
Ch 5: Part 4: Thorn's End: Session 88

Dec 2nd, 2013
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  1. [13:09] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [13:09] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [13:10] <@Kilarra> -Session 88-
  4. [13:10] <@Kilarra> After exposing Quilindra for what she really is, the party agreed to continue in her company so long as she led them to Thorn's End, as she had previously saved their lives, even if it was mostly out of self interest
  5. [13:11] <@Kilarra> This turned out to be fortuitous, as it allowed them to pass a wandering group of demons without incident, and furthurmore, the leader of the siege at the Winter Council's stronghold agreed to let the PCs pass in exchange for their help. Of course, helping demons is always dubious, so what they actually plan to do remains to be seen.
  6. [13:15] * Kilarra is still in the guise of an elf and looks to Kahree, "Once we're inside, we need to talk." Her expression is stern, with just a hint of worry. She knew what could come of fraternizing with demons. She was a product of it, albeit many generations removed.
  7. [13:15] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, but with a frown.
  8. [13:16] <@Kilarra> Kjell steps up to the door first and bangs loudly on it with a meaty fist. "Let's hope the Winter COuncil's 'invitation' is enough to get us inside."
  9. [13:19] <@Kilarra> A few moments pass, and then the door opens a crack. The face of a stern elven warrior peeks out. Demons didn't tend to knock after all. "I am Armistril, captain of the soldiers here. Speak your intentions."
  10. [13:22] <@Kilarra> Kjell answers, "I am Kjell Caylean. These are my companions, Kilarra, Kahree, and Aluthyra. We seek an audience with the Winter Council. You could say they invited us."
  11. [13:24] <@Kilarra> Armistril glances past the party to the demonic horde, then opens the door just wide enough to admit them. Even this provokes a few tossed javelins and crossbow bolts, so the elven captain ushers the party inside quickly before slamming the heavy cold iron door shut.
  12. [13:24] <@Kilarra> This huge, airy chamber was once decorated with finery fit for kings—but the faded tapestries on the walls are thick with dust, and the stonework is crumbling and coated with mold. High above, the vaulted ceiling is decorated with ancient frescoes depicting the sun, the moon, and various deities of the elven pantheon.
  13. [13:26] * Kilarra shudders the moment she steps foot inside the fortress. She folds her arms across her chest and rubs her ups arms, feeling a chill that wasn't really there. She leans into Aluthyra for some warmth and comfort.
  14. [13:27] <Aluthyra> Kahree just gives everything-- including the stonework-- a glare. She still thinks it'd be easier going through this without diplomacy. Especially since the elves tried to -capture- them, previously.
  15. [13:27] * Aluthyra folds one of her wings around Kilarra as she glances about.
  16. [13:28] * Kilarra feels comforted by that gesture, but still... off. She wondered if the wards Quilindra mentioned had anything to do with it. Stupid ancestry.
  17. [13:29] <@Kilarra> Armistril wears gleaming armor and wields a cold iron longsword and a heavy shield bearing the image of a wolf ’s head. A group of four elven guards stands at attention in the room as well, although only Armistril speaks:
  18. [13:31] <@Kilarra> He addresses them in a calm, clear voice: “I do not know if you are friend or foe—liberators sent from Kyonin or scoundrels in league with the demons on our stoop. Speak now, and make plain your intentions here in Thorn’s End!”
  19. [13:34] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "We're here for answers; like why you were trying to capture us, long-ears." She rolls her eyes. "Long as you don't get your fancy panties, that I'm sure you have underneath that armor, in a twist, I don't think there'll be trouble from us," she nods, scowl firm on her face. "So drop the dramatic entry-speech and let us get to it."
  20. [13:36] <@Kilarra> Kjell tries to cover for Kahree. "Though my companion is blunt, and perhaps a little discourteous, she speaks the truth. We were assaulted by agents of the Winter COuncil, and made our way here to discover the truth of the matter. I would prefer to see us as allies of Kyonin and of Queen Telandia. If enmity with this council can be avoided, we would prefer that."
