
[F4M] P.A.Files Pt.2 The First Week Ends [office] [fdom]

Jan 11th, 2019
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  1. [F4M] [Script Offer] The P.A. Files: Part 2 - The First Week Ends [Part Two of a possible series] [co-worker] [personal assistant] [office] [tease] [calm] [confident] [fdom] [cheating] [JOI] [JOE] [HJ]
  4. The head of recruitment sits at his desk. It's nearly the end of the first week for his newly appointed Personal Assistant. He has felt a certain tension since she started in the role, however she has appeared relaxed, and her work has been excellent. Nervously, he phones and asks her to come in, just for a chat…
  7. General mood and expression can be found in [these], with notes included in (these). These are only suggestions, if any artists wish to change anything (intonation, pacing etc), feel free. Comments or suggestions are always welcome, and of course the script is open to all who may want to fill.
  11. Script:
  13. (Note: Initially, she maintains an air of nervous professionalism, wanting to give the impression that she is calm and confident, but inexperienced in her new role)
  15. [upbeat] Hi. You wanted to see me? [pause] Oh, sure. Yeah, of course. I'm just finished with the weekly reports, and…[pause]…Yeah, they look good. I just printed them, I can…[pause]…Oh, sure. I can sit. I'm grateful, actually. [pause] Yeah, I mean…these heels, they're taking a bit of getting used to. Yeah, I know…graceful right? [giggle] Oh, they're not too bad. I'm just used to…well, more comfortable shoes, that's all. Thanks. Oh, ok…this is a nice chair [nervous giggle] So, you wanted to see me? [pause]
  17. [concerned] Oh. Are you ok? [pause] You look…stressed. [pause] [rambling] It's the reports, isn't it…I knew it…Oh, I knew there'd be something…I mean, I know it's only my first week and…well, I just wanted to do a good job, you know?…and…[pause] Oh. They are? They're ok? The reports. Yeah? [pause] [relieved] Oh, great. I really thought I'd messed up there. [giggle] [pause]
  19. [concerned] Wait…is it something else? Oh, no. Please, just tell me and I'm sure I can…[pause] Oh. It's ok? I mean…sorry, I mean I'm ok? [pause] [elongated next word] Ohhh, my work. My work is ok. Right. Sorry…oh, man, I'm such a…sorry. Yeah, I'll try and keep up [nervous giggle] So, what is it? Yeah, what's on your mind? [pause]
  21. [reassuring] Oh, you can tell me, I mean…I am your Personal Assistant, right? I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask, now would I? [pause] Oh, I know, we haven't seen much of each other this week, but…well, I'm pretty…[pause] [emphasis on next word] experienced…so yeah, it's been ok. [pause] Yeah. Sure. Everyone's been so nice, and the system's pretty well set up, and the office is nice, and…[pause]
  23. [sudden but calm] Wait. You look a bit distracted. Is there…is there something outside…that's distracting you? Yeah. You keep looking. Out of the window. Yeah, there's something…oh, there's the bus…is something bothering you out there? [pause] What? The bus? Is the bus…Oh, what did I mean about the bus?…ah, ok…sorry, I got a bit distracted too [giggle] By the bus, yeah. I just saw it when I looked to see what was distracting you, and well…I take the bus sometimes, you know?…I like the view. [pause]
  25. (Note: From here, she tries to maintain a calmness to her voice and actions, though at times this can waver at the performer's discretion).
  27. [giggle] Oh, I love the view…on the bus…[pause]…I can see the car park…the trees in the park…the birds…where you get your coffee…my office…your office…you stroking at your desk…[elongated laugh] [calm, sweet] You've been wondering…haven't you? Hmmm? All week? [giggle] Oh, I've seen you. Sat there, glancing out of the window…wondering. [fake questioning tone] How did she do it?…How did she see me?…Is it really her I hired?…Why hasn't she said anything?…Fuck! Did I hire the wrong girl?…Why…Why…[pause]…Why can't she just come right in and suck my dick? [sexy laugh]
  29. [calm, confident] Well…surprise! It is me. It has been me. Sat at my desk. Watching you. Like I always do. Watching you working. Watching you wondering. Watching you…[emphasis on next word]…squirming. [quiet] I like watching you. [normal tone] I love watching you. But…well, you know that. You know I like to watch. From the bus. From my car. On my phone. On my computer.[pause] What? [laugh]
  31. [calm] Oh, you think you're the only one who likes porn? I see you've been leaving the flash drive at home this week, too…that's good. But, yeah…I watch you…at home. I told you I took pictures, right? Speaking of pictures, I see you moved the one of your wife [sudden but calm] Hey! Don't get up. You're not going anywhere. Remember our deal? Hmmm? Sit. No, no. Sit. That's it just sit down and listen. You wanted this. You've been waiting for this, ok? [pause]
