
DotDD Session 12

Jun 18th, 2017
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  3. Cador has connected.
  4. Gensh has connected.
  5. Witch has connected.
  6. VinnyDonuts:
  7. is it at least bearable now?
  8. DarkStar has connected.
  9. Cador:
  10. Not near as bad, but clicking on or off of a token can cause a fair bit of initial lag.
  11. Avara has connected.
  12. VinnyDonuts:
  13. turns out pointillism awas not the correct technique for this map
  14. VinnyDonuts:
  15. whoopsie doodle
  16. Cador:
  17. Just keep your respective tokens clicked on and we should be able to avoid excessive lag.
  18. Witch:
  19. Yeah, this'll do at least
  20. Avara:
  21. re-reminder!
  22. Avara:
  23. edit your tokens for the rules change!
  24. VinnyDonuts:
  25. okay so
  26. Cador:
  27. Oh right. Yeah I have that done.
  28. VinnyDonuts:
  29. having reset maptool, i've lost my log
  30. Cador:
  31. sorry
  32. VinnyDonuts:
  33. has anyone not reset maptool
  34. Avara:
  35. and if you did it before, it was lost like the log.
  36. VinnyDonuts:
  37. don't apologize, it's not your fault
  38. Avara:
  39. which. i lost the log as well.
  40. Witch:
  41. I reset
  42. VinnyDonuts:
  43. gensh did you reset
  44. Gensh:
  45. yeah, i tried that first
  46. VinnyDonuts:
  47. welp
  48. VinnyDonuts:
  49. looks like the first few bits were lost to the gremlins
  50. Kamon: (( to summarize: kamui is sassy and a thief. people don't have dark vision except like 1 or 2 of us. and tienshinhan is supposed to be in the lead with lady jacke ))
  51. VinnyDonuts:
  52. Also Tai has a torch of some description
  53. VinnyDonuts:
  54. so he can see
  55. DarkStar:
  56. It's an Ioun Torch.
  57. DarkStar:
  58. A little ioun stone with an Eternal Flame spell permanence'd onto it.
  59. Gensh:
  60. was trying to get to this, but the thing was lagging
  61. Gensh:
  62. tai's chakram produces light as a torch
  63. DarkStar:
  64. oh.
  65. Kamon: (( yay shinies! ))
  66. VinnyDonuts:
  67. so tai is fine for vision
  68. DarkStar:
  69. Then I guess Chun gave Kamon the Ioun torch?
  70. Cador:
  71. I have Dark Vision
  72. * Kamon now has a shiny!
  73. Gensh:
  74. what's the marching order and also how do we want to deal with stealth, etc
  75. * Kamon lets the shiny float around her head.
  76. Cador:
  77. But since Kamon has light it's probably easier for me to register it as low-light vision since I also have that.
  78. Witch:
  79. Stealth is kinda out of the question
  80. Avara:
  81. were we ever going to sneak to begin with? rescue mission, not stealth mission.
  82. Gensh:
  83. we could have the non-shinies hide behind the shinies
  84. VinnyDonuts:
  85. still defeats the element of surprise
  86. Witch:
  87. brb
  88. Avara:
  89. *shrug*
  90. Avara:
  91. so: tai and kamon have shinies. does anyone else?
  92. Avara:
  93. and who has darkvision?
  94. VinnyDonuts:
  95. chun, nu, and jing all have darkvision.
  96. VinnyDonuts:
  97. kamon and kamui have low-light vision.
  98. VinnyDonuts:
  99. tai has regular old human eyes.
  100. Avara:
  101. if we're worried about needing surprise, then chun, nu, and/or jing could sneak ahead of the shinies.
  102. Cador:
  103. Nu also has Low-light in addition to Darkvision.
  104. Cador:
  105. Nu also has a +15 stealth.
  106. Cador:
  107. excuse me +16
  108. DarkStar:
  109. Chun has a grand total of +2 Stealth.
  110. DarkStar:
  112. Avara:
  113. chun still has better stealth than kamon.
  114. VinnyDonuts:
  115. Kamui has +12 stealth.
  116. Avara:
  117. kamon has -3
  118. VinnyDonuts:
  119. If you want her to do sneaky things.
  120. Witch:
  121. Back
  122. VinnyDonuts:
  123. She also has escape options if she gets caught.
  124. Avara:
  125. welcome back.
  126. The entrance of the cave moans as you wade through the thigh-deep water at its entrance, smelling strongly of the sea.
  127. Witch:
  128. Jing's Stealth is +19
  129. Cador:
  130. I guess our best stealth experts are Jing, Nu and Kamui.
  131. Avara:
  132. so yeah. if people want scouting done, feel free to sneak aheadensward.
  133. Luminsescent mushrooms line the walls in spots both above and below water, seeming have adapted to amphibious life.
  134. Cador:
  135. Jing and Nu could fend of any monsters if we run into them, Kamui for traps?
  136. Cador:
  137. If we get caught, I mean?
  138. Witch:
  139. Mmhm
  140. Roots hang from the ceiling in several places, having wormed their way through the stone and draping across parts of the cave like curtains.
  141. Gensh:
  142. also, remember that we can communicate silently at any reasonable distance because tai is a walking cell phone tower
  143. Avara:
  144. should i call you king kai instead of tien, then?
  145. VinnyDonuts:
  146. kall him tai
  147. VinnyDonuts:
  148. ... wai
  149. Avara:
  150. wahahaha
  152. Kamui:
  153. So how are we going to scout this place out, boss?
  154. Cador:
  155. brb
  157. Sun Jing:
  158. Hmm. While Nu and I could sneak ahead, the best bet here is to keep the group together. We're bound to run into traps of some kind and while I may be perceptive in avoiding them, I'm not one for disarming.
  160. Kamon:
  161. "Alright. Who should take point, mid, and rear?"
  163. Tai Ren Ahr:
  164. This one will humbly accept the inglorious task of guarding the rear.
  166. Kamon:
  167. "So who's rear will you be preoccupied with at the time?"
  169. Black Snake:
  170. he means he'll let you all die first
  171. Avara:
  172. *whose
  174. Tai Ren Ahr:
  175. I am offended by your disingenuous assertions.
  177. Kamon:
  178. "More than half of this party has admitted to perverse inclinations or intentions in the past. You're not exactly being singled out. As for the snake tattoo thing, it's just rude to be rude."
  179. Cador:
  180. back
  181. Kamon: (( wb ))
  183. Tai Ren Ahr:
  184. Please, Kamon, I thought you knew me better than that.
  186. Sun Jing:
  187. Anyways.
  189. Kamon:
  190. "I do."
  192. Sun Jing:
  193. Kamui and I will take point.
  195. Kamui:
  196. Whatever you say, boss.
  197. * Kamon is just wondering where tai put the mirrors to let him watch his own rear. follows along without further humorous comment.
  198. The first chamber seems relatively unremarkable, save for a swirling pattern of black srones on the floor.
  199. There's an object against the back wall you can't quite make out, and there are exits to the north and south.
  200. The pattern of stones seems to have been made by natural current movements.
  202. Chun-Hwa:
  203. Huh...
  204. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 (Percep) => 18 + 16 = 34
  205. * Chun-Hwa is somewhat tempted to pull out her sketchbook and start sketching, but resists the impulse.
  206. Chun figures her sketchbook would probably get ruined in this environment, what with all the water.
  207. Jing sees that just beyond the edge of what she can make out in the darkness, the light from Kamon's ioun torch is glinting off of an iron chest.
