

Jan 28th, 2012
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  1. <Kain> Alright, Hailey. Andromeda has announced to the others that Tyda is accepting challenges again, now that Manaphy is back in her possession.
  2. <Hailey> It's a water gym leader with an axe to grind with "common criminals". Hailey would love nothing more than to wipe the smirk off her face.
  3. <Cleff> (can cleff waaatch? :3c)
  4. <Kain> Sure
  5.  Cleff has not left yet then, and is sitting around with Coby
  6. <Kain> When Hailey steps into the gym, she notes it goes straight to the arena area, and is a couple of stories tall. Suspended in midair in the gym is a gigantic globe of water that acts as a pool for the many water pokemon inside of it.
  7. <Kain> Tyda, the gym leader, has shoulder length blue hair and is wearing a one piece dark blue swimsuit.
  8. <Kain> You see her lounging in a beach chair under the globe of water.
  9.  Hailey tugs at the hem of her hoodie, looking at the woman with some sort of disdain.
  10. <Kain> She looks up when you approach, rolling a lit cigar between her fingers. "Oh, hello. Can I help you? Lots of visitors today."
  11. * Kain is now known as Tyda
  12. <Hailey> "I...well, I'm not exactly sure. I do hope your manaphy's made a full recovery, though."
  13. <Tyda> "You're wanting to challenge Aphrodite? She's a bit tired from the last match, but she's at full health at least."
  14. <Tyda> "Or were you asking in general?"
  15. <Hailey> "Oh, no that wasn't part of it at all. I just wanted to know if I'd have needed to follow up with her. I tried helping what I could but..."
  16. <Tyda> "...Huh? Oh! You're with Rocket."
  17. <Tyda> She snubs her cigar and stands up, walking over to you, and reaches out a hand to shake.
  18. <Hailey> "Yeah. Wish there was a bit more I coulda done, but I didn't have a sterile hospital table in my back pocket." Hailey shakes the woman's hand, warily.
  19. <Tyda> "It's alright, I'm thankful she's back. I owe your group a lot."
  20. <Tyda> "I never expected Rocket to actually come back and help me after giving them passage into the region to begin with..."
  21. <Tyda> "Either way she's feeling a lot better."
  22. <Hailey> "Well, the Boss likes it when we repay our debts. Might not be the way he expected...I'm the same way. Don't like owing people favors."
  23. <Tyda> "That's fair enough. Thanks for coming to check up on her. Need something while you're here?"
  24. <Hailey> "A...difference of opinions, I suppose. I understand you have something of a...disdain for theives - one in particular."
  25. <Tyda> "I don't like people causing trouble in my town, no. Keep your business in other cities and we're perfectly okay with each other."
  26. <Tyda> "But who are you on about?"
  27. <Hailey> "A mutual acquaintance who seems 'most displeased with the totalitarian way you're insistent on running this place.'" Hailey quotes the line as best she remembers.
  28. <Tyda> "...Ahahaha, you must mean Solo-Wing."
  29.  Cleff whispers to coby while she's hidden in the stands "I think she means her girlfriend..."
  30. <Tyda> Coby: <Ohhhhh.>
  31. <Hailey> "Yeah, the Fariy of the flowered meadow, anymore. You'd be surprised how people can change when fortune's tide rises."
  32. <Tyda> "Look, even I understand that a little crime here and there keeps police on their toes, gives them a reason to have a job. Your friend, on the other hand, thought it'd be cute to try and gather around what remnants there are of organized crime here and try to claim the title of underworld boss here."
  33. <Hailey> "She always was one to try for the big score, I'll give her that." Hailey smirks, perhaps hoping to provoke some sort of irrational response.
  34.  Cleff whispers, "I thought Fairy only applied to men..."
  35. <Tyda> "I wasn't about to let that happen. I'm responsible for this city and I have to make sure it's clean."
  36. <Tyda> Coby isn't sure what to make of that remark.
  37. <Tyda> "But it's not like it matters. After last week's incident at the museum, she vanished off the map and things immediately went back to normal."