  33. [confident] Good. Now, as I was saying. I recorded you. As you stroked. Here. At your desk. And I watch. Oh, God I watch it a lot. And you've been watching me too. Haven't you? This week? Watching me? Hmmm? Well…[pause]…I knew you were watching. Knew you were waiting…and watching. So, any thoughts? [giggle] Oh, don't be so fucking coy…we're way past that ok? [pause] [slightly exasperated] Look. We don't have go through this again, ok? I called you…you hired me…we both know why. You want this. I want this. Ok? [pause] Well? You can speak…I'll allow it…[giggle]…for now. [sexy laugh]
  35. [calm, assured] Ok. Talking's over. My first week is nearly done…I wanna get started. Yeah. Get started. On my real job. Yeah. My real job here. Take off your pants. [pause] Take off your pants. [loud sigh] Look. I told you. I told you…on the phone how this was going to be. I'm here for you. To take care of you. To take real good care of you. For you. For me. I'm here to do my job…and I'll do it good. But I'll also do you. Real fucking good. So. Quit stalling and take off your fucking pants, ok? [pause]
  37. [calm, confident] Ok. Good. Now, it's good that you moved that picture. Of your wife. No, no…keep undressing, let me explain. There, good. Yeah, all the way off, that's it…now, sit back down. Just sit back…and listen. Ok. I'm not here to replace anyone…for your life outside these walls to change…in any way. Well, we might go outside these office walls, but that's not what I mean. [pause] All I want is to have this. Right here. At work. What we do outside of work is our own business, ok? You can fuck who you want…live with who you want…and stay fucking married to who you want, ok? And I can too. Ok? I said…ok? [pause]
  39. [calm, assured] Good. But here. In this office. Here…at work…you are all…fucking…mine. [soft moan] That's why I'm pleased you hid the picture…of your wife. Right here…at work…it's just me…and you. Hmmm, I can see you squirming again! [soft giggle] I like it when you do that…go on…don't be shy…start stroking. [low rumbling moan] Hmmm, there you go…stroke it. Stroke for me as I talk. [long exhale] There…oh, that's good. [pause] Ok, now. Where was I? Yeah, that's it. Here…at work. Well, when we're here…at work…you're all mine. [pause]
  41. [rambling] I'll look after your work…look after your meetings…your schedule…your ordering…all those boring, fucking mind-numbing jobs you have…but, mainly I'll look after you. [pause] [calm, sultry] In the best…hottest…dirtiest ways I can. [pause] For you…for me…for us. Here. Right here. At work. [pause] [assured] And as long as that keeps going…as long as it keeps being…[emphasis on next word]…satisfying…nothing else has to change. [pause] Nothing. [pause] Ok? [pause] Good. [contented moan] That's good…[pause]
  43. [calm, confident] Ok…so…you like what you see? Hmmm? [giggle] Oh, I can see you like something, youre…[emphasis on next word]…growing as we speak! [giggle into a soft moan] Hmmm, oh that's good…just as I remember…[sultry]…big…thick…strong…[low rumbling moan] So, what's making you hard? All big…and fucking rock hard right now? Hmmm? [pause]
  45. [playful tease] Is it my face?…[pause]…my lips?…[pause]…my wet…warm…lips?…[pause]…is it my…[emphasis on next word]…tongue…rolling around my lips…hmmm?…rolling…teasing…licking…my lips? [contented giggle] [calm, assured] Oh, whatever it is, I can see that it's working…oh, it's working real good isn't it? On you? On…your cock? [gasp] Hmmm, I love it when you twich…in your chair…[low rumbling moan] God…it's hot! Watching you…[pause]…stroking…[pause]…at your desk…[pause]
  47. [calm] I mean, it was hot watching you before, but…well, now that I'm here…sat here with you…watching…listening to you…[pause] [urgent] Fuck, this is good! [long exhale] [confident] So, what else do you like? Hmmm?…About me? You like…my legs? Hmmm? All soft…and smooth for you? Here, let me just stand…and show you. [pause] There…you like my legs? Hmmm? My long…toned…strong legs? How they look…in these heels? Hmmm? Keep stroking…keep stroking that lovely big cock as we talk. [soft moan] Hmmm, that's it. Stroke. [gasp] [pause]
  49. [soft moan] I can see you do…like them…my legs. You thinking…about them…[emphasis on next word]…wrapped…around you…Hmmm?…as you sit there?…and stroke? [sultry laugh] Oh, you're having trouble talking now I see…that's ok…I know…I know…[pause]…I know I have great legs, I work out remember? [giggle] Ok, what else do you like? Hmmm? You like…my ass? [pause]
