
BABS EDIT Chapter 1

Mar 2nd, 2014
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  1. //------------------------------//
  2. // The Babs x human Clop Saga// by Portal82//------------------------------//
  4. //------------------------------//
  5. // Intro: The arrival [Edit] //------------------------------//
  7. Author: Portal82
  8. Editors: dannycastle, ASF
  10. Chapter Intro: The Arrival
  14. We will join our human friend James as he ends up in Equestria.
  15. Lets see if he can survive and keep the mares at bay. This is his story.
  17. ****
  19. James was starting to wake up, and was surprised that he was not in so much pain. The last thing he remembered was riding home on his bicycle through a thunderstorm. It was pouring, James soaked to the bone, he would have a cold night sleep tonight. Speeding as fast as he safely could, wanting a warm room to greet him when he got home.. He remembered driving past some trees when a lightning bolt stuck down at the tree in front of his path. James wobbled in panic when he, by reflex, steered away from the sight. Unable to keep control, he crashed on the ground. James didn't have much time to recover before his world turned white followed by the severe pain that followed.
  21. Then everything went blank.
  23. James stopped thinking about what happened, and looked around, trying to see where he was. He was in a room with several beds and by the smell and interior he presumed that he was in a hospital.
  25. "Great. Could this day get any worse? First I had a crappy day at work, then I get hit by lightning, while soaked to my boxers. Now I’m in a hospital with a shitty small bed, yet somehow with no burns."
  27. He took in a deep breath and looked down at himself and tried to move his body. It was a slow process and it proved to be a little difficult with stinging stiffness, but soon he could move his arms and legs without the stinging sensation. He removed the bed sheets only to discover that he is naked.
  29. Why the fuck did they not give me a hospital gown?!”
  31. Quickly, he covered himself again and looked around the room for his clothes, but no such luck.
  33. Trying hard to relax, he started to get bored, and he wanted some answers about his condition and how he got here. James considered himself lucky that he survived being struck by lightning, but knowing his luck the hospital bill would kill that happiness. Sighing, the only thing he could do was look down and stare aimlessly at himself. Quickly, he heard footsteps coming near, but after listening closely it sounded like two pairs of feet making itself known and was getting closer.
  35. They sound like they were wearing heels or wooden shoes. The door soon opened.
  36. And what he saw entered the room made him wonder if he was put on some experimental drug. A small pony could be seen walking in, closing the door behind it.
  38. A colorful pony at that. The pony had a white coat with a tattoo of a red cross on it rear cheeks, a pink mane that was tied up in a knot, and a pink tail. James was staring with wide eyed wonder. It this was an experimental test, he hope he would survive it.
  40. Looking at the pony more closely he could see that it have larger eyes, the head is shaped a little different and the muzzle is small. All in all, it looked cute, very cute. He bet this pony was female.
  42. "Ahh, you’re awake. Good. Now, let’s just check and see how you’re doing."
  44. That was his second surprise, it can talk and it certainly sound female . He could only stare with wide eyes when she carefully walked to his bed and started to look over him, taking his right arm and starting to lift, using her hoof to touch and feel it.
  46. "Good boy, letting nurse Redheart look at you, I wonder if you have a name?"
  48. James stared some more before he registered what she had said. He tried to reply with a steady voice. And failed.
  50. "J-James ma'am. James Ibram Burrlap,” he squeaked out.
  52. Now it was the pony's turn to looked surprised, her eyes going bigger.
  54. "Y-You talked"
  56. "Yes….as did you..."
  58. She continued staring at James for a few seconds before speaking again.
  60. "Can you excuse me Mister umm James. I need to tell somepony about you. Her friend was the one who found you after all. Don’t you go anywhere."
  62. With that said she turns around and make haste out the door. James was now alone and he was trying to collect his thoughts.
  64. 'OK, so I’ve met and talked to a small female pony…...nope, nothing wrong there.'
  66. 10 minutes later, James heard movements from outside the room and soon the door opened again and two new ponies joined the nurse in the doorway. One was purple with purple highlights in her blue mane and tail. The other one was soft yellow with a long pink mane and tail, and their eyelashes and posture suggested they were female also. One big difference was that the purple one had a horn and the yellow one had wings.
  68. 'OK, it seems that unicorns and pegasi exist here also. What’s next, fairies, trolls, dragons?'