  208. However, it appears to have already been opened.
  209. DarkStar:
  210. Don't you hate it when the Treasure Fairies take a day off on the day you decided to raid a dungeon?
  211. It's large enough that if it were closed, the top of the box would rest just above the water.
  213. Sun Jing:
  214. Hm. Looks clear aside from some opened chest in the north.
  215. Kamon: (( gilgamesh was here ))
  216. You can see it more clearly now, and the contents were obviously cleaned out a long time ago. The wood and fabric lining of the chest has been rotted out by the seawater.
  218. Sun Jing:
  219. Long gone, but not recently.
  220. * Witch rolls: 1d20+10 (Survival; Looking for tracks of Bao's people) => 18 + 10 = 28
  221. From the north, you can see sunlight shining through the cave opening.
  222. As keen as Jing's senses are, any footprints would be washed away by the swirling currents in this place- However, you can see where some roots have been hacked away, leaving a trail leading south.
  223. Kamui also sees something in the north.
  225. Kamui:
  226. Uh, not to alarm you boss, but there's some kinda big cat tiger thing with scales over there.
  227. Cador:
  228. I think Nu can just barely see it too.
  230. Kamui:
  231. I don't think it sees us, though.
  232. * Sun Jing crouches down and studies the ground, looking for any sort of sign that wouldn't be easily washed away. After a moment she looks up at Kamui. "Let's keep it that way then. The recent signs are pointing south rather than north."
  233. Cador:
  234. Nu will have Low-Light, Snake will have Dark.
  236. Kamui:
  237. Sounds good to me...
  238. As you pass through the roots, you notice they're a bit troublesome to navigate.
  239. Right now, it's an inconvenience at worst, but if you tried running through them in the middle of a fight you might seriously trip yourself up.
  240. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 (Perception) => 14 + 16 = 30
  242. Black Snake:
  243. what if the cat's guarding treasure though
  245. Black Snake:
  246. you're just gonna let have the treasure is that it
  248. Shimizu Nu:
  249. rescue first, treasure-hunting later.
  251. Kamon:
  252. "The treasure is probably a trap. And we can come back and loot the place later."
  254. Sun Jing:
  255. Then it would have been long dead.
  256. DarkStar:
  257. It's called an "Optional Objective", so you just know it's going to be at least 10 levels higher than the average player at this point.
  258. To the southwest, the cave dips into an area that's completely submerged. Imposing stalactites make the opening look like a toothy maw.
  259. Jing can see signs of a struggle here.
  260. A heavy set of tracks, some sort of creature with large, spindly legs, went into the cave to the southwest.
  261. Jing sees scoured markings on the wall leading southeast, looking recent enough that they might have been a way for Bao's men to navigate their way out if they got lost in the cave.
  263. Sun Jing:
  264. Hmm. Signs of a struggle and tracks moving to the tunnel over there, as well as a mark left behind.
  266. Kamui:
  267. These mushrooms are kinda hypnotic to look at, don'tcha think?
  269. Sun Jing:
  270. Focus or you're gonna be lacking a fleshbag
  272. Kamui:
  273. Right, right...
  274. Cador:
  275. ...Really?
  276. DarkStar:
  277. ...*sigh*
  278. Cador:
  279. Fucking really?
  280. VinnyDonuts:
  281. MEMS
  282. Cador:
  283. Well at least we'll have crab for dinner.
  284. VinnyDonuts:
  285. fine vintage
  286. Avara:
  287. i don't get it. i'm not sure i want to get it.
  288. Kamon can make out what appears to be an enormous crab lurking in the cave.
  289. DarkStar:
  290. What, didn't you watch Log Horizon? Giant crabs have a bland taste.
  291. Kamon: (( i mean i don't get what jing said. ))
  292. It's watching the group, it looks like, and it's clacking its claws in a threatening manner.
  294. Kamon:
  295. "Oh. I wonder if electricity will do massive damage."
  296. VinnyDonuts:
  297. She's telling thiefmui to focus before she kills herself.
  298. VinnyDonuts:
  299. Through negligence.
  301. Kamon:
  302. "Think we could convince it to leave us alone by waving around a lightning bolt?
  304. Shimizu Nu:
  305. Well it's in water.
  307. Chun-Hwa:
  308. ...It's not charging us, so hopefully it'll leave us alone if we do so in kind.
  310. Kamon:
  311. "Okay. Figured I should ask because I can make a lightning trident to wield."
  312. * Sun Jing takes a few steps back, her eyes still in the crab's direction
  314. Chun-Hwa:
  315. ...
  316. It advances sideways, still clacking its claws.
  317. Everyone but Tai can see it clearly now.
  318. * Chun-Hwa carefully watching the crab, one hand on Last Breath's hilt.
  320. Shimizu Nu:
  321. Iiii don't think it'll let us by.
  322. So, everyone but Tai can make a perception check.
  324. Chun-Hwa:
  325. « 1d20+11 = 15 + 11 = 26 » (Perception)
  327. Shimizu Nu:
  328. « d20+8 = 1 + 8 = 9 »
  329. Cador:
  330. Nope.
  331. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 4 + 16 = 20
  333. Kamon:
  334. « 1d20+4 = 20 + 4 = 24 »
  335. * Kamon can see through the cracks in reality and into eternity, perceiving all that is, was, and ever shall be.
  336. Some debris falls on Nu and she has to wipe the dirt out of her eyes
  338. Shimizu Nu:
  339. Oh, guh!
  341. Shimizu Nu:
  342. Of all the...
  343. * Shimizu Nu wipes her eyes.
  345. Kamui:
  346. « 1d20+1 = 19 + 1 = 20 »
  347. Everyone else can see it's bearing what looks like sword wounds scarring its carapace.
  348. You bet that if you can hit it there, You'll do a lot of damage to it...
  349. It advances further, announcing its intent to make one of you a snack!
  351. Sun Jing:
  352. Ah screw it, this thing isn't backing down.
  354. Kamon:
  355. "Looks like it's dead-set on having a fight."
  357. Chun-Hwa:
  358. Tch... It's not backing down. It looks like we've got a fight on our hands.
  359. * Sun Jing draws her swords and takes up Battle Dragon's Stance
  360. * Chun-Hwa enters Flowing Water stance
  361. VinnyDonuts:
  362. initiative, everyone :D
  363. * Shimizu Nu finishes wiping her eyes and draws Fuku and Toku, activating Aura of Misfortune.
  365. Kamon:
  366. « 1d20+4 = 6 + 4 = 10 »
  368. Shimizu Nu:
  369. « d20+5 = 9 + 5 = 14 »
  370. * Witch rolls: 1d20+12 => 7 + 12 = 19
  372. Giant Enemy Crab:
  373. « 1d20 = 16 »
  374. Kamon: (( time to fight vintage memes ))
  375. VinnyDonuts:
  376. This campaign is based on real battles that actually happened in ancient japan.
  377. * Tai Ren Ahr 's movements blur as he enters the Internal Dominion of the Sleeping Goddess.
  379. Kamui:
  380. « 1d20+3 = 15 + 3 = 18 »
  381. * Chun-Hwa prepares for battle! « 1d20+2 = 15 + 2 = 17 »
  382. Sun Jing has received initiative.
  384. Tai Ren Ahr:
  385. « 1d20+4 = 5 + 4 = 9 » (Initiative)
  386. VinnyDonuts:
  387. oops
  388. VinnyDonuts:
  389. well it worked out but still oops
  390. Witch:
  391. fitting
  392. Avara:
  393. based on real battles that happened in ancient japan. so. who fought a giant enemy crab? or crab tank?
