
Zena and RJ Final

Aug 9th, 2015
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  1. Midhat: And it was easy for him to make such a letter arrive to her very own bed room with his card on the top of it, he left only a time and location for her mind to figure the rest. he waited there after a few hours he spent trying to sit the place up for his liking and add a few items to the figure that represented the birth of freedom yet to him it was only the birth of damnation upon the very beings for the souls of chaos. There is no reasoning with such a man; he just had to set a plan to make the whole island go empty by 6 pm and dam he was able to achieve such a thing only be spreading a pulling a few nudes for the mayor and his wife in facebook message. However, he spent the waiting time laying down upon the cold floor rawing his razor blade between his fingers like a worried geek would do waiting for a heavy loading of a game to end. He did spend his time counting the stars as much. The old nasty red grin was fixed as it was a mask to hid worries and trouble being fabricated into this twisted head.....The question is, how did he escape jail once more? more questionable? Wasn't he to be called dead?
  3. XeriaSoprano: -She was always a busy woman, keeping her nose stuffed in her work most days. The letters she received were usually taken care by her secretary but it was a surprise really to see a letter on her bed as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom wrapped just in a towel, her blonde hair wet and messy as she hadn't dried it. Picking up the mysterious letter she frowns staring at it for a full minuate wondering if someone was playing a joke on her but it couldn't be, could it?considering even his card was on it. Shrugging the feeling off she decides not to go but after a few hours, as she glances at her clock to reveal 4:30 pm, she sighs.As they say curiosity kills the cat but would it really kill her as well? She smirks to herself as she gets ready wondering should she go formal or casual but knowing the guy who sent her the letter who she had thought was dead, she decides on formal picking a black gown with gold hints to it, her blond hair wrapped in amessy bun. Reaching the destination that the card said, she frowns looking around, can a Public place be so dead and silent even on a tourist season? A cold shiver ran down her spine as she thinks if it was a mistake coming out here and not to mention alone as her grey orbs moves around the silent island checking for any sign of life-
  5. Midhat: Out of his jacket he pulled a small old device that is remembered in the history of technology as something that matches the hammer of Thor; He took the old nokia 3310 phone and started to check the names that was only three in that device, Boom, Big Boom and Big Bada Boom. he started to look at the locket watch that was hanged to the inside of his coat as he used his hand about it with skill. man looked so classy unless your eyes land on his face and the word morbid and creepy comes to mind, for a man who was mostly known to be fired at and shot was fire such names on his phone was never a good sign....Do you dare to object by any means? he crossed his legs together as he rested his head back only to cross his hands behind it for the phone to be in a hand and the witty blade to be in another. Such shiver went over his hairless skin as the wind crawled over fast as a grinding viper, only he can hear her heels clicking the stone under her till she stops. He clicks Dial after fixed clicks to chose Boom and calls and at the very moment the fire works come so clear to break so the dark night only to light up the island and every light on it to see him standing before the island's landmark with a mimic of a demon climbing from hell. "WELCOME TO LIBERTY ISLAND!.............." He gazed to her eyes as the distance went far between the but his voice was more than powerful so she can hear even over the fire works that had one color if someone can guess what it was. " Bitch!" He looked at her after he merely spit the word looking at her with sweetest eyes and softest grin that totally dined the last word he said.
  7. XeriaSoprano: ((you're a fucking ass <3 XD Posting.))
  9. Midhat: [better save the chat log btw. I'm too low on mind powers to do such a thing.]
  11. XeriaSoprano: -The night was silent, just the twinkling stars visible in the night sky as the Island was totally in the dark, power outage? Couldn't be.. Closed for today? but the letter had said today. Without thinking she takes a few steps forward, her gucci 5 inches heel making a soft noise against the stone paved way making sure to stay on the path and not wander into the ground as pencil heels and grounds weren't really "good friends" with each other. She could feel a sweat bead running down her spine as it was nerves filled with excitement, how would meeting a dead guy be? The thought made her grimace as she strains her eyes in the darkness wondering where the hell he was until she hears the crackles and whizzing as if meteroid shower started but on the opposite direction? She screams, a high pitched shrill scream of terror as the fireworks started out of no where making the dark night shine to a brilliant shining colours. She stares around in shock as if she was dreaming, a total contrast to how it had been moments ago but was she surprised? Not really but scared yes. As her eyes come back to the ground, she whirls herself around to see the male standing there, she could clearly see him due to the bright lights, his voice was as if it had never changed. She grins at his words and quirks her brow, her lips turning to a lopsided mischievious smile as if a devil was inside her as she starts walking towards him, her voice laced with amusement- "Well Well if it isn't the asshole that haunts my nightmares" -she chuckles at her own sarcasm , her smile totally genuine, her eyes sparkling with questions-
  13. Midhat: He never changed, did he even grow for a day? What a remarkable face he always had to fix with every detail. He walked forward to her as he was cutting his way through the strongest tide a sea can bring to the ships to make their depart even more eased than a feather traveling in the mightiest wind. "If it's not Satan's employee of the month then it's not you!" He paused as he went a step far from her only one step from her as he fixed two press on the phone once again not hitting dial "Once our love was such an endless torch like this my dear. " DIAL! And the stoned flame was only to end up blowing replacing the cold fire was fresh blazing once. "Just like this he tooka step to turn beside her having his arm around her slender fair figure as he made sure to make her feel towered with his tall thin frame., he rose the hand that held the phone up for his pointing finger to point at the new torch "Just like this........" His arm pulled her closer to himself.
