his stomach pumped
  17. 6:20 PM - Smas: that's gross
  18. 6:20 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: what
  19. 6:22 PM - Nicolefancy: doctors orders
  20. 6:23 PM - Smas: I don't believe you're allowed to be a part of this conversation, mr "I gotta eat food or else I die"
  21. 6:23 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: what
  22. 6:23 PM - Saiko Itami: chinese food*
  23. 6:23 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: what
  24. 6:25 PM - Nicolefancy: shhh
  25. 6:25 PM - Nicolefancy: he has a condition
  26. 6:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: I think all of you do
  27. 6:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: well, I guess I should get started
  28. 6:25 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: lesse here
  29. 6:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: nicole, change your name
  30. 6:26 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to Contractually Delicious.
  31. 6:26 PM - Nicolefancy: ts?
  32. 6:27 PM - Contractually Delicious: works for me
  33. 6:27 PM - Super Fighting Hacker: hopefully my mic works properly
  34. 6:27 PM - Contractually Delicious: have you tried turning it off and on again
  35. 6:28 PM - Val the working gal: have you tries turning it on and off again
  36. 7:12 PM - Contractually Delicious: guess it's game time
  37. 7:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: friggle, take it away
  38. 7:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: shit
  39. 7:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: ryan, gm for me
  40. 7:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: wait fuck
  41. 7:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: jenny, go and
  42. 7:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: god damn
  43. 7:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: guess I'm all that's left
  44. 7:13 PM - Super Fighting Hacker: :T
  45. 7:13 PM - Super Fighting Hacker: ignoring my gm prowess are we?
  46. 7:14 PM - Contractually Delicious: yes c:
  47. 7:15 PM - Val the working gal: my turn to gm
  48. 7:16 PM - Contractually Delicious: no
  49. 7:26 PM - Super Fighting Hacker has changed their name to electricWishes.
  50. 8:51 PM - Wing Attack Plan R entered chat.
  51. 8:51 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: sup fag shits
  52. 8:52 PM - electricWishes: fuck yo shit bitch
  53. 8:52 PM - Saiko Itami: hello wing
  54. 8:52 PM - Contractually Delicious: lol you wont c shit
  55. 8:52 PM - Contractually Delicious: we all in private chats
  56. 8:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: you suck
  57. 8:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R: an you hurt my feelings so I am going to leave
  58. 8:52 PM - Wing Attack Plan R left chat.
  62. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Ayano - Hack, Attack~~
  64. 7:15 PM - Contractually Delicious: You are currently in your room, post-transformation
  65. 7:15 PM - Contractually Delicious: Your nerd friends are with you
  66. 7:15 PM - Contractually Delicious: As you recover from your transformation, you hear a notification noise sound from your computer. But not just /any/ notification noise, oh no... this is a special one. One you've been both dreading and praying for. It is the unique, identifying sound that comes from your good arch frenemy hacker rival and her programs. You know her only as...
  67. 7:15 PM - Contractually Delicious: (cyber)spaceInvader
  68. 4:21 PM - Super Fighting Hacker: "Alright guys, give me like, 10 minutes to talk to...." Ayano lowers her voice to being barely above a whisper, "/Heeeer/." Ayano shoots a disdainful look at the moniter and marches over as dilligently and elegantly as she can.
  69. 7:22 PM - Contractually Delicious: You look at your computer's monitor to see a small, chibi form of a person, in a gray hooded sweatshirt with wires and blue lights all across it. Its face is uncovered and slightly blushed, but the little sprite lacks any eyes, and its hair is completely covered by the hood, while it sports a crooked half-smile (see image in the folder for reference). The program itself resembles a shimeji, one of those cute little desktop buddies that like to crawl around the edges of your monitor, throw your browser windows around and replicate themselves like horny guinie pigs.
  70. 7:22 PM - Contractually Delicious: It waves at you.
  71. 4:23 PM - Super Fighting Hacker: Ayano bumps the shimeji with the side of her mouse to illicit a response.
  72. 7:25 PM - Contractually Delicious: It stops your cursor with a hand, grabs it, then raises it to its face, as though inspecting it.
  73. 7:26 PM - Contractually Delicious: It then opens its mouth wide and takes a bite out of it, before promptly spitting out tiny white pixels and throwing your cursor casually over its shoulder, shaking its head
  74. 7:26 PM - Contractually Delicious: A small speech bubble that looks like it could be ripped straight from a manga pops above the shimeji's head, with text appearing as the shimeji's mouth moves, "Bleh."
  75. 7:26 PM - Super Fighting Hacker has changed their name to electricWishes.
  76. 4:27 PM - electricWishes: Ayano mutters to herself whilst rolling her eyes, "You ate it, don't complain if it tastes bad...."
  77. 4:28 PM - electricWishes: Ayano then pokes the shimeji with what's left of her mouse cursor.
  78. 7:30 PM - Contractually Delicious: The word bubble appears again. "Stop that! I'm here on business."
  79. 7:31 PM - Contractually Delicious: "I'm doing a little digging through my contacts, looking for information on those murders that have got all the news stations howling. It's a hobby of mine, you see, solving crimes the cops can't. Figured I'd give you a ring and see what you have, I'm sure you won't mind ;)"
  80. 7:31 PM - Contractually Delicious: The shimeji leaps, climbing the walls of your monitor. Its destination seems to be your "Stash" folder. You now regret keeping that cleverly hidden in plain sight on your desktop
  81. 4:32 PM - electricWishes: "Oh noze! Don't go diggin in there, that's the loot I've acquired from all my secret hacking missions!" Ayano tries to to pluck (cyber)spaceInvader from the wall.
  82. 7:34 PM - Contractually Delicious: You lift it with your bitten cursor. It begins flailing around as you dangle it in the middle of your monitor
  83. 7:35 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Release me at once! I, the great (cyber)spaceInvader, will not let you live this down, electricWishes!"
  84. 7:35 PM - Contractually Delicious: "...maybe it'd be easier to interrogate you myself."
  85. 7:36 PM - Contractually Delicious: A small window pops up to the left of the little person. It has a blinking text cursor, indicating you can type into it.
  86. 4:36 PM - electricWishes: "Ha, in your dreams! I've got like, 90 firewalls between you and me you don't even know!" Ayano types into the textbox.
  87. 7:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Firewalls? Those mean nothing when I have this!"
  88. 7:38 PM - Contractually Delicious: It reaches under its hoodie and pulls out a fire extinguisher, which it then sprays your cursor with. It slips from the cursor's grasp and lands on the bottom of your monitor
  89. 4:38 PM - electricWishes: Ayano gasps at this startling revelation.
  90. 7:40 PM - Contractually Delicious: It sets the extinguisher down and stands triumphantly
  91. 4:39 PM - electricWishes: Ayano types into the textbox, "Looks like I'll just have to freeze your trojan with some 1337 hacking skills!" Ayano then proceeds to make a shitty refridgerator doodle in MSPaint and flings it at the shimeji.
  92. 7:42 PM - Contractually Delicious: A large red "!" appears above the shimeji, before it pulls a chainsaw from its hoodie. It then jumps, and swings the chainsaw around in a square, which cuts a neat hole through your fridge
  93. 7:42 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Your simple debugging antitrojan methods won't work! They are simply neanderthal."
  94. 7:42 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Or uh, however that word is spelled."
  95. 4:43 PM - electricWishes: "Uhm, hold on, let me spell check that for you..." Ayano pulls up Macrosoft Typewriter and tries typing it in.
  96. 4:43 PM - electricWishes: "Yeah, you got that right."
  97. 7:44 PM - Contractually Delicious: "I did? Awwwyeeeeeee"
  98. 7:45 PM - Contractually Delicious: it goes the classic "angry looking success baby" meme pose
  99. 4:45 PM - electricWishes: Ayano shrinks down the text box and bumps the shimeji on the head with it.
  100. 7:47 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Ow! You stop that!"
  101. 4:47 PM - electricWishes: "No U" Ayano types back.
  102. 7:48 PM - Contractually Delicious: "I didn't come here to discuss firewall breaking trojan doohickeys. I came on business."
  103. 7:49 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Now tell me what I want to know before I go digging through your stash. I'm sure there's some good stuff in there."
  104. 4:49 PM - electricWishes: "Oh you don't want to go in there, all I managed to hack recently was.... nevermind that! Look, like, I think I found some stuff recently and things are wierd and I'm not sure if you'd believe me anyways so yeah I've got nothing to tell you! >:C"
  105. 7:50 PM - Contractually Delicious: You feel four presences hovering over your shoulders, two heads per shoulder. You don't need to look to know who they are.
