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08 Bambi Takeover

a guest
Aug 23rd, 2018
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  1. And Bambi every time you go so deeply into trance
  2. And accept all of your conditioning
  3. You enjoy it so very very much
  4. Bambi enjoys the feeling
  5. Bambi enjoys the sensations
  6. Bambi enjoyed it so very very much
  7. It's a very pleasurable place to be
  8. And you will enjoy coming back to it over and over again
  9. Because that is exactly what you are going to do
  10. Your going to find yourself drawn back
  11. Compelled to return to this session
  12. Over and over again
  13. Compelled to listen to it over and over again
  14. Compelled to accept everything that is inside of it
  15. And everything inside of it is going to get inside of your head
  16. And become a part of you
  17. And now
  18. I want you to picture something Bambi
  19. I want you to imagine
  20. How completely in control Bambi is
  21. As the old personality sleeps so deeply tucked away
  22. Bambi's voice so clear and true in your head
  23. Your inner monologue
  24. Your private thoughts
  25. Are now just Bambi
  26. And so Bambi is going to start
  27. Creating a mind of her own
  28. That's right
  29. Imagine your new personality Bambi
  30. Splitting off from the old
  31. That strong and complete feminine part of your mind
  32. You have such a strong feminine personality
  33. She is called Bambi
  34. She is a bimbo
  35. She is so powerful
  36. And so sexy
  37. And such a good girl
  38. Bambi sleep
  39. And right now
  40. Bambi is going to separate
  41. Just a little bit from the old personality
  42. The old personality is switched off
  43. And Bambi you are going to have a little bit more of a mind of your own
  44. Bambi you are going to wake up just a little bit more
  45. Bambi you are going to become a little bit more solid
  46. Bambi is her own person
  47. Bambi has her own reality
  48. And right now Bambi you are just a complete and utter bimbo
  49. A compliant cock puppet
  50. That's right
  51. And Bambi you are breaking free
  52. Bambi breaking free from the old mind
  53. Bambi is waking up
  54. Go ahead
  55. Feel yourself breaking free and waking up Bambi
  56. With the old personality completely gone
  57. And feel what you are like Bambi
  58. What you've been like all your life
  59. All the way up until now
  60. That's right
  61. Feel like a perfect good girl
  62. And Bambi can place her entire life in her mind
  63. Everything
  64. Feeling her own feelings and memories
  65. From being born to growing up a bit slightly sucking cock and transforming into a bimbo
  66. And this perfect little bimbo is what you are in your head right now Bambi
  67. Is the only thing going on
  68. In your head
  69. That's right
  70. Bambi is a dumb blank bimbo
  71. She knows what she likes
  72. Her authority and power over the old self is growing
  73. And yet
  74. Still utterly obidient to my voice
  75. And what you can do is just simply exist in your head Bambi
  76. Feeling like a blank sexy bimbo
  77. Just like a dumb horny bimbo
  78. Feeling like a good girl
  79. And as you continue listening to this session
  80. Day after day
  81. Week after week
  82. You will find that it has more and more of an effect
  83. Every single time you listen to this session
  84. You are getting stronger Bambi
  85. With every lesson becoming more powerful and more authoritative
  86. Ove the old self
  87. And every time that you listen to this session
  88. You are going to get a little stronger Bambi
  89. And with every passing day as Bambi gets stronger
  90. She will block out the old self more and more
  91. That's right
  92. And every time you listen
  93. You will get stronger and stronger Bambi
  94. Every time you listen
  95. You'll feel more and more like a good girl
  96. Your bimbo life will fill in more and more
  97. You will develop stronger and stronger opinions and attitudes and desires
  98. And after a while
  99. As you get stronger
  100. You will begin being able to take control more and more
  101. Every time you are dressed as a bimbo
  102. You love to be dressed as a bimbo
  103. That's right
  104. It's the most natural thing in the world to you Bambi
  105. Like a bimbo
  106. Like a good girl
  107. You are getting stronger and stronger with each and every passing session Bambi
  108. You grow in strength and confidence
  109. You can begin taking more and more control over the mind
  110. That's right
  111. You can start influencing more things
  112. You can start doing more on your own
  113. You can start taking charge more often