  394. VinnyDonuts:
  395. hideyoshi, apparently.
  396. It looks like if you at all intend to fight this thing on its turf, entering the cave might be a challenge due to the stalactites.
  397. It might be more prudent to let it come to you.
  398. Witch:
  399. Not a choice I have.
  400. Kanashimi hungers...
  401. * Sun Jing left with little over option charges in to take a swing at the scarred carapace for massive damage.
  402. VinnyDonuts:
  403. Make a swim check, please
  404. * Witch rolls: 1d20+12 => 19 + 12 = 31
  405. Jing dives flawlessly under the stalactites.
  406. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 16 + 16 = 32
  407. Witch:
  408. Swinging with Owari too, so rolling for crit
  409. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 => 8 + 16 = 24
  410. VinnyDonuts:
  411. That's a confirmation.
  412. VinnyDonuts:
  413. You saw its weak point, so you do x3 damage.
  414. Witch:
  415. massive damage indeed
  416. Jing hits the crab's weak point for massive damage!
  417. Witch:
  418. For confirmation, the crit goes from x2 to x3?
  419. VinnyDonuts:
  420. Yes.
  421. Witch:
  422. Alrighty then
  423. Witch:
  424. « 6d8+18+1d6+9 = 32 + 18 + 2 + 9 = 61 »
  425. Driving Owari into one of the gashes on the creature's carapace, black ichor spills out into the water and the creature shrieks in pain!
  426. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  428. Sun Jing:
  429. Strike the weak points!
  430. Kamui has received initiative.
  431. VinnyDonuts:
  432. We'll wait for FT to get in so he can take control of Kamui.
  433. Cador:
  434. So with Jing pointing them out would those that failed the perception check be able to do so now?
  435. VinnyDonuts:
  436. i'll let you roll again at the start of your turn
  437. Cador:
  438. Yayyy
  439. FoxtrotTango:
  440. Alright, just climbing in, forgive the slow.
  441. Witch:
  442. no forgiveness
  444. Kamui:
  445. Buh, I feel like someone's been staring down my chest since that seance. What are we doing?
  447. Kamon:
  448. "Killing a crustacean."
  450. Kamui:
  451. Oh, man, this dungeon's got crabs. I'm no fighter, but if you guys distract it, I might try some magic.
  452. * Kamui casts Mage Armor on herself, coating herself in a protective layer of magic that's... probably more protective than her actual armor.
  453. Chun-Hwa has received initiative.
  454. VinnyDonuts:
  455. By the by, Kamui
  456. VinnyDonuts:
  457. That dark blue area is completely submerged.
  458. VinnyDonuts:
  459. If you're wading into that, you're swimming and holding your breath.
  460. FoxtrotTango:
  461. thanks for telling me that
  462. FoxtrotTango:
  463. right as I'm coming in
  464. VinnyDonuts:
  465. I'll let you redact your movement since I told everyone else that and forgot you didn't know.
  466. FoxtrotTango:
  467. Danke
  468. FoxtrotTango:
  469. I don't have a bubblehead spell
  470. Avara:
  471. kamui always did prefer dark arts and transfiguration to charms.
  472. VinnyDonuts:
  473. Also, for rules rgarding holding your breath, you have a number of rounds equal to twice your CON score
  474. VinnyDonuts:
  475. A standard or full-round action will eat up an extra round of breath.
  476. VinnyDonuts:
  477. Unless you're Kamon, who doesn't care.
  478. FoxtrotTango:
  479. This is Kamon's playground
  480. VinnyDonuts:
  481. I made a "Breath" section in the token properties so you can keep track of that.
  482. Gensh:
  483. as nithoggr's gift to man, tai can also change stances to walk on water
  484. VinnyDonuts:
  485. I also made hero points, so I'm just going to set everyone's hero points to 3 right now.
  486. Avara:
  487. how does the water affect ranged weapons' uh... range? if at all?
  488. VinnyDonuts:
  489. Ranged Attacks Underwater: Thrown weapons are ineffective underwater, even when launched from land. Attacks with other ranged weapons take a –2 penalty on attack rolls for every 5 feet of water they pass through, in addition to the normal penalties for range.
  490. Gensh:
  491. wait, what about aquaman
  492. VinnyDonuts:
  493. he's aquaman
  494. Gensh:
  495. he throws shit all the time
  496. VinnyDonuts:
  497. he's aquaman
  498. Avara:
  499. he has underwater variant weapons. kamon has an underwater crossbow.
  500. Avara:
  501. unfortunately its underwater range is still shit, so i'm either burning spells on this crab dinner or i'm out of the fight.
  502. VinnyDonuts:
  503. this would have been less of an issue if jing held her action instead of charging in
  504. Cador:
  505. Too bad Jing can't.
  506. Avara:
  507. brb
  508. VinnyDonuts:
  509. kanashimi hungers
  510. FoxtrotTango:
  511. Now that I'm kinda acclimating to the game
  512. Avara:
  513. back
  514. DarkStar:
  515. Passing turn for now.
  516. Seeing as Jing is the one the crab is angriest at, it pinches at her with both pinchers.
  517. She's also taking a -2 penalty to her AC because she charged it.
  519. Giant Enemy Crab:
  520. « 1d20+14 = 16 + 14 = 30 » « 1d20+14 = 2 + 14 = 16 »
  521. Witch:
  522. First hits
  524. Giant Enemy Crab:
  525. « 2d6+11 = 12 + 11 = 23 » crab damage, « 1d20+21 = 16 + 21 = 37 » Grapple attempt
  527. Giant Enemy Crab:
  528. « 2d6+11 = 8 + 11 = 19 » Constrict damage
  529. Witch:
  530. Constrict is only after the first round
  531. Witch:
  532. Not immediately on the grab
  533. VinnyDonuts:
  534. see skype
  535. It appears Jing has been crabbed.
  536. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  537. Cador:
  538. Um, jeez.
  539. The crab's first swipe is deftly dodged by Jing, but its second attempt wraps its enormous claw around her and clamps with enough force to chop a normal man in half!
  540. Avara:
  541. luckily jing is neither normal nor a man
  542. Cador:
  543. Fetch's Wrath onto the crab.
  545. Shimizu Nu:
  546. « D20+14 = 2 + 14 = 16 »
  547. Cador:
  548. Doh
  549. The disorienting sensation of teleporting into water makes Nu misjudge the amount of force she needs, and her attack bounces off of the crab's shell.
  550. VinnyDonuts:
  551. Also, roll perception
  552. Cador:
  553. « d20+8 = 6 + 8 = 14 »
  554. FoxtrotTango:
  555. Also question, shouldn't the crab and Jing be seen to be Grappled
  556. VinnyDonuts:
  557. You know there's a weak point somewhere but you're not sure where.
  558. Kamon has received initiative.
  560. Shimizu Nu:
  561. Shoot! Where'd you say to hit?
  563. Kamui:
  564. Eeesh... I'm not exactly a swimmer, but this is looking brutal already...
  565. * Kamon jumps into the water with little concern, being oceankin. She then fires a healing kumahamahe at Jing for « 3d8+8 = 11 + 8 = 19 » HP.
  566. Tai Ren Ahr has received initiative.
  568. Tai Ren Ahr:
  569. To a god, nothing is beyond one's reach.
  570. * Tai Ren Ahr reaches out and drags Jing back to him through the celestial realms.
  571. Gensh:
  572. Reunion in Dreams to teleport Jing to an adjacent sqare.
  573. Avara:
  574. Lifegrip confirmed.
  575. VinnyDonuts:
  576. Does... That even work if she's grabbed?
  577. VinnyDonuts:
  578. I guess so?
  579. Avara:
  580. if it brings the crab with her can i laugh?