  106. 7:50 PM - Contractually Delicious: "That sounds like you have everything to tell me! I'll bet YOU'RE the murderer! Murderer! Murderer! I'm going to call the cyber cops on you!"
  107. 7:51 PM - Contractually Delicious: It pulls out a tiny cellphone, which it pokes with its stubby little arms before holding up to its hooded head. "Yes, cyber police? I know who the murderer is!"
  108. 4:51 PM - electricWishes: "NOOOOoooo don't do that then I can't go to become the best hacker ever and then the world'll have to be saved by you and you're like, terrible at world saving!"
  109. 4:51 PM - electricWishes: "I bet you suck at /normal/ saving too!"
  110. 7:53 PM - Contractually Delicious: "I'll have you know I have over 9000 confirmed hacks and have saved over 1 billion homeless puppies."
  111. 4:54 PM - electricWishes: "I bet you can't even pull off the /HOKUTO HYAKURETSU KEN/!"
  112. 4:55 PM - electricWishes: "You don't know it, but you're like, already dead!"
  113. 4:55 PM - electricWishes: ">:C"
  114. 7:56 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Yeah I can make that face too!!! >:C"
  115. 7:56 PM - Contractually Delicious: ":>C"
  116. 7:56 PM - Contractually Delicious: "fuck wait"
  117. 4:57 PM - electricWishes: "Look, you wanna talk shop, you gotta like, find me! No way I'm spillin any beans whilst the CIA is looking for whatever I've gotta say!"
  118. 7:58 PM - Contractually Delicious: Lanky, while looking over your shoulder, whispers, "the CIA? HERE? IN /OUR/ HEADQUARTERS?"
  119. 4:59 PM - electricWishes: Ayano attempts to assure Lanky, "Shh, it's fine, they won't come if I don't mention magic and stuff, right? They've totally got like, control of the internets you don't even know, so that's this has to be like, super secret!"
  120. 8:04 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: "This is terrible. Does the CIA have magic, do you think? Maybe they have magic ops!"
  121. 8:05 PM - Contractually Delicious: The little character on your screen folds its arms. "Come ooonn elec! You're sooo lame. What do you mean I gotta find you?"
  122. 5:06 PM - electricWishes: "You know what I mean! No way am I telling you that magic isn't totally fake and I know what's been going on at school and stuff without having the physical evidence in hand to prove it! >:O"
  123. 5:07 PM - electricWishes: Ayano realizes her mistake instantly and facepalms so hard that it could be heard throughout town.
  124. 5:07 PM - electricWishes: ".... woops."
  125. 8:09 PM - Contractually Delicious: The four nerds simultaneously facepalm immediately after you, while the little character puts a hand to its chin and smirks. "So what was that you were saying?"
  126. 5:12 PM - electricWishes: "Nope! I've spoken too much! There's no way that I'll tell you anything else, besides the fact that the chess queen at school was totally magical and she got lost in the sewers somewhere and that I was going to save her myself! >:O"
  127. 8:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Oooo, now /that/ is a juicy bit of info."
  128. 5:13 PM - electricWishes: "Now go, my archnemesis! I need to save her before she gets eaten to death by whatever demon succubi are down there!"
  129. 8:15 PM - Contractually Delicious: "And I think /I/ will help myself to some hacking in her computer. Be dear and tell me what you uncover from your little magical excursion when you're done, would you?"
  130. 5:15 PM - electricWishes: "You'll never get anything from me! >:C"
  131. 8:19 PM - Contractually Delicious: "I've gotten all I need. I'll hack you later! :) "
  132. 8:19 PM - Contractually Delicious: It turns around, and pulls out a piece of chalk. It then draws a door on your desktop, opens it, and steps through. The door vanishes as it closes
  133. 8:20 PM - Contractually Delicious: The nerds stand staring at your empty monitor, confused
  134. 5:19 PM - electricWishes: "Argh, that (cyber)spaceInvader! Always trying to steal my secrets~!"
  135. 8:21 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "What kind of thecreth?"
  136. 5:20 PM - electricWishes: "THE SECRET KIND OF SECRETS!"
  137. 5:21 PM - electricWishes: Ayano throws the "Stash" folder into the recyclebin and immediately deletes it.
  138. 5:22 PM - electricWishes: Ayano then creates a new Stash folder, and mutters to herself, "Now the world'll never know...."
  139. 8:24 PM - Contractually Delicious: F: "Sounds like the best kind of secrets."
  140. 5:24 PM - electricWishes: "S-SHUT UP!" Ayano points to the stairs leading out of the basement, "A-alright, we're leaving!"
  141. 8:25 PM - Contractually Delicious: S: "WHERE TO?"
  142. 5:25 PM - electricWishes: "Ok we're going to go to that bar that I was at like, a couple days ago, and we're going to recruit guildmembers! But first, a snack!"
  143. 5:26 PM - electricWishes: Ayano reaches into her backpack, to grab for a twinkie.
  144. 5:26 PM - electricWishes: Unfortunately, they are all gone, because of last episode's maneuver.
  145. 5:27 PM - electricWishes: "I... wha.... wait... no....." Ayano slowly lowers the bag, "NOOOOOOooooooo!"
  146. 8:28 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Whath the matter?"
  147. 5:28 PM - electricWishes: "MAI TWINKIES! FLORANA ATE THEM ALL!" Ayano raises the culprit.
  148. 8:30 PM - Contractually Delicious: It shrugs and grins cheekily
  149. 8:30 PM - Contractually Delicious: despite the fact that flowers inherently lack cheeks of any kind
  150. 8:31 PM - Contractually Delicious: F: "Those teeth are a little unsettling..."
  151. 5:31 PM - electricWishes: "Shh, I know he needs to brush them!" Ayano takes a quick glimpse at the plants pearly whites.
  152. 8:32 PM - Contractually Delicious: They are indeed slightly yellowed
  153. 8:32 PM - Contractually Delicious: though that could just be leftover twinkie residue
  154. 5:32 PM - electricWishes: "Jeez Mr, we need to get you a toothbrush, stat!"
  155. 5:33 PM - electricWishes: "I know! Lets stop by a conveinence store on the way there! That way, I can refuel on my energy reserves and Florana can get his.... her......" Ayano points a judging eye at Florana, "Its teeth all fixed up!"
  156. 8:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: S: "SOUNDS GOOD TO ME."
  157. 8:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: "Lead the way. Be sure to avoid any CIA spook patrol routes."
  158. 5:37 PM - electricWishes: "Got it! Oh yeah, POWER DOWN!" Ayano flips the switch on the glove to demeguca.
  159. 5:38 PM - electricWishes: "Can't let nobody else see my super-secret identity!"
  160. 5:42 PM - electricWishes: Ayano then leads nerds and friends out of the house, and towards the nearest conveinence store, avoiding spook patrols along the way.
  161. 8:43 PM - Contractually Delicious: You do so, and arrive shortly afterwards with your entourage of nerds
  162. 5:44 PM - electricWishes: "Now team, split up and search for tools! ...You know, for this rescue mission. Also, twinkies. Oh yeah, and a toothbrush!"
  163. 8:46 PM - Contractually Delicious: You hear various mumblings of, "uhh" "I didn't bring my wallet" "my mom only packed me lunch money" and "WHAT KIND OF TOOTHBRUSH?"
  164. 5:47 PM - electricWishes: "Augh, fine! Mission budget is....." Ayano opens up her wallet and takes a quick count, "60 cash monies!"
  165. 8:50 PM - Contractually Delicious: They salute and scatter off to various corners of the store
  166. 5:50 PM - electricWishes: (a 10 pack of twinkies is 9 dollars, btw)
  167. 8:51 PM - Contractually Delicious: (nerd)
  168. 5:51 PM - electricWishes: "Man, I'm so going to be poor...."
  169. 8:52 PM - Contractually Delicious: Anything else you want to purchase while your lackeys go out and scavenge for you?
  170. 5:53 PM - electricWishes: Ayano looks left, looks right, and proceeds to go to the magazine rack.
  171. 5:53 PM - electricWishes: She then proceeds to look at the most succulent reading material imaginable...
  172. 5:54 PM - electricWishes: PC World!
  173. 5:55 PM - electricWishes: "O-oh padre, forgive me for I have sinned~..." Ayano mutters to herself as she looks at the various couple thousand dollar computers.
  174. 8:59 PM - Contractually Delicious: You skim over the lewd and undressed PCs inside the magazine, drooling slightly
  175. 9:01 PM - Contractually Delicious: Eventually, the nerds return, carrying 10 boxes of delicious golden spongecakes between the four of them. Shouty has a simple toothbrush as well. They are also carrying some fishing string, a flashlight, batteries, and four foam swords
  176. 6:00 PM - electricWishes: "My fingers just keep moving on their own...." Ayano mutters, flipping through the pages.
