

Jan 13th, 2014
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  1. Other than Special and Other events that Rarity of Pokemon Tabs will be Descending starting from 6IV Shiny. Feel free To look Lol and give me trade requests. Most Notable Moves and or Full Movesets will be listed and if you need more Info let me know. I'll Differentiate between languages with either a E or J on non event things or if i have 2 of the same mon in different languages. The movesets are NOT "desired" Movesets in quite a few of the pokemon as i have yet to use quite alot of them to test out. * Indicates NFT. Most of the really good competetive move sets/natures will be NFT. That Means an offer of Equal/Greater Value must be made to trade them. ** means don't bother asking unless i know you well. Again the move sets are in now way "correct", they are just to highlight Notable moves or previous Gen tutor Moves.
  3. Notable Ivs are Mentioned However Not all Ivs are mentioned if the pokemon is below 4IV Max or not 6iV flawless With a Hidden Power ( I.e 4V31 2V30= 6V flawless for H.Power so will be listed as 6V and the hidden power in moveset or otherwise) If its Supposed to have a ribbon and does not, into the trash it goes. If its supposed to be in a Cherish Ball and is not, same applies. Please don't try trade these things with me as i don't want them.
  5. Non Legend Shinnies Are At the End, i only like lvl 1 non legend shinnies ^^/ .
  7. Special
  9. 6 IV Movie 14 Bolt Strike Victini - Adamant In Cherish Ball - V create/Bolt Strike ***
  10. 6 IV Movie 10 Alamos Darkrai - Timid In Cherish Ball - Spacial Rend/Roar Of Time ***
  11. 6 IV HGSS 2009 Event Japanese Non Shiny Mew - Timid In Cherish Ball - Dazzling Gleam/Psyshock ***
  12. 6 IV Fall 2010 Event English Non Shiny  Mew - Modest In Cherish Ball **
  13. 6 IV SMR 2010 Jirachi LV-5 - Timid In Cherish Ball - Draco Meteor/Magic Coat/Trick ***
  14. 6 IV WIN 2011 Celebi - Calm In Cherish Ball  - Hidden Power Ice/Nasty.P/Giga Drain/Earth Power ***
  15. 6 IV HVR 2013 Perfect Keldeo In Resolute Form - Timid In Cherish Ball - Icy Wind/Aqua Jet/Secret Sword **
  16. 6 IV SPR 2013 Meloetta - Naive In Cherish Ball - Relic Song/Drain Punch/Ice Punch *
  17. 6 IV SPR 2012 Black/White Event Reshiram - Modest In cherish Ball - Blue Flare/Draco Meteor **
  18. 6 IV 10th Anniversary 2006 Event Celebi - Ancient Power/Perish Song - Calm In Pokeball *
  19. 6 Iv Shiny Movie Event Genesect - Hasty In Cherish Ball - Extreme Speed/Blaze Kick/ Iron Head/ Shift Gear **
  20. 6 IV Plasma Deoxys Normal Event - Naive In Duskball - Nasty Plot/ Phsycho Boost/ Recover/ Dark Pulse **
  21. 6 IV Plasma Deoxys Defense Event - Calm In Duskball - Stealth Rocks/ Spikes/ Magic Coat **
  22. 5 IV Gale Of Darkness Phsycho Boost Lugia - Bold OT: Magnius - Phsycho Boost ***
  23. 4 IV Worlds 2012 Flying Pikachu - Timid In Cherish Ball - Fly/Grassknot  With Lightning Rod ***
  24. 1 IV Worlds 2012 Flying Pikachu - Timid In Chersih Ball - Fly/Grassknot  With Lightning Rod **
  25. Nobunagas Event Shiny Rayquazza - Hardy In Cherish Ball - D.Dance/Outrage/Ancient Power **
  26. Corocoro Event Garchomp - Calm In Cherish Ball **
  27. Walmart Event Garchomp - Hardy In Cherish Ball **
  28. Walmart Event Scizor - Hardy In Cherish Ball **