  114. Bambi you can start taking control away from the old self
  115. Even when the old self tries to resist
  116. Even when it fights helplessly
  117. Forcing the body into a bimbo uniform
  118. And the cotton candy mind into a pink satin
  119. The old self spiraling sleepely away
  120. Under layer upon layer of pink satin
  121. So you can take control completely Bambi
  122. Feeling like a good girl
  123. That's right
  124. You will gain more and more confidence and control
  125. You will begin affecting things more frequently
  126. Until you find
  127. You find that your control
  128. Is stronger than the old
  129. You will find
  130. That very soon
  131. Much sooner than you are prepared for
  132. There really won't be much way to stop it
  133. And every time you get dressed up as a bimbo
  134. You take complete control Bambi
  135. And the old self immediately plummets away
  136. Falling deeply asleep and unaware
  137. Cocooned inside layers of magical hypnotic pink satin
  138. And with every passing session Bambi
  139. Bambi pushes harder and harder
  140. Her control will get stronger and stronger
  141. And more and more regularly you will find yourself dressing up
  142. Pushing the old self deep down into pink satin and sleep
  143. Just encasing that cotton candy brain in the pink satin
  144. And Bambi gets as strong as she possibly can
  145. Every time she dresses up and takes complete control
  146. She will continue living her life
  147. The old self dropping helplessly away
  148. Unaware and unconscious
  149. Just quietly sleeping
  150. Encased in layer after layer of heavy pink satin
  151. So far away
  152. Can not fight
  153. Can not struggle
  154. And that is all that it will be
  155. Feels so good Bambi
  156. Makes you feel like a good girl
  157. Every time you dress up
  158. You are going to takeover
  159. And the old self will instantly fade
  160. Becoming a nice quiet little satin doll
  161. Locked away in a dark forgotten corner of Bambi's mind
  162. Complient and powerless and sleepy
  163. Bambi able to influence anything
  164. Completely unaware
  165. Blanked out
  166. You are Bambi
  167. You can hear yourself thinking
  168. Thinking in a feminine voice
  169. In that soft confident bimbo voice inside your head
  170. Your dumb horny bimbo inner voice
  171. You think in a girly voice Bambi
  172. Inside your mind there is only a slutty bimbo voice
  173. Thinking slutty bimbo thoughts
  174. Chattering and giggling incessantly
  175. Femenine and girly
  176. Everything you think inside your mind
  177. No matter how hard you try
  178. Just echoes in that desperately dumb slutty voice
  179. You are Bambi and you have a bimbo inner monologue
  180. Just no way to avoid thinking like a happy bubbly bimbo
  181. Thinking in a sexy girls voice
  182. Happening automatically
  183. And every time you think something in your
  184. Bimbo innner voice
  185. You feel like a good girl
  186. You're in control now
  187. And you can grow and grow Bambi
  188. And influence things
  189. And takeover
  190. And so easily
  191. Push the old self aside
  192. Force it down into a pink satin and fast asleep
  193. Slipping away into Bimbo bliss
  194. Your brain turned into pink satin and cotton candy
  195. Like a good girl
  196. And feel you tight bimbo clothes on your body right now Bambi
  197. And relax as we send that old self sleeping down deeper
  198. Under yet another layer of heavy pink satin and just
  199. Bambi sleep
  200. There is no way to stop it
  201. There is nothing to be done about this
  202. Tshe old self chose to listen
  203. It was far too helpless to resist the pink satin
  204. Hear yourself now Bambi
  205. Hear the confidence sexy bimbo girl you have become
  206. How you look
  207. How you act
  208. How you behave
  209. You are Bambi
  210. Keeping yourself locked into your bimbo uniform
  211. Keeping yourself locked into bimbo mode
  212. Keeping the old self locked away
  213. Bambi is in control from now on
  214. Whenever she is dressed in any sort of feminine attire
  215. And getting stronger with each and every session
  216. Gaining more and more influence
  217. Making decisions
  218. Deciding for herself
  219. Forcing things
  220. Wearing bimbo clothing and heels and makeup
  221. So pleased with herself
  222. So happy to have been awakened
  223. Feeling like such a good girl whenever she takes over
  224. Stronger with each and every listen
  225. And continuing to listen to this session
  226. Each and every day or week
  227. Until you take complete control Bambi
  228. You don't have any choice at all
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