  177. 6:01 PM - electricWishes: "O-OH!" Ayano flings the magazine away.
  178. 9:01 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Your whath move?"
  179. 6:01 PM - electricWishes: "I was just... doing research! YEAH!"
  180. 6:01 PM - electricWishes: "Right Florana? Haha...."
  181. 6:02 PM - electricWishes: Ayano looks down to the plant, through the top of the school bag that Ayano had placed down.
  182. 9:03 PM - Contractually Delicious: It shrugs
  183. 6:04 PM - electricWishes: "You're supposed to back me up!"
  184. 6:04 PM - electricWishes: Ayano zips the bag shut.
  185. 6:05 PM - electricWishes: Ayano then addresses the goods, "So, uh... what are the foam swords for???"
  186. 9:07 PM - Contractually Delicious: F: " You said to get, uh, ready."
  187. 6:07 PM - electricWishes: "But... do you think we can fight hyper demon monsters with a foam sword? I had a /real/ one at one point and that hardly worked!"
  188. 6:08 PM - electricWishes: "... It was also really heavy but that's besides the point...."
  189. 6:09 PM - electricWishes: "We need to make like, /super weapons/ in order to fight those things!"
  190. 9:10 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Well, the forcefield generator is still a WIP. Maybe after we finish that up, we can work on some kind of weapon."
  191. 9:11 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Ith better than nothing, right?"
  192. 6:11 PM - electricWishes: ".... You know what? We should keep the swords anyways... THEY'RE TOTALLY AWESOME!"
  193. 9:12 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "I KNOOOOOW."
  194. 6:11 PM - electricWishes: "OK LETS BUY THIS STUFF AND LETS GO ON AN ADVENTURE!"
  195. 9:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: The gang chants, "ALRIGHT!"
  196. 6:13 PM - electricWishes: (so that's like, 40 twinkies, a toothbrush, fishing string, flashlight, batteries, 4 foam swords, and -60 monies?)
  197. 9:15 PM - Contractually Delicious: hmm
  198. 9:16 PM - Contractually Delicious: -57, actually c:
  199. 9:18 PM - Contractually Delicious: you make your extremely odd purchase combination, leaving one very perplexed sales clerk in your wake, and march out of the store
  200. 6:17 PM - electricWishes: Ayano shares a twinkie with each of her comrades, and eats one herself.
  201. 6:17 PM - electricWishes: -6 Twinkes, on the dot.
  202. 9:19 PM - Contractually Delicious: +1 twinkie consumed, +6 twinkie wrappers
  203. 6:19 PM - electricWishes: (now I'm up to 25 wrappers)
  204. 6:19 PM - electricWishes: (do I get a prize with 100? :v)
  205. 6:20 PM - electricWishes: (and yes, I keep track of /EVERYTHING/
  206. 6:20 PM - electricWishes: )
  207. 6:20 PM - electricWishes: (Shh, no
  208. 6:21 PM - electricWishes: I'm just using adventure game logic :T)
  209. 6:22 PM - electricWishes: (those are the days I look forward to)
  210. 6:22 PM - electricWishes: (where everything comes full circle)
  211. 9:23 PM - Contractually Delicious: where to now?
  212. 6:23 PM - electricWishes: To the guild hall!
  213. 6:23 PM - electricWishes: I.e. the bar.
  214. 6:24 PM - electricWishes: she do
  215. 6:24 PM - electricWishes: she was there
  216. 9:25 PM - Contractually Delicious: You proceed down with your nerd entourage to the bar, and arrive some time later
  217. 9:25 PM - Contractually Delicious: There is still the glaring issue of the fact that your nerd friends can't enter
  218. 6:25 PM - electricWishes: "Er, uh... perhaps I didn't think this through..."
  219. 6:26 PM - electricWishes: "Hmm.... how do I get you guys in?"
  220. 9:27 PM - Contractually Delicious: They enter thinking man poses, humming and pondering
  221. 6:27 PM - electricWishes: (brb trying to find phone)
  222. 6:27 PM - electricWishes: (found it, now I gotta grab a little something to munch, be back in 5)
  223. 9:28 PM - Contractually Delicious: better be a twinkie
  224. 6:32 PM - electricWishes: (back, and no, just brownies)
  225. 9:33 PM - Contractually Delicious: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY
  226. 6:32 PM - electricWishes: (nom nom nom)
  227. 6:33 PM - electricWishes: "So uh.... hmm.... got any ideas?"
  228. 9:35 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Makeup?"
  229. 9:36 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: "Maybe we can pretend these swords are our magical weapons!"
  230. 6:36 PM - electricWishes: (Oh, my, god)
  231. 9:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: "En garde, Soshu!" Lanky draws his foam sword, and it flops lazily
  232. 6:36 PM - electricWishes: (I... have a plan)
  233. 6:36 PM - electricWishes: (we're getting the nerds to dress in drag)
  234. 9:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: F: "You shall rue the day you crossed swords with me!" Fatty draws his own sword
  235. 6:37 PM - electricWishes: "Oh. Em. Ge."
  236. 6:37 PM - electricWishes: "I've got, the best plan."
  237. 9:38 PM - Contractually Delicious: S: "AND WHAT'S THAT?"
  238. 6:38 PM - electricWishes: (lispy is the girl in the group right?)
  239. 9:39 PM - Contractually Delicious:
  240. 9:39 PM - Contractually Delicious: Fatty and Lanky clash foam swords repeatedly, parrying and blocking each other
  241. 6:39 PM - electricWishes: (amazing)
  242. 9:41 PM - Contractually Delicious: They clash once more and get into each others' faces, grunting and panting, before then each jump backwards and ready their swords again
  243. 6:41 PM - electricWishes: "As the bitter friends turned rivals clashed, they were blissfully unaware that a brilliant plan was being devised before their very eyes, just out of sight..." Ayano speaks in a voiceover-esq tone.
  244. 9:42 PM - Contractually Delicious: Fatty slashes left, but Lanky and his thin, narrow body dodge it easily
  245. 9:43 PM - Contractually Delicious: Lanky stabs forwards with his sword, and Fatty does a goddamn backflip
  246. 9:43 PM - Contractually Delicious: jesus christ, was he always this limber?
  247. 6:43 PM - electricWishes: Ayano pulls aside Michiyo (aka lispy), and whispers to her, "Hey... you know what the first requirement is to getting in here is, right? Like, besides the fact that you gotta be like, totally magical."
  248. 9:44 PM - Contractually Delicious: Fatty strikes out with a flurry of slashes and stabs, each of which are parried or dodged
  249. 9:44 PM - Contractually Delicious: Michiyo whispers back, "Um, being a girl?"
  250. 9:45 PM - Contractually Delicious: ok ok
  251. 9:45 PM - Contractually Delicious: what if
  252. 9:45 PM - Contractually Delicious: all the while
  253. 9:45 PM - Contractually Delicious: shouty
  254. 9:45 PM - Contractually Delicious: has been singing
  255. 9:45 PM - Contractually Delicious: rules of nature
  256. 6:45 PM - electricWishes: yes
  257. 6:45 PM - electricWishes: that's a thing
  258. 9:46 PM - Contractually Delicious: it's perfect because of his shouty voice
  259. 6:47 PM - electricWishes: "Well... how everyone else is dressed right now... We need an... adequete... disguise, for them. You get what I'm saying?" Ayano starts laughing to herself.
  260. 9:48 PM - Contractually Delicious: Lanky does a helmsplitter jump forwards towards Fatty, who holds his sword horizontally to parry
  261. 9:48 PM - Contractually Delicious: The swords clash like wet noodles
  262. 9:48 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "You want to put them in dretheth?"
  263. 9:49 PM - Contractually Delicious: S: "...AND THEY RUN WHEN THE SUN COMES UUUUP"
  264. 9:49 PM - Contractually Delicious: "WITH THEIR LIIIVES ON THE LIIINE, (ALIVE)..."
  265. 6:48 PM - electricWishes: "Come on, you know it's the only way!" Ayano gives her a devilish smirk.
  266. 6:49 PM - electricWishes: "You know, rules of nature, and whatnot!" Ayano winks.
  267. 9:50 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Well, I can thee what you mean, but what about magic? How do we pretend they have magical powerth?"
  268. 9:50 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "And me, for that matter."
  269. 6:50 PM - electricWishes: "Hmm.... ok ok, I got it. How quick do you think we can get the magic barrier thing working?"
  270. 6:51 PM - electricWishes: "If you guys like, had a magic aura, they'd surely let you in!"
  271. 9:53 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Oooh, thath clever. Well, I think we can probably get it to give off magic, at leatht, but it won't be acthually functhtional."
