
Desert Elves Shootout

Mar 8th, 2019
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  1. >I was hanging out in a small town in Southern Arizona with my posse, about 25 men
  2. >We're orc hunters by trade
  3. >Desert elves roll into town one day practically wearing coats made out of orc scalps
  4. >Local tribe, folk around town kinda know them but they mostly stick to themselves from what I gather, only coming in occasionally to drop off a handful of scalps and drop by the liquor store for some cheap whiskey or tequila
  5. >This time is different
  6. >Nine of them, deeply tanned and dressed like extras from some low budget cowboy movie
  7. >Most of them are using some pretty strange guns for orc hunters too, lever actions, revolvers, ones got a Winchester shotgun sawed off at the barrel and stock, hanging off him with some leather straps around the pistol grip and trigger guard
  8. >Seems to be some kind of right hand man with the way he carries himself
  9. >Their leader is a woman, apparently "young" by elf standards and with two damn mares legs in gun belts
  10. >Just catch a little of what they say passing by
  11. >They got this bastardized attempt at Southern accents and slang with a little Spanish thrown in for good measure
  12. >It's a strange sight, but I ignore it
  13. >Until about three hours later
  15. >Now what I say next I only gathered from a hasty conversation with a small squad of frantic small town cops
  16. >Anyway, elves head to the local department and hand in their scalps for a few hundred dollars
  17. >The leader, Lurahn, asks if they know any local bars
  18. >Cops direct them to a few places and they all walk out money in hand
  19. >Don't take long before the department gets a few calls
  20. >Elves are out of control, set up in a local bar and chugged down enough liquor to kill most humans
  21. >Would be fine if it weren't for the fact that they start throwing bottles into the air and shooting them for fun, right in the middle of town
  22. >Cops rush down there and try de-escalating the situation
  23. >They didn't even threaten arrest, just tried to get them to leave
  24. >Guess I can't blame them, heard stories about how dangerous desert elves can be
  25. >Actually goes pretty well for a bit until another cop car pulls up
  26. >And what should step out but an Orc in uniform
  28. >Decent guy from what I gather, not one of those savage human eating tribals
  29. >Granted my profession makes me wary but I respect the laws of the land
  30. >Desert elves apparently don't
  31. >Nothing actually happens at first, the Orc cop approaches to get info from the other cops
  32. >Speaks to the "negotiating" officer's partner while Lurahn seems to only give sideways looks at the Orc
  33. >Everything seems to be going smoothly until Lurahn nods, finishes her tequila, throws the bottle in the air while drawing her mares leg
  34. >And casually points it right against the Orc cops head and hits him in the ear canal
  35. >Panic goes through all the cops, most trying pulling their guns only to get shot down before they can even bring their muzzles up
  36. >A few duck for cover and call in the situation
  37. >The elves start running
  38. >And cop cars start coming
  39. >Gunfights start popping off all over the town
  40. >None of them last all that long though
  41. >A quick one or two minute exchange of some slow shots and then silence for a few more minutes
  42. >Hell, most of these my posse hear but we ignore it
  43. >Not our fight
  45. >Gotta say, the cops were being pretty damn stupid
  46. >Their constant skirmishes just ended up pushing the elves deeper into the town while they were just trying to high tail it out of there
  47. >Fact that they're drunk as shit and can't tell the road from the sky probably doesn't help
  48. >Anyway
  49. >After about seven firefights, thirteen dead cops, and not so much as a stubbed toe (that they were sober enough to notice) on the elves, it becomes pretty obvious that small town cops with pistols and maybe a few shotguns are no match for a group of desert elves, and calling in Phoenix PD for some real firepower would take too damn long
  50. >So a creative solution is called for
  51. >That solution, of course, is us
  52. >Cops knew we were in town and knew we were well armed and used to dealing with non-humans
  53. >So they gave us one hell of an offer
  54. >Kill the elves, or at the very least drive them all out, and we'd get $300 for each of them
  55. >Three times the price of an Orc scalp
  56. >Of course we decide to take that offer
  57. >A stupid decision on our part
  59. >So now we get to the part where we answer an age old question
  60. >"Just how dangerous is a drunk elf?"