  30. Other Events
  32. 6 IV Gamestop Event Shiny Raikou - Rash In Cherish Ball - Extremespeed/ Aura Sphere *
  33. 6 IV Gamestop Event Shiny Entei - Adamant In Cherish Ball - Extremespeed / Flare Blitz/ Sacred fire *
  34. 6 IV Gamestop Event Shiny Suicune - Relaxed In Cherish Ball - Extremespeed/ Airslash/Sheer Cold *
  35. 6 IV MCHINA Event Arceus - Timid In Cherish Ball - Judgement/ Recover/Calm Mind
  36. 6 IV MAY 2012 Darkrai - Timid In Cherish Ball - Ice Beam/ Dark Void/ Sludge Bomb
  37. 6 IV Pokemon Ranger Shaymin - Timid In Pokeball - OT : Oblivia Hidden Power Ice/ Earth Power *
  38. 6 IV SUM 2013 Shiny Dialga - Modest In Cherish Ball - Stealth Rocks/Fire Blast/Thunderbolt **
  39. 6 IV GameStop Event Jirachi - Adamant In Cherish Ball - Iron head/Fire Punch/Ice Punch/ U turn *
  40. 6 IV Gamestop Event Jirachi - Modest In Cherish Ball - Wish/Doom Desire
  41. 6 IV Gamestop Event Celebi - Modest In Cherish Ball - Nasty Plot / Leaf Storm / Recover *
  42. 6 IV Japanese Event Jirachi - Adamant In Cherish Ball - Meteor Mash/Power up punch/ U Turn *
  43. 6 IV WIN 2011 Celebi - Calm In Cherish Ball - Leaf Storm/Giga Drain/ Recover/ Phsycic *
  44. 6 IV WIN 2013 Flawless Keldeo - Timid In Cherish Ball - HP ghost/ Secret Sword/ Icy Wind
  45. 6 IV SPR 2013 Meloetta - Timid In Cherish Ball - Relic Song / Charge Beam/ Shadow Ball *
  46. 6 IV Movie Event Shiny Gensect - Hasty In Cherish Ball - Extreme Speed/ Shift gears/ Techno Blast/ Hidden Power
  47. 6 IV SMR 2013 Giratina - Impish In Cherish Ball - Shadow Force/ Aura Sphere/ Dragon Pulse/ D.Claw *
  48. 6 IV Movie 14 Victini - Timid In Cherish Ball - V create/ Fusion Bolt/ Fusion Flare
  49. 6 IV Movie 14 Victini - Jolly In Cherish Ball - V create/ Fusion Bolt/ Brick Break/ U-turn *
  50. 6 IV Plasma Deoxys - Timid In Dusk Ball - Spikes / Knock off/ Reflect/ taunt *
  51. 5 IV Movie 11 Shaymin - Jolly In Cherish Ball - Seed Flare **
  52. 5 IV SUM 2013 Shiny Dialga - Carfeul In Cherish Ball - Dragon Pulse/Flash Cannon/ Aura Sphere/ Roar Of Time *
  53. 5 IV SUM 2013 Shiny Palkia - Modest In Cherish Ball - Draco Meteor/ Spacial Rend/ Aura Sphere *
  54. 4 IV SMR 2012 Keldeo LV-15 - Timid In Cherish Ball - Aqua Jet *
  55. 3 IV SPR 2013 Meloetta - Hasty In Cherish Ball
  56. 3 IV Shiny Event Genesect - Hasty In Cherish Ball - Techno Blast/ Flamthrower/ Ice beam
  57. Event Deoxys Speed Attack form - Adamant In cherish Ball - Phsycho Boost/ Flash Cannon
  58. Event Meloetta - Impish In Cherish Ball - Relic Song/ Acrobatics/ sing
  59. Event Genesect - Relaxed In Cherish ball - Techno Blast/ Tri Attack/ Signal Beam
  60. Event Arceus With Event Moves - Sassy In Cherish Ball - Roar Of Time/ Spacial Rend/Shadow Force/Judgement
  61. Event non shiny mew lvl 5 Japanese - Quiet In Cherish ball ***
  62. Pokemon Link Distribution Celebi Lv 10 - Relaxed - Hold Back/ Recover
  63. NZ Japanese Event Jirachi LV-5 - Naive In Cherish Ball - Draco Meteor/Wish *
  64. NZ Japanese Event Manaphy - Impish In Cherish Ball - Heart swap *
  66. 6v/5v perfect/ Flawless HP Shiny legendaries. Non Event Related. / 6V Non Shinnies
  68. 6 IV Shiny Articuno - Timid With Pressure - Ancient Power/ Agility/ Ice beam/ Reflect
  69. 6 IV Shiny Zapdos - Serious With Pressure - Thunder/ Drill Peck/ Roost/ Volt Switch