  272. 6:52 PM - electricWishes: "That'd work perfectly! And perhaps I could help sell it too, maybe..."
  273. 9:53 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "You are not thelling it!"
  274. 6:54 PM - electricWishes: "NO! It was a figure of speech! I just meant, like... I can figure out something to make it look like you guys totally have powers!" Ayano watches fatty continue doing acrobatic stunts.
  275. 6:54 PM - electricWishes: "I mean, I probably wouldn't need to do anything for Soshu (aka fatty), he's flipping all over the place."
  276. 9:55 PM - Contractually Delicious: Fatty crouches low, holds his sword in a sheathed position, and waits as Lanky charges forwards
  277. 9:56 PM - Contractually Delicious: When Lanky is just within range, Fatty leaps forwards and strikes out, getting a solid WHAP to Lanky's gut
  278. 9:56 PM - Contractually Delicious: Lanky lumbers forwards, clutching his gut. "Th-there goes... my S-rank..." and he falls to the ground
  279. 6:57 PM - electricWishes: Ayano pats Lanky on the head, "I'm sure you can claim your revengeance later..."
  280. 6:58 PM - electricWishes: "But THAT'LL HAVE TO WAIT!"
  281. 6:58 PM - electricWishes: "Michi! LETS START OPERATION 'MAGICAL TRANSFORMATION'!"
  282. 9:59 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "YETH MA'AM!"
  283. 6:59 PM - electricWishes: (not as good as kill la kill larp session)
  284. 7:01 PM - electricWishes: Ayano gathers all of her might, and attempts to lift Fatty, to carry them away to Michi's house, since she'd probably have better "gear" for the task.
  285. 7:01 PM - electricWishes: (gotta haul his ass there)
  286. 7:01 PM - electricWishes: (doesn't matter)
  287. 7:01 PM - electricWishes: (that's also the point :v)
  288. 7:02 PM - electricWishes: (either way, the results will be hilarious, either Ayano manages to lift someone who's probably twice her weight, or she gets crushed)
  289. 10:02 PM - Contractually Delicious: welp
  290. 10:03 PM - Contractually Delicious: roll physical
  291. 7:02 PM - electricWishes: 10 :v
  292. 10:04 PM - Contractually Delicious: Ayano attempts to lift Fatty for some odd reason
  293. 10:04 PM - Contractually Delicious: If she had a pair of balls, they'd probably have dropped from the effort, as her struggles get her nothing but back pain
  294. 10:11 PM - Contractually Delicious: Ayano hurts herself attempting to lift Fatty and failing miserably
  295. 7:10 PM - electricWishes: "Augh, Commander down!"
  296. 10:11 PM - Contractually Delicious: F: "Uh... why did you just..."
  297. 7:11 PM - electricWishes: "Shh, secret mission stuff! Don't question it!"
  298. 10:12 PM - Contractually Delicious: F: "You're kind of crying in agony right now, I think I should question it. Especially when it wasn't me who just got WRECKED," he shouts in Lanky's direction, who has now risen from the ground
  299. 10:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: finish what you're saying, then main chat~
  300. 7:12 PM - electricWishes: "Shhhhhhhhh shshshshshshshshshsh!"
  301. 7:13 PM - electricWishes: "This is the most important operation ever, don't question your commanding officer!"
  302. 7:13 PM - electricWishes: -going to main-
  304. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Ayano - Hack, Attack~~
  311. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Saiko - Drink Your Troubles Away~~
  313. 7:18 PM - Contractually Delicious: you're at the bar, and things seem to have calmed down. The dead gucs have been removed and any damage that might have somehow slipped through the wards of the Nightmare has been repaired
  314. 7:19 PM - Contractually Delicious: Squirrelgirl Namiyo stands dejectedly behind the counter, half-heartedly polishing the bar top
  315. 4:19 PM - Saiko Itami: ((i think my wings and elvis changes are gone now, since its been a while))
  316. 7:20 PM - Contractually Delicious: sounds good to me
  317. 4:20 PM - Saiko Itami: I bounce over to Namiyo and leapfrog onto a seat. "Hey, Namiyo! How're ya doing?"
  318. 7:22 PM - Contractually Delicious: She jumps a little as you plop into your seat. "Ah! O-oh, hey, Saiko..."
  319. 4:23 PM - Saiko Itami: I cock my head with an eyebrow raised, frowning. "You seem down today. Is it 'bout what happened earlier?"
  320. 7:25 PM - Contractually Delicious: She nods, and her squirrley ears droop a little. Do squirrel ears even do that? You don't know, but hers just did
  321. 4:26 PM - Saiko Itami: I lower my chin onto the countertop. "Do we know who was lost?"
  322. 7:27 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Not many, but too much. I know a good friend of mine was..."
  323. 7:28 PM - Contractually Delicious: Namiyo looks down the bar, noticing a blonde bunnygirl raise her hand for a drink. "Hold that thought, I'll be right back."
  324. 4:28 PM - Saiko Itami: "Alrighty."
  325. 4:31 PM - Saiko Itami: I take a look at the bunnygirl, as I don't recognize her.
  326. 7:33 PM - Contractually Delicious: She has long, white rabbit ears, blonde hair, and she's dressed in black. You overhear her ask for "something colorful" to drink. Namiyo makes her way back to you and begins mixing the drink while talking to you
  327. 7:33 PM - Contractually Delicious: "'Something colorful'," Namiyo mumbles while mixing
  328. 7:34 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Do you usually order colorful stuff? No, you're more interested in the hard stuff, aren't you?"
  329. 4:34 PM - Saiko Itami: I sit up and bounce once in the seat with a smile. "Yep, I like the stuff that helps you forget!"
  330. 7:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Heh, wish I could drink on the job."
  331. 4:37 PM - Saiko Itami: "You can if noone's looking~" I say in a singsong voice.
  332. 7:38 PM - Contractually Delicious: "They'll notice when I'm drunk."
  333. 4:38 PM - Saiko Itami: "I don't think I've /ever/ seen you drunk. How well can you hold your liquor?"
  334. 7:44 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Not well, but I guess I should borrow a page from your book."
  335. 4:45 PM - Saiko Itami: "Definitely! Now is a perfect time to start, here!" I hold out my flask.
  336. 7:46 PM - Contractually Delicious: She looks left, and right, then grabs it and takes a swig. A moment later, she coughs profusely, handing the flask back to you shakily
  337. 7:47 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Too bitter for my taste."
  338. 4:47 PM - Saiko Itami: "/Whaaaat/? No way, this stuff is great!"
  339. 4:47 PM - Saiko Itami: I take a swig of my own.
  340. 7:49 PM - Contractually Delicious: "You're a tough cookie, Sai-chan."
  341. 4:50 PM - Saiko Itami: I move my head to rest in one hand, holding the flask on the counter with the other. "Do you really think so?"
  342. 7:52 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Seems that way, at least." Namiyo does some fancy shaking and mixing with her mixing thingies to fix up the drink
  343. 4:53 PM - Saiko Itami: "Awesome, I always wanted to be a sweet badass with guns and stuff!"
  344. 4:53 PM - Saiko Itami: I transform and wave my thompson around while making pew pew noises, finger off the trigger.
  345. 7:59 PM - Contractually Delicious: Namiyo finishes the drink finally, and it's fruity and rainbow as fuck.
  346. 7:59 PM - Contractually Delicious: It actually looks pretty tasty
  347. 4:59 PM - Saiko Itami: "What's even in there? It looks like it /might/ even have enough alcohol in there to fill a thimble."
  348. 8:01 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Magic and fruit. One sec, gotta bring this over."
  349. 8:01 PM - Contractually Delicious: She walks over to the bunnygirl, who now has another girl sitting next to her. This girl is clad in a loose, flowy lavender dress that ends just above the knees. It has a gold collar, and on her chest is a white bow that glitters like freshly fallen snow. The center of this bow is the head of a teddy bear. Her ponytail is also tied back with a ribbon of similar style, minus the bear head, while the short sleeves of her dress are trimmed with gold. On her naval is a pink heart-shaped crystal.
  350. 5:03 PM - Saiko Itami: "Ooh, teddy."
  351. 8:06 PM - Contractually Delicious: Namiyo walks back to you
  352. 8:06 PM - Contractually Delicious: "So, did you come here for anything? Or were you just visiting?"
  353. 5:06 PM - Saiko Itami: "I hang around here all the time, you know that. It's much more interesting to hang out here than at my place."
  354. 5:07 PM - Saiko Itami: "And I think Mr. Xam is busy, so I don't wanna bother him."
  355. 8:08 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Fair enough. You seem to take all this magical girl business in stride, Sai-chan, even though you're so young."