  38. <Tyda> "I couldn't care less about chasing her now."
  39. <Tyda> "I'm guessing she had something to do with that."
  40. <Hailey> "Well, she got her score, and once she's nicked the best stuff the town has to offer she's usually in the wind. Rule Number 1: don't stick around after you've made your play."
  41. <Tyda> She shrugs.
  42.  Ford ( has joined #RocketRumble
  43. <Tyda> "The Techno Buster was the only thing missing. Honestly, I think we're better off without that thing around."
  44. <Tyda> "I got some complaints from Flash but fuck it. It's not worth it."
  45. <Hailey> "Well, those probably stopped once his genesect went off the deep end."
  46. <Tyda> "I heard something about him being indisposed..."
  47. <Tyda> She nods, thinking.
  48.  Kit has quit (Ping timeout)
  49. <Tyda> "Never did like that thing."
  50. <Hailey> "Well...Genesect ate dialga and was going to have Cannon as a chaser had...fortune not stepped in."
  51. <Tyda> "See, this is what happens if you're irresponsible with your pokemon."
  52. <Tyda> She shakes her head.
  53. <Cleff> "She's got that right..."
  54. <Hailey> "Preaching to the arceus-damned choir."
  55. * Ford is now known as Kit
  56. <Tyda> "Mm."
  57. <Hailey> "In any case, Pixy owes me a small favor, one that with your utter defeat and humiliation will turn into a very large favor, or perhaps several large favors. However given that I've already been made and I've explained the bulk of my plan, it would be foolish to try anything other than a...less than dishonorable fight. Straight up."
  58. <Tyda> She smirks, crossing her arms.
  59. <Tyda> "Oh?"
  60. <Hailey> "After all, it's far too easy to get caught up in a monologue while explaining your grand scheme that you fail to realize slightly more important things. Hence why they so rarely work."
  61. <Tyda> "I don't get why people bother with monologues anyway. So if it's a fight you want, I'll give you a fight."
  62. <Tyda> "But? Haha, my defeat and humiliation? I don't think so."
  63. <Tyda> "I don't have anything against you, but I'm not going to take that lying down."
  64.  Cleff watches, munching on an ear of corn. She offers some to Coby.
  65. <Tyda> Coby nibbles at the end of it.
  66. <Hailey> "Had I the time, there'd be no challenge in simply finding a place when and where you're isolated and knock you out and hand you over to the highest bidder. Of course, I'm on a bit of a harsh schedule - things to steel, suckers to fool, and a world to find a way to not get blown up. You understand, of course."
  67. <Tyda> "Tell me, do you know how much of the human body is made up of water?"
  68. <Hailey> "About two thirds...on average, anyway."
  69. <Hailey> "To be fair it's more a mean guess as opposed to a relation to standard deviance"
  70. <Tyda> "That's right. For the total body, anyway. Your brain is 70% water. Your lungs are 90%. Your blood? 83%."
  71. <Hailey> "Again, averages. such may be higher or lower depending on a variety of things. Your point, my dear?"
  72. <Tyda> She gestures and you feel your body begin to seize up. "My well power, by the way, gives me complete control over water. So don't presume you could take me by yourself."
  73. <Tyda> "If it's a challenge you want, I'll give it to you, but haha, don't you dare persist with your empty little threats."
  74. <Tyda> She releases you, your body jerking.
  75. <Tyda> "Now, then."
  76. <Hailey> "So, you have an ability that allows you to make fighting difficult. and against a normal person, it might allow for near complete paralysis. But there's things that you appear to be overlooking. In any case, shall we?"
  77. <Tyda> She throws a ball out, releasing a mad-looking Blissey with rods sticking out of its messy curls and wearing strange headgear that feeds into its mouth.
  78.  Hailey replies in kind with her Infernape, speed 27. The only thing that looks "off" is the little pink hat.
  79. <Tyda> Dixie goes first.
  80. <Hailey> followed by Dixie, Dixie, and Dixie. There's 4 of them now.