  15. XeriaSoprano: -She doubted he ever changed but neither had she r did she, maybe she wasn't as innocent as she once had been, now people called her a cold hearted bitch but deep inside she was still the same girl he had left crying on the cold cemented driveway on that fateful day when her innocence had left with him just as she had been replaced with the devil that was now inside her. His words made her chuckle because although they had not seen each other for years, he knew her better than anyone else could-" Says Satan himself " her voice was cold but held a sarcastic note, her red bloody lips curving into a tight smile as her eyes moves over him. As she was watching him pause, she frowns wondering what he was upto as he says the words but she didn't have to wonder long as she smirks " And how do you know our love still doesn't burn like that torch?" - As he presses the button, her eyes move towards the fire, so bright against the night sky, it reminded her of hope in the darkness like a bright light guiding everyone home, her eyes were attuned to the flame but she felt his arm wrap around her slender frame, the cold air brushing against her skin replaced by his warmth. She glances up at him, his frame towering over her making her feel intimidated but she knew that she would never fear this guy. She snuggles closer to him and sighs in content , a small smile on her lips as she wraps her arm around his torso, "Can't say I haven't missed you, you fucker."
  17. Midhat: "Well, I just came to say that like all pretty things even love comes to an end like the end of this very torch" He said as he dialed the third number, Big Bada Boom was called. Fact, he loves bombs, Fact two he was never the one to predict what he is going to do, Fact number three he loved her for he hated her as much, Fact Four he loved to bring things down. The paysum of what have been mentioned was mixed with his need to cause some chaos as a payback to every one caused his arrest, hiding, fake death and what came a long....but most of all for making him leave that innocent soul for corruption and make him what he is. The lady liberty was whipped from its feet so it can simply fall backwards facing them, Freedom Icon was destroyed as he gave a simple that there is no one free for we are slaves for our desires, for our fears...........for our love. "Tonight it all ends with the end of this very being." He pointed at the falling woman before him as the dust cloud started to fade iin the clear air. Walking away from her feeling the cold hitting his side replacing the warmth she transferred to his side. "Fun fact the statute was infact sent to Egypt when it was ruled to King Farouk but he refused because it didn't have the Egyptian theme he asked for." He said as he left her in the darkness and the cold as his words came to echo more as farther he goes. "I loved you Zena ....I never stopped." He said s the blue and red started to appear in the sea at his actions." But face it girl.........we just have to leave so much impact that the world freaks to our gathering, Bonny And Clyde can kiss our asses Darling!" He said as he bounced into the boat. He blew a kiss her way as he followed with a loud yell. " Till we meet again, you better shuffle your cards girl. "
  19. Midhat: [What the hell did I just do?! -Looks to the screen with wondering eyes and scratching his head trying to consume his own typing.- Well, I guess they were right, I'm quite a catch...not in the best way but hell.]
  21. -She was snuggled into his warmth comfortably, the night having gotten colder as they were surrounded by water, his words a wisp of melody to her ears, she still felt as if she was dreaming this up totally but what he said next made her froze, as his words sunk in her brain, she stares at him curiously, slightly confused watching him dial the third number on his Phone, her eyes whipped towards a blast sounding loud in the night air since it was a blast near them, the movement of her neck giving her a painful whiplash as she felt pain erupting up her neck muscles, she stood in shock as the sound deafened her ears for a few seconds afterwards as the beautiful statue itself started tipping back to fall away from them, the torch slamming onto the floor, the once beautiful statue nothing but crumbling pieces of hard white rocks at their feets. The white dust plummeting towards the sky and floating down to cover their glamorous and classy clothes with a fine coat of dust. She was awestricken at the destruction but she also knew why he really did it, it was a small vengeance on his part for everything he had suffered, his death had been a lie, all a labyrinth of lies spun around them by her own Father and their love had been the cause of it as if their love was a fly trapped inside a delicate spiders web. His next words made her body chill to the bone as his words floated into her ear sounding distant after the blast "Tonight it all ends with the end of this very being." Her eyes gaze up to his face searching for emotions beneath his hardened exterior but the darkness had returned and his face partially hidden, she shakes her head in a forlorn manner “ The only things that has to end are the things you want to end and you know that RJ, I have loved you even though I believed you were dead but my love for you never diminished, always know that.”-She keeps staring at him, his words making her feel hollow, his next actions even more so as he moves away from her, the warmth of his body replaced by the bone chilling cold air as she heard the distant sirens and the flashing lights. She was numb but due to years of being what she was , she had already seen what was around her, the boat and the bridge were the only escape from the island but the bridge was already littered with cop cars. Her mind didn’t want to accept it but his next fact confirmed what he planned as his voice started drifting further away from her, without thinking she replies “King Farouk may have returned her but you are not returning me, you fucking son of a bitch!” –Her anger was something that he had never known but he would know now, she screams it to his retreating figure “ And you are fucking not leaving me to clear up your fucking mess.” –she glances back at the fallen statue and then to his retreating figure, without thinking, she takes off her heels glad she hand’t worn any clipped ones, picking it up, she runs after him, her dress trailing onto the dirty dust filled mud, she didn’t care that the stones would make her feets bleed, all she knew was that she was not letting him get away again, not after all these years. Watching him climb on the boat, she knew she wouldn’t make it but she didn’t care, the water would be freezing at this time of night but fuck if she cared, throwing her shoes into the water, she heard his voice again telling to shuffle her cards right, she wanted to laugh but hell….she dives in watching the boat moving away, he could have seen her jumping into the water, she knew but she also knew that knowing RJ he wouldn’t return. Both ways she didn’t want to be the one blamed for the statue, without thinking she dives under water as cops start filling the island swimming away from the Island towards the shore, keeping an eye out for the boats , her eye mindful of the retreating boat of the person who had once been her lover.-
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