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- import json
- import os
- import subprocess
- import tkinter as tk
- from tkinter import filedialog, messagebox
- from import VideoFileClip
- from import concatenate_videoclips
- from pathlib import Path
- selected_index = None
- # New Method hentaiprodigy69
- def create_video_list_ffmpeg(video_clips, list_file):
- """
- Creates a text file listing all video clips for FFmpeg.
- """
- with open(list_file, 'w') as f:
- for clip in video_clips:
- f.write(f"file '{clip}'\n")
- # New Method hentaiprodigy69
- def combine_videos_ffmpeg(video_clips, output_file):
- """
- Combines multiple video files into one using FFmpeg.
- """
- list_file = 'video_list.txt'
- # Create the list of videos
- create_video_list_ffmpeg(video_clips, list_file)
- # Construct the FFmpeg command
- command = [
- 'ffmpeg',
- '-f', 'concat',
- '-safe', '0',
- '-i', list_file,
- '-c', 'copy',
- output_file
- ]
- # Execute the command
- # Remove the list file after processing
- os.remove(list_file)
- print(f"Combined video saved to {output_file}")
- # New Method hentai prodigy 69
- def all_filenames_are_same(filenames):
- """
- Check if all filenames in the list are the same.
- :param filenames: List of filename strings
- :return: True if all filenames are the same, False otherwise
- """
- if not filenames:
- return True # Empty list case
- first_filename = filenames[0]
- for filename in filenames:
- if filename != first_filename:
- print("filename differences here: ", filename, first_filename)
- return False
- return True
- def process_file(input_file_path, start_threshold, end_threshold):
- """
- Processes a .funscript file to retain 'actions' within a range and offset 'at' values.
- Returns the filtered and adjusted actions.
- """
- # Read the .funscript file (handling as JSON)
- with open(input_file_path, 'r') as file:
- data = json.load(file)
- # Filter and offset the "actions"
- filtered_actions = [
- {'at': action['at'] - start_threshold, 'pos': action['pos']}
- for action in data['actions']
- if start_threshold <= action['at'] <= end_threshold
- ]
- return filtered_actions
- def cut_video(video_file_path, start_ms, end_ms):
- """
- Cuts a portion of the video based on start and end milliseconds using FFmpeg.
- """
- global selected_index
- start_s = start_ms / 1000 # Convert milliseconds to seconds
- end_s = end_ms / 1000 # Convert milliseconds to seconds
- output_file = f"cut{start_ms}_{os.path.basename(video_file_path)}"
- # Construct the FFmpeg command
- ffmpeg_command = [
- 'ffmpeg',
- '-i', video_file_path, # Input file
- '-ss', str(start_s), # Start time (seconds)
- '-to', str(end_s), # End time (seconds)
- '-c:v', 'copy', # Copy video stream (no re-encoding)
- '-c:a', 'copy', # Copy audio stream (no re-encoding)
- output_file # Output file name
- ]
- try:
- # Run the FFmpeg command
-, check=True)
- print(f"Video cut successfully: {output_file}")
- clip = VideoFileClip(output_file)
- duration_ms = clip.duration * 1000 # Convert seconds to milliseconds
- return VideoFileClip(output_file), duration_ms, output_file
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
- print(f"Error cutting video {video_file_path}: {e}")
- return None
- def combine_videos(video_clips, output_file):
- """
- Combines multiple VideoFileClip objects into one video.
- """
- final_clip = concatenate_videoclips(video_clips, method="compose")
- final_clip.write_videofile(output_file, codec="libx264")
- print(f"Combined video saved to {output_file}")
- def browse_files():
- """
- Opens a file dialog to select a .funscript file and add it to the listbox.
- """
- funscript_file = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[("Funscript files", "*.funscript")])
- if funscript_file:
- # Add .funscript file to the listbox
- json_files_listbox.insert(tk.END, funscript_file)
- # Initialize thresholds as empty for new files
- file_thresholds[json_files_listbox.size() - 1] = {'start': 0, 'end': 0} # Index-based tracking
- update_threshold_fields(json_files_listbox.size() - 1)
- def update_threshold_fields(index):
- """
- Updates the start and end threshold fields when a .funscript file is selected.
- """
- start_entry.delete(0, tk.END)
- end_entry.delete(0, tk.END)
- # Get the current thresholds for the selected file
- if index in file_thresholds:
- start_entry.insert(0, milliseconds_to_time(file_thresholds[index]['start']))
- end_entry.insert(0, milliseconds_to_time(file_thresholds[index]['end']))
- def on_select_file(event):
- """
- Handles .funscript file selection from the listbox, updates the threshold fields.
- """
- global selected_index
- selection = json_files_listbox.curselection()
- if selection:
- selected_index = selection[0] # Get the first selected index
- update_threshold_fields(selected_index)
- def remove_selected():
- """
- Removes selected .funscript files from the listbox and corresponding threshold entries.
