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GiveAway skript

a guest
Nov 11th, 2019
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  1. options:
  2. prefix: &8[&CGive&2Away&8]
  5. command /giveaway:
  6. permission: staff.admin
  7. trigger:
  8. open chest with 1 rows named "@prefix" to player
  9. format slot 0 of player with book named "&6Coins" with lore "Give coins to the winner" to close then run [execute player command "/giveawayCoins"]
  10. format slot 1 of player with book named "&bXP" with lore "Give XP to the winner" to close then run [execute player command "giveawayXP"]
  11. format slot 2 of player with glowing book named "&c&lComing soon" to be unstealable
  13. command /giveawayCoins:
  14. permission: staff.admin
  15. trigger:
  16. broadcast "@prefix &5is being chosen in 60 seconds! "
  17. wait 30 seconds
  18. broadcast "@prefix &5is being chosen in 30 seconds!"
  19. wait 20 seconds
  20. broadcast "@prefix &5is being chosen in 10 seconds!"
  21. wait 5 seconds
  22. broadcast "@prefix is being chosen in 5 seconds!"
  23. wait 1 second
  24. broadcast "@prefix is being chosen in 4 seconds!"
  25. wait 1 second
  26. broadcast "@prefix is being chosen in 3 seconds!"
  27. wait 1 second
  28. broadcast "@prefix is being chosen in 2 seconds!"
  29. wait 1 second
  30. broadcast "@prefix is being chosen in 1 second!"
  31. wait 1 second
  32. set {_giveawayCoins} to a random integer between 50 and 500
  33. set {_giveaway} to random player out of all players
  34. wait 1 second
  35. broadcast "@prefix &d%{_giveaway}% &5has won the &cGive&2Away &5 and has received &6c{_giveawayCoins} &6coins!"
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