  581. FoxtrotTango:
  582. The grab is physical, this maneuver is likely some kinda magic
  583. Avara:
  584. i guess you could call this a... grab battle.
  585. Gensh:
  586. nithoggr dammit
  587. Cador:
  588. teleport automatically gets you out of a grab.
  589. Cador:
  590. From what I know.
  591. FoxtrotTango:
  592. It does.
  593. VinnyDonuts:
  594. I guess it works.
  595. FoxtrotTango:
  596. Jing is free
  597. VinnyDonuts:
  598. I'm going to assume Jing no longer wishes to be crabbed.
  599. FoxtrotTango:
  600. It's a fairly reasonable assumption.
  601. Avara:
  602. tai wins the grab battle in the middle of the crab battle.
  603. The crab looks severely confused as to where its lunch went.
  604. Gensh:
  605. so, is the crab still suffciently submerged that i can't bap it?
  606. FoxtrotTango:
  607. Also, Jing seems to be unselectable for some reason even though she's a PC
  608. VinnyDonuts:
  609. Correct.
  610. Cador:
  611. Whoop
  612. VinnyDonuts:
  613. Her ownership was fiddled with for some reason.
  614. VinnyDonuts:
  615. Huh. I can't have her be owned by all players.
  616. VinnyDonuts:
  617. Weird.
  618. Gensh:
  619. In that case, going to hold my action to Aid Another on Jing's next attack. Because psychic kung fu.
  620. Avara:
  621. all owners is no owners.
  622. VinnyDonuts:
  623. That'll do it.
  624. Sun Jing has received initiative.
  625. VinnyDonuts:
  626. Well...
  627. VinnyDonuts:
  628. I need to grab food anyway so
  629. VinnyDonuts:
  630. We'll wait politely for Witch to get back
  631. FoxtrotTango:
  632. I'll timefill a bit to cover the empty space, I got something in mind to fluff out anyhow.
  633. * Kamui feels the magic current flowing. Now that she's opened it a bit by casting a spell in a stressful situation, more of that ectoplasmic energy is coming unbided to her fingertips...
  635. Kamui:
  636. Oh, no, not this again...!
  637. FoxtrotTango:
  638. OH
  639. FoxtrotTango:
  640. Shoot, DS forgot to take his turn
  641. DarkStar:
  642. no.
  643. DarkStar:
  644. I passed turn.
  645. VinnyDonuts:
  646. .
  647. FoxtrotTango:
  648. .
  649. Witch:
  650. .
  651. Avara:
  652. .
  653. Gensh:
  654. .
  655. VinnyDonuts:
  656. Witch, go ahead and take your turn
  657. VinnyDonuts:
  658. You got yanked out of the crab's pinchers by Tai
  659. Witch:
  660. Holding
  661. Kamui has received initiative.
  662. VinnyDonuts:
  663. Kamui, your turn
  664. FoxtrotTango:
  665. Alright
  667. Kamui:
  668. G-Gh... can't hold it back...!
  669. * Kamui spontaneously casts Ectoplasmic Snare upon the Giant Enemy Crab!
  670. FoxtrotTango:
  671. It has to make a Reflex save for a partial resistance
  672. FoxtrotTango:
  673. I believe the DC is 19 due to my Charisma, if it saves it's just entangled, if it fails to resist, though...
  675. Giant Enemy Crab:
  676. Reflex « 1d20+3 = 11 + 3 = 14 »
  677. FoxtrotTango:
  678. Oh shoot, that's a ranged touch
  679. FoxtrotTango:
  680. MY BAD
  681. FoxtrotTango:
  682. If I succeed on the roll then yeah it resists
  683. VinnyDonuts:
  684. oh
  685. FoxtrotTango:
  686. Sorry, I'm playing while eating
  687. FoxtrotTango:
  688. Food's getting cold
  689. VinnyDonuts:
  690. well in that case you're gonna need to step into the water to make that work
  691. FoxtrotTango:
  692. Kfine
  693. VinnyDonuts:
  694. that's enough
  695. FoxtrotTango:
  696. And what's the roll for a ranged touch
  697. VinnyDonuts:
  698. 1d20+bab+dex
  699. Cador:
  700. a ranged attack roll vs the targets touch AC
  702. Kamui:
  703. « 1d20 + 4 + 4 = 13 + 4 + 4 = 21 »
  704. VinnyDonuts:
  705. That's a hit
  706. FoxtrotTango:
  707. And since it's big, that means it has low touch AC.
  708. FoxtrotTango:
  709. Rip and tear.
  710. * Kamui lurches into the water, holding her breath just as the flow flies out, gripping the giant crab in a ghostly stream of magical force!
  711. FoxtrotTango:
  712. I have grappled the crab and it takes bludgeoning damage.
  714. Kamui:
  715. « 1d6+4 = 4 + 4 = 8 » Snare
  716. The crab seemingly does not know what to make of being slimed!
  717. FoxtrotTango:
  718. It got 8 damage, I can continue the grapple through concentration, so feel free to jump on it and start stabbing.
  719. Kamui has a ghostly-green tether of ectoplasmic slime between her and the gunked-up crab!
  720. Chun-Hwa has received initiative.
  721. VinnyDonuts:
  722. Jing might want to stop holding and jump in now that it's confirmed the crab isn't gonna go anywhere.
  723. Witch:
  724. I need Kamon to move like 5 feet to the right so I can charge again
  725. VinnyDonuts:
  726. Swim check, Chun
  728. Chun-Hwa:
  729. « 1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22 »
  731. Kamui:
  732. (G-Gah... my powers... I have to hold my breath and focus so these guys can rangoon this crab!)
  733. Chun manages to dive under the sharp-looking spikes on the ceiling.
  734. * Chun-Hwa flanks the target with an ally! « 1d20+12 = 14 + 12 = 26 » (Crits on a 15+)
  735. VinnyDonuts:
  736. Hit
  737. * Chun-Hwa draws Last Breath the instant she comes in reach of the Giant Enemy Crab, light from the glowing mushrooms glinting off it and directly into the monstrous crustacean's eyes.
  739. Chun-Hwa:
  740. « 1d10+4 = 6 + 4 = 10 » (Slashing Damage) « 1d6 = 4 » (Negative Energy damage) (6d6) (Maneuver damage)
  741. VinnyDonuts:
  742. Sadly, you do not hit a weak point, since that doesn't stack with Keen or Improved Crit.
  744. Chun-Hwa:
  745. « 6d6 = 14 » (Maneuver Damage)
  746. DarkStar:
  747. Aaaand it needs to roll a DC 18 FORT save or it's blinded.
  748. The crab schreeches in pain again.
  750. Giant Enemy Crab:
  751. « 1d20+15 = 8 + 15 = 23 »
  752. DarkStar:
  753. Okay then it's Dazzled instead.
  754. DarkStar:
  755. For one round.
  756. Wounded, trapped, and desperate, the crab lashes out at the target that most recently attacked it with both claws!
  758. Giant Enemy Crab:
  759. « 1d20+11 = 3 + 11 = 14 » « 1d20+11 = 2 + 11 = 13 »
  760. Cador:
  761. massive whiff.
