
What Colorful Memories - Chapter One

Sep 12th, 2013
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  1. Chapter One – What A Way To Get Up
  4. >”ANON!” you hear someone screaming as you continue to cough where you lay on the ground.
  5. >You can barely see, your vision blurred as you look up at the sky through the hole in the ceiling. Who punched a hole through the castle ceiling?
  6. >Was it you? No, couldn’t be, you’re not strong enough for that. You wish that you could see the blue sky clearly instead of the haze that it’s currently in.
  7. >Someone’s shaking you all of a sudden, forcing you to cough once more. There’s a taste of pennies now rolling against your tongue, making you to wonder just why there’s copper in your mouth.
  8. >Looking over to your side, you see a multitude of blurred out outlines which appear to be ponies moving about, along with a very close one right next to you.
  9. >You recognize this one, but your brain won’t make heads or tails on just who it is that’s by you. Oh, it appears that the pony’s been talking to you this whole time.
  10. >Don’t you feel somewhat stupid, not even noticing that? To be fair, you can’t really make out what it is the pony is saying.
  11. >You’re feeling something wet dropping against your face as the pony hovers over you, still trying to talk. Trying your best to see the pony’s face, you see that it’s crying. But why’s that?
  12. >Turning your direction to the other ponies, you see they’re slowly making their way over to you.
  13. >They’re not individual ponies anymore, since you can’t see them very clearly; they’re just a mess of colors to you now, moving back and forth as they inch closer and closer to you.
  16. >The one up above you is the only thing you can hear now, as bad as your hearing currently is, as countless more tears drop against your face.
  17. >Why is the pony crying? Did you do something? You wish your head wasn’t so clogged up right now so you can think clearly…
  18. >You have this strange urge to ask why, a bad need to do it. You try to say something, but your voice doesn’t reach far.
  19. >The pony notices your attempts, quickly moving its blurry head close to yours so it can hear you. You take a moment to catch your breath, trying to speak out.
  20. “W… why a-are you c-crying…?”
  21. >The pony responds with a gurgled wail, smothering its head into your chest. You cough out once more, trying your best to stay awake.
  22. >The blurred colors try moving the barely in focus pony away from you, but it clings to your chest, holding you tightly.
  23. >It’s… getting hard to stay awake. Your eyes flutter, losing all focus on the things around you. The sounds go away as the colors start to dull out.
  24. >Then, darkness.
  26. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  28. >Like a splash of cold water was doused on you, your body jolts awake without warning. Within the first few seconds of waking up, you already know something’s horribly wrong.
  29. >You can barely move, you can’t see, and you can’t breathe as you choke for air you desperately desire. It’s as if you’ve barely been breathing and you’re playing catch up with getting as much as possible.
  30. >Before you can start to properly panic, there’s a horrible feeling of something clawing its way from your brain, forcing your body to lock up in pain.
  31. >Bit by bit, the talons wracked its way through your head, tearing about inside; all you can do is grit your teeth, confused and scared at the foreign feeling.
  32. >Eventually, the parasitic pest that lay in your head decides to phase through your brain and into your throat, filling your mouth with something that feels solid and yet, not there.
  33. >You’re unsure of how it got in you, but you have a feeling you’d rather not want to find out. Whatever it is, it started to… crawl its way out of you, snapping your mouth open for its freedom.
  34. >As soon as your mouth opened wide enough, it starts to slither out quickly; all you can do is gag during the whole ordeal.
  35. >Eventually, it finally frees itself before turning into nothing and whisking away. Sadly, you couldn’t see it very well since it’s so dark and you being preoccupied from nearly blacking out.
  36. >Your brain still feels like it’s on fire, but the pain is slowly subsiding. Now, you just want to breathe in greedily for the air your throat wishes to drink down.
  37. >You can only take in little gulps of air, still locked up and unable to move. You feel very fatigued and weak, undoubtedly from what had just happened.
  38. >After a few moments, you can finally start to feel your heart slowing as air starts to come back properly.
  41. >You feel tired and would love nothing more but to sleep, but you notice a slight problem with that. You have no idea where you are, along with not being able to see.
  42. >Another problem arises: wherever you are, it’s horrendously small. You feel enclosed inside what felt like a very small box. Whatever you’re lying on though is quite soft, almost like bedding.
  43. >Lifting your arms, you attempt to feel around to see if there’s a possible way out, but they stop quite suddenly as they’re met with whatever it is that’s directly above you.
  44. >Shuffling your legs around, you struggle to move even a centimeter in any direction. Your eyes start to widen with realization of just where you must be.
  45. >A coffin. You can’t think of anything else to where you’d be. Your mouth gapes open, achingly attempting to scream out for help, for someone to get you out.
  46. >All that comes out is a dry whisper that even you have trouble hearing. Did they bury you? Are you currently underground, waiting to die in the dark all alone?
  47. >No, wait; don’t let your thoughts go running rampant right now. Just try and figure out if you can even get out first before assuming anything.
  48. >Moving your arms onto your chest, you start to shove upwards, frantically trying to move somewhere, elsewhere, anywhere but here.
  49. >In your panicked state, you start to breathe quickly in small, little gasps, trying to get out of this hellhole.