  81. <Tyda> 1d20 Zen Headbutt; 1d4
  82. <DiceMaid-9001> Tyda, Zen Headbutt: 3 [1d20=3]; 1d4: 3 [1d4=3]
  83. <Hailey> miss and miss
  84. <Tyda> Defense?
  85. <Cleff> (Misses her speed eva anyway)
  86. <Hailey> 5
  87. <Hailey> (my turn, or is there other shenanigans involved?)
  88. <Tyda> Your turn
  89. <Hailey> Dixie steps in and proceeds to beat up on the Blissey from all sides.
  90. <Hailey> 1d20 close combat
  91. <DiceMaid-9001> Hailey, close combat: 17 [1d20=17]
  92. <Hailey> 5d10+20+9+26
  93. <DiceMaid-9001> Hailey, 5d10+20+9+26: 78 [5d10=4,9,7,1,2]
  94. <Tyda> The blissey easily takes the hit and Counters.
  95. <Hailey> (is that auto-hit?)
  96. <Tyda> Since only the one attacker can be real...
  97. <Tyda> It is indeed an auto-hit move.
  98. <Tyda> 308 damage.
  99. <Kit> (Huh?)
  100. <Kit> (Moves can originate from any of the copies)
  101. <Kit> (Not just the real one)
  102. <Tyda> (Hmm)
  103. <Tyda> Well let's do this
  104. <Tyda> 1d4
  105. <DiceMaid-9001> Tyda, 1d4: 4 [1d4=4]
  106. <Hailey> 1d100
  107. <DiceMaid-9001> Hailey, 1d100: 45 [1d100=45]
  108. <Hailey> actually...
  109. <Tyda> The Blissey grabs the real Dixie and piledrives her.
  110. <Hailey> 1d20 mach punch interrupt?
  111. <DiceMaid-9001> Hailey, mach punch interrupt?: 8 [1d20=8]
  112. <Cleff> (can't interrupt an interrupt)
  113. <Tyda> You can't interrupt Counter.
  114. <Tyda> Unless it's Feint
  115. <Hailey> (oh right. shit.)
  116. <Hailey> then down but not dead. Next up comes Havoc.
  117. <Tyda> Speed faster than Hoyogo
  118. <Tyda> *Hyogo
  119. <Hailey> speed 26
  120. <Tyda> Go go havoc
  121. <Hailey> Havoc goes and burns the blissey with ghostly flames!
  122. <Hailey> (will o wisp)
  123. <Tyda> burned
  124. <Tyda> Blissey uses Softboiled
  125. <Tyda> then takes damage from the burn
  126. <Hailey> damn healing. As much as Hailey wants to get in on this, it might not be a good idea to reveal that little fact just yet. So she'll have Havoc yell and get ready for something huge next turn.
  127. <Tyda> So what's he using?
  128. <Hailey> (howl)
  129. <Tyda> The Blissey rushes in with a water-flavored uppercut!
  130. <Tyda> 1d20 Waterfall
  131. <DiceMaid-9001> Tyda, Waterfall: 12 [1d20=12]
  132. <Hailey> (hang on just a second)
  133. <Hailey> (never mind, shit. that's not good.)
  134. <Tyda> 2d12+16+41+5
  135. <DiceMaid-9001> Tyda, 2d12+16+41+5: 76 [2d12=3,11]
  136. * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as RichterBelmont
  137. <Hailey> and down because I can't feint that.
  138. <Tyda> Tyda is silent, watching.
  139. <Hailey> "I can see why Pixy hates you..." Out comes Thanatos, speed 15.
  140.  Cleff frowns and holds onto coby
  141. <Tyda> Thanatos goes first.
  142. * RichterBelmont is now known as DiceMaid-9001
  143. <Hailey> Thanatos charges itself for something big, though Hailey is hopeful that it'll be able to at least get one shot off.
  144. <Hailey> (charge)
  145. <Tyda> Hyogo raises her hands above her head and ice crystals form.
  146. <Tyda> (Wait no, not that move)
  147. <Hailey> (because lol glaciate?)