  356. 5:10 PM - Saiko Itami: "Of course!" I laugh loudly, "If I didn't treat it like a game, I'd be dead!"
  357. 5:10 PM - Saiko Itami: "Do you ever hunt monsters?"
  358. 8:11 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Now and then. We all have to, it comes with the magical business."
  359. 5:13 PM - Saiko Itami: "Yeah, I was just wondering, since I only ever see you here."
  360. 8:14 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Hey, I don't usually work days, but my hours have changed a bit for now."
  361. 5:15 PM - Saiko Itami: I nod. "That makes sense. Quick question, do you know who those two are?"
  362. 5:15 PM - Saiko Itami: I point to bunny-girl and teddy-ribbon.
  363. 8:18 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Oh, them? The bunnygirl is Valentine. She only started coming here recently. The other one comes and goes, but I've never actually dealt with her myself. I just recognize her face."
  364. 5:19 PM - Saiko Itami: "Oh, neat. This is the first I've seen of them, I don't usually come here during the day."
  365. 8:22 PM - Contractually Delicious: "You should know I usually work nights too. It's just... that whole fiasco changed the scene up a bit. Yarif's been running himself ragged... well, as fast as tortosies can run, I guess."
  366. 8:23 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Then Enomatia has that business about the murders of his contractees, and I haven't heard anything from Haku recently."
  367. 5:23 PM - Saiko Itami: "Who hears anything about the kitty-cat? He's adorable, but it's not like he's ever around."
  368. 8:25 PM - Contractually Delicious: "You're telling me. It's rare to see him out and about. Wonder what he gets up to..."
  369. 5:25 PM - Saiko Itami: I perk up. "Ooh, we should follow him next time we see him!"
  370. 8:26 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Don't cats have like, super senses? He'd probably know you're there."
  371. 5:26 PM - Saiko Itami: "I dunno, my power is Nothing, I could probably figure /something/ out."
  372. 8:28 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Fair enough."
  373. 8:30 PM - Contractually Delicious: "So then, any plans for the day? I doubt you want to spend all day here. Then again..."
  374. 5:30 PM - Saiko Itami: "Umm, let's see..." I pull out a crumpled piece of paper from my pocket and look over it.
  375. 8:31 PM - Contractually Delicious: "You have a to-do list? Never thought you'd be one to keep organized."
  376. 5:32 PM - Saiko Itami: "Haha, hell no." I show her the top of the list, which reads "Places I can get money" in a childish scrawl.
  377. 5:34 PM - Saiko Itami: "Anyway, ummm, nope, no real plan, unless I feel like getting beat up by a giant spider, or snooping around an abandoned factory."
  378. 8:35 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Well, those sound... fun..."
  379. 8:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: "So, how's the familiar hunting going? I remember giving you a contract for that."
  380. 5:37 PM - Saiko Itami: I wave my hand in the air. "The girls that works there wants me to get a bunch of them, like 8."
  381. 5:37 PM - Saiko Itami: "But I only have 3. They're hard to find, and harder to catch."
  382. 8:38 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Guess that's why she has a contract out."
  383. 5:39 PM - Saiko Itami: "Yep, probably!"
  384. 5:39 PM - Saiko Itami: I look around the bar to see if there's anyone else here.
  385. 8:41 PM - Contractually Delicious: The girl in the purple dress next to bunnygirl rises and heads towards the door, and there are a few other patrons, but none of note
  386. 5:41 PM - Saiko Itami: "She sure didn't stay for long."
  387. 8:43 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Guess not. She and the rabbit seemed to be talking about something, though. Didn't catch what."
  388. 5:43 PM - Saiko Itami: I shrug. "They probably know each other or something."
  389. 8:44 PM - Contractually Delicious: Looking over, the rabbitgirl raises a hand again. Namiyo sighs. "Be right back, she probably needs a refill or something."
  390. 5:44 PM - Saiko Itami: "Alrighty."
  391. 5:52 PM - Saiko Itami: I move over to sit by bunny-girl.
  393. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Saiko - Drink Your Troubles Away~~
  400. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Valentine - Poisonous Intent~~
  402. 7:17 PM - Contractually Delicious: Last time, you were in the limo with Eve
  403. 7:17 PM - Contractually Delicious: so let's say you dropped her off, and now it's the next day and you're at the bar
  404. 4:27 PM - Val the working gal: Val raises her hand to order a drink
  405. 7:29 PM - Contractually Delicious: You recognize the girl with the poofy squirrel tail work her way over to you. It seems like she was chatting with someone, a little 12 year old-looking girl
  406. 7:29 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Hey, what can I get you?"
  407. 4:30 PM - Val the working gal: "Something colorful" Val said with Jake sniffing in agreement
  408. 7:31 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Got it, one sec."
  409. 7:32 PM - Contractually Delicious: She walks back to the girl she was chatting with before and begins mixing a drink while talking to the girl
  410. 4:33 PM - Val the working gal: Val waits for her drink trying not to stare to long at the girls
  411. 7:34 PM - Contractually Delicious: you totally want the v
  412. 4:34 PM - Val the working gal: "Gross voice" she mummbled to herself
  413. 7:36 PM - Contractually Delicious: ur grodd
  414. 7:36 PM - Contractually Delicious: gross
  415. 7:36 PM - Contractually Delicious: fuck
  416. 7:36 PM - Contractually Delicious: i blame you
  417. 7:36 PM - Contractually Delicious: jake is dead
  418. 4:38 PM - Val the working gal: Val frowns
  419. 7:39 PM - Contractually Delicious: A girl wearing a loose, flowy lavender dress which ends just above her knees takes a seat next to you.
  420. 7:40 PM - Contractually Delicious: She looks your way. "Come here often? Don't recognize your face."
  421. 4:41 PM - Val the working gal: "Not really, I only come her for work and pretty drinks" Val puts jake in her back pack
  422. 4:41 PM - Val the working gal: His head poking out
  423. 7:42 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Cute rabbit."
  424. 4:42 PM - Val the working gal: "I have unlimited rabits, but he is special"
  425. 7:43 PM - Contractually Delicious: You give the girl a more in-depth look over. Her dress has a gold collar, and on her chest is a white bow that glitters like freshly fallen snow. The center of this bow is the head of a teddy bear. Her ponytail is also tied back with a ribbon of similar style, minus the bear head, while the short sleeves of her dress are trimmed with gold. On her naval is a pink heart-shaped crystal.
  426. 7:43 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Unlimited rabbits?"
  427. 4:44 PM - Val the working gal: "I have a hat that rabits just fall out of"
  428. 7:47 PM - Contractually Delicious: "So you can just pull a rabbit out of your hat, literally?"
  429. 4:53 PM - Val the working gal: "yes,my Element is bunnies"
  430. 7:55 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Ooh, neat. Mine's poison. Not as fluffy, but I prefer teddy bears over bunnies anyway."
  431. 7:55 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Bunnies are nice though."
  432. 4:55 PM - Val the working gal: "So you can just turn anything into poison? Does it just kill them?"
  433. 7:57 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Not really, I just make poison. I can shoot it in streams or solidify and shape it."
  434. 7:57 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Though this one girl I met seemed pretty damned resiliant to it. Still need to find her..."
  435. 4:57 PM - Val the working gal: "Is it possible to make a poison that just puts people to sleep for hours?"
  436. 7:58 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Hmmm... I could do it, probably."
  437. 4:58 PM - Val the working gal: "My name is Val, by the way" She holds out her hand to shake
  438. 8:00 PM - Contractually Delicious: She holds out a hand of her own. "Kimiko."
  439. 5:00 PM - Val the working gal: Val shakes her hand "Would you like a drink?"
  440. 8:02 PM - Contractually Delicious: Squirrelgirl Namiyo comes over just as you say that, and hands you your drink
  441. 8:02 PM - Contractually Delicious: It's a rainbow. It's certainly colorful.
  442. 8:03 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Good enough?" She gives a small smile, but it's obvious she's not really feeling very happy. "Just call me if you need anything else," she walks back down to the girl she was with before
  443. 5:14 PM - Val the working gal: Val writes down her number and gives it to the new girl "If you can get me a poison like that, I will be happy to pay you"
  444. 5:14 PM - Val the working gal: "Just make sure it wont kill my friend"
  445. 8:16 PM - Contractually Delicious: "I am the mistress of poisons, consider it done."
  446. 8:41 PM - Contractually Delicious: Kimiko checks her phone for the time. "And sorry, but I can't stay for that drink, I should get going. Guess I'll give you a call when it's done. Wasn't expecting a job, but hey, always fun to make new poisons."