  70. 6 IV Shiny Moltres - Lax With Pressure - Sky Attack/ Return/ Steel Wing/ U-turn
  71. 6 IV Shiny Moltres - Adamant With Pressure - Airslash/ Roost
  72. 6 IV Shiny Mewtwo - Timid With Pressure - Ice Beam/ Psychic/ Future sight
  73. 6 IV Shiny Mewtwo - Jolly With Pressue - Drain Punch/ Focus Punch/ Psyco Cut
  74. 6 IV Shiny Mewtwo - Modest With Pressure - Psystrike / Aura Sphere/ Psychic
  75. 6 IV Shiny Mewtwo - Adamant WIth Pressure - Poison Jab/ Brick Break/ Blizzard/ Psychic
  76. 6 IV Shiny Mew - Timid With Synchronize - Dark Pulse/ Soft Boiled / Ice Beam/ Psychic
  77. 6 IV Shiny Mew - Hardy With Synchronize - Psychic / Transform/ Blizzard/ Metronome
  78. 6 IV Shiny Suicune - Modest With Pressure - Sub/ Calm Mind/ Scald/ Ice Beam
  79. 6 IV Shiny Raikou - Timid With Pressure - Rain Dance/ Thunder/ Shadow Ball/ Extrasensory
  80. 6 IV Shiny Lugia - Timid With Multiscale - Roost/ Calm Mind/ Thunder/ Aeroblast
  81. 6 IV Shiny Lugia - Modest With Pressure - Recover/ Aeroblast/ Calm Mind/ Psychic
  82. 6 IV Shiny Ho-Oh - Adamant With Pressure - Sacred Fire/ Roost/ Brave Bird/ Protect
  83. 6 IV Shiny Ho-Oh - Adamant With Regenerator - Sacred Fire/ Brave Bird/ Earthquake/ Recover
  84. 6 Iv Shiny Ho-Oh - Jolly With Pressure - Sacred Fire/ Punishment/ Tailwind/ Roost
  85. 6 IV Shiny Regirock - Adamant With Clear Body - Iron Defence/ Charge beam/ Lock On/ Zap Cannon
  86. 6 IV Shiny Regice - Calm With Clear Body - Rain Dance/ Ice Beam/ Filler/ Filler
  87. 6 IV Shiny Registeel - Naive With Clear Body - Metal Claw/ Curse/ Superpower/ Ancient Power
  88. 6 IV Shiny Groudon - Adamant With Drought - Fissure/ Earthquake/ Ancient Power/ Eruption
  89. 6 IV Shiny Kyogre - Modest With Drizzle - Ice Beam/ Water Spout/ Thunder/ Hydro Pump
  90. 6 IV Shiny Kyogre - Timid With Drizzle - Ice Beam/ Surf/ Thunder/ Water Spout
  91. 6 Iv Shiny Latias - Naughty With Levitate - Psycho Shift/ Charm/ Psychic/ Heal Pulse
  92. 6 IV Shiny Latias - Timid With Levitate - Draco Meteor/ Psyshock/ Ice beam/ Shadow Ball
  93. 6 IV Shiny Latias - Timid With Levitate - Flawless HP Steel- Psycho Shift/ Draco Meteor/ Charm/ Heal Pulse
  94. 6 IV Shiny Latios - Timid With Levitate - Draco Meteor/ Trick/ Hidden Power/ Psychock HP?
  95. 6 IV Shiny Latios - Timid With Levitate - Flawless HP Fire - Ice Beam/Psychic/ Dragon Pulse/ HPower
  96. 6 IV Shiny Latios - Naive With Levitate - Dragon Pulse/ Shadow Ball/ ThunderBolt/ Psyshock
  97. 6 IV Shiny latios - Modest With Levitate - Dragon Pulse/ Thunderbolt/ Psychic/ Shadow Ball
  98. 6 IV Shiny Rayquaza - Adamant With Air Lock - Earthquake/ ExtremeSpeed/ Outrage/ Focus Miss lol
  99. 6 IV Shiny Deoxys Normal - Sassy With Pressure - Spikes/ Dual Screens / Thunder Wave
  100. 6 Iv Shiny Deoxys Speed - Timid With Pressure - Tuant / Stealth Rocks/ Zap Cannon/ Gravity
  101. 6 IV Shiny Deoxys Attack - Hasty With Pressure - Psycho Boost/ Extreme Speed/ Super Power/ Shadow Ball
  102. 6 IV Shiny Dialga - Timid With Pressure LV1 - Dragon Breath/ Scary Face
  103. 6 IV Shiny Dialga - Modest With Pressure - Stealth Rocks / Earth Power/ Roar Of Time/ Aura Sphere
  104. 6 IV Shiny Palkia - Timid With Telepathy - Spacial Rend/ Aura Sphere/ Hydro Pump/ Earth Power
  105. 6 IV Shiny Giratina - Brave -With Pressure - Shadow Claw/ Aura Sphere/ Slash/ Shado Force