  70. The purple one was looking at James with an excited expression, her eyes seemed to sparkle and she held a wide grin on her face.
  72. "Is it true, can you really talk?"
  74. She also started to walk towards James, still showing her big eyes and grin.
  76. "Y-Yes I can"
  78. What soon followed was the purple pony firing questions about who he was, what he was, where did he came from, you get the idea. During that time, she introduced herself as Twilight Sparkle, student to Princess Celestia.
  79. James in turned had mostly gotten over the shock of seeing talking ponies, for now. Twilight was taking notes of what he said about himself. James questioned about the flying feather-pen. Twilight’s short answer: magic.
  81. They talked for some hours before Twilight looked down her notes to recap some of the things they have said.
  83. "Okay, so your full name is James Ibram Burrlap but you prefer to just be called James"
  85. "You are a Homo Sapiens or human for short."
  87. "You don't know how you came to end up here, but you were found near the border of the Everfree forest by Fluttershy here."
  89. She points a front hoof towards Fluttershy who have for the most part tried to not be noticed.
  90. Said pony gave a quiet *eeep* when she was mentioned and hide her face behind her hair. She had been sitting near the end of the bed, Twilight was sitting right beside him, quill and parchment floating beside her.
  92. "She took you to the ponyville hospital and you had been asleep for about 7 hours"
  94. "You said that you think you were struck by lightning, but the doctors can't find any
  95. evidence for that. You mentioned that you had clothes on you, but Fluttershy found you bare, your guess is that the clothes was destroyed by the lightning bolt incinerating the clothes"
  97. She put her hoof under her chin looking like she was pondering on something.
  99. "You don't know how to get home and don't have anywhere to go"
  101. James nodded.
  103. "I can let you stay at my place for the moment until then. It will be no problem."
  105. James tried to tell her that it was not necessary but she insisted, James didn't want to impose on her for free so he planned to help her until he can get a place of his own.
  106. He wanted to get out of the hospital and Twilight told him that he was free to sign out.
  107. He was just about to remove the blanket and get out of the bed before he remembered that he was naked under the covers.
  109. "Twilight do you have something that I can use to cover myself?"
  111. She tilt her head to the side in a cute way looking at him with a confused face
  113. "Why?"
  115. James blushed and explained that unlike ponies his goods were in the open. At eye level. He explained that humans wear clothes all the time. When they are not wearing clothes is usually when they are intimate, cleaning, or are comfortable with certain others nearby. Twilight takes a glance towards his lower region than blushed.
  117. "O-OK wait here a sec James"
  119. She walks quickly out of the room to hopefully find something for him to wear.
  120. Seconds tick away, still in the bed twiddling with his thumbs. Fluttershy was still there. However, when James tried to strike up a conversation with her she just hid her face behind her mane or talked so quietly that he didn't quite hear her.
  121. Twilight came back inside the room with a big towel floating in the air by her magic.
  123. "Sorry James seems that they only have this towel you can use. You are too big for the usual hospital clothes they have."
  125. James nodded and took the towel that was brought to him. He felt a tickling feeling when he put his hand on the towel and she cancelled her magic, and then he looked at Twilight and Fluttershy that still was looking at him.
  127. "I would like some privacy please, if you don't mind"
  129. Twilight and Fluttershy blushed at his request.
  131. "Of course James" Twilight told him and she nudged her friend on the shoulder, signalling her to follow.
  133. She and Fluttershy exited the room leaving James alone. He removed the blanket and then he got up from the bed and did a quick test and saw if he could stand, a little wobbly at first but he should be fine he thought. He put the towel around himself and took a deep breath before walking out of the room. Now he could see just how tall he was compared to the ponies.
  135. He himself was about 5.7 feet and he would guess that Twilight was about 2.5 feet thereabout and Fluttershy about the same, so they reached up to about his stomach in height, there eyes would be in height with is groin. He would have to take notes and see if there height was the average height for ponies. He seemed to tower over them making them look at him with a little bit of shock, Fluttershy more so.
  137. “Alright then, I’m ready.”
  139. Twilight gave James an embarrassed smile and together they then walked towards the receptionist area to check him out of the hospital. It went without a hitch and he took his first steps out of the building and into a new world.
  141. ****
  143. A couple of months have gone by since James woke up in the hospital and met Twilight and Fluttershy. James have been in Ponyville for most of the time and have started to get used to the new world he had been transported to. He met the rest of Twilight Sparkle's friends and most of the ponies that resides in Ponyville.
