
Lyramom/running of leaves

Oct 2nd, 2020 (edited)
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  1. >"Rise and shine, Nonner!"
  2. >You rub your eyes as Lyra opens the curtains to your room with her magic, flooding in the pinks and purples of early autumn morning.
  3. >"Today's the big day! Time to get up, little one! Come come, let's get going."
  4. >Oh yeah, today was the running of the leaves!
  5. >You've heard your mom talk about this for a while, but you've never seen it yourself. Ponies running leaves off trees? Just another magical thing about this town you suppose.
  6. >You hop on your adopted mother's back as she skip trots to the kitchenette in your cottage.
  7. >You love how your mom has so much energy. Most old ponies can't keep up with you and the foals in town long, with a few exceptions
  8. >But your mom can. She's awesome.
  9. >You climb off Lyra's back onto the bench seat and smile as she floats a plate, glass of oat milk, and two muffins to your seat, while she trots off towards her room.
  10. "Is mom asleep still?" You ask though a mouthfull of muffin
  11. >"Eh, no, but you know she's like super slow in the mornings! Just need to check if she's alive yet"
  12. >Your other mom, Bon Bon, gets tired more and needs some smelly gross black
  13. drink in the morning to wake up.
  14. >Actually, Lyra drinks that gross drink too. You don't understand how ponies like that stuff.
  15. >You hear some mumbling and giggling from the room ad you finish your food.
  16. >Bon Bon shuffles out with a tired smile, beelining for the coffee.
  17. >"Hi sweetie. Have a good sleep?"
  18. You nod. "When are we gonna go? Are we running too?"
  19. >"Maaybe!" Lyra trots out of the room, kissing Bon Bon on the cheek and scooping you up, nuzzling your nose with hers.
  20. >"Time to clean you up first, you little goober!"
  21. >the two of you head to the single bathroom in your cottage. Bedtime clothes are removed, and your mom looks for a missing sock for today's outfit as you brush your teeth.
  22. >Your mom's dentist friend actually custom made you your own toothbrush and toothpaste, since she says your teeth are different from ponies somehow
  23. >"Aha! There you are." Lyra returns with the missing sock, looking triumphant. >"Arms up!" She exclaims, floating your outfit over to you.
  24. "Mooom, I can dress up myself," you start to say, but are cut off by a magically flying shirt falling over your head as she dresses you anyway
  25. >"I know, but we need to leave soon, little dude. Now grab your pack and wait by the door."
  26. >You do as instructed while your moms talk and pack up other things. You sit on the stool by the entryway and swing your legs idly, wondering if if any of your friends are going to be there too
  27. >"Where's your jacket, mister?" Bon Bon asks, as Lyra opens the door.
  28. >"Does he need one?" Lyra puffs into the morning air, looking to see her breath
  29. >"He doesn't have fur, Ly. Yes, he needs one"
  30. "I do too have fur!" You roll a sleeve up and proudly show your mom the nearly invisible hair on your arm.
  31. >"Wow, look at that!" Lyra giggles, levitating your jacket over and closing the door as the three of you make your way outside. "C'mere mister fur. Mommy says you need a jacket, and we don't wanna make her grumpy, do we~"
  32. >Lyra blows a kiss and winks at Bon Bon, causing you to roll your eyes.
  33. >Your moms act lovey dovey a lot to each other. You don't get it. They see each other every day.
  34. "Can we go now?"
  35. >"We sure can, sweetie"
  36. >You grab onto part of Bon Bon' s tail as your moms lead you into town square
  37. >It seems the whole town is here!
  38. >Well, Ponyville isn't that big of a town, but it feels extra crowded this morning.
  39. >The adult ponies gather near some kind of race line, and hey, some of your friends are there with their parents too. You wave to them, and they wave back excitedly.
  40. >Woah, even princess Twilight is here. She's a lot taller and wider than the pictures your mom showed you of when they used to be friends.
  41. >Princess Twilight clears her throat and speaks into a Mic
  42. >"Good morning, my little ponies! I'm excited to announce that it is once again time for the annual running of the leaves!"
  43. >"Looks like we're just in time" Bon Bon says quietly.
  44. >Twilight goes on for a bit more, talking about how she used to live here and run too and stuff. She seems sentimental about it, but you just want the action to start
  45. >Getting to run in a big race against the whole town sounds fun! You want to be up at the front with the real racers
  46. >You see lil' Mac's aunts among the front line, pointing at each other and grinning smugly.
  47. >"Be sure to hold my or mommy Lyra's tail at all times, sweetie" Bon Bon says to you.
  48. "Can I go with mommy Lyra first?"
  49. >Bon Bon nods. You hope Lyra will go faster than Bon Bon will.
  50. >Twilight finishes her speech, and count s off the beginning of the race.
  51. >"Go!"
  52. >The ground shakes as everyone in town thunders down the track, slowly leaving you behind
  53. >Wait.
  54. "I wanna go faster, mom!"
  55. >We just started, little dude" Lyra giggles. "You're gonna get pooped out in like an hour if we go super fast now"
  56. "But everyone's leaving us behind!"
  57. >"Ah, we'll catch up soon, Nonner. This is a long run. Isn't it more fun to look at all the pretty leaves?"
  58. >You pout slightly and continue holding Lyra's tail, running along behind your moms as the three of you trot down the track, slowly falling to the back of the herd.
  59. >even at this slow speed, you find you have to run harder than your moms do to keep up with them. You wish you had four legs like the foals do sometimes.
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