  61. >Well let me tell you boys, extremely
  62. >We grab our gear and start rushing to where the cops tell us the elves are headed
  63. >Most of us are using 7.62x51 guns, lot of M1a's (of which I am particularly fond of, along with my 1911) and PTR-91's, Orc hunting usually requires a bit of a bigger hit that 5.56 give you
  64. >As we're rushing there we're yelling out strategies on how to approach
  65. >We don't get the luxury of discussing it in any significant detail
  66. >Long before we even think we're in range a volley of bullets flies over our heads
  67. >A few guys get hit in their plates and get winded, one of our boys takes a shot right between his eyes
  68. >We all go down behind cars and dumpsters and into alleys and start firing back
  69. >It's obvious they're really, really drunk, otherwise I reckon that volley would have completely cut us down
  70. >All tactics are out the window, we just need to push forward
  71. >We do some basic leapfrogging, some boys sprint to closer cover to the elves while the rest of us keep the pressure on
  72. >We close about half the distance without any casualties
  73. >On what we decide is going to be the big charge to really push them back two of our boys die
  74. >The lead is hiding behind a car door and yells out "now!"
  75. >Half a second later a bullet goes right through the door and into his mouth, damn elves and their inhuman hearing
  76. >Another gets his head blown off by some well placed buckshot the second we stand
  77. >Other than that the charge works
  79. >Elves break cover and run as we keep up the shots
  80. >We don't hit a single one, but we manage to concentrate enough fire to put a wall of lead between them
  81. >They split off on an intersection, five going straight and four turning to the left
  82. >Think I saw Lurahn with the group of five but wasn't sure at the time
  83. >We chase again
  84. >Philip, the defacto lead of our posse, yells at us to split so ten of us (including me) go left, the remaining twelve chase Lurahn's group
  85. >We see their tails and keep running, they turn off right at another intersection
  86. >The second we round the corner shots start flying our way and we dive under whatever we can, trying to stick behind tires and engine blocks
  87. >Me and another boy, Tim, managed to get to the far side and just behind the edge of a house
  88. >Tim whispers
  89. >"Alright Anon, we're gonna go through some of these backyards and flank them"
  90. >We look at the other group, eight boys all exchanging shots with the elves, I notice buckshot flying way more accurately than most the other shots and keeping heads down too damn well
  91. >Tim waves to get their attention, shows them four fingers, and makes a movement to indicate he wants them to flank from the other side
  92. >They nod, get a team together, and rush into the alley
  93. >Me and Tim also rush down the side of the house and start jumping fences
  95. >We hear the gunfight going almost continuously
  96. >Funny thing is we hear both the loud shots from just a few blocks away and the quieter pops from a few streets down
  97. >I figure it's a good sign until I notice the shots start slowing down a bit
  98. >And of course the gun singing the most in unmistakably a shotgun
  99. >As me and Tim sneak low between a couple houses I catch a glimpse
  100. >Sure as hell it's that elf with the sawed off Winchester I notice earlier, and god damn is he working it
  101. >Slam fires the whole thing in a second, reloads faster than I've ever seen any man load shells, and goes right back to it
  102. >I reckon he's probably the most sober of the lot considering how effortlessly he's keeping up
  103. >Suddenly he dodges back behind the car looking panicked and turns to his left, unloading his shotgun against whatever's there
  104. >Me and Tim take the opportunity to rush forward and start firing
  105. >The second we're in view I notice our boys killed one of the elves, but all four of our right flank is dead, buckshot tore their heads to chunks
  106. >I quickly aim at the shotgun bastard (who I dubbed Winchester) and fire
  107. >He notices at the last second and jumps back, I manage to wing him in the right arm but not before he gets a shot off
  108. >Doesn't hit me but Tim gets hit in his plate and drops his gun
  109. >The very next second another elf with a lever action rifle rounds the corner and hits Tim right in the throat
  110. >I pop him before he can work the lever and lean out of cover
  111. >There's only two elves left, one of which is Winchester
  112. >I focus fire on him as he ducks behind a car
  113. >Looks like for a second he's considering shooting back before our suppressing fire team, of which there were only two left, advance
  114. >Winchester and his friend with just a revolver take off down another intersection and turn right
  116. >Me and the other two run after them
  117. >Just as we're about to catch up to them they turn around and start firing
  118. >Wonder why they got their nerve back until I see Lurahn and three other elves back up into them
  119. >Now Lurahn, she's a thing of wonder
  120. >Obviously drunk as shit, hell, more so than the rest I reckon from her stumbling walk and little bit of vomit running down the corner of her mouth, but damn she's working her guns
