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A Christians curse

a guest
Feb 22nd, 2019
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  1. Hello my name is frisk and I'm going to tell you something very special about my wife she is a witch and a very good one at that but I'm getting a head of myself let's start from the beginning I lived in a small town called Linville I'm one of the workers for the local mine and every week the local horses come with 2 of the mayors guards come to collect our findings we get our cut in 2 but it's only 2% and that's barely enough to sustained living habits and purchased food I've been working with the mining people for a very long time then when I went to go to the annual community meeting I sat next to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen so at first I was very nervous to talk to her but we made small chat she was so funny and smart she told me that she could tell the future at first I laughed because I thought she was only playing with me but then she told me everything about me I was so surprised by what she said so she told me a little about her her name is Christian I told her that that's a very unique and pretty name she then said that she never told anyone else about her gift but I then asked her why everyone should know about your unique gifts because if the town's people found out that I can see into the future they will not hesitate to kill me my mom wasn't a witch but they accused her of being one and burned her in front of me and I was very young these people kill what they don't know that's why I don't talk to anyone then why are you talking to me and told me because silly I know everything about you even if you told anyone else about me they are all to stupid to believe you then after the community meeting was over I decided to take her on a date she happily agreed the date went every well i found out that she lived alone just like me and a bunch of other stuff after the date I asked her if she wanted to stay with me she said yes and we've never been a part fast forward a few years and now we are married and happy together it's seemed like I had the perfect life but that all changed one night it turns out that word of her gift got out and the town's people were not happy so in the middle of the night I woke up to my wife being taken by someone I tried to get up but they tied down my legs I started to cry and scream don't take her please she's not evil I tried desperately to unite my legs after a while I finally got free I immediately ran after them everyone in the hole town was here out front of the church in the middle of everyone was a big log surrounded by wood and tied to that log was my love crying I shouted nooo let her go and ran to her but then someone grabbed me it was one of the mayors guards let me go that's my wife then the I could here my wife crying and I'm struggling to get free but it's no good then the crowd went silent as the mayor came out welcome everyone in this glorious night we are all here for one thing and that is to burn this spawn of the devil everyone cheered noo don't do it please I beg of you ah and here's one our own brothers and sisters under the spell of this demon don't worry my son we will put this evil back it's place in to the fire of hell from which it came then with those final words escaped his mouth the wood suddenly caught on fire I started to cry as I could only look in fear as my love was being burned you you basterds I'll be back and you will all be dead I'll kill everyone who has wrong me then with her final breath she said something in a different language and was silenced forever then the Guard dropped me down on the floor as everyone started clapping and cheering all I could do now is just cry then everyone else just went back home I went back to my place to get a jar and went back to pick up some of her ashes and put it in the jar after I put all I could get in that jar I put the lid on it and went back home with the jar and straight to bed the next morning I quit my job and never left my house and spent the rest of my money I had left on a new stand to put her ashes on every day I would talk to that jar of ashes and act like she's answering me back good news is that no one thinks I'm hypnotized by my wife anymore instead they think I'm crazy for talking to a jar of ashes but I just choose to not listen to any of them I soon started to cut everyone out of my life I don't care about anyone anymore I'm not crazy I don't need any one I've run out of food I've been surviving on water and crumbs on the floor when I feel asleep I have a dream it was those words that my wife said before she died I can't get it out of my head what the hell does it mean I then discovered a chest under our bed I opened it up to find lots of strange book the first one was in English but the cover was covered with some kind of weird liquid I couldn't remove it so I just started to read it I later found out that it's a dictionary but it worked as a english to what ever language that is whatever after a while goes by and I've learned so many new words I also found out what my girl said she said my love watch out for the 3 sign's of my return first the crops will all die second the sky will become blood red on the final one is that the trees will all burn and once the final tree burns I'll return from the ashes and finally get our revenge on everyone who wronged us we will soon meet again I then heard something going on outside so I looked through my window and saw all the crops were dyeing and fast everyone was trying to grab as much food as they can but it's all dying to fast I could feel a smile return to my face after so long so I pulled up one of my chairs up to the window and grabbed the jar and watched it all fall apart before I knew it I just spent the hole day watched plants die and everyone scrabble like a bunch of headless chickens I was getting really tired so I went up to our room and went back to sleep I woke up to hearing screaming outside I begin to walk out in my pj's and saw that the sky was a very deep red I just walked around caring around my jar with a happy look on my face this confused everyone then the mayor called an emergency town meeting they discuss what is the mayor planing to do about all of this is just watched from among the crowd with a very cocky smile the mayor is completely clueless on how to handle it so I just decided to toy with their emotions and act scared so I joined the mayor on the top of the stage and screamed we are all going to die the rapture is apon us all its the end of the world that drove everyone into a panic and with that I began to walk back home while the mayor was trying to calm everyone down I ended the day drinking a new kind of wine that I stole from the mayor and went to sleep for the night what happened next was very gruesome and gory as hell I'm not going to spare any details I woke up the next day to smell smoke so I ran down stairs and saw that every thing was in chaos everyone was in a panic as the trees were all on fire the sky was still blood red but now is raining blood hard as thunder crack the sky as for everyone else they were in worst shape people were pulling out there eyes out and grabbing any weapon they could find and start killing each other someone killed someone and is running around with that guys guts all over his body there was also a pile of dead bodies but no heads I looked father and saw some surround himself with a bunch of heads on sticks I almost laugh so hard when I saw that someone cut off that guys cock and stuck it in his mouth so I just sat in my chair and watching the show people were dying left and right while that was happening the trees were almost all gone I'm so happy that I get to see all this unfold I then stepped outside and began to walk to were I think the mayor is hidden on my walk I can see everyone slowly and painfully dying all around me I even saw someone with out any skin on someone literally took a potato pillar and skinned this guy alive wow then someone walked up to me wearing someone's else's skin I then decided to kill this guy by my self I picked up a knife and jabbed it into his chest and pulled down and screamed you all deserve this is watched as his guts spelled on to the floor I then said with a smile well I've heard of spelling your guts but this is just over doing it I said with a laugh oh shut up na how about it see if your head is a good stepping stool as I raise my foot to the air and slammed down on his head smashing it as I saw his brain matter when i left up my foot I started to laugh talk about a splitting headache I then started looking around me and saw nothing but death and all the trees were gone it was all quite but something is telling me to head to the spot were she died so I started to walk to the spot and I could see her standing there I could feel my tears coming back as I ran into her arms and we both were crying as we hugged then something dripping down on my head I looked up to see the mayor on top of the church hanging buy his organs around his neck and chest cut open eyes stabbed out I looked back to me wife and said I love you I know baby now let's go we then hit up the bank and took all the money and gold and left that place behind few years later we have a a kid now and a new house and were very rich so with all that being said I'll leave you with this love who your with enjoy her company because you don't know when the one you love will be gone well that's my story got to go Christian is cooking dinner tonight
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