  51. [calm, assured] Like how it…moves as I walk…slowly around my chair towards you? [pause] Yeah? [sudden] No! Sit back…did I tell you to get up?…No, that's it just sit back…keep stroking…and just look…at my ass. [pause] [soft moan] Like what you see? Hmmm? Soft…warm…Hmmm? [pause] Oh, you do. You do like my ass. Ok, well…you like it when I…[pause]…bend over like this? [pause] Hmmm? [pause] My ass…pointing straight at you?…[gasp]…Like that?…[sexy giggle] Oh, I know you do…I fucking know you do. [pause]
  53. [calm, confident] Look at you! Look…at…you. Jerking that thick, strong cock. Jerking…stroking…panting…[laugh] Oh, you getting all worked up now…huh? [purring moan] Hmmm, good. But wait…I haven't showed you the best bit! [pause] [sultry] Oh, I know what you think the best bit is…here, just let me…hmmm, just let me drop…to my knees, and…[soft moan]…there…now…let me just take…off my top, and…[gasp]…there, just take off my top…and my bra…and, there. [pause]
  55. [deep low moan] Oh…fuck! You like that? Hmmm, yeah? Like…my tits? Hmmm? [sultry giggle] Oh, fuck I can tell! I mean, you're not doing a good job of hiding it, you know? [laugh] Oh, it's ok…I knew you would…from when we talked…you know? On the phone? [pause] Yeah. Last week when we talked…and, yeah when you stroked. For me. For that fucking slut on your flash drive. Yeah, her…but, oh we both know it was for me, right? When you stroked? Here? At your desk? [pause]
  57. [giggle] [calm, confident] Oh, I know…I know. It's all happening just a bit…too fast…for you now, isn't it? I mean, it's not every day a tall, sexy, fucking hot woman just walks into your office and talks like this, is it? Hmmm? It's not every day that a hot…new…Personal Assistant just…tells you to get out your cock…jerk it as she talks to you…walks over to you…shows you her ass…then drops and shows you her tits, now is it? [laugh] Well, it fucking is now…it is every fucking day now. And you love it…Oh, I know you love it. [pause] And I love it too. [low rumbling moan]
  59. [sudden] Here. [pause] Let me take over. [sudden] Fuck! [elongated soft moan] Oh, God…I knew this was going to be good, but…[emphasis on next word]…Fuck, you are hot! [whimpered moan] Hmmm, yeah? That feel good? [gasp] My soft…warm hands on your cock?…Hmmm? [soft moan] Yeah. Yeah it does. Fuck, this is going to be great…this is going to be [elongated next word] sooo great…for you…[pause]…for me…[pause]…for us…[gasp] Yeah? Yeah? You close? Hmmm? [pause]
  61. [calm but passionate] Ok…ok…just hold on…just a bit longer…let me just…let me just feel you…just a bit more…in my hands…all firm and strong…pulsing…and twitching…in my hands…as I stroke…[sudden gasp]…[low deep moan] Oh, I can feel you…feel you start to tense…your legs…starting to stretch…[gasp]…your hips…starting to tremble…[sudden moan]…as i stroke your cock…yeah…yeah…your cock…thick…strong…throbbing in my hands as I…as I…point it…straight at my tits…[sudden gasp]…yeah?…yeah?…you ready?…hmmm?…ready to…to fucking shower me…drench my big fucking tits with your cum?…hmmm?…that hot, fucking cum?…hmmm?…ok…ok…that's it…let it go…let it go…just…just…[pause]
  63. [deep growling moan] There! That's it…cum…cum…fucking cum…oh, that's it just cum…let it all out…give it to me…give me all of that big, hot load…cum…cum…cum all over me…my big, firm tits fucking covered…[moan]…Oh, God that's good…God, that's [elongated next word] sooo good…[sudden soft surprise] Oh…Fuck! You're still going! [contented moan into elongated laugh] Oh, man! That was so much more than before! On the phone! [panting] Oh, man…we're going to have so much fun…God, I just…Fuck! I never knew it could be…could be…[elongated next word] sooo fucking hot, you know? [low rumbling, contented moan]
  65. [calm but slightly flushed] Ok. Wow! That was…just the best…just the best end to the week…just…[long exhale]…Oh, you ok? [pause] [giggle] You're looking a bit…well, drained! [laugh] Oh, it's ok…it's good…it's real good…I'm glad you…well, had a good time, you know? Oh, I did too…yeah, sure…yeah…I loved it! Oh, I can't fucking wait until next week now! [laugh] Ok. Ok. Let's get cleaned up, and…yeah. Let's just get the place cleaned up a bit. [sharp exhale] God, that's a lot of cum! [contented sigh]
  67. Hmmm, no, no…you go. Yeah…you just, no it's fine. [pause] Look, it's the end of the day, right? Yeah…you have to go…you have to deliver those reports, right? [pause] Yeah, that's it…the reports. Ok. You just go and…well, keep up that professional appearance [giggle]…and, well…yeah, I'll finish up here. I'm looking after you, right? [pause] Yeah.…there you go. Ok, bye…bye…yeah, see you next week…bye. [long exhale] [low rumbling moan] God, I love my job…[long contented exhale]
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