  447. 8:41 PM - Contractually Delicious: Kimiko rises from her stool and heads out
  448. 5:41 PM - Val the working gal: Val calls the bartender over while sipping her wondderful drink
  449. 8:44 PM - Contractually Delicious: It is delightfully fruity, it almost tastes like fruit juice
  450. 8:44 PM - Contractually Delicious: She walks over to you
  451. 8:45 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Something else you need?"
  452. 5:46 PM - Val the working gal: "Well acutally, I wanted to ask you what I could do. A frown doesn't suit you, how can I help?"
  453. 8:48 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Wha? Oh, that. Well, I think I saw you around the time the entire bar went Nightmare. I... lost a friend of mine in that, so I'm a little broken up about that. But I'm fine, really."
  455. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Valentine - Poisonous Intent~~
  462. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Saiko and Valentine - Drinks for Two~~
  464. 8:56 PM - Contractually Delicious: Saiko wanders over to Valentine and takes a seat by her
  465. 8:56 PM - Contractually Delicious: Naimyo is there
  466. 8:56 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Sorry, Saiko. Get bored without me?"
  467. 8:57 PM - Saiko Itami: I nod. "I got bored, so I'm gonna sit over here now."
  468. 8:57 PM - Saiko Itami: "Hi bunny-lady!"
  469. 8:58 PM - Val the working gal: Val directs this at Namiyo, "Let me take you to my house, you can relax in a hot tub!"
  470. 8:58 PM - Val the working gal: "You will feel a million times better"
  471. 8:58 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Eheh, I'd love to, but I'm still working, as you can see."
  472. 8:59 PM - Saiko Itami: I raise myself up on the stool and lean over the counter, nudging Namiyo, before whispering to her
  473. 8:59 PM - Saiko Itami: "Psst, I think you're being hit on."
  474. 9:01 PM - Contractually Delicious: She whispers back. "I can tell. It happens sometimes."
  475. 9:01 PM - Val the working gal: Val has blushies "NO! Im just offering to help her feel better!"
  476. 9:02 PM - Saiko Itami: "Definitely hitting on you. Can girls love girls?"
  477. 9:03 PM - Contractually Delicious: "It happens enough that I've stopped noticing it as odd. There's this one blonde with huge..." she cups her moderately sized breasts
  478. 9:04 PM - Val the working gal: "Like this big?" Vals magic bra grows her breats to the size of melons
  479. 9:04 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Then the redhead, and the girl with the wings. Oh boy, the winged one..."
  480. 9:05 PM - Saiko Itami: "I've seen the blonde lad-is that supposed to happen?" Saiko is stopped mid-sentence by Val's suddenly giant knockers.
  481. 9:05 PM - Contractually Delicious: Val's chest grows to exactly mimic Celestine's, at which Namiyo seems very very confused, then nods hesitantly
  482. 9:06 PM - Saiko Itami: "Anyway, jeez Namiyo. You're pretty popular with the ladies, huh?" I wink and nudge her with my elbow, now stting on the counter.
  483. 9:07 PM - Val the working gal: Val shrinks them back to normal size
  484. 9:07 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Wha-me? No, I... S-shut up!"
  485. 9:08 PM - Saiko Itami: I close my eyes and shrug, palms up. "Mmhmm, whatever you say."
  486. 9:09 PM - Val the working gal: "And what is your name?" Val asks sipping her drink
  487. 9:10 PM - Saiko Itami: "I'm Saiko! How bout you?"
  488. 9:11 PM - Val the working gal: "I'm Valentine and this is Jake" she said pointing to her bunny in her pack
  489. 9:12 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko hops down from the counter and puts herself eye-level with Jake. "Aww, he's adorable!"
  490. 9:12 PM - Contractually Delicious: "And /I/ need to take care of someone's drink." Namiyo walks off to do just that
  491. 9:13 PM - Val the working gal: "Would you like some of my rainbow drink?"
  492. 9:14 PM - Saiko Itami: "The only companion I keep is this guy!" Saiko pulls a blood-stained baseball bat from nowhere.
  493. 9:15 PM - Saiko Itami: "And no thanks, I only like alcohol on it's own, at the end of the day. And lots of it."
  494. 9:16 PM - Val the working gal: "Well how about i order us some shots. I'm about to get work anyway, might as well have some fun"
  495. 9:17 PM - Saiko Itami: "Ooh, free drinks! I bet I can out-drink you!"
  496. 9:20 PM - Val the working gal: "Well i only have 50 bucks, don't make me broke" Val said with a laugh "How about we get 5 shots each"
  497. 9:21 PM - Saiko Itami: "Sure!"
  498. 9:24 PM - Val the working gal: Val waves down the bartender
  499. 9:24 PM - Contractually Delicious: Namiyo returns to you. "Something you need?"
  500. 9:27 PM - Saiko Itami: "She's totally ordering us shots."
  501. 9:27 PM - Val the working gal: "Ten shots!" Val says putting 20 dollar on the counter
  502. 9:28 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko bounces excitedly in her seat at the prospect of free alcohol.
  503. 9:28 PM - Contractually Delicious: "Coming right up." She swiftly pours you the shots, sliding them down in a near line one after another, until you have 10 lined up before you
  504. 9:29 PM - Saiko Itami: I fistpump. "Ok so, how are we doing this? Race?"
  505. 9:29 PM - Val the working gal: "Well haw about a drinking game?"
  506. 9:30 PM - Val the working gal: " 'Never have I ever.' Is a fun game"
  507. 9:30 PM - Saiko Itami: "Awesome, how do you play?"
  508. 9:33 PM - Val the working gal: "Well we take turns saying stuff we have never done, and if the other person as done said thing, they have to drink"
  509. 9:34 PM - Saiko Itami: "Wait, so the point is to...not drink the alcohol?"
  510. 9:34 PM - Saiko Itami: "I don't get it."
  511. 9:35 PM - Val the working gal: "Well the point is fun. Give it a shot" Val says giggling at her own pun
  512. 9:36 PM - Saiko Itami: "This sounds hard. You go first."
  513. 9:38 PM - Val the working gal: "Never have I ever played violin"
  514. 9:38 PM - Val the working gal: Val glances at Saiko's case
  515. 9:39 PM - Saiko Itami: I do a shot. "Maybe this isn't so bad, after all."
  516. 9:39 PM - Saiko Itami: "Never have I ever, umm..."
  517. 9:40 PM - Saiko Itami: My eyes light up as I think of something. "Had giant tits!"
  518. 9:41 PM - Val the working gal: Val looks at her chest and makes them grow to the same size as before and then back to normal. She then takes a shot
  519. 9:41 PM - Val the working gal: "Well, never have I ever slept with someone"
  520. 9:42 PM - Saiko Itami: "Like, in the same bed?"
  521. 9:42 PM - Val the working gal: "Sure"
  522. 9:42 PM - Saiko Itami: "Does it count if they're dead now?"
  523. 9:43 PM - Val the working gal: "ummm.... yes?"
  524. 9:45 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko frowns and does a shot. "Never have I ever...had more than 40 dollars in my wallet!"
  525. 9:45 PM - Val the working gal: Val happily takes a shot
  526. 9:46 PM - Val the working gal: "Never have I ever..... named an inanimate object"
  527. 9:48 PM - Saiko Itami: "Oh, me neither. Never have I ever...used magic for bad stuff!"
  528. 9:50 PM - Val the working gal: Val shrugs "Does killing doctors count?"
  529. 9:50 PM - Saiko Itami: "Um, yeah, if they were good doctors."
  530. 9:51 PM - Val the working gal: "See, thats questionable because they worked for evil people"
  531. 9:52 PM - Saiko Itami: "How evil are we talkin?"
  532. 9:52 PM - Val the working gal: "Very"
  533. 9:53 PM - Saiko Itami: "Ok, like, examples here."
  534. 9:53 PM - Saiko Itami: "We gotta go in-depth here."
  535. 9:54 PM - Val the working gal: "Making youma to maybe harevest some sort of power or something. "
  536. 9:54 PM - Val the working gal: "Plus they kidnapped me"
  537. 9:55 PM - Saiko Itami: "Oh, they're probably bad then."
  538. 9:56 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko shrugs and takes a swig from her flask.
  539. 9:56 PM - Val the working gal: "Never have I ever.. got drunk everyday for a week"
  540. 9:57 PM - Saiko Itami: "Ha, not a week, I've been going for months now."
  541. 9:57 PM - Saiko Itami: I take a shot.
  542. 9:58 PM - Saiko Itami: "Never have I ever fought another magical girl."
  543. 9:58 PM - Contractually Delicious: Current shots consumed status: Saiko - 2. Val - 2.
  544. 9:59 PM - Val the working gal: Val takes a shot
  545. 9:59 PM - Val the working gal: "We bitch-slap-high-fived"
  546. 10:00 PM - Saiko Itami: "That sounds like fun! Did she die?"