  762. However, Kamui's ethereal bindings pull the crab's claws away from Chun-Hwa!
  763. DarkStar:
  764. Even without dazzled those would've missed.
  765. Shimizu Nu has received initiative.
  766. VinnyDonuts:
  767. Perception again, Ny
  768. VinnyDonuts:
  769. nu
  770. Cador:
  771. « d20+8 = 19 + 8 = 27 »
  772. Cador:
  773. There we go
  774. Oh, that's where the weak point is.
  776. Black Snake:
  777. riiiidge racer
  778. * Shimizu Nu uses Huntsman's Curse
  780. Shimizu Nu:
  781. « D20+16 = 19 + 16 = 35 »
  782. VinnyDonuts:
  783. Roll to confirm!
  784. Cador:
  785. Yaaay crit threat
  786. Cador:
  787. Improved critical is a +4 to confirm right?
  788. VinnyDonuts:
  789. no it's just double threat range
  790. VinnyDonuts:
  791. you're thinking of something else
  793. Shimizu Nu:
  794. « D20+16 = 15 + 16 = 31 »
  795. Massive damage!
  796. VinnyDonuts:
  797. multiply your damage by 3
  798. Cador:
  799. « 3d8+d6+30+2d10 = 8 + 6 + 30 + 18 = 62 »
  800. Cador:
  801. Weak on the 3d8.
  802. VinnyDonuts:
  803. I'll let you describe how you kill the crab.
  804. * Shimizu Nu aims for the largest gash on the Giant Crab's back, Fuku slicing along it as its acid bubbles through the beast's carapace with ease in a strike that very nearly bisects it.
  805. With a final shuddering cry as black ichor spills out of the gash on its back, the creature falls limp, its massive claws kicking up the sand on the cave floor as it collapses.
  806. Avara:
  807. all of the blood. hopefully there's not tiger shark things in this part of the cave that will eat us all.
  808. DarkStar:
  809. alright time to claim that treasure chest I noticed in the back of this cave.
  810. * Kamui 's power reflexively pulls the crab's carapace open once the resistance is freed up, just from the force of the ghost magic acting on it. Crab meat, ahoy!
  811. DarkStar:
  812. It might have, like, clues or something. About Bao's boys. And possibly something we could use to save them if they're in trouble.
  813. Now that the combat is over, you can take a moment to look around at the cave.
  815. Shimizu Nu:
  816. « d20+8 = 8 + 8 = 16 »
  818. Chun-Hwa:
  819. « 1d20+11 = 3 + 11 = 14 » (Perception)
  820. The floor of the cave is covered in muck and bones- seemingly from the crab's victims.
  821. * Kamui feels the magic stop flowing and quickly climbs up out of the water, panting for breath and wide-eyed.
  822. You spot a good number of humanoid skulls in the bone piles, all picked meticulously clean.
  823. Something's scribbled on the north wall in Aquan. It's very faded.
  824. Avara:
  825. i can breathe underwater. have a high swim speed. and can read aquan. want me to handle it?
  826. Barely visible and covered in muck and bones, an iron lockbox sits in the back of the cave.
  827. Witch:
  828. Sure
  829. It might take some work to disloge it.
  831. Kamui:
  832. ... I hate it when my powers take over like that! I mean... I did a good job, I know, but there's just so much energy... I barely have enough strength to stay in control of my own mind, you know?
  833. Kamui figures that's probably why the spirit riding shotgun in her head gave her the reins just as things started to get hairy.
  834. VinnyDonuts:
  835. Perception, Kamon.
  837. Kamon:
  838. « 1d20+4 = 10 + 4 = 14 »
  840. Kamui:
  841. (Yeah, it's not all sunshine over the rolling hills with me, buddy.)
  843. Kamui:
  844. (But what lovely hills they are...)
  845. Cador:
  846. Hey Nu knows Aquan!
  847. It's very difficult to make out- It must be some old graffiti that's been worn by the ocean currents and tides.
  849. Kamui:
  850. (Tell me something I don't know~)
  851. Avara:
  852. then i guess you can take the second swing since the dice gods don't want me to have this one.
  853. Avara:
  854. i'll get the lock boxx.
  855. Cador:
  856. « d20+9 = 2 + 9 = 11 » Linguistics
  857. D--t l-s- -ou- -e-d
  859. Kamui:
  860. ... Hey, is anyone gonna take the crab meat?
  861. Cador:
  862. Oh damnit.
  863. Avara:
  864. don't lose your head?
  865. FoxtrotTango:
  866. Try rolling with 1d20, I feel like that gets better results.
  867. Cador:
  868. Um... Don't lose your h- Huh.
  869. Cador:
  870. FT...
  871. VinnyDonuts:
  872. As good a guess as any, it seems.
  873. * Kamon swims over to the lock box.
  874. Cador:
  875. Please, just stop. I already switched over to the brackets, so please just stop with how to roll the dice.
  876. DarkStar:
  877. Sounds like a Dark Souls message.
  878. VinnyDonuts:
  879. Amazing chest ahead.
  880. * Chun-Hwa will return to slightly less wet land now
  881. Avara:
  882. what kind of check would it be to dislodge the lock box from the ground?
  883. VinnyDonuts:
  884. Try tongue, but hole.
  885. VinnyDonuts:
  886. and that's a STR check
  887. FoxtrotTango:
  888. Okay, I came back to something strange.
  889. VinnyDonuts:
  890. dark souls messages came up
  891. * Kamon will give it a first try without enhancements. « 1d20 = 16 »
  892. Amazingly, Kamon manages to pull it out of the muck all by herself.
  893. * Kamon gives a cheer underwater. Realizes nobody can hear her, because water. Does it again anyway, and swims back with the lock box.
  895. Kamui:
  896. Oh, nice! Another treasure chest!
  897. * Kamon holds the chest above water for someone to grab before she gets out.
  898. * Chun-Hwa grabs the chest to help pull it out
  899. Problem: If you open it here while it's on the ground, water will probably spill in and spoil the contents.
  900. Avara:
  901. ... iiii don't get the logic.
  902. Avara:
  903. if we open it where there isn't water, water will spill in?
  904. VinnyDonuts:
  905. There's 2 feet of water here.
  906. FoxtrotTango:
  907. Basically it's on the ground but you're still in water
  908. Avara:
  909. ah.
  910. VinnyDonuts:
  911. You're still wading through water.
  912. Avara:
  913. ... so, someone hold it?
  914. Someone should probably hold it up while the lock is dealt with but it's rather heavy.
  916. Chun-Hwa:
  917. Hup! *tries picking it up so someone else can open it*
  918. Kamon basically had to drag it over, even while swimming.
  919. Avara:
  920. okay. who-all is how strong around here?
  921. VinnyDonuts:
  922. Str roll, Chun
  923. * Sun Jing assists Chun.
  924. Cador:
  925. Jing and Chun probably
  927. Chun-Hwa:
  928. « 1d20+4 = 8 + 4 = 12 » (Strength check)
  930. Kamui:
  931. Could just lay it on the flat ground up here. I'd help but my powers don't let me decide when I use them half of the time...
  932. * Witch rolls: 1d20+2 => 20 + 2 = 22
  934. Sun Jing:
  935. Get to picking
  936. Cador:
  937. Okay Chun actually helps Jing.
  938. Avara:
  939. strong oni has it.
  940. Chun struggles with her side until Jing basically moves her hand over and just holds it up herself.
  941. Chun couldn't really get a good grip on it since it was covered in muck, it seems...
  943. Shimizu Nu:
  944. If you can't pick the lock I can always use the acid from Fuku eat the lock.
  945. * Kamon climbs out of the deep water and stands up. "Not a locksmith. Anyone good with opening locks?"