- """
- selected_indices = json_files_listbox.curselection()
- for index in reversed(selected_indices):
- selected_file = json_files_listbox.get(index)
- json_files_listbox.delete(index)
- del file_thresholds[selected_file]
- update_threshold_fields('') # Reset fields
- def process_all_files():
- """
- Processes all selected files and generates combined output based on the selected checkboxes.
- """
- try:
- all_actions = []
- video_clips = []
- offset_list = []
- video_filenames = []
- clip_filenames = []
- for i in range(json_files_listbox.size()):
- # Get the file path and thresholds for this instance
- funscript_file = json_files_listbox.get(i)
- start_threshold = file_thresholds[i]['start']
- end_threshold = file_thresholds[i]['end']
- # Process the .funscript file
- filtered_actions = process_file(funscript_file, start_threshold, end_threshold)
- all_actions.append(filtered_actions)
- # Handle corresponding video file
- video_file = funscript_file.replace('.funscript', '.mp4')
- if os.path.exists(video_file) and (combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_var.get() or combine_scripts_and_videos_var.get()):
- video_clip, vid_length, clip_filename = cut_video(video_file, start_threshold, end_threshold)
- video_clips.append(video_clip)
- offset_list.append(vid_length)
- video_filenames.append(video_file)
- clip_filenames.append(clip_filename)
- #This part will save every clip's funscript file as well :)
- json_output_filename = clip_filename.replace('.mp4', '.funscript')
- with open(json_output_filename, 'w') as file:
- json.dump({'actions': filtered_actions}, file, indent=4)
- current_working_directory = os.getcwd()
- # Combine actions if "Combine Scripts Only" checkbox is selected
- if combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_var.get():
- combined_actions = combine_actions(all_actions, offset_list)
- combined_file_path = current_working_directory + "\Combined_Actions.funscript"
- with open(combined_file_path, 'w') as file:
- json.dump({'actions': combined_actions}, file, indent=4)
- print("Dumped combined actions to:", combined_file_path)
- # Combine Scripts and Cut Videos checkbox is eelcted
- if combine_scripts_var.get():
- combined_actions = combine_actions(all_actions, offset_list)
- combined_file_path = current_working_directory + "\Combined_Actions.funscript"
- with open(combined_file_path, 'w') as file:
- json.dump({'actions': combined_actions}, file, indent=4)
- print("Dumped combined actions to:", combined_file_path)
- # Combine actions and videos if needed
- if combine_scripts_and_videos_var.get():
- combined_actions = combine_actions(all_actions, offset_list)
- combined_file_path = current_working_directory + "\Combined_Actions.funscript"
- with open(combined_file_path, 'w') as file:
- json.dump({'actions': combined_actions}, file, indent=4)
- print("Dumped combined actions to:", combined_file_path)
- #hentaiprodigy69 method - this will only work if the videos are in the same format
- combined_video_path_hp69 = "Combined_Video_Lossless_Attempt.mp4"
- if video_clips:
- if(all_filenames_are_same(video_filenames)):
- print("All video clips come from the same file, so we will append losslessly")
- combine_videos_ffmpeg(clip_filenames, combined_video_path_hp69)
- print("Combined video lossless saved to:", combined_video_path_hp69)
- else:
- print("Not all video clips come from the same file, so we will combine with moviepy and encode")
- combined_video_path = "Combined_Video.mp4"
- combine_videos(video_clips, combined_video_path)
- print("Combined video saved to:", combined_video_path)
- messagebox.showinfo("Success", "Files processed and saved successfully!")
- except Exception as e:
- messagebox.showerror("Error", f"An error occurred: {str(e)}")
- def combine_actions(file_actions_list, offset_list):
- """
- Combines multiple 'actions' lists, offsetting the 'at' values for continuity.
- """
- combined_actions = []
- current_offset = 0
- file_num = 0
- for actions in file_actions_list:
- for action in actions:
- combined_actions.append({
- 'at': action['at'] + current_offset,
- 'pos': action['pos']
- })
- if actions:
- #current_offset += actions[-1]['at'] # Update offset to ensure continuity
- current_offset += offset_list[file_num]
- file_num += 1
- return combined_actions
- # Function to manage checkbox states
- def manage_checkboxes(selected_var):
- """
- Disable other checkboxes when one checkbox is selected.
- Enable all checkboxes if none are selected.
- """
- if selected_var.get():
- # Disable other checkboxes
- if selected_var == combine_scripts_var:
- combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_checkbox.config(state="disabled")
- combine_scripts_and_videos_checkbox.config(state="disabled")
- elif selected_var == combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_var:
- combine_scripts_checkbox.config(state="disabled")
- combine_scripts_and_videos_checkbox.config(state="disabled")
- elif selected_var == combine_scripts_and_videos_var:
- combine_scripts_checkbox.config(state="disabled")
- combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_checkbox.config(state="disabled")
- else:
- # Enable all checkboxes if none are selected
- combine_scripts_checkbox.config(state="normal")
- combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_checkbox.config(state="normal")
- combine_scripts_and_videos_checkbox.config(state="normal")
- # Save button to save the current thresholds
- def save_thresholds():
- """
- Save the updated thresholds for the selected file.
