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A Jihadist's Journey

a guest
Nov 18th, 2017
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  1. "16 year old Abdulrahman is an average high school kid living in suburban Phoenix. He goes to school, he plays video games, he hangs out with his friends, he goes to prayers on Friday. But that last part and his brown skin and curly hair set him apart from his classmates and so he's singled out because of the religion he was born into. Finally after being beat up one too many times he asks his Imam why people hate Muslims. His's told that there are some people who pervert the teachings of the Koran for their own selfish violent purposes and have abandoned their faith. Abdulrahman decides he wants to learn more about them so he starts looking around online and fines a mujaheddin propaganda which basically looks like an action movie, except the Muslims are the good guys. Suddenly he's hooked and he has to know more about them, he winds up on a forum and starts talking to people. They convince him if he was a true Muslim he would come and fight for the jihad. Finally he gets his head shoved in a toilet and called a terrorist one too many times and decides he might as well be what they're calling him. He steals his parents credit card and takes a flight to Greece and then a cruise to Turkey. On the cruise he sees nothing but fat decedent lazy westerners looking down their noses at him and it does nothing but strengthen his faith. In Turkey he meets with a recruiter who smuggles him across the border and it's that easy, he's a soldier of God. He breezes through training and religious indoctrination and is itching to fight the infidels. Finally it's his turn to get out on the front lines and his unit drives in beat up Toyota pickup trucks to a seemingly random spot in the desert and drops them off. They walk for a couple miles and see a village that looks abandoned, so they do a halfassed search and break for lunch. Suddenly out of nowhere there are women with guns everywhere and Abdulrahman panics, he he's never been shot at before and he drops his weapon, turns tail and runs. As he's running one of the trucks comes up alongside him and his friends hastily pull him in. As if the sky itself is ripping open he hearr a horrible earsplitting noise and looks up to see an American A-10 Warthog opening up on his convoy. The truck in front of him is hit, it's passengers indistinguishable from it's interior after a burst of bullets bigger than beer bottles. Abdulrahman somehow manages to make it back to base only to be grabbed by a group of jihadists and taken before their commander. He's told that his cowardice is an embarrassment but as God wills it there is a way for him to redeem himself. An American has been captured fighting with the enemy, a Marine. Your duty is to behead him so we can broadcast his death far and wide to all who would oppose us. The hood is removed from the bloodied American to reveal a familiar face, the captain of his high school football team and his former tormentor. Abdulrahman is given a knife and knows he can't do it, he drops the knife and begins to cry and is beaten and carried off by a group of men in black. When he regains consciousness he's restrained inside an American Humvee and told his fate is to drive at the gates of an American outpost."
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