  121. >Both mares legs out, she fires one and flips it John Wayne style to reload, while she does the other one comes up and fires
  122. >Doing this she's firing a pair of lever actions so fast that if I just heard it I'd swear she was magdumping a semiautomatic
  123. >But now is not the time to gawk
  124. >As they're taking fire I notice the one who was with Winchester drop from a gut shot and Winchester turns his attention to the advancing group
  125. >My group rushes forward a bit and aims
  126. >Apparently all of us want Winchester dead because the second we start firing all our shots tear him apart
  127. >I quickly change aim at Lurahn and fire
  128. >She actually fucking dodges it, the bullet hits an elf that was behind her at the wrong time but just rips a bit of her hair off
  129. >She quickly turns her guns and fires two shots
  130. >One of my group has his eye popped, the other gets his nose pushed in
  131. >I duck behind a car tire, and in the next half second the tip of my boot and a little skin on my toe gets scrapped off
  132. >Realize it's the only thing I had sticking out of cover
  133. >Holy shit she's good
  135. >Lurahn grabs Winchester's gun and a bandoleer and holds it low, hipfiring fast as she can while two of her elves follow
  136. >I hold firm through the shotgun barrage, nothing hitting me, and the second it stops ready my rifle
  137. >Lurahn and another elf rush right past me, not even looking back
  138. >I'm about to fire on her when I quickly remember there were three, then dive to the cars other tire and pull my pistol
  139. >Sure enough another elf shows up a second later with his revolver aimed where I was
  140. >He shoots the ground
  141. >I drill him with three shots in the face
  142. >The second he goes down I shove my gun back into my holster and rush after Lurahn
  143. >Eventually I catch up enough to get on my knee and fire
  144. >It hits the elf she had with her right in the back, he goes down instantly
  145. >Lurahn turns around, looking pissed
  146. >I shoot at her too
  147. >It hits
  149. >But it doesn't kill her
  150. >Hell, she doesn't even seem to notice a bullet just went straight through her left upper arm
  151. >I don't know if she's just really disciplined to not react to pain, or just too drunk to even realize she's been shot
  152. >But in the next second she lifts one of her mares legs and gets me right in the leg, my shot probably being the only thing that threw her aim off
  153. >I scream and drop, try pushing myself behind a fucking lamp post with my good leg for lack of better cover
  154. >Probably would have died too, but when Lurahn tried to shoot me with her other gun she realized she could barely move her left arm
  155. >Instead she holsters her right gun, pumps the Winchester with her right hand, and then gets the grip in her hand and fires
  156. >She walks towards me, firing surprisingly quickly using this method, most her shots don't go near me but one hits the post dead on
  157. >A few pellets go into my side and I scream out again
  158. >Thankful her shotgun is empty and she's fumbling to get her other mares leg out of the left holster with her right hand
  159. >She does
  160. >But it's right as two more of my posse show up
  161. >Before they can get a single shot off Lurahn shoots one of them in the head
  162. >The other fires two shots that go wide before Lurahn shoots the side of his jaw off
  163. >When she charges the mares leg again and aims at me I close my eyes and prepare to die
  164. >Then I hear a click
  165. >My eyes shoot open at the realization, and gritting my teeth through the pain I pull my pistol and start firing
  166. >She runs, but just as she turns one of my bullets actually hits her in the side of the head
  167. >She stumbles a bit and one of her ears flies off, but she still manages to run away
  168. >I can't chase her, I wait for some of the others of the posse to do so...
  169. >None of them do
  171. >The whole town was a frantic mess for days after that
  172. >I ended up in the hospital a few hours later, along with about seven others of my posse, including the poor bastard who took a bullet to the jaw
  173. >Two elves also being treated but under heavy police presence, they'll be transferred to Phoenix and put in a high security prison hospital when they're stable enough to transfer
  174. >The eight of us left get the full payment for taking out the elves
  175. >Technically we didn't take down all of them but the local cops didn't care much, having them gone was good enough
  176. >And gone they'd stay I reckon
  177. >Lurahn managed to break away, got into the desert
  178. >Phoenix PD tried tracking her when they showed up but eventually the blood trail went cold
  179. >Hell, knowing desert elves she was probably in Mexico or halfway to Canada by the time they finally showed up
  180. >Likely no one will ever see her again in this State
  181. >But hot damn do I think about her
  182. >Never saw anyone as good as her
  183. >Never took a beating that bad in my life
  184. >And on top of that she was drunk as I'd ever seen a woman, I can't even imagine what she'd be like sober
  185. >Well, I do know one thing
  186. >I'd have ended up in a six foot ditch instead of a hospital bed if she was
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