
Little Witch Academia VERY HOT XXX Hannah Barbara Sex CUMS

Feb 9th, 2017
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  1. "Psst! Hannah!"
  2. >Hannah shoots you an exasperated look, her bag lazily slung over one shoulder, her voice tired
  3. >"What is it now?"
  4. >You point towards the table in the center of the classroom, your friend's gaze following your finger
  5. "Check it out. Mushroom girl forgot one of her weird cocktails."
  6. >Hannah's mouth cracks into a grin, following your example
  7. >"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Barbara?"
  8. "Why, I think I am, Hannah."
  9. >"We are SO gonna ace this assignment."
  10. >She pockets the vial and follows you out of the classroom, the door slamming shut behind you
  12. "Well, that's a real weight off my shoulders. Lukić's assignments are like, the worst."
  13. >You plop down on the bed, the aged frame creaking under your weight, protesting even louder as Hannah sits down beside you
  14. >Giving a hum and a nod of agreement, she pulls out the tiny vial from her bag and holds it in her hands, afternoon sunlight reflecting off the opaque green glass
  15. "So, uh... what is it?"
  16. >"No idea. You think we should find out?"
  17. "Well... we can't exactly turn in anything we don't know anything about, can we?"
  18. >"So, what should we do? Before you ask, I'm not going to ask mushroom girl."
  19. "S-so... how about we... test it?"
  20. >Your voice comes out a little more... breathy than intended, but Hannah doesn't seem to notice
  21. >"Test it? And what, turn into frogs?"
  22. "Oh, it can't be anything like that! I mean, the assignment was to brew a beneficial or-"
  23. >"-or at least, harmless potion. I know that. Doesn't mean Miss Vietnam does."
  24. >A (hopefully) beneficial potion...
  25. >Maybe even a love potion?
  26. >You blush a little at the thought
  27. >This is exactly what you've been waiting for
  28. >But judging by the look on Hannah's face, the opportunity might very well pass you by
  29. >So, time for Plan B:
  30. "So, uh... you scared of drinking that?"
  31. >"Hah! Scared? I'll show you."
  32. >And with that, the stopper comes off, and Hannah tips out a generous portion of potion into her mouth.
  33. >And after that, silence
  34. "S-so... h-how are you feeling?"
  35. >You're definitely starting to feel a bit... heated now.
  36. >"I... uh, well, it doesn't really "feel" like anything..."
  37. "Oh... m-maybe it needs time?"
  38. >"I don't know about... aah!"
  39. >Hannah gives a surprised moan and drops the bottle on the bed
  40. >Heart pumping violently, you inch closer to her, absentmindedly undoing the top button of your shirt
  41. "H-Hannah? Is there something you... you want t-to say?"
  42. >You close your eyes and pucker up your lips, a sense of excitement from your imminent conquest filling you
  43. >And wait
  44. >...
  45. >"Oooow."
  46. >You crack one eye open, unimpressed with the lack of Hannah in your arms, and immediately recoil at the sight before you
  47. >Hannah is deathly pale, her arms tightly clutched to her chest, her mouth contorted into a silent scream
  48. "Hannah! Are you okay?"
  49. >All thoughts of romance now gone, you put your arms around her, mentally cursing yourself out of existence for doing this to her
  50. "I'm... I'm so sorry! P-please, Hannah, a-answer me!"
  51. >Salty, burning tears trickle down your cheeks, burning sadness burrowing through your gut
  52. >"Ooowwww. Oof."
  53. "H-huh?"
  54. >"Oooww, my bones hurt a lot."
  55. "Uh... H-Hannah?"
  56. >"Oow. Oof, my boooones..."
  57. "I... uh."
  61. >"Hey, Akko, did you steal my potion again, huh?"
  62. >"Hunh. Sushi, Akko did not take po-po."
  63. >The pink haired girl sighs and walks to her closet, already checking off a mental list of ingredients she'll need to acquire
  64. >"Oh, and by the way, Akko? Don't drink that potion. It's bone hurting juice."
  65. >"Hahaha! Akko draw pancake for Sushi."
  66. >With another sigh, the closet doors fly open, Sucy cursing the day she was born
  67. >Lotte "Tardwrangler" Jansson can't come soon enough...
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