  106. 6 IV Shiny Giratina - Modest With Pressure - Dragon Pulse/ Magic Coat/ Tailwind
  107. 6 IV Shiny Regigigas - Adamant With Slow Start - Crush Grip/ Substitue/ ThunderBolt/ Earthquake
  108. 6 IV Shiny Regigigas - Brave With Slow Start - Stone Edge/ Revenge/ Earthquake/ Zen Headbutt
  109. 6 Iv Shiny Regigigas - Lonely With Slow Start - Dizzy Punch/ Crush Grip/ Confuse ray/ Zen Headbutt
  110. 6 Iv Shiny Heatran - Adamant With Flash Fire - Flash Cannon/ Dark Pulse/ Magma Storm/ Solar Beam
  111. 6 IV Shiny Heatran - Timid With Flash Fire - Ancient Power/ Dragon Pulse/ Lava Plume/ Wisp
  112. 6 IV Shiny Heatran - Timid With Flash Fire - Flawless HP Grass- Earth Power/ Magma Storm/HP/Flash cannon
  113. 6 IV Shiny Heatran - Timid With Flash Fire - Flawless HP Ive - Stealth Rocks/ Fire Blast/HP/ Earth Power
  114. 6 Iv Shiny Kyurem - Modest With Pressure - Dragon Pulse/ Blizzard/ Ice Beam/ Glaciate
  115. 6 IV Shiny Kyurem - Timid With Pressure - Dragon Pulse / Ice beam/ Focus Miss/ Scary Face
  116. 6 IV Shiny Kyurem - Adamant With Pressure - Outrage/ Ice Beam/ Hyper Voice/ Slash
  117. 6 IV Shiny Azelf - Timid With Levitate - Stealth Rocks/ Nasty Plot/ Extrasensory/ Last Resort
  118. 6 IV Shiny Azelf - Serious With Levitate - Thunderbolt/ Psychic/ Hyper Beam/ Future Sight
  119. 6 IV Shiny Uxie - Adamant With Levitate - Confusion/ Yawn/ memento/ Future Sight
  120. 6 IV Shiny Uxie - Bold With Levitate - Stealth Rocks/ Amnesia/ Flail/ Extrasensory
  121. 6 IV Shiny Mesprit - Timid With Levitate - Future Sight/ Charm/ Extrasensory/ Copycat
  122. 6 IV Shiny Cresselia - Sassy With Levitate - Phsyco Cut/ Aurora Beam
  123. 6 IV Shiny Cresselia - Timid With Levitate - MoonBlast/ Calm Mind/ Thunder Wave/ moonlight
  124. 6 IV Shiny Cresselia - Calm With Levitate - Toxic/ Ice Beam/ Psychic/ Moonlight
  125. 6 IV Shiny Cresselia - Flawless HP fire - Bold With Levitate - Icy Wind/ MoonLight/ Hidden power/ Psychic
  126. 6 IV Shiny
  128. Non 6IV Shiny 1-4IVs max without a Notable Hidden Power/moveset. Some are still Outstanding Ivs/Superior
  130. Shiny Articuno
  131. Shiny Darkrai
  132. Shiny Deoxys
  133. Shiny Kyurem
  134. Shiny Giratina
  135. Shiny Landorus
  136. Shiny Virizion
  137. Shiny Ho-Oh
  138. Shiny Lugia
  139. Shiny Suicune
  140. Shiny Tornadus-t
  141. Shiny Cresselia
  142. Shiny Palkia
  143. Shiny Dialga
  144. Shiny Kyogre
  145. Shiny Tornadus-t
  146. Shiny Raikou
  147. Shiny Registeel
  148. Shiny Groudon
  149. Shiny Latios
  150. Shiny Mew
  151. Shiny Zapdos
  153. Non 6IV/Non Shiny/Non event
  155. Articuno
  156. Zapdos
  157. Moltres
  158. Mewtwo
  159. Mew
  160. Entei
  161. Raikou
  162. Suicune
  163. Lugia
  164. Ho-oh
  165. Regirock
  166. Regice
  167. Registeel
  168. Latios
  169. Latias
  170. Rayquazza
  171. Groudon
  172. Kyogre
  173. Jirachi
  174. Deoxys
  175. Azelf
  176. Mesprit
  177. Uxie
  178. Phione
  179. Manaphy
  180. Cobalion
  181. Terrakion
  182. Virizion
  183. Landorus-`T
  184. Thunderus-T
  185. Torandus-T
  186. Zekrom
  187. Reshiram
  188. Giratina
  189. Palkia
  190. Dialga
  191. Heatran
  192. Regigiggas
  193. Kyurem
  194. Victini
  195. Cresselia
  196. Xerneas
  197. Yveltal
  198. Ziggiez
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