Guest User


a guest
Sep 23rd, 2017
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  1. {
  2. "Locale": "en",
  3. "PrivateMessage": {
  4. "FormatFrom": "(From {0}): {1}",
  5. "FormatTo": "(To {0}): {1}",
  6. "FormatSpy": "<gray>Spy: {0} -> {1}: {2}",
  7. "ConsoleDisplayName": "*console*"
  8. },
  9. "UnfreezeOnDeath": true,
  10. "UnfreezeOnQuit": true,
  11. "EnableTextCommands": true,
  12. "EnableDeathMessages": true,
  13. "EnableJoinLeaveMessage": true,
  14. "ShowPermissionOnErrorMessage": true,
  15. "SaveCommandCooldowns": false,
  16. "EnablePollRunningMessage": true,
  17. "PollRunningMessageCooldown": 20,
  18. "ServerFrameRate": -1,
  19. "BackDelay": 10,
  20. "ItemSpawnLimit": 10,
  21. "AntiSpam": {
  22. "Enabled": true,
  23. "Interval": 3
  24. },
  25. "Updater": {
  26. "CheckUpdates": true,
  27. "DownloadLatest": true,
  28. "AlertOnJoin": true
  29. },
  30. "Home": {
  31. "TeleportDelay": 5,
  32. "CancelTeleportWhenMove": true
  33. },
  34. "Warp": {
  35. "TeleportDelay": 5,
  36. "CancelTeleportWhenMove": false,
  37. "PerWarpPermission": true
  38. },
  39. "VehicleFeatures": {
  40. "RefuelPercentage": 20,
  41. "RepairPercentage": 70
  42. },
  43. "Kit": {
  44. "ShowCost": true,
  45. "ShowCostIfZero": true,
  46. "CostFormat": "{0}({1}{2})",
  47. "GlobalCooldown": 0,
  48. "ResetGlobalCooldownWhenDie": false
  49. },
  50. "Tpa": {
  51. "CancelTeleportWhenMove": false,
  52. "ExpireDelay": 50,
  53. "TeleportDelay": 5
  54. },
  55. "Economy": {
  56. "UseXp": true,
  57. "XpCurrency": "Xp",
  58. "UconomyCurrency": "$"
  59. },
  60. "AutoAnnouncer": {
  61. "Interval": 150,
  62. "RandomMessages": false,
  63. "Enabled": true,
  64. "Messages": [
  65. "<green>Remember: Money = Xp, Xp IS money! ",
  66. "<green>Vote for Xp(Which IS money)",
  67. "<yellow>Lag? Don't worry we are always on it!",
  68. "<red>If your vehicle despawns, don't worry, it is the anti-lag!",
  69. "<magenta>The owner wishes you best of luck!"
  70. ]
  71. },
  72. "AutoCommands": {
  73. "Commands": [
  74. {
  75. "RunOnce": false,
  76. "Timer": 300,
  77. "Commands": [
  79. "experience 25 *"
  80. "reputation 10 *"
  81. "say \"Have some money(Xp)! Thanks for playing\""
  82. ]
  83. },
  84. {
  85. "RunOnce": false,
  86. "Timer": 600,
  87. "Commands": [
  88. "clear i"
  89. "clear ev",
  90. "say \"Cleared Items and Empty vehicles\""
  91. "reputation 20 *"
  92. ]
  93. }
  94. ],
  95. "Enabled": true
  96. },
  97. "GiveItemBlacklist": [],
  98. "VehicleBlacklist": [],
  99. "EnabledSystems": [
  100. "kits",
  101. "warps",
  102. "Economy",
  103. "Tpa",
  104. "AutoCommands",
  105. "AutoAnnouncer"
  106. ],
  107. "DisabledCommands": []
  108. }
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