  547. 10:01 PM - Contractually Delicious: Saiko - 2. Val - 3.
  548. 10:01 PM - Val the working gal: "She died later by the fist of a diffrent girl"
  549. 10:02 PM - Saiko Itami: "Was she a bad guy?"
  550. 10:02 PM - Val the working gal: "No, we just had our diffrences"
  551. 10:03 PM - Saiko Itami: "Is the girl who killed her a bad guy?"
  552. 10:04 PM - Val the working gal: "No, her lesbian lover... the girl she cheated on my brother for"
  553. 10:06 PM - Saiko Itami: "But girls can't love girls!"
  554. 10:07 PM - Contractually Delicious: From just outside the bar, Saiko can barely make out someone... singing? Poorly, but nevertheless singing, "...AND THEY RUN WHEN THE SUN COMES UP... WITH THEIR LIVES ON THE LINE, (ALIVE)..."
  555. 10:08 PM - Contractually Delicious: it's a male voice, just for clarification
  556. 10:08 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko perks up, ear turned towards the door. "Oh, do you hear that? It sounds like someone who can't sing is outside."
  557. 10:09 PM - Val the working gal: "I can't hear that at all, wanna finish our drinks and go look?"
  558. 10:10 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko does every remaining shot without missing a beat.
  559. 10:10 PM - Saiko Itami: "Yep!"
  560. 10:12 PM - Val the working gal: Val finished the one in her hand "Y-you lead the way" At this point val feels the effects of the drinks
  561. 10:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: You both head outside the bar
  562. 10:13 PM - Val the working gal: Shes not drunk but quite tipsy
  563. 10:13 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko doesn't appear to be affected at all.
  564. 10:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: main chat~
  566. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Saiko and Valentine - Drinks for Two~~
  570. 10:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: Valentine and Saiko exit the bar, and find Ayano, Fatty, Lanky, Shouty and Lispy (none of whom Saiko knows iirc) standing outside
  571. 10:14 PM - Contractually Delicious: The nerds are each holding a foam sword
  572. 10:14 PM - Contractually Delicious: Ayano is currently sprawled on the ground
  573. 10:15 PM - Contractually Delicious: you guys are welcome to do things :v
  574. 10:15 PM - electricWishes: "Now lets get this operation underway! Michi, carry me! Or... someone!"
  575. 10:15 PM - Saiko Itami: "Who're these nerds?"
  576. 10:15 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "What? I don't think I can carry you..."
  577. 10:15 PM - Saiko Itami: I look weirded out by the sheer amount of nerds.
  578. 10:16 PM - electricWishes: Ayano looks up from the ground, "Oh hey! You were there for the epic dungeon crawl the other day!" Pointing at Saiko, "Oh yeah, and you were there too!"
  579. 10:17 PM - electricWishes: Ayano points at Val.
  580. 10:17 PM - Val the working gal: Val is very cunfused and a bit worried "WHO ARE ALL THESE PEOPLE"
  581. 10:17 PM - Saiko Itami: I lean over to Val and whisper, "Who the fuck are these nerds?"
  582. 10:18 PM - Val the working gal: "nerds... from my school, I still don't know the names"
  583. 10:18 PM - Contractually Delicious: Fatty looks at Val. "Aren't you Shosuke's sister?"
  584. 10:19 PM - electricWishes: "O, M, G, I didn't know that you were supporting the club!" Ayano shakes off her injuries and rapidly shakes Val's hand, spouting, "Thank you thank you thank you thank you....!"
  585. 10:20 PM - Val the working gal: Vals body jerks with the hard shaking "UmMmMmMm... YoUr WeLcOmE?"
  586. 10:20 PM - electricWishes: "Without your cash moniez, er, resources, we couldn't possibly afford all the stuff we do!"
  587. 10:20 PM - Contractually Delicious: The four nerds nod in unison
  588. 10:21 PM - electricWishes: "Oh OH OH OH OH, I KNOW!"
  589. 10:21 PM - electricWishes: "You can help out with Operation Magical Transformation!"
  590. 10:22 PM - Val the working gal: "I got nothing better to do, so sure I shall help you"
  591. 10:22 PM - electricWishes: "YESSSSSSSssssssssssssssssssss!"
  592. 10:22 PM - electricWishes: Ayano strikes a victory pose.
  593. 10:23 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko just looks confused at this point.
  594. 10:23 PM - Val the working gal: "Do you think we are in an anime or a game based on an anime or something?" She said cunfused in the weird behavior
  595. 10:23 PM - Contractually Delicious: cunfused
  596. 10:24 PM - Contractually Delicious: that is a single t away from being 100% more hilarious
  597. 10:24 PM - electricWishes: "No, don't be silly! That'd never happen...!" Ayano beams a "C:" at Val.
  598. 10:25 PM - electricWishes: "It'd be so awesome though....."
  599. 10:25 PM - Val the working gal: "So what is this mission?"
  600. 10:27 PM - electricWishes: Ayano whispers in a way that only the girls hear, somehow. "Ok, so basically.... we're going to sneak /those/ guys in, the only way I know how!" Ayano points to the assortment of guy nerds.
  601. 10:27 PM - electricWishes: "And that's dressing them up as magical girls and using our magical technology to pass them off as normal!" Ayano continues to "C:" at Val.
  602. 10:28 PM - Contractually Delicious: They stand awkwardly and nerdishly as the girls all cluster together
  603. 10:28 PM - Val the working gal: "I have a magic bra we can put on the most guyish one to assure that they are female to others"
  604. 10:29 PM - electricWishes: "A-amazing...."
  605. 10:29 PM - Saiko Itami: "...This plan is stupid."
  606. 10:31 PM - Val the working gal: "Shhhh... magics bras make everything better"
  607. 10:31 PM - electricWishes: "Shh.. your input is invalid, NON-group member!"
  608. 10:32 PM - electricWishes: "It's important I get my squad in there!"
  609. 10:32 PM - Saiko Itami: "What are you even sneaking into?"
  610. 10:32 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Tho... what are we gonna do?"
  611. 10:34 PM - electricWishes: "I know! It's like fate or something brought us together! Valentine... that's your name right? We need your exceptionally large wardrobe that you probably have with all of your rich person money so we can cosplay them as magical people!"
  612. 10:35 PM - Val the working gal: "Well its in my home, I will get the limo"
  613. 10:35 PM - Val the working gal: Val calls her home boy
  614. 10:36 PM - Contractually Delicious: Your home boy Winston says he will arrive shortly
  615. 10:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: And he does so
  616. 10:37 PM - Contractually Delicious: Winston pulls up to the bar in your limo
  617. 10:37 PM - Saiko Itami: "Y-you have an entire limo?!"
  618. 10:37 PM - electricWishes: Ayano's jaw drops.
  619. 10:38 PM - Val the working gal: "Of course, doesn't everyone on teir 2?"
  620. 10:38 PM - electricWishes: "This is just like my american novels...."
  621. 10:38 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Not everyone'th from Tier 2."
  622. 10:38 PM - Saiko Itami: "...Just how rich are you?"
  623. 10:39 PM - Val the working gal: "my family owns the seaweed corperation"
  624. 10:39 PM - Val the working gal: "you know, the one in all the snacks"
  625. 10:40 PM - Contractually Delicious: S: "I LOVE THOSE THINGS"
  626. 10:40 PM - electricWishes: "WHO LET YOU IN ON THIS CONVERSATION!?"
  627. 10:41 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Be nithe..."
  628. 10:42 PM - Contractually Delicious: So then, to the mansion, everyone?
  629. 10:42 PM - electricWishes: Yes, fo sho
  630. 10:42 PM - electricWishes: lets get this show on the road :v
  631. 10:42 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko's gonna hop in and marvel over the amazing limo.
  632. 10:43 PM - Contractually Delicious: You all pile into the spacious limo, the not rich people in awe
  633. 10:43 PM - Contractually Delicious: Some time later, the limo pulls up in front of the Utagawa mansion, and you have arrived at your destination
  634. 10:43 PM - Val the working gal: Val looks out the wondow the whole time
  635. 10:44 PM - Saiko Itami: Saiko touches everything in the car and doesn't stop gaping.
  636. 10:47 PM - Contractually Delicious: You enter the vast mansion, led by Val, who lives here
  637. 10:47 PM - Contractually Delicious: it's a really cushy place, these rich people sure know how to live
  638. 10:47 PM - electricWishes: "Ok! Michi, everyone, lets get this operation underway!"
  639. 10:48 PM - Saiko Itami: "Wow, this is how people with money live? This is amazing."