- """
- global selected_index
- if selected_index is not None:
- try:
- start_threshold = int(convert_to_milliseconds(start_entry.get()))
- end_threshold = int(convert_to_milliseconds(end_entry.get()))
- file_thresholds[selected_index] = {'start': start_threshold, 'end': end_threshold}
- print(f"Saved thresholds for file at index {selected_index}: Start - {start_threshold} ms, End - {end_threshold} ms")
- except ValueError:
- messagebox.showerror("Invalid Input", "Input must be in the format hh:mm:ss:milliseconds")
- else:
- messagebox.showerror("No Selection", "Please select a file from the listbox.")
- def convert_to_milliseconds(time_str):
- # Split the input string into components
- parts = time_str.split(':')
- # Ensure there are exactly 4 parts (hh, mm, ss, milliseconds)
- if len(parts) != 4:
- raise ValueError("Input must be in the format hh:mm:ss:milliseconds")
- # Extract hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds
- hours = int(parts[0])
- minutes = int(parts[1])
- seconds = int(parts[2])
- milliseconds = int(parts[3])
- # Convert all parts to milliseconds
- total_milliseconds = (
- (hours * 3600 * 1000) + # Convert hours to milliseconds
- (minutes * 60 * 1000) + # Convert minutes to milliseconds
- (seconds * 1000) + # Convert seconds to milliseconds
- milliseconds # Already in milliseconds
- )
- return total_milliseconds
- def milliseconds_to_time(ms):
- """
- Converts milliseconds to time in the format 'hh:mm:ss:milliseconds'.
- :param ms: Time in milliseconds
- :return: Formatted time as a string
- """
- hours = ms // (1000 * 60 * 60)
- minutes = (ms % (1000 * 60 * 60)) // (1000 * 60)
- seconds = (ms % (1000 * 60)) // 1000
- milliseconds = ms % 1000
- return f"{hours:02}:{minutes:02}:{seconds:02}:{milliseconds:03}"
- # Initialize the main window
- window = tk.Tk()
- window.title("Funscript Compilation Maker")
- window.geometry("400x600")
- # Create a frame to hold the content
- frame = tk.Frame(window)
- # JSON files listbox
- json_files_listbox = tk.Listbox(frame, width=50, height=10)
- json_files_listbox.pack(pady=20)
- # Bind selection event for listbox
- json_files_listbox.bind('<<ListboxSelect>>', on_select_file)
- # Browse button
- browse_button = tk.Button(frame, text="Browse Files", command=browse_files)
- browse_button.pack(pady=5)
- # Remove selected button
- remove_button = tk.Button(frame, text="Remove Selected", command=remove_selected)
- remove_button.pack(pady=5)
- # Thresholds frame for start and end points
- thresholds_frame = tk.Frame(frame)
- thresholds_frame.pack(pady=10)
- # Labels and entries for start and end threshold inputs
- tk.Label(thresholds_frame, text="Start Time:").grid(row=0, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
- start_entry = tk.Entry(thresholds_frame)
- start_entry.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=5, pady=5)
- tk.Label(thresholds_frame, text="End Time:").grid(row=1, column=0, padx=5, pady=5)
- end_entry = tk.Entry(thresholds_frame)
- end_entry.grid(row=1, column=1, padx=5, pady=5)
- # Initialize the dictionary for file thresholds
- file_thresholds = {}
- # Save button UI
- save_button = tk.Button(frame, text="Save Time", command=save_thresholds)
- save_button.pack(pady=10)
- # Checkboxes for different functionalities with commands to manage state
- combine_scripts_var = tk.BooleanVar()
- combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_var = tk.BooleanVar()
- combine_scripts_and_videos_var = tk.BooleanVar()
- combine_scripts_checkbox = tk.Checkbutton(
- frame, text="Combine Scripts Only", variable=combine_scripts_var,
- command=lambda: manage_checkboxes(combine_scripts_var)
- )
- combine_scripts_checkbox.pack(pady=5)
- combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_checkbox = tk.Checkbutton(
- frame, text="Combine Scripts and Cut Videos", variable=combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_var,
- command=lambda: manage_checkboxes(combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_var)
- )
- combine_scripts_and_cut_videos_checkbox.pack(pady=5)
- combine_scripts_and_videos_checkbox = tk.Checkbutton(
- frame, text="Combine Scripts and Videos", variable=combine_scripts_and_videos_var,
- command=lambda: manage_checkboxes(combine_scripts_and_videos_var)
- )
- combine_scripts_and_videos_checkbox.pack(pady=5)
- # Process button
- process_button = tk.Button(frame, text="Create Funscript", command=process_all_files)
- process_button.pack(pady=20)
- # Add the frame to the window
- frame.pack()
- # Start the GUI loop
- window.mainloop()
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