
Caelus' Rage (Gaelan)

Jan 28th, 2020
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  1. [22:56] Lumi Fenrir exclaims, "...Nice b-blue ice. Gotta go bye!"
  2. [22:57] {Item} You picked up Lightning Crystal. Dropped by Lumi Fenrir. .
  3. [22:57] {Item} You picked up Cylion x2. Dropped by Lumi Fenrir.
  4. [22:58] Normally people are let go when they say literally anything. It was a compliment, even, but sadly...
  6. That tenseness around the Lunaris gives it all off. Rage.
  8. Breathing heavily the cool-misted Lieutenant's eyes snap towards Lumi. The ringing, the redness in his vision-- It had to get out somehow right? With his clenched fists moving towards the hilt of his rune blade he'd slowly begin his approach.
  10. Why the fuck did he take that Gaiar red wine from Sina?
  11. (Caelus Lunaris)
  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. [23:07] He noticed the man started to moved towards them. With seemingly hostile intent. The teen draws his staff and takes a few steps back. Isn't this guy a city guard of Osrona or something? It was really weird that he was acting so hostile.
  16. "Whats our plan? This man seems wild." The cold around him started to swirl around him. It was also clear the kid hasn't had proper combat experience yet.
  18. A thick dense mist slowly started to emit from him. As he shifted away into the mist. His form completely disappeared within the Illusionary mist.
  20. "I don't suggest you attack us." A omnidirectional voice boomed around them. He probably won't listen.
  22. He awaited Lumi's suggestion. The mad do probably knew better in this situation.
  23. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [23:10] There was a soft blinking from Lumi as his..own vision was quite honestly blurred. But..even completely complementing a stranger for his supposed 'blue ice' was..different. But even so, being stopped with the clear signs of rage in his eyes? Lumi looked back towards Gaelan and let out an almost slurred growl.
  28. "Okayyy..I want to get my ore and be donee..Soo..lets fuck em' up and goo..right?" There was another slight glare at being interupted from a mining trip they had planned for a while but..even as the youngster looked towards the water that surrounded them from within the cave a small..idea popped into the Fenrir's head as he soon reached for his own sword.
  31. Even if it was cracking in various places...But for that? There was a small creaking noise from it as ice began to slowly creep along it. And from it? The air began to chill ever so slightly..even the water itself felt a bit colder.
  34. "But..Either let us go....orrr....go back to crackin' mobs.." There was a slurred voice as the air continued to drop even further as the fenrirs were getting ready to either fight or go back to simply mining.
  35. (Lumi Fenrir)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. [23:17] He wasn't stopping.
  40. "Don't fucking give me orders." Caelus spat back. Cool starlight continued to glimmer about him as he treaded through the river within Silverwall. "After years of bleeding for MY CITY. Following orders from those that call me and those with me FUCKING WORTHLESS; My own fellow defenders sacrificed over some fucking criminal!?
  42. I. Want. OUT."
  44. That façade of being Osrona's hero was long since shattered by the oppression he'd sat idly by within. Nobles, the Order-- All it took was Meter and a spiked drink to send him spiraling over the edge.
  46. Mythril sings as the blade is freed from its scabbared. Mana from his star and body alike mingle in the air; Bolts of lightning curving outward from his back. Nothing but raw rage was held on his visage... A mix of pain, even, as those steel orbs stare down the Fenrirs before him.
  50. Surely taking things out on the two before him wasn't just, but... This potion brought every bottled emotion right on out of the well-kept Lieutenant.
  51. (Caelus Lunaris)
  52. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  54. [23:32] ** Gaelan Fenrir has inflicted an injury upon Caelus Lunaris. ("Phantom Pain", "The man feels like his whole body is filled with needles. This was from the illusion that Gaelan used on him. A skilled medic could reduce or even remove the effect. However he will have slight truama from the attack. Since he felt like he died, at the end.", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  55. [23:41] From start to finish, it was as if they where fighting in an underground snowstorm. That fact was as true as the ice that coated the very ends of the underground cavern. Eyes blurred due to the amount of Alcohol within his system..but in truth? There was one thing that woke him up more than water or food.
  57. And that was combat. Pure, bloody combat.
  59. Perhaps it was because he was from a much..more wilder part of the Fenrir's it was none the less still present in the way he fights. Feral, tooth and nail to the bone..but here? Underneath mountains of rock and stone, it required something..something far, far more different. And that key thing..was...the water. The cool refreshing water soon turned frozen and soon became a land field filled with icy hazards as the fenrir soon met Caelus's strikes blow for blow. Each hit felt..heavier than the last only for the fact of the chilling winds that swirled around him. But it was a hardclimbing battle even as the force of the stars crashed into him.
  62. And boy did he hate the stars..That burning feeling of heat made it all the worse for him. "Gah..I hate the heat..I hate the HEAT."