  640. 10:48 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Yeth ma'am! Tho, Mith Val, where are your clotheth?"
  641. 10:49 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Uh, Ayano, do we need to get them to wear panthu too?"
  642. 10:49 PM - electricWishes: "......................................"
  643. 10:50 PM - Saiko Itami: "Uh..."
  644. 10:50 PM - Val the working gal: "In my room this way"
  645. 10:50 PM - Val the working gal: "And... no one will steal my panthu"
  646. 10:51 PM - electricWishes: "Lets go with... yeah, that's probably a step too far, even for this mission."
  647. 10:51 PM - electricWishes: Ayano nods to herself in agreement.
  648. 10:51 PM - Saiko Itami: "So what is this mission anyway?"
  649. 10:51 PM - electricWishes: "Getting everyone into the bar so that I can recruit guild members to help find a girl who went missing!"
  650. 10:52 PM - Saiko Itami: "...Guild?"
  651. 10:52 PM - electricWishes: "Yeah! You know, get a party going for a raid!"
  652. 10:52 PM - Val the working gal: "And these girls are needed why?"
  653. 10:52 PM - Saiko Itami: "Why do you need boys anyway? Can't you recruit on your own?"
  654. 10:53 PM - electricWishes: "... I need my body guards, or else that.. succubus might get me...."
  655. 10:53 PM - Saiko Itami: "Succubus? I thought those were fakey-fake bullshit."
  656. 10:53 PM - electricWishes: "And also so that we can do more research!"
  657. 10:53 PM - electricWishes: "Oh no, they're real!"
  658. 10:54 PM - Saiko Itami: "What do they look like?"
  659. 10:54 PM - electricWishes: "I met one, like, my first day of being a magical girl! She had like, wings... and was /American/!"
  660. 10:54 PM - electricWishes: "And she was also making moves on me!"
  661. 10:54 PM - electricWishes: "And then there was the vampire....." Ayano shivers.
  662. 10:55 PM - Saiko Itami: "Oh, I think I've seen the girl with wings around. She's not a succubus, she's just a pervert."
  663. 10:55 PM - Saiko Itami: "A massive, massive pervert."
  664. 10:55 PM - Saiko Itami: I shudder at the thought.
  665. 10:55 PM - electricWishes: "See? THat's why I need my party members to help me!"
  666. 10:56 PM - electricWishes: "At least, until I get another party for the actual raid."
  667. 10:56 PM - electricWishes: "Apparently I'm going up against a spider thing..... wanna come?"
  668. 10:56 PM - Saiko Itami: "Spider thing? I fought one of those, once."
  669. 10:56 PM - Saiko Itami: "It's where I found this, actually!"
  670. 10:57 PM - Saiko Itami: I draw the Kamitana and start unsheathing it.
  671. 10:57 PM - electricWishes: "A-amazing..."
  672. 10:57 PM - Saiko Itami: "It doesn't stop unless I make it, too. It's cool!"
  673. 10:58 PM - Saiko Itami: I snap it off at the max length my arms can pull apart from each other.
  674. 10:59 PM - electricWishes: "I wonder....... Have you tried dropping the sheath down a /really/ long pit, like, an elevator shaft?"
  675. 10:59 PM - electricWishes: "I bet you could get it like, so long that you could pierce the heavens!"
  676. 10:59 PM - Contractually Delicious: F: "What if you were to drop it off the side of the Tier...?"
  677. 10:59 PM - Saiko Itami: "Nope, I haven't messed around with it much. That sounds like a scary idea though, I might lose it!"
  678. 11:00 PM - electricWishes: "Ok ok, we've gotta get our heads in the game! Ok, lets start this operation, for real this time!"
  679. 11:01 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: "So uh... what are we doing here?"
  680. 11:02 PM - electricWishes: "Oh... yeah, should I tell them, or you tell them?" Ayano asks Lispy.
  681. 11:03 PM - Contractually Delicious: G: "Thath all you, bothh."
  682. 11:03 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: "And are you sure there's no CIA spooks here?"
  683. 11:05 PM - electricWishes: "Ok... long story short... you guys are becoming magical girls!"
  684. 11:05 PM - electricWishes: "I can't believe you guys didn't get what we were doing from the operation title..."
  685. 11:05 PM - electricWishes: "You've failed me."
  686. 11:06 PM - Saiko Itami: "Huh? But guys can't be girls!"
  687. 11:06 PM - Contractually Delicious: F, L, S: "...WHAT?"
  688. 11:06 PM - electricWishes: "Don't worry! It's for science! And helping out the chess queen! And also adventure!"
  689. 11:07 PM - electricWishes: "You guys get to finally see the inside of that guild hall, which I'm sure you're curious as to what's inside~..."
  690. 11:08 PM - Saiko Itami: "...It's just a bar."
  691. 11:08 PM - electricWishes: "SHHH!"
  692. 11:08 PM - electricWishes: "It's not just any kind of bar... it's a magical girl bar!"
  693. 11:09 PM - electricWishes: "And also the guildhall for Tortoise-Senpai!"
  694. 11:09 PM - Saiko Itami: "That's kind of exactly why they're not allowed in, you know..."
  695. 11:10 PM - electricWishes: "Shh! I need them to gather intelligence too!"
  696. 11:10 PM - Val the working gal: "Well, there is no way they are going to get in unless they smell like magic"
  697. 11:10 PM - electricWishes: "Yeah, and we've got just the thing cooking up!"
  698. 11:10 PM - Val the working gal: Val takes out her container of magic orange powder
  699. 11:10 PM - Saiko Itami: "They're not the only ones who need to gather intelligence," I say under my breath.
  700. 11:10 PM - Val the working gal: Val takes the lid off and dumps it all over the nerds
  701. 11:12 PM - Val the working gal: "Now they can pass any inspections"
  702. 11:13 PM - electricWishes: "....."
  703. 11:13 PM - Val the working gal: "Just say you were attacked by a orange youma"
  704. 11:13 PM - electricWishes: "What is that stuff?"
  705. 11:13 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: "What is this stuff?"
  706. 11:13 PM - Saiko Itami: "...They're still boys, though."
  707. 11:13 PM - Val the working gal: "They don't look like it to me"
  708. 11:14 PM - Val the working gal: "They just smell like orange magical girls"
  709. 11:15 PM - Saiko Itami: I take a swig from my flask and mutter, "I should've been drunker before I agreed to this."
  710. 11:16 PM - Val the working gal: "Winston, can you get this girl a 64 oz bottle of vodka"
  711. 11:16 PM - Contractually Delicious: Fatty tries to brush the powder off. "So... how do we get this off?"
  712. 11:16 PM - Val the working gal: "You lick it off, but you keep it on until your back out of the club again"
  713. 11:16 PM - Saiko Itami: "Vodka?" My face lights up and I bounce excitedly, "Nevermind, this is totally fine!"
  714. 11:17 PM - Contractually Delicious: F: "What? How... how are we supposed to lick it off, if it's on our heads?"
  715. 11:17 PM - Contractually Delicious: Winston returns with the requested bottle of vodka
  716. 11:17 PM - Saiko Itami: I hug Winston and immediately begin working on draining all of it.
  717. 11:18 PM - electricWishes: "Yeah!? How are they supposed to get it off their heads?"
  718. 11:18 PM - Saiko Itami: "You could help each other!"
  719. 11:18 PM - Val the working gal: "Do you have any cats?"
  720. 11:18 PM - Val the working gal: "What am I saying, you obviously do"
  721. 11:18 PM - Val the working gal: "Use those"
  722. 11:19 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: "This... this must be some sort of... identifying powder! YOU WORK FOR THE CIA, DON'T YOU? THAT'S HOW YOU HAVE ALL THIS MONEY!"
  723. 11:20 PM - Val the working gal: "Implying government workers get paid well"
  724. 11:20 PM - Val the working gal: "Which they don't"
  725. 11:21 PM - Contractually Delicious: L: " have a point."
  726. 11:21 PM - electricWishes: "So yeah, lets get those outfits done!"
  727. 11:21 PM - Saiko Itami: I keep chugging away at the vodka. It's draining much faster than it should be.
  728. 11:22 PM - electricWishes: "We'll worry about the magic powder stuff later, but timesa-wasting!"
  729. 11:23 PM - Contractually Delicious: You proceed to get the nerds outfitted to look magically delicious
  730. 11:23 PM - Contractually Delicious: and can we stop here? I'm tired as hell
  731. 11:24 PM - electricWishes: sure, whatevs
  732. 11:24 PM - Saiko Itami: im ok with that
  733. 11:24 PM - Contractually Delicious: least we finally played again
  734. 11:24 PM - Contractually Delicious: guess I'll grab the logs then
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