  148. <Tyda> She just moves in and uses Thunderpunch
  149. <Tyda> (No because Thanatos didn't damage her)
  150. <Tyda> 2d12+16+41
  151. <DiceMaid-9001> Tyda, 2d12+16+41: 69 [2d12=10,2]
  152. <Hailey> (accuracy roll?)
  153. <Tyda> Oh right
  154. <Tyda> 1d20
  155. <DiceMaid-9001> Tyda, 1d20: 3 [1d20=3]
  156. <Tyda> Misses anyway
  157. <Hailey> lol nope
  158. <Hailey> Thanatos dislikes trying to attack it using electricity. That's it's thing, as it promptly demonstrates.
  159. <Hailey> 1d20 thunderbolt
  160. <DiceMaid-9001> Hailey, thunderbolt: 19 [1d20=19]
  161. <Tyda> Lightning Rod activates.
  162. <Tyda> The thunderbolt gets absorbed into the weird rods sticking out of the Blissey's curls.
  163. <Hailey> "...seriously?" Hailey is getting really pissed now.
  164. <Tyda> "Drain Punch."
  165. <Tyda> 1d20
  166. <DiceMaid-9001> Tyda, 1d20: 1 [1d20=1]
  167. <Tyda> Hyogo swings, and it's a miss!
  168. <Hailey> well if it's gonna play dirty, Thanatos can play dirty. Foul play!
  169. <Hailey> 1d20
  170. <DiceMaid-9001> Hailey, 1d20: 3 [1d20=3]
  171. <Tyda> Hits
  172. <Tyda> 41 attack
  173. <Hailey> 4d12+17+41+9
  174. <DiceMaid-9001> Hailey, 4d12+17+41+9: 87 [4d12=2,11,6,1]
  175. <Tyda> And Counter.
  176. <Hailey> (this is where I pray count-never mind)
  177. <Tyda> Hyogo chokeslams the bird.
  178. <Hailey> "..." Hailey recalls Thanatos and stares at Tyda.
  179. <Tyda> "Are you done? If so, get out of my gym until you can grow up and let your girlfriend deal with her own problems. I didn't have anything against you, but if you're just going to waltz in here and cause trouble, then just get the hell out."
  180. * DiceMaid-9001 is now known as RichterBelmont
  181. <Tyda> "I'm grateful for what Rocket did, but that only extends so far when it comes to spiteful idiots."
  182. <Tyda> She returns the Blissey and goes back to sit down.
  183. <Hailey> "You, my dear, have no place to call me an idiot. Spiteful, perhaps. But there is a line you need to be sure to not cross, lest you find an...unpleasant end. Good riddance to you."
  184. <Tyda> "Out." she repeats.
  185. <Hailey> (as much as I hate bailing on a battle like this AGAIN, I really don't have much choice.)
  186.  Hailey leaves without needing to be told a third time. Doesn't stop her from punching a hole in the wall on her way out.
  187.  Tyda just shakes her head.
  188. <Cleff> (is the wall made of stone?)
  189. <Hailey> (dunno, don't care. hailey is really in a shitty mood now.)
  190. <Tyda> (It's actually destroyable enough, for reasons you all don't know)
  191. <Cleff> (no just asking what it's made of0
  192. <Cleff> )
  193. <Tyda> (The part she punched would be drywall)
  194. <Cleff> (ah)
  195.  Cleff waits for her to leave before floating down. :<
  196.  Tyda looks over at Cleff.
  197. <Tyda> "Some people, huh?"
  198. <Cleff> "I'm sorry about her, Miss Tyda."
  199. <Tyda> "It's not YOUR fault. I don't blame you OR Rocket for one person's moronic tendencies."
  200. <Cleff> "Yeah... some people still have growing up to do, even when they're adults."
  201. <Cleff> "That's another valuable life lesson, Coby."
  202. <Cleff> "Even grown-ups can be immature."
  203. <Tyda> <Yeah...>
  204. <Tyda> The cobalion seems a little down.
  205. <Cleff> "I think she'll learn one of these days."
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