
In which we learn that Raven is a closeted perverted yandere

Feb 21st, 2018
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  1. Jalen slept soundly in his room after a rather easy day of school...being that he barely did any of his school work. But he did partake in the Battles after the classes and trained his team, spending some time getting his Darumaka up to speed with his other pokemon, Dewott and Gurdurr. He also been doing a rather secret relationship with the one and only Raven Branwen, which has been quite a fun experience due to how...anti-social Raven can be. One instance was when he and her went to the arcades...he never noticed how uncomfortable anyone could be in any environment until he look at Raven and saw a look of pure discomfort.
  3. He grabs her hand and let her know that they can leave anytime if they want to, but she insisted on staying here since it was his idea. The rest of their time there, they played some arcade games like shooting and fighting games....Where Jalen could tell all the neckbeards there were making Raven slightly mad at how much they were trying to talk to her. To remedy this, She wrapped her arms around him and latched on to him whenever they were walking..which leads to another thing Jalen have to deal with regarding Raven.
  5. VERY possessive of Jalen.
  7. Now, they don't do much in school so that no one will notice them being together and make quite a commotion for them being together (Raven told Jalen that Summer 'ships' them together...Which he had to explain to her what the term 'shipping' means and it had nothing to do with naval warfare...point is...Summer would never shut up about them being together if word got out.) Meaning Raven can't really express her love for Jalen by touching him..which irritates her to no end. She make up for this by being all over him in private...
  9. At the moment, no one is in his house due to Lucina and Rhiannon along with Summer at the Battle Dome-Where students have their battles with one another- and Inigo is hanging out with Qrow and Taiyang somewhere else...probably the theaters to watch Black Panther. Sleeping soundly in his room, he fail to hear Raven teleporting inside his room with the aid of her Kirlia.
  12. "Thank you...return." She recall her Kirlia and sits on Jalen's bed. She's wearing a white shirt with black shorts on and her hair not in a ponytail like it's usually is, therefore spread out like a Bird Pokemon's feathers. Rubbing Jalen's face with the upmost care, she watches over him with a stoic face.
  14. "Mine...My boyfriend.."
  16. It's no surprise that Raven isn't exactly the most sociable person, now that doesn't make her a complete sociopath and a bad person, per say...but it also means that she don't really listen to social of the things she like to do is sneak into Jalen's room and watch him sleep like a guardian angel in her mind...she also like to come in here when he's not home and sniff his underwear for his musk...
  18. Raven haven't had sex until she met Jalen(And neither had Jalen did until meeting her),But after they did it, It had a profound effect on her mind regarding sex and she looked up so many topics related to it that she was sorta scarred on some things and came to Jalen about some of the terms she learned about such as BDSM, Furry, Cucking, and more fetishes.
  20. Let it be known that Raven is a massive masochist and loves whenever the 2 of them sneak off to a motel room and do their BDSM stuff(Although it's not Jalen's particular favorite...)
  22. Getting wet now, Raven pull her hand off of Jalen's face and breaths hard...she wish she could wake him up for some sex, but then she would have to explain being in his room...and even tho she lacks plenty of social tact....she knows entering one's home without permission is a big no-no no matter what. She slowly gets up off the bed and call her Kirlia out.
  24. "Take me back, I'm done."
  26. Leaving one final lustful look at her boyfriend, Raven poofs away and back to her room....leaving a Jalen who is still sleeping in his room undisturbed.
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