  947. Kamui:
  948. Sure thing. I still have that set of picks from the ship.
  950. Kamui:
  953. Kamui:
  954. (One good chest deserves another, after all.)
  955. * Kamui taps into the thief-spirit's lockpick skills.
  957. Kamui:
  958. (Preach!)
  960. Kamui:
  961. « 1d20 + 15 = 4 + 15 = 19 » Disable Device
  962. FoxtrotTango:
  963. Does that do?
  964. Your lockpick snaps. You need to get out another one.
  965. You were really close, too...
  966. Try again.
  968. Kamui:
  969. (Hey, thief! The lock is down HERE!)
  970. * Kamui gets out another pick and tries again.
  972. Kamui:
  973. « 1d20 + 15 = 12 + 15 = 27 » Disable Device
  975. Kamui:
  976. (I know! God, damnit, I hate it when that happens!)
  978. Kamui:
  979. (There! It's open!)
  980. With a satisfying click, the lock pops open.
  981. The chest contains...
  983. Kamui:
  984. (It's okay to be nervous around a lady.)
  985. 573 jade coins, an assortment of precious gems, a jade ring carved to resemble waves, and a heavy gold ring.
  986. Avara:
  987. identify the rings! i bet they're shiny!
  989. Shimizu Nu:
  990. If we need anything magic IDed I can help with that.
  992. Kamui:
  993. Ooooh, shoot.
  994. * Kamui casts Detect Magic to start.
  995. The rings are magical.
  996. * Kamui then also chases that down with an Appraise check so she can spy the most valuable item.
  998. Kamui:
  999. Check the rings, Nu. They got some magic.
  1001. Shimizu Nu:
  1002. « d20+18 = 17 + 18 = 35 »
  1004. Kamui:
  1005. « 1d20 + 10 = 6 + 10 = 16 » Appraise - Quick Search
  1007. Shimizu Nu:
  1008. « d20+18 = 14 + 18 = 32 »
  1009. The gold ring has faint abjuration, whereas the jade ring has faint transmutation.
  1010. Cador:
  1011. Wait a 35 and 32 don't let me ID what each does?
  1012. VinnyDonuts:
  1013. hold on
  1014. Cador:
  1015. K
  1016. Avara:
  1017. patience. v be still writing.
  1018. Nu discerns that the gold ring is intended to protect the wearer from spells that would scan their mind.
  1019. Nu discerns that the jade ring appears to bestow some swimming skill on the wearer- however, it seems to be cursed.
  1020. The ring only works outside of water.
  1021. The ring of swimming only works outside water.
  1022. Go figure.
  1024. Kamui:
  1025. (Okay, which one of you gems will give me the most bang for my buck...)
  1026. Gensh:
  1027. time to go lava-surfing
  1029. Kamon:
  1030. "Can I see the cursed one for a bit?"
  1032. Shimizu Nu:
  1033. ... So, the gold one protects against mind reading, and the other grants swimming skills...But it's cursed to only work outside water.
  1035. Chun-Hwa:
  1036. ...Whoever cursed that one had a weird sense of humor.
  1038. Sun Jing:
  1039. ...Lava swimming?
  1041. Black Snake:
  1042. what kind of asshole wizard would do that
  1043. FoxtrotTango:
  1044. Hey Vin, don't forget
  1045. * Shimizu Nu hands the cursed ring to Kamon.
  1046. FoxtrotTango:
  1047. Appraise
  1049. Sun Jing:
  1050. Y'know, that'd probably go for a good amount in the fire lands
  1051. VinnyDonuts:
  1052. i already linked the gems in the chat
  1054. Kamon:
  1055. "I have spells to remove curses."
  1056. FoxtrotTango:
  1057. Yeah but I didn't want to metagame without a roll
  1059. Sun Jing:
  1060. As for that gold one... Mind if I take it?
  1062. Kamui:
  1063. Oooh, shoot.
  1064. Kamui notices a rather large, glittering bright blue gem that looks like it would fetch a huge price.
  1065. That, or look great as the centerpeice of a necklace.
  1066. * Kamui lifts the huge gem in full view of everyone.
  1067. It probably has some magical potential, too...
  1068. It'd take a craftsman to bring that out, though.
  1070. Shimizu Nu:
  1071. I'd actually really like the gold one myself, if we run into that group here.
  1073. Kamui:
  1074. I'm just showing this to everyone... because this will probably fund a whole nother project back home.
  1076. Kamui:
  1077. As the mistress of the house, I'm going to call dibs, everyone else can take what they please~
  1078. * Sun Jing whistles. "Eh, go for it. It's a beauty though."
  1079. * Kamon uses Remove Curse on the ring. « 1d20+8 = 7 + 8 = 15 » vs the DC of each curse on the object.
  1081. Shimizu Nu:
  1082. Thanks!
  1083. Avara:
  1084. let me know if that fails. 'cause i'm planning to cast ore if i have to.
  1085. * Kamui can't help but fist pump as she drops the brilliant blue sapphire into her magic bag.
  1086. Cirvoya's holy influence burns away the malign magic preventing the ring from functioning whenever submerged.
  1087. It is now a Ring of Swimming.
  1089. Kamon:
  1090. "Magic curse has been destroyed. So... who here can't swim?"
  1092. Kamui:
  1093. Oh, uhhhh...
  1094. Remarkably, the inside of the chest is rather dry and lined with silken fabric.a
  1095. It seems to have been waterproofed, though why they'd waterproof an iron-wrought chest prone to rusting is a bit of a puzzling idea.
  1097. Shimizu Nu:
  1098. Um. I can swim... Theoretically.
  1100. Kamui:
  1101. I tend to keep myself above water for good reason. But if I start drowning, I can just become a ghost.
  1103. Sun Jing:
  1104. I've always been a naturally strong swimmer. Not unlike an oceankin really. Made me wonder sometimes.
  1106. Tai Ren Ahr:
  1107. So long as we do not need to go beneath the waters, I have no issues walking atop.
  1109. Kamon:
  1110. "... So Nu, you get this shiny new wave ring."
  1112. Chun-Hwa:
  1113. ...I wouldn't turn it down, while we're here.
  1115. Kamon:
  1116. "You or Chun."
  1118. Chun-Hwa:
  1119. Ah, nevermind then.
  1121. Kamon:
  1122. "If anyone slips and falls while we're here, I can get them out."
  1124. Shimizu Nu:
  1125. Ah, Chun can have it I think.
  1127. Chun-Hwa:
  1128. Mmm, alright then. Thank you.
  1129. VinnyDonuts:
  1130. Chun-Hwa, please roll perception.
  1132. Chun-Hwa:
  1133. « 1d20+11 = 9 + 11 = 20 » (Perception)
  1135. Shimizu Nu:
  1136. Hm... Is it all right if I hold onto the Mind Shield Ring it until we're off the island, considering who seems to be behind the mess here?
  1137. You're pretty sure there were more Sea cats sunbathing over to the north before.
  1138. It might be that some of them caught a whiff of the kill.
  1140. Chun-Hwa:
  1141. ...
  1142. You might want to get moving before they decide to contest who gets to eat it.
  1144. Sun Jing:
  1145. Fair enough. Regardless, let's get moving again.
  1147. Shimizu Nu:
  1148. Thanks.
  1150. Chun-Hwa:
  1151. We should start moving, yeah.
  1152. * Sun Jing tosses the trunk aside after all the contents have been removed.
  1153. It lands in a water with a splash.
  1154. * Kamui walks with a spring in her step since she snagged the most valuable item with everyone's blessing.
