
Jared and Panda

Feb 12th, 2014
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  1. Name: Jared Fullbar
  3. Homeland: Perdido Beach California
  5. Age: 18
  7. Ethnic Group: Caucasian
  9. Personality: Egotistical, Manipulating, Sociopathic, Obsessive, and Charming are a few words to describe Jared Fullbar. When he’s not putting on his usual front as the charming, handsome, and intelligent young adult that everyone thinks him to be; he’s 99% of the time muling over a thousand things at once. Is his hair alright? Did that person over there give him a bad look? Are those girls whispering about him? Is Panda Close? He’s a bit paranoid to say the least, of almost everything. And to make up for that he has a tendency to try to be in control and it turns out he’s good at it. He’ll go through any means to grasp this power that he thinks will keep him safe. Be it by kindness or force. That’s Jared for you. Once he get’s it he will fight for it as if it’s his own living breathing heart.
  11. Appearance: He stands at around the average height of his age, and has a lean sporty build. Not to bulky, but obvious sounds of rigorous intense training from years of high school level football as well as a few other assorted physical activities. He’s gorgeous, square set jaw, perfect white smile, sandy blond hair cut short, side burns, cute ears, dazzling blue eyes.
  13. Background: Star-Football player, Leader of Chess Club, Head of Student Government, and top honors student. All titles that Jared has held at some point during his long years of school within the private academy known as Coates. He rarely interacts with his parents but out of a mutual thing between them. He enjoys the boarding school life and the opportunities Coates provides. He is on good terms with his family and hasn’t had any serious traumatic events of his life to date. He’s formed a close knit circle of close friends throughout his years of Coates while maintaing a loose larger group that look up to him. He gots da bitches
  19. Name: Panda. Real name is Chen Adams, but Jared nicknamed him Panda since he was large and asian and he liked that better then Chen so it stuck.
  21. Homeland: Perdido Beach, California
  23. Age: 19
  25. Ethnic Group: Caucasian/Asian Mix
  27. Personality: Panda is a lot of the time a very angry and upset individual. Starting from years of parental abuse and then drug substance abuse has led the poor kid astray from a happy life style. Having the typical “Fuck School’ Attitude, it’s not a surprise that he’s not very booksmart although he is by far no means dumb. He is silent a lot of the times, and tends to day dream but can come to surprisingly cohesive on the spot thoughts and is a perfect guy in an emergency. Loyal to his friends, somewhat diabolical to his enemies, Panda is just as complex as Jared in all way shape and form.
  29. Appearance: Panda’s a giant. Huge, like over 6’. To anyone who didn’t know him, they’d think most of his body mass was blubber but despite his pudgy face and thick arms he is actually quite built. He has a good core for a stomach and is one of the strongest kids Jared knows. He has squinted eyes, and a smallish face with large bubbly pink cheeks. Medium-Length Dark Hair grows backwards out onto his neck from his head. Large brutish hands, fingers, and feet.
  31. Background: Typical Troubled Kid Background. Early on, Jared and the rest of the Coates gang were the only ones to talk to him. He joined most of them on the football team until he got kicked out for drugs. After that Jared often tutored him in schoolwork and remained close friends.
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