  21. [13:37] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs, crossing her arms. She doesn't need Kjell apologizing for her!
  22. [13:38] <@Kilarra> Armistril nods and speaks plainly henceforth, "I see. Well, in truth, even I am not always sure what the Winter Council does of late. I am simply in charge of defending this place. Frankly though, I hav greater interest now in simply keeping my men alive."
  23. [13:39] <@Kilarra> Kjell, notably, didn't actually apologize. He wants answers as much as Kahree does, he just figures being plain doesn't always mean being rude.
  24. [13:42] <@Kilarra> A few of the Elven guards, though not moving from their posts, glance at Aluthyra. They were used to seeing demons around, so the sight of a Celestial, in part or full, was intriguing.
  25. [13:42] * Kilarra takes a calming whiff of Aluthyra's scent, which was pleasant when mixed with the dander of her wings.
  26. [13:43] * Aluthyra nods. "Then perhaps you might be inclined to let us speak to the council? We mean no ill as long as that sentiment is mutual."
  27. [13:45] <@Kilarra> Armistril sighs, "The council has not met together in some time. I’d been serving here at Thorn’s End for years—barely long enough to start feeling that it was my home when it happened. There was an argument in the Council meeting room, and by the time I managed to get in there, the deed had been done. The eldest of the Council was slain in the fight, a brilliant wizard by the name of Auramesties. Another of the Council, General
  28. [13:46] <@Kilarra> -Another of the Council, General Allevrah, fled after the conflict, but neither I nor my men saw her flee—for all I know, she is now dead as well."
  29. [13:48] * Kilarra blinks, whispering to Aluthyra, "Allevrah again. Quilindra mentioned a general by that name. Probably the same person. I wonder why the Azrinae matron has the same name."
  30. [13:50] <@Kilarra> Armitril continues; "The remaining four councilors have retreated into seclusion. Someone must convince the remaining four to convene a meeting—I suspect that only if one could get them all in the same room would there be any chance of learning more from them."
  31. [13:50] * Aluthyra frowns. "And would you happen to know where they are for one to do so?"
  32. [13:51] <@Kilarra> Kjell notes to Kilarra, "Undercommon takes much from the elven language. It is not unlikely that some wordsand names might coincide, though under different meanings."
  33. [13:51] <Aluthyra> "Assuming they are not all in this fortress..."
  34. [13:52] <@Kilarra> Armistril nods, "They are all here, just secluded in their own quarters. I ask only that you moderate your blades and spells, for the concept of the Council is sound. If something of it can be salvaged and saved, it would do the elven nation good. Now go. Gather the Winter Council to the council chamber above and plead your case.”
  35. [13:57] * Aluthyra nods. "Very well. And if you could, point us toward their rooms?"
  36. [13:58] <@Kilarra> Armistril nods, "I anno leave my post, but I shall have a pair of my guards escort you around the fortress."
  37. [13:59] * Kilarra steps away from Aluthyra and the guards for a moment, her alter-self ability dropping and her tiefling self reasserting.
  38. [13:59] <@Kilarra> Armistril immediately, as would be expected, points his sword at her
  39. [14:00] * Aluthyra frowns deeply. "You would best lower your sword before I raise my bow. It is her heritage, not of her choosing, and nothing more."
  40. [14:00] * Kilarra sighs, "Figured that would happen. Relax Captain, I mean no more harm to you than I did a moment ago, I just wanted to be let in without a fuss. Yes, I have demonic blood, but it is dilute, and I am not in league with those outside."
  41. [14:02] <@Kilarra> Armistril nods and lowers his sword. "I see. Forgive me, we have been dealing with the rabble outside for so long. As well, if you actually were in league with them, you wouldn't have been able to step foot... hoof in here at all."