  1156. Kamui:
  1157. This adventuring stuff is fun!
  1158. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 (Percep) => 4 + 16 = 20
  1160. Kamui:
  1161. (You're so good with your hands, naughty spirit~)
  1163. Kamui:
  1164. (Man, if I still had a body...)
  1165. Witch:
  1166. Kamui, flirt with yourself later
  1168. Kamon:
  1169. "Oh. By the way. There was some writing on the wall under there. I couldn't make it all out, but I think it said something like 'Don't Lose Your Head'."
  1171. Shimizu Nu:
  1172. Yeah I couldn't really tell entirely myself.
  1173. This room seems empty, besides from the blowing mushrooms and roots.
  1175. Shimizu Nu:
  1176. A warning about a trap maybe?
  1177. You can hear the paws of the sea-cats approaching the crab's cave.
  1179. Kamon:
  1180. "Let's keep moving, unless we want more fights."
  1181. The markings continue to the southeast, and the corridor dips down and becomes submerged.
  1182. The currents tugging at your feet and legs become stronger as your approach the submerged part of the corridor.
  1183. It appears the water gets bottlenecked here, resulting in a turbulent underwater corridor.
  1184. Still, it looks like this is where they went...
  1186. Kamui:
  1187. Watch your feet, guys. I can't swim so if I fall, I'm watching out for myself.
  1188. * Tai Ren Ahr takes on Unbroken Stride so he doesn't have to worry about falling in.
  1189. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 (percep) => 15 + 16 = 31
  1190. * Kamon just walks, not really worried about something like water. Or damaging feet she doesn't have.
  1191. At a second glance, you can also see that the corridor is also full of coral.
  1192. DarkStar:
  1193. ...fawk.
  1194. Meaning that if you don't swim well, you might wind up hurting yourself, especially if the current suddenly changes.
  1195. Unless you want to try and find another way through, it looks like you're taking a dip.
  1197. Sun Jing:
  1198. Time for a swim after all.
  1200. Kamui:
  1201. I can see myself crossing that.
  1203. Sun Jing:
  1204. Watch out for the coral.
  1206. Kamui:
  1207. Granted, I'll be cheating, but still.
  1209. Chun-Hwa:
  1210. Ergh...
  1211. If you had something to hold onto that wasn't slippery rock, maybe it'd be an easier time navigating the tunnel.
  1212. * Kamon looks into the water, and starts pulling off her armor. Yay for wearing clothes under armor!
  1213. * Kamon removes her Kikko armor and puts it in her magic satchel!
  1214. * Kamon then will continue along.
  1216. Kamon:
  1217. "Anyone have a length of rope?"
  1218. Witch:
  1219. So. Swim checks?
  1220. * Shimizu Nu has no armor check penalty thanks to wearing mithril armor!
  1221. VinnyDonuts:
  1222. yep
  1224. Shimizu Nu:
  1225. « d20+2 = 20 + 2 = 22 »
  1226. VinnyDonuts:
  1227. swim checks if you want to try and swim through unassisted.
  1228. Nu is already on the other side, somehow.
  1229. * Tai Ren Ahr just walks over smugly.
  1230. * Witch rolls: 1d20+12 => 11 + 12 = 23
  1231. FoxtrotTango:
  1232. I have a question.
  1233. Jing manages the journey swimmingly.
  1234. VinnyDonuts:
  1235. what is your question.
  1236. FoxtrotTango:
  1237. If someone is entangled, could they have a bonus to wading through slowly due to their legs being somewhat anchored?
  1238. FoxtrotTango:
  1239. Cause I can totally entangle someone with ghost goop if that would help.
  1240. Avara:
  1241. i... don't know if that makes sense.
  1242. VinnyDonuts:
  1243. They'd have a penalty because the current would pick them up and toss them against the wall.
  1244. VinnyDonuts:
  1245. You're entangling their legs together, not entagling their feet to the floor.
  1246. FoxtrotTango:
  1247. Okay, just thought I'd ask because I figured it might weigh them down.
  1249. Chun-Hwa:
  1250. « 1d20+4 = 18 + 4 = 22 »
  1251. VinnyDonuts:
  1252. And if you did that, they wouldn't be able to move.
  1253. DarkStar:
  1254. OH THANK GOD
  1255. Chun-Hwa follows suit.
  1256. * Kamon sighs. "Okay. Kamui, feel free to ghost through if you want. Tai, make sure the roof's not too high before you go walking."
  1257. The passage is entirely underwater. You cannot walk through.
  1258. The ceiling is too low.
  1260. Kamui:
  1261. Good thing I partied with some straight-up magic swimmers.
  1262. DarkStar:
  1263. ...Why am I partially covered up by FoW?
  1264. * Tai Ren Ahr unsmugs.
  1266. Kamon:
  1267. "Right. Tai, do you want to hold onto me while I go? Just give a little push now and then and we'll get through."
  1268. VinnyDonuts:
  1269. Because you couldn't see yourself.
  1270. Cador:
  1271. Because Tai has the light, and the only light on this side is the mushrooms.
  1272. DarkStar:
  1273. Switched to Darkvision. Also: Maptools really needs an option to have both Darkvision AND lowlight vision on at the same time.
  1274. VinnyDonuts:
  1275. badger badger badger badger
  1276. DarkStar:
  1277. Not like it's impossible outside of homebrew races to do that.
  1279. Kamui:
  1280. Come on, you guys, I'll follow you!
  1282. Kamui:
  1283. If one of you starts getting thrown into the coral, I'll let the others know so they can help.
  1284. Cador:
  1285. But it's very easy with magic items.
  1287. Tai Ren Ahr:
  1288. I would hardly be an adherent of Nithoggr if I did not press through adversity. Allow me to attempt thus.
  1289. Witch:
  1290. just ask chun
  1291. * Kamon starts unwinding her bandages, sitting on the edge of the water as she does. "I'll save you if you need help."
  1292. VinnyDonuts:
  1293. somewhere, nithoggr gets out the popcorn
  1294. * Tai Ren Ahr walks up the wall and attempts to wade through on the ceiling.
  1296. Kamui:
  1297. Are you going to do one of those island dances where they duck under a stick?
  1298. VinnyDonuts:
  1299. That's one way of doing it, I suppose.
  1300. VinnyDonuts:
  1301. What are you using to do that?
  1302. Avara:
  1303. lalalala limbo?
  1305. Kamui:
  1306. Or you could make us look like chumps, I guess.
  1307. * Kamon shrugs. She gets to be a mermaid for a bit again. That makes her happy either way.
  1308. Gensh:
  1309. Unbroken Stride still. Counts as Spider Climb when used on walls/ceilings.
  1310. VinnyDonuts:
  1311. Huh.
  1312. VinnyDonuts:
  1313. ... Climb check, then.
  1315. Tai Ren Ahr:
  1316. « 1d20-2+8 = 16 - 2 + 8 = 22 » (Climb)
  1317. Kamon: (( ain't no rain washing this spider away ))
  1318. Tai manages to walk his way through the raging waters.
  1320. Chun-Hwa:
  1321. ...(showoff)
  1322. Witch:
  1325. Tai Ren Ahr:
  1326. An adherent of the Iron Tyrant would not be bowed by mere water.
  1327. * Kamui watches Kamon pass through the water before ghosting her way across the heavy currents like a champ.