  50. >You can handle just about everything life throws at you: overdue bills, assholes on the street, the occasional drunken idiot or brawler, stress from just about anything.
  51. >You’re a fairly confident person that can handle many things. But this, it’s just too much! Who the fuck would do this to you in the first place?!
  52. >You can’t talk your way out of this, there’s no way to fight back and win in triumphant victory. There’s none of that here, only you inside a small, dark place all alone…
  55. >Wait… what was that? You heard some sort of sound just then. The beating of your heart into your eardrums makes it hard to tell if that was you or not.
  56. >No, it had to be something else, it just HAS to! Calming yourself to let your troubled heart have a breather, you try your best to listen for anything that can provide hope.
  57. >…Yes, that sounded like… like someone is out there, talking! It’s so hard to hear, and you can’t make out what it is they’re saying, but it’s unmistakably someone talking!
  58. >You definitely wouldn’t be able to hear that if you were underground, so it may be your luckiest day ever if you can get some help.
  59. >You just… have to hope that it’s someone but the assholes that stuck you in here that’s out there; otherwise you may have more problems on your hands.
  60. >Of course, there’s still another problem you must overcome. Just how are you going to get their attention that you’re in fact alive?
  61. >Your voice doesn’t go very far, but maybe you can hit the roof of the coffin? Balling up your hand, you slam your fist as hard as you can into it.
  62. >The resounding slam of your fist is what you wanted; a small, light tap is all you got. Frowning to yourself, you give it another go. It’s no use; only a pathetic little thump is heard.
  63. >How are you going to make it out? Is there any other way you can alert them that you need to be let out?
  64. >Wait, maybe you can push the roof off? It’s not concave, which means that it’s most likely one of those roofs that are fairly light if lifted off.
  65. >Weird you would get one designed like that in this day and age, it must’ve been hand-crafted. But it gives you the opportunity to force your way out.
  66. >Placing the palms of your hands on the roof, you clench your jaw as you shove with all your might. You feel so weak, weaker than you’ve ever felt in your life, but there’s some movement.
  69. >It’s barely a nudge, but you felt it move! Hope rising, you attempt another shove. Again, it budges a little, but barely.
  70. >Little by little, you start to shove this horrid thing off until finally, a creak of light can be seen. You’ve never felt so damn happy in your life, seeing that bright light beaming onto your face.
  71. >A large smile appears on your face as your efforts redouble, shoving even harder than before. The crack widens just enough for you to pop your fingers in between them.
  72. >Your head’s already starting to feel dizzy from the activity. You badly want to rest yourself, but you know that to do so would invite yourself a rest in the ground, not a bed.
  73. >Grabbing the lids opening, you give an unheard grunt, shoving with all your might to throw the damn thing off.
  74. >While it doesn’t fly off as you wish it would, the thing seems to move with a jerk before sliding all the way off with a loud thump.
  75. >You pant hard for some much needed air from overexerting yourself. Loud gasps and shouts can be heard, along with a call to calm down.
  76. >Beads of sweat form over your brow as you look up into the air with a small smile forming on your lips.
  77. >You seem to be in what looks like a cathedral. There are large pillars of marble past your feet with an enormous stack of flowers, teetering on your right side.
  78. >So, it is a funeral… Whoever set this funeral up did a fucking outstanding job with how it looks. It’s pretty damn extravagant looking too, with the tower of flowers on your side and from what you see.
  79. >Laying there, you’re just happy to see the blue sky once more; you do find it strange that this place has no ceiling, just where are you?
  80. >It does start to worry you that no one’s come up to your resting spot in what you’d call ten minutes. Maybe the time’s a bit of an over exaggeration on your part, but it’s still longer than you’d expect.
  83. >You just want to close your eyes and drift away for some much needed sleep; you’ve barely awake as it is. Of course, curiosity overruns you with who exactly is out there for your own funeral.
  84. >Reaching your hand at the edge of the coffin, you prepare yourself to lift your head over it and peer out.
  85. >More gasps can be heard before the silence returns once more. Good god, did they really think you were dead? Using the last of your strength, you pull your head up to… see…
  86. >Expecting to see people you should recognize sitting in those rows, you catch your breath finding what appeared to be… horses.
  87. >Rows and rows of horses of so many different colors, staring back at you. You’ve never felt so confused in your life, seeing what you are right now.
  88. >Left and right, nothing but horses fills up the immediate area. What in the hell is this? WHAT IN THE HELL IS THIS?!
  89. >Surely this is some sort of joke then? “Ha, ha, we sure fooled you! Now you can come out of the coffin!” Yeah, funny joke… Or… or maybe you’re hallucinating?
  90. >That thought goes away the moment one of them immediately stands up and screams at you.
  91. >”ANON!”
  92. >That horse not only knows your name, but spoke in English.
  93. >Your tired body decides that was the point where you need sleep as you slump back down into the coffin.
  94. >Just as you’re going unconscious, your body and mind too tired to stay awake any longer, you hear more screams for your name, along with a smattering of clicks and clops reaching up to you.
  95. >Your last thoughts fill you with worry about where you are and why there are talking horses…
  98. ~End Chapter One~
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