  42. [14:02] * Kilarra frowns a bit at the attention drawn to her hooves, but shrugs it off. "I'm used to it." That of course didn't mean she liked it one bit.
  43. [14:03] * Kilarra nods, "Yeah. Although we did have the unfortunate need of one of them acting as a guide to bring us here. She mentioned protection here, and admittedly, I've felt like I have a chill and a mild rash ever since I stepped inside."
  44. [14:05] <@Kilarra> Armistril considers that. "This place is warded against demons and evildoers. Were you actually either, you would likely not have lived through our previous conversation."
  45. [14:09] * Kilarra shudders a bit from her percieved chill. "I'll keep that in mind."
  46. [14:10] <@Kilarra> Armistril nods to Kilarra, "That said, you wouldn't be the first outsiders to come in here and be misunderstood."
  47. [14:12] * Kilarra looks around at her Ifrit and Aasimar companions, as well as herself. Outsiders was certainly right.
  48. [14:13] <Aluthyra> Kahree fidgets, wanting to hurry this along. "...You mentioned a guard escort?"
  49. [14:17] <@Kilarra> Armistril nods, then beckons for two of his guards. "You two, escort them while they are here. As well, take them to speak with our prisoner. They may wish to speak with him." He looks to the party. "The remaining members of the Council are Malindil, Marshal of the Shin'Rakorath, Perelir, a High Priestess of Calistria, Arlindil, a druid, and Hialin, an arcanist. If you have any questions about them, you can direct them to me or my men.
  50. [14:23] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "Any place we can take a little while to discuss how we will approach this issue?"
  51. [14:24] <@Kilarra> Armstirl points to a large door behind them, "The Banquet Hall is presently unoccupied."
  52. [14:26] * Kilarra nods and follows the guards to the next room.
  53. [14:26] <@Kilarra> Kjell goes with her.
  54. [14:27] * Aluthyra follows Kilarra closely, and Kahree trails at the back.
  55. [14:28] <@Kilarra> Several graceful yet sturdy mahogany tables cover the length of this wide room. The tables are covered with embroidered linen cloths, and one table is dominated by five magnificent chairs—all of which is finely coated in a layer of dust.
  56. [14:29] <@Kilarra> The elven guards selected to escort the party step away for a moment, heading to a room at the back, wherein anyone looking can see them talking to a few other guards engaged in sparring and drills.
  57. [14:30] * Kilarra takes a seat at one of the tables, not caring about the dust, and looks at Kahree sternly. Notably, she uses her tail to sweep the dust off of the chair next to hers for ALuthyra to sit on
  58. [14:31] * Aluthyra takes a seat next to Kilarra.
  59. [14:31] <Aluthyra> Kahree crosses her arms, frowning at Kilarra. "What?"
  60. [14:32] * Kilarra frowns, "Please, please tell me you don't actually believe any of what Quilindra told you."
  61. [14:33] <Aluthyra> Kahree scowls. "She isn't lying. And she understand things... that are none of your business!" She shakes her head. "What do you care?"
  62. [14:35] * Kilarra scowls right back, "Look at me Kahree. Look at what I am. You think this is something I don't know about? She's a -demon- Kahree."
  63. [14:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree shuffles on her feet, looking away. "That doesn't mean she's lying..."
  64. [14:38] * Kilarra frowns, "So what? That doesn't change what she is. Demons are creatures of their basest natures. They can't be anything else."
  65. [14:39] <Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "I don't care! She's kind... to me. Kinder than others have been, 'non-demons'."
  66. [14:41] * Kilarra groans, "It's all a lie! Even if she doesn't find you attractive, she has no genuine feelings of affection. The only things she'll ever want to satisfy are her bodiy lust, bloodlust, and lust for power. That's all a succubus is, that's all they can be. They don't posess any kindness."
