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July LAN Ranked Teams Application (Charming)

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Jul 3rd, 2015
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  1. name: Charming
  3. applying for: ADC, Jungle, Top
  5. summary: been playing since season 3, started off in bronze maining support and mid, playing lots of janna and talon. switched to maining mostly mid but sometimes adc in season 4 and now i do mostly ADC here in season 5, along with being good at jungle and top while i still sometimes play mid, my most experienced role.
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  9. Top - trundle, shen, kennen, riven, garen
  11. Trundle as an all-around damage and tank pick, not the greatest peel but amazing tankiness and teamfight presence. great when laning another tank or when the enemy team has a heavy resistance-stacker of a jungler (aka rammus) for some sweet, sweet stat steals. (1-4) or (2-3)
  13. Shen as a full-on tank focused on map presence early on with TP + ult. falls of a bit midgame but good late. can peel but only if he lands a good taunt, so fucking that up typically leads to a lost teamfight (high cooldown, man). otherweise performs well if played calmly and uses his ult correctly in teamfights post-16 (4-1) ... typically i'll buy triforce last item
  15. Kennen if we need AP top. squishy as fuck but can dish out tons of stuns and has decent initiation. i typically end up pushing the lane and pressuring early on in the lane phase so if i do play kennen i'm going to need some serious jungle backup for those sweet counterganks. (5-0) or (4-1)
  17. Riven can fall behind if camped @ top but if she keeps even with enemy top (or better) she has great damage and amazing initation potential late game, usually with flash. surprisingly decently tanky even with a lot of offensive items. shield OP. (4-1)
  19. Garen is tanky and simple to play, has a silence and an execution for one-target shutdown. good initation but no real peel (1-4)
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  23. Mid - ahri, ezreal, twisted fate, zyra, lux
  25. Ahri is a great all around pick with fantastic one-target burst and pick potential. i miss charms sometimes though which can break an initiation (5-0)
  27. Ezreal just has tons of damage. tons. and kites easily. very easily. the biggest flaw is having no CC, so has to synergize with a CC-heavy composition of teammates to work (5-0)
  29. Twisted fate has some pretty damn good peel. pretty good at picks. literally target stun anyone you want on a 6s cooldown. ult is very useful for vision and positioning and ganks. builds movespeed for mobility (5-0)
  31. Zyra great against teams that engage and clump together a lot. just stay in the back and counterengage with a huge root and knockup. insane AOE damage (5-0)
  33. Lux just about the same as zyra but with more range and a bit less damage. spam Q's until you get an initiation for the team. teammates, please stop dodging my fucking shield. (5-0)
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  37. Jungle - lee sin, rengar, master yi, warwick
  39. Lee Sin is a great all around fighter, good early game pressure and great peel late game with R. easy to play and even more powerful when played right. big play potential, and does good damage with warrior+hydra (2-3)
  41. Rengar literally the one-shot-anyone mid-late game guy. a bit rough pre-6 but scales great. just one invisi-gank gank can change a lane completely once he does hit 6. not great at teamfights but if he can jump in at the right moment, the enemy ADC might just mysteriously disappaer. (5-0) maybe (4-1) with GA
  43. Master Yi, one of the most basic junglers, only behind warwick. farm-king. only gets a good scaling if he gets a few early kills though. good if we need auto-attack damage (4-1)
  45. Warwick... you see 1 target and press R. great against solo-carry comps. if you can right click then you already know how to clear camps. great at turning a 5v5 into a 4v4 - since he's being a bit useless after using R but at least can soak up some damage before he does die. (1-4) or (2-3)
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  49. ADC - Miss Fortune, Quinn, Ezreal, Sivir, Graves, Vayne
  51. Miss Fortune is pretty comparable to tristana with their gimmicks as the "right-click queens" with their free press-a-button-for-AS-steroids even though i dont really play trist. MF just trades out the mobility-jumps for some fantastic area control and wombo-damage when paired with some big-hitting CC with her E and R. highest damage-dealing ADC of all the ADC's, definitely my favorite. requires lots of peel from my team. offensive-defensive: (4-1)
  53. Quinn is incredibly unique. her kit is geared towards being able to 1v1 just about anyone when built correctly. great at shutting down melee fighters in 1v1's and THE best adc for making picks late-game with her ult if someone is split pushing away from their team. although kind of risky. does damage and has decent utility with a radial vision reveal and a 1.5 second blind for the opposing ADC (or melee carry, i.e. yi, rengar, etc) typically (4-1) but sometimes (5-0)
  55. Ezreal as an ADC is more of a safe-pick. where MF is my favorite adc, quinn my most-played adc for this season, Ezreal is the champion i have the most experience with alltogether (600+ ez games in season 3 alone). im just recently trying him as adc again instead of mid. doesnt do as much damage as everyone else but has a great escape with E. great poke. can get away with not buying a defensive item pretty much every time. ult is kind of useless on AD ezreal, but whatever. (5-0)
  57. Sivir is quite literally my "oh shit" pick. well-needed when the enemy team is a crusade party bent on the death of the ADC (aka - you) and when the spellshield is preferable to ezreal's E. i dont play her often at all but i have had a consistent performance with sivir over the past few seasons. good damage and a great ult for some kickass teamfightin synergy. (4-1)
  59. Graves is really simple and gets the job done. good burst. good dps and utility with E. amazing powespike at just 2 items + boots when he's got that PD + IE combo (plus dorans 3% sustain). mid-game (and early game) is Graves's focus. falls off a bit late but holds his own. can be decently tanky as an ADC when his +RESISTS passive is paired with an HP item like FM. (4-1)
  61. Vayne just buys attack speed and does %hp damage. she literally needs nothing else. i love to play her as an in-your-face playmaking adc with my own unique, patented durable build (do not steal). great late-game and even has a decent early-game spike when she finishes BOTRK + boots. literally THE tank-killer of adc's. (3-2)
  63. ---
  65. Support - Lulu, Taric, Thresh
  67. Lulu is my staple peel-the-carry support. ADC in distress? press E, then press R. give the initiatior the W speed for initiation or stop the fed kat's ult every fight with W whenever she jumps in. decent poke with Q and has AMAZING ap scaling on her utility. just a few hundred ap really does it.
  69. Taric is my staple tank support. not the best at initiating, not the best at peeling, but is INCREDIBLY tanky against AD teams. the value his W and R give in auras is more than the enemy team may think. his passive gives him teamfight presence by allowing him to spam shit constantly (while auto-attacking) with the right mana+CDR+armor build
  71. Thresh is great paired with immobile ADC and peels great. i know how to position myself and use my lantern to save your ass i just wish you'd click the damn thing. im pretty decent at landing hooks and i generally take my time with my combo so i dont flay the wrong direction. with such an overloaded kit as thresh's, it's kind of hard not to play him even when youre not great at support like i am.
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