  145. True, the ponies was first a little afraid of him but pretty soon warmed up to him.
  146. Pinkie Pie threw him a welcome party, surprising him that she would just throw a party for someone she just met . Sure the party was more childlike in nature but he had not felt more welcome in such a long time. He also met the owners of the building that the party was taking place in, Carrot Cake and his wife Cup Cake. The place had a fitting name for it, Sugarcube Corner, considering that it was a giant Gingerbread house.
  148. Twilight had him sleep in the basement of her house and she had asked him more questions, while James had asked some of his own. He had learned a little about their culture and society, while learning some of the customs in Equestria. It is co-ruled by two alicorn princesses, Celestia and Luna. Twilight and her friends was the elements of harmony and to most ponies, they were heroes in a way.
  150. He had not had the chance to meet the princesses yet, and in a way he was glad. He was nervous about meeting royalty and what he could gather from the ponies around him they sounded more like goddesses, so yeah he was glad he didn't have to meet them but Twilight told him that they will get a chance soon.
  152. Another discovery was that the birth ratio for mare and stallions is about five to one.
  153. But he didn't think about that so much with how dating and marriage worked at the moment. Learning that magic existed and was used in ponies daily lives was more interesting at the time and awesome to watch.
  155. However, he didn't want to just live in Twilight’s house for free, so he started to look for work. Of course she told him that he didn't have to but he insisted. He started to help ponies around the town. He mostly helped at Sweet Apple Acres and when needed he helped Fluttershy with chores she could give him.
  157. He also helped the Spa sister Lotus and Aloe with getting supplies or to just help with cleaning the place. He had not tried to take up on their offer to try to massage a pony yet, but with the two sisters pouting and giving him puppy dog eyes, he would think that he will give it a try soon. Just to stop making those cute faces and small teasing.
  159. Another pony he met pretty early was Lyra Heartstrings. Well that was to say that she tackled him when they first met. It was when he went to the park one day to relax. He heard a gasp then a squee and was tackled to the ground by a turquoise colored mare with a lyre for a cutie mark, sitting atop of him looking down with a big grin on her face and her tail wagging happily like a dog. She told him about her fascination about human myths and now before her was a real live human, that that will teach those teachers and other ponies that she was right. She have been visiting the library almost every day for a while since then, talking with Twilight and him, going over the notes she had wrote about him. He had seen her looking at his hands often and every time she will blush and look away when he caught her doing so, making him wonder what's the deal with that.
  161. During his exploration of the town he came upon Rarity's Carousel Boutique and had a flashback about meeting her at the party and was told he could visit her whenever he wanted to. Of course she wanted to make him some more clothes for him. When he first met her and the rest of Twilight’s friends at the welcome party she insisted to make something so he didn't have to wear that dreaded hospital towel anymore. He thanked her for that. So he went inside her Boutique and was soon standing to be measured by the fashionista. He thought she took a little longer time measuring his lower area and taking glances at his member. She told him he have to be naked for this and she was a professional. Even though she had a light blush on her face when she was finished.
  163. Later that evening she came by Twilight's Library and gave her the clothes she made for him.
  164. A nice pair of pants and a t-shirt. No socks or underwear but he was happy just the same.
  165. He planned to ask her to make him some more clothes later, and this time pay her for her work.
  166. Other ponies he had met is the schoolteacher Miss Cheerilee. He had bumped into her in the market and helped her carry the fruit bags as an apology for bumping into her. He had helped her with small favors after that, and so he also got to meet the other colts and fillies in ponyville schoolhouse.
  168. There on the schoolyard he met the Cutie Mark Crusaders. They learned that he didn't
  169. have a cutie mark and even when he told them that humans don't get one they made him an honorary member of the CMC. They had made him, or more like forced him, to help them try to get their cutie marks. Cheerilee, Rarity and Applejack thought it was a good idea that the CMC took James with them on there crusades, thinking that an adult can help them stay out of trouble.
  171. Twilight did some experiments on him during his stay at her library. He was giving small tests to complete and he told her what he knew about the human body. The embarrassing part was when Twilight told him that she needed some specific samples. The blood sample was easy enough, but the next sample was a little harder, the semen sample. James was of course embarrassed, but he finally agreed to give a sample. She told him that this will be sent to the ponyville hospital also for further study, and would help him if he was to be hurt.