  67. [14:43] <@Kilarra> *bodily
  68. [14:45] <Aluthyra> Kahree stomps her foot. "I don't CARE! She's... different! And even if she's like you described, why'd," she looks to Kilarra, then Aluthyra, then Kjell, "then why'd none of you tell me! Why'd all of you know and not ME?!" She fumes, shaking her head. "I don't care what any of you think now, I'll choose... and then once we're done with the Winter Council and the drow, I'm done with all of you."
  69. [14:46] * Kilarra frowns, "Listen to me Kahree. No matter what, this is going to end badly for you. When she gets bored of you, she'll kill you -if- you're lucky. If you're not, she might make a meal out of your soul or stick you with an undesired fiendish heir simply because it amuses her."
  70. [14:47] <Aluthyra> Kahree just turns and heads for the door, back to the guards. "I guess I'll find out."
  71. [14:48] * Aluthyra winces. Perhaps it was not wise to leave Kahree out of the loop...
  72. [14:49] * Kilarra frowns, "If she's going to be that stupid, I don't think there's really anything we can do until she sees it for herself."
  73. [14:50] <@Kilarra> Kjell follows Kahree a bit. "Kahree, please. It was wrong of us not to tell you, and your anger is justified, but please give this some more thought."
  74. [14:50] <Aluthyra> "Fine," she replies, short and terse.
  75. [14:52] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and shrugs. That was probably the best he could do, but he knew what she had experienced from being told about it. However, he suspected as much that the Succubus had crafted much of her story tailored to play on Kahree's insecurities.
  76. [14:53] * Aluthyra sighs and stands. "I suppose we should go?"
  77. [14:54] * Kilarra nods and stands, "I almost wish I could say I told you so when this goes south for her, but frankly I'd pity her more than anything."
  78. [14:58] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks to their elven escorts. "How much do you know about the members of the Winter Council?"
  79. [14:59] <@Kilarra> One of them answers, "We mainly follow Armistril, but he takes his orders from Malindil. Although," he glances at Kilarra, "perhaps you might have more luck talking with Perelir, who is a priestess of Calistria like your tiefling friend."
  80. [15:08] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks to the rest of the aprty for input
  81. [15:09] * Aluthyra nods. "Then to Perelir it is. Any common ground would be useful, so we may as well start there."
  82. [15:10] * Kilarra nods, "Also, Armistril mentioned a prisoner?"
  83. [15:18] <@Kilarra> The guard nods, "Ah yes. A pixie got inside the fortress, and Hialin caught him sneaking around. That was months ago though, and Hialin seems to have completely forgotten he's even here."
  84. [15:20] * Aluthyra nods. "Perhaps we should investigate the pixie first, then talk to the council members?"
  85. [15:24] * Kilarra nods. From what she knew, Pixies were free spirited, and certainly wouldn't bee in league with demons.
  86. [15:25] * Aluthyra nods to the guards. "If you could."
  87. [15:26] <@Kilarra> The guards nod and lead the party to a flight of stairs within this room, which takes them up to what looks like modest living quarters. From there, a short trip along an exterior balcony leads them to their destination.
  88. [15:27] <@Kilarra> Iron doors stand on either side of this large, almost empty chamber, and a flight of spiral stairs leads both down and up to the north. Four iron trapdoors are set in the floor, their faces decorated with narrow slots and a tiny drawer-like latch. A single wooden chair sits against a large central pillar.
  89. [15:27] <@Kilarra> Two elven guards stand here as well, although they look to be rather bored.
  90. [15:31] <@Kilarra> The party's escorts explain to the guards explain that Armistril gave the party permission to see the prisoner, and then they all step aside after opening one of the trap doors.
  91. [15:32] <@Kilarra> The cell is windowless and lit only by a permanent magical dancing light, as well as light filtering in from above. Within is a small, and dejected looking blue skinned man with butterfly like wings, standing at most, two-feet tall.
  92. [15:32] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
  93. [15:34] <@Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 13 (that I forgot about from last time). 6400 Exp Each
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