
Battles snakes

Jun 17th, 2022
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  1. It almost looked as though there was a battle happening under the grass, although that had to be impossible. She could hear squeals and the sounds of things dying in the grass, even though the Fairy’s arms were full and she needed her legs to walk with.
  3. She took Jamal and another couple of kids next, which confused Katrina, since she only had two arms. Nobody else seemed to notice so she didn’t say anything.
  5. She repeated it over and over again, with the adults as well as the children. Most of the adults were hurt, and many of them were wheezing; she’d heard that fire could damage the lungs, and a lot of the people in the complex had smoked anyway. Some of them had already needed to carry bottles of oxygen; none of those were here. Katrina suspected that none of them had made it.
  7. ***
  9. She was carried the distance, and even though the things she heard going on in the grass seemed terrifying, the Lady didn’t give off any sense that she was in pain, even though she thought she saw different snake like things fighting other snake like things in the grass. The lady stumbled for a moment, and a moment later she was through.
  11. ***
  13. Grass
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