  64. With a gutteral growl only befitting that of a feral animal he slammed his blade into the water just before dashing towards the man, Spikes of ice rising forth to ensnare the man within its icy grasps just for his cousin to do what he did best..the powers of illusionary masses truth? Agony to even fight against.
  66. "Hey cousin..hit him already I can't holld..this forever!" The start of..a new fenrir thing? Then again the ice was an annoying to combat against.
  67. (Lumi Fenrir)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [23:51] The man continued to move on them. The mist that shrouded the area hid the Fenrir from his sight. Which greatly assisted in the battle. He was sorta forced to focus the 'Mad Dog' Lumi. The temperature of the cave was consistently dropping, as the battle went on.
  72. Once they actually begun fighting he made his clone. It also was shrouded in the same mist as he was. However it was different. Once they got close it revealed itself to Caelus. At it randomly assaulted him in a melee barrage. This allowed the real Gaelan to stay behind his Cousin and the clone for safety. However it didn't take long for him to realize that spells were coming deep within the mist.
  74. The man started to follow the unending spells and went off to attack him. This caused a bit of stress on the teen. He didn't expect him to actually break off from the melee combatants and focus the spellcaster. Logically it made sense. Since he was applying quite a lot of pressure on him.
  76. As he moved to attack him, the teen's shadow rose from the ground and slung the man back. Knocking him back. It actually worked for once. This time it happened naturally. Not after the man landed a solid beam on his stomach. Which for a few moments he had the wind knocked out of him.
  78. Once he got back into the swing of things his cousin held the man in place. He quickly sent a wave of illusionary power at the man. Which quickly corrupted his mind. A horrible migraine took hold of him. He entered a distorted reality.
  80. The man was surrounded with mirrors that had the teen within them. A light chuckle is had. The kid was playing with some sort of needles. "This time I plan to make this hurt." He gave a smile to the man. A large barrage of needles started to pelt the man from all directions. Everyone one of the mirrors were sending out these needles at him.
  82. Caelus fell to the ground in horrible pain. He felt as if his body was on the brink of death. However this man was all too strong for Gaelan's illusion. He didn't actually kill him. The man was able to break out of it barely. He still felt that all that was real, and the pain resided.
  83. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  84. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. [00:02] He hated it. All of it. This rage potion he'd been spiked with, the Order, how cold it was getting... Caelus just kept on swinging wildly through pillars of rocks and towards the Fenrirs alike.
  88. Caelus didn't care how much it'd take he would get this out of his system through one way or another. Yet its that harsh cold that begins to slow him down-- Wintry waves of winds continuing to invade his star's ambience all the while his mind was hit by illusions.
  90. Stars he hated illusions.
  92. Arcs of mana continued to try and create those ethereal wings behind him, but it always falls short. His concentration was barely there with his focus primarily on the teens before him-- To cut them, to bash them and toss them aside until they couldn't fight anymore.
  94. Until they understood just how fucked the Order was.
  96. Lumi's spikes of ice soon jut forth, grasping and holding the wild Lieutenant in place. Struggling against his new bindings steel orbs shakily focus on Gaelan- A wild animal only wishing to impart lessons on the youth.
  98. Where'd the ringing gone? A throbbing, massive mirgraine soon sets in before the mirrors rain needles down upon him. Was this it? Was this really it-- He was losing consciousness slowly over time. Caelus still had to return home, to impart justice like he'd promised.
  100. With a sudden growl of anger he'd wretch his arm from the icy hold Lumi had put on him. It didn't matter if he was about to die, he had to keep going-- This wasn't his end, it couldn't be! Collecting a ball of starlit-raw mana in his hand he'd slame it into the water, causing a massive blast about him.
  102. Only to disappear in the ensuing chaos.
  103. (Caelus Lunaris)
  104. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  106. [00:08] Kelly begins his walk out of the mines, and sees something that would further fuel his paranoia: Fenrirs, beating up and tormenting one of his own men. Those working for them had already threatened both him and his wife, and now they were after those who even associated with him, like Shrike and Caelus? This was going on for far too long, and needed to be nipped in the bud before it got any worse.
  108. As soon as the two are done with him, they hear the noise of shifting metal from behind. The source of it looked much like a living statue, every inch of his skin covered with metal. Odder still, were the chains by his sides, lifted up through unknown means and poised like serpents, rearing back to strike and perhaps sparking a parrarel with Riptide magic in the minds of the two. "So now you fucks are even going after my allies. Threatening my wife wasn't enough for you bastards, was it? Now you're going after my friends and my own subordinates. I am tired of all of this. I'm tired of my fucking Nikky cowering in fear and losing her mind." The chains then vibrate by themselves - perhaps a sign of rage, irritation, or even fear?
  109. (Kelly Kirk)
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