
Win 10 MS-DOS Mode. Released before enderman!

Jan 4th, 2020
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  1. @echo off
  2. title MS-DOS Mode Setup.
  3. net session 2>nul >nul || call :elevate
  4. echo Do you want to continue? Press any key to continue.
  5. pause>nul
  6. echo @echo off>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  7. echo title SYSTEM: Command Prompt>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  8. echo reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  9. echo net start^>nul>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  10. echo start explorer^>nul>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  11. echo ping localhost -n 3 ^>nul>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  12. echo taskkill /F /IM explorer.exe^>nul>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  13. echo cls>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  14. echo echo You have entered MS-DOS mode, type msdosreboot to reboot back into this mode or msdoswin to exit.>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosexec.bat
  15. echo @echo off>C:\Windows\System32\msdosreboot.bat
  16. echo reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosreboot.bat
  17. echo reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SetupType /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosreboot.bat
  18. echo echo Restarting now, Please wait..>>C:\Windows\System32\msdosreboot.bat
  19. echo shutdown /r /t 0 >>C:\Windows\System32\msdosreboot.bat
  20. echo @echo off>C:\Windows\System32\msdoswin.bat
  21. echo echo Restarting now, Please wait..>>C:\Windows\System32\msdoswin.bat
  22. echo shutdown /r /t 0 >>C:\Windows\System32\msdoswin.bat
  23. echo @echo off>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  24. echo net session 2^>nul ^>nul ^|^| call :elevate>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  25. echo echo Do you really want to enter MS-DOS mode? Press any key to continue.>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  26. echo pause^>nul>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  27. echo reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SystemSetupInProgress /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f^>nul>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  28. echo reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v SetupType /t REG_DWORD /d 2 /f^>nul>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  29. echo reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup /v CmdLine /t REG_SZ /d "cmd.exe /k msdosexec.bat" /f^>nul>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  30. echo echo Done! Restarting now, please wait..>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  31. echo shutdown /r /t 0 >>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  32. echo exit>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  33. echo :elevate>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  34. echo echo Requesting Administrator privledges, please wait for UAC.>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  35. echo powershell /c start-process -verb runAs \"%%~s0\">>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  36. echo exit>>C:\Windows\System32\msdos.bat
  37. echo Changes complete, run the command msdos in cmd to enter msdos mode.
  38. pause>nul
  39. exit
  40. :elevate
  41. echo Requesting Administrator privledges, please wait for UAC.
  42. powershell /c start-process -verb runAs \"%~s0\"
  43. exit
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