
Conversation with Kabaka, 7/21/13

Jul 21st, 2013
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  2. (10:32:46 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: so how has your evening been, Kabaka?
  3. (10:33:05 PM) Kabaka: Slow, lonely, boring.
  4. (10:33:13 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: awww.
  5. (10:33:27 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: Well, Bits and I are off tomorrow, not just Tuesday
  6. (10:33:38 PM) Kabaka: Oh?
  7. (10:33:41 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: mhmm!
  8. (10:34:28 PM) Kabaka: Are you suggesting there is interest in doing something tomorrow?
  9. (10:34:44 PM) iShock [] entered the room.
  10. (10:34:44 PM) mode (+o iShock) by Spike
  11. (10:34:46 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: I am
  12. (10:35:11 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: but lots of people seem to think that it's weird to visit the same person two days in a row
  13. (10:35:19 PM) aji: god, what was i thinking. xm's are INCREDIBLY complicated
  14. (10:35:29 PM) Kabaka: Hmm
  15. (10:35:32 PM) Shockk: aji: lol
  16. (10:35:35 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: we aren't those people, but we weren't sure if you were
  17. (10:35:49 PM) Kabaka: I'm definitely not one of those people.
  18. (10:35:54 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: :D
  19. (10:35:59 PM) Kabaka: If I like someone, I want to maximize the time I spend with them.
  20. (10:36:08 PM) Kabaka: And I already know I like you and Bits
  21. (10:36:20 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: I would like to visit you tomorrow, then
  22. (10:36:28 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: and Tuesday, if you're alright with that
  23. (10:36:36 PM) Kabaka: I'm more than okay with that. I like the idea.
  24. (10:36:40 PM) Kabaka: :3
  25. (10:36:43 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: excellent!
  26. (10:36:49 PM) Kabaka: So what did you have in mind?
  27. (10:36:59 PM) ***Jubilee[Bits] shrugs
  28. (10:37:01 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: :T
  29. (10:37:02 PM) iShock left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
  30. (10:37:29 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: for being a college town, there's not a lot to do in Stillwater
  31. (10:37:33 PM) Kabaka: Indeed.
  32. (10:37:49 PM) iShock [] entered the room.
  33. (10:37:49 PM) Kabaka: Hmm.
  34. (10:37:50 PM) mode (+o iShock) by Spike
  35. (10:37:57 PM) Twi: Ugh
  36. (10:38:41 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: huh
  37. (10:38:50 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: food is always a thing
  38. (10:39:30 PM) Twi: I need to stop whining about not possessing and do it
  39. (10:39:46 PM) Kabaka: My budget for eating out is rather limited this month since I have to pay for a new car tag. That's an option if we keep it cheap.
  40. (10:40:44 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: hmmmmm.
  41. (10:41:35 PM) Kabaka: That said, I'm okay with absolutely anything. Don't hesitate to suggest something if you have anything in mind.
  42. (10:42:23 PM) ***Kabaka thinks.
  43. (10:42:45 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: damn
  44. (10:42:48 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: we don't even eat out much
  45. (10:43:59 PM) Kabaka: Hmm. Hmm hmm hmm.
  46. (10:44:57 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: I'm at a loss as for what to do...
  47. (10:45:00 PM) Kabaka: Could come here and watch Netflix and eat popcorn or order a pizza or something.
  48. (10:45:08 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: sounds good to me
  49. (10:45:11 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: er
  50. (10:45:11 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: us
  51. (10:45:16 PM) Rylai: Hah! Popcorn! That's what I should do now.
  52. (10:45:17 PM) Kabaka: Awesome.
  53. (10:45:36 PM) Kabaka: Popcorn or pizza? Gotta ask since I don't have any popcorn right now. :-P
  54. (10:45:43 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: We could bring some canned food in case we (all of us) want something solid to eat
  55. (10:45:56 PM) Kabaka: That would be fine with me
  56. (10:46:36 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: alright, then :D
  57. (10:46:39 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: uhh
  58. (10:46:41 PM) Kabaka: :D
  59. (10:46:50 PM) Kabaka: Hmm?
  60. (10:46:54 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: I guess I'm kinda disproportionately excited about canned food
  61. (10:47:02 PM) Kabaka: Ahaha
  62. (10:47:07 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: but it *is* cheap
  63. (10:47:17 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: and it *is* pretty tasty for how cheap it is
  64. (10:47:39 PM) Kabaka: Hehehehe
  65. (10:47:47 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: oh wait
  66. (10:47:48 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: no
  67. (10:47:49 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: shit
  68. (10:47:52 PM) Kabaka: No?
  69. (10:48:09 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: tomorrow night, Bits is making supper for her family
  70. (10:48:10 PM) iShock left the room (quit: Remote host closed the connection).
  71. (10:48:14 PM) Kabaka: Oh
  72. (10:48:22 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: :|
  73. (10:48:23 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: sorry
  74. (10:48:39 PM) Kabaka: It's okay
  75. (10:48:40 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: I got so excited and got your hopes up and everything
  76. (10:49:26 PM) Kabaka: I may have been literally bouncing with excitement in my seat. But I'll get over it. Don't worry about it. :-P
  77. (10:49:38 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: I'm sorry :(
  78. (10:49:53 PM) Kabaka: It's really okay. We've got plans for the next night, so it's only a small delay.
  79. (10:49:55 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: we still have Tuesday, though
  80. (10:50:02 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: Oh, and Wednesday!
  81. (10:50:07 PM) Kabaka: Wednesday?
  82. (10:50:12 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: We have a day shift Wednesday
  83. (10:50:27 PM) Kabaka: Ooh, hmm
  84. (10:50:58 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: so after, like... 5, we're available Wednesday
  85. (10:51:00 PM) iShock [] entered the room.
  86. (10:51:00 PM) mode (+o iShock) by Spike
  87. (10:51:01 PM) Kabaka: So, want to move tomorrow's mistaken plan to Wednesday evening?
  88. (10:51:10 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: sure :3
  89. (10:51:17 PM) Kabaka: I close my store at 5 and then get home by about 5:20
  90. (10:51:20 PM) Kabaka: So that works out well
  91. (10:51:29 PM) Kabaka: k excitement restored
  92. (10:51:40 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: :D
  93. (10:51:53 PM) Kabaka: :D!
  94. (10:52:12 PM) ***Kabaka is probably more excited about this than they should be.
  95. (10:52:44 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: nah
  96. (10:52:50 PM) Jubilee[Bits]: excitement is always fun :3
  97. (10:53:06 PM) Kabaka: It is. :3
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