  172. When the results came in her mail a few days later she and James was surprised by the sperm results. It seems that if he wanted to, he could impregnate a mare. How that was possible, James could only shrugged and blamed it on magic. Twilight was blushing intensely, which didn't go down until much later that evening.
  174. That discovery spread without him knowing it so pretty soon most of Ponyville knew that James could impregnate a mare. He was getting some strange looks every day. The mane six was sometimes behaving difficult around James. Looking and blushing a little. Their eyes travelled to his groin most of the time, or his naked body when he took of his t-shirt while working at the farm somedays.
  176. He started to notice that some mares started to sway their flanks a bit more when they saw him looking at their cutie marks or at them in general. He told himself that they were ponies, that he should not get aroused by them, but somehow he started to compare flanks, manes, coat, faces, eyes and teats when he saw them.
  178. To his embarrassment he had seen some marehoods also. Most of the time it had been accidental, like when Twilight was happily sorting her books in the library and he just was right behind her when he caught a glimpse of her marehood. Another mare was Mrs Cake. She had a little accident one day and dropped some muffins on the floor and she bend down and tried to pick them up, one of them had rolled under the cabinets. She
  179. raised her backside in the air and, not thinking, she raised her tail, while she tried to grab the eluting muffin. James was sitting at a table inside and saw her marehood on display, he could not help to stare and got a boner painfully pressing against his jeans, much to his embarrassment. He suspected that Mrs Cake noticed when she turned around after she had grabbed the muffin and looked his way, had smiling and blushing somewhat.
  181. While gathering the muffins and trotting back into the kitchen she swayed her flanks more and moved her tail to the side sometimes so he saw her marehood. He saw more glimpses of her marehood since then when he visited and she always swayed her hips more, leaving him for the most part embarrassed and with a tent in his pants.
  183. Three weeks ago he, with the help of Mayor Mare, finally got his own place. Sure it needed some work but he had his own place now. The house was on the outskirts of ponyville, near Fluttershy's cottage. It’s a small two storage house, the bottom floor having a kitchen, living room, bathroom/toilet and the upper floor with a master bedroom, closet and a small guest room. Not much but he was glad anyway. He got the house for a sweet deal but one thing kept nagging at him at the back of his mind. When he signed the lease, the Mayor wanted a special favor from him when the time comes. She looked to the side when she asked and her cheeks started to turn a light pink, cute sure but it left him a little confused.
  185. A month later, little did he know, his real adventure was about to begin. He had started to work a little early at the farm, helping Big Mac collecting bad apples. He saw Applebloom ran out of the farmhouse with Applejack behind her and was heading towards ponyville. He heard that her cousin was visiting and was going to stay for a little while.
  187. He had removed his t-shirt, sweating while he worked. After he had finished his work he planned to take a shower before dinner was served so he headed for the bathroom.
  188. He took a shower and was just using a towel to dry his head when he heard the bathroom door open. He forgotten to lock it and now Babs Seed was staring at him with wide eyes and a blush on her face, and that’s how they first met, in the worse way possible. It was awkward after that but a couple of days later he overheard the CMC talking about that Babs was nothing but a bully. He later found her looking sad behind an apple tree.
  190. He sat down beside her and asked what was wrong. She told him that she bullied applebloom and her friends because she didn’t want to be pushed around anymore. James hugged her and told her that she should apologize for his mistakes, applebloom and her friends would understand when she was going though. The CMC forgave her, becoming her friends again. She was to head home to Manehattan soon however. She spend most of her time near James. She gave him a big hug before she boarded the train. But she returned at the end of the month, and something was different about her.
  192. He later found out that she was having her first Estrous. A little explaining from Twilight left James leaving her library blushing. She told him that it will be a difficult time for Babs Seed and he should stay away from her if he could. But no matter what he did, she always seems to be near him, or every so often he would bump into her. He was starting to also notice a strong smell when he was near her. He could feel like someone.. erm somepony was watching him most of the time.
  194. So today he was invited to have lemonade and cookies with Babs Seed in the CMC Clubhouse. He really didn't want to go but Babs used a sure way to make him agree. She used the dreaded puppy dog eyes on him, one that only the dead could resist. So now he was heading towards the clubhouse, but he got a feeling something big was about to happen, the question was, was it good or bad.
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