  1328. You have disconnected.
  1329. DarkStar has connected.
  1330. Avara has connected.
  1331. Witch has connected.
  1332. Cador has connected.
  1333. Gensh has connected.
  1334. FoxtrotTango has connected.
  1335. Kamon: (( i don't remember for sure, so asking. kamon's free of her curse armor penalty when shapeshifted, right? ))
  1336. VinnyDonuts:
  1337. correct
  1338. * Kamon sets her bandages into her bag, shrugging it back into place before she begins transforming. Mist wraps around the stumps of her arms and legs, forming into webbed hands and a long, elegant tail, encasing her body and yet, somehow, making it look whole again. She rolls into the water, and starts swimming. « 1d20+9 = 2 + 9 = 11 » Swim.
  1339. Avara:
  1340. ... rng
  1341. Avara:
  1342. i'm gonna punch you.
  1343. A sudden change in the current catches Kamon off-guard and slams her into the coral!
  1344. VinnyDonuts:
  1345. Kamon takes « 2d6 = 11 » damage and has to make another swim check.
  1346. * Kamon grits her teeth and deals with it. « 1d20+9 = 18 + 9 = 27 »
  1347. VinnyDonuts:
  1348. yikesdamage
  1350. Kamui:
  1351. Gack! You okay, Kamon?
  1352. * Kamui ghosts over after her.
  1353. Kamon has a nasty cut, but manages to haul herself out.
  1354. FoxtrotTango:
  1355. Kamui is now ghostly for exactly a minute.
  1357. Sun Jing:
  1358. oof, that was a sharp blow
  1360. Kamui:
  1361. Yeah, you might wanna get that covered up so it don't get water bugs on it or something...
  1362. * Kamon hauls herself up onto the watery shore and starts rewrapping her arms, so she can release the spell. "Too bad the water's not a bit deeper..."
  1364. Sun Jing:
  1365. You alright?
  1366. * Kamon pokes herself and Jing with healing spells. « 2d8+8 = 9 + 8 = 17 » Kamon, « 2d8+8 = 12 + 8 = 20 » Jing.
  1368. Chun-Hwa:
  1369. That looked nasty...
  1371. Sun Jing:
  1372. I'll take that as a yes.
  1374. Kamui:
  1375. « 1d20 + 1 = 16 + 1 = 17 » Wisdom (Perception)
  1376. * Sun Jing starts looking about again for any sign of Team Bao. « 1d20+16 = 6 + 16 = 22 »
  1377. FoxtrotTango:
  1378. Compulsory roll before she phases back to normal.
  1380. Chun-Hwa:
  1381. « 1d20+11 = 17 + 11 = 28 » (Perception)
  1383. Shimizu Nu:
  1384. « d20+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 » Perception
  1386. Kamon:
  1387. "It hurt. It hurt my pride more, honestly. I kind of think of that as one of the more beautiful forms I can take..."
  1388. Avara:
  1389. do i roll anything vs their perceptions?
  1390. * Sun Jing pats Kamon
  1391. DarkStar:
  1392. I thought we were looking for signs of the Baomen.
  1393. Witch:
  1394. No? Jing's looking for- Yeah, that.
  1395. Avara:
  1396. the roll was for before she un-morphs. i'm checking if it's for anything about her.
  1397. Avara:
  1398. ... oh. misread text color.
  1399. Bao's men seem to have continued north. They disturbed the patch of mushrooms underwater directly north of you, and left more markings on the left-hand wall.
  1400. Avara:
  1401. sorry.
  1402. Avara:
  1403. head space is a bit cluttered.
  1404. DarkStar:
  1405. s'alright.
  1406. There's a chest partially buried under some rocks in the corner to the east.
  1408. Kamui:
  1409. Lots of sweet loot in these tunnels. I can see why it's still here, though. This place is a bubbling deathtrap when it wants to be.
  1411. Chun-Hwa:
  1412. Think we can get that chest without anyone being sliced by a coral guillotine?
  1413. * Kamon finishes wrapping herself up, back in proper humanoid form. She sighs softly and gets back up on her feet. "Think I'll need my armor?"
  1415. Sun Jing:
  1416. Yeah, yeah. When we head back out.
  1418. Sun Jing:
  1419. Probably.
  1421. Chun-Hwa:
  1422. Right.
  1423. * Kamon puts her armor back on, trying to resist the urge to pout. It and the bandages always feel so much worse after she's had some time transformed.
  1424. Witch:
  1425. brb
  1427. Kamui:
  1428. I dunno, I feel like high tide might come in right when we decide to leave, you know?
  1430. Kamon:
  1431. "We have several hours of time. And we can come back after tide anyway."
  1433. Kamui:
  1434. I mean, you do what you want, I just feel like that's what would happen.
  1436. Kamon:
  1437. "This treasure's been here for thousands of tide changes."
  1438. This room seems to be largely empty, save for a large patch of swirling water in the middle of the room.
  1439. Witch:
  1440. Back with my dinner
  1441. You're not sure if the swirling water should move around like that.
  1443. Shimizu Nu:
  1444. « d20+8 = 4 + 8 = 12 » Perception on the swirls
  1445. They look like swirls alright.
  1446. * Kamon stares with Detect Magic for a while.
  1447. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 (likewise) => 19 + 16 = 35
  1448. As jing approaches, however, their nature is made clear.
  1449. Cador:
  1450. Someone want to try Knowledge nature or geography?
  1451. Cador:
  1452. Oh.
  1453. Cador:
  1454. Well.
  1455. * Kamui tries to ignore the nagging desire to go back and pick that chest and helps investigate.
  1456. A loud roar of rushing water like crashing sea waves fills the cavern, forming into words for those who understand Aquan.
  1458. Greater Water Elemental:
  1461. Sun Jing:
  1462. We come to find another group that was sent to their deaths here and to take them out with us.
  1463. The water bubbles and roils as a hulking humanoid shape surges up out of the water- well, that's innacurate, since it IS the water.
  1464. * Kamon responds in Aquan. "We come to retrieve two ill-advised treasure seekers, to alleviate troubles on the surface."
  1466. Greater Water Elemental:
  1468. The elemental seems to regard you with suspicion, but doesn't seem to consider you a threat.
  1470. Sun Jing:
  1471. So, are you some kind of guardian then?
  1473. Kamon:
  1474. "Essentially, yes."
  1475. Avara:
  1476. is jing speaking aquan or draconic?
  1477. Witch:
  1478. Aquan
  1480. Greater Water Elemental:
  1482. Cador:
  1483. Maybe mention that our tracking has us believing they went in this direction?
  1485. Kamon:
  1486. "Do you know where our wayward mortals might be?"
  1487. VinnyDonuts:
  1488. Diplomacy, Kamon
  1490. Kamon:
  1491. « 1d20+15 = 15 + 15 = 30 »
  1492. The elemental points Northwest.
  1494. Greater Water Elemental:
  1497. Greater Water Elemental:
  1500. Kamon:
  1501. "Would you like any assistance in the clearing of that foulness? We have with us two workers for the divine and several sellswords suited to destroying unwanted troubles."
  1502. The elemental pauses, putting a watery mitt to what would be a close approximation to its chin.
  1504. VinnyDonuts:
  1505. oops that wasn't supposed to be /e
  1507. Greater Water Elemental:
  1510. Greater Water Elemental:
  1511. COME CLOSER.
  1512. * Kamon steps forward.
  1513. The water elemental briefly submerges Kamon, seeming to communicate her through direct contact rather than spoken word.
  1514. * Kamon observes the words and intent of the GWE, and shares like in kind.
  1515. That's one way of whispering to someone when all you can do is shout in allcaps, I suppose.
  1516. The water elemental lets go of Kamon and nods.
  1517. Wordlessly, the elemental merges back into the water, and the swirling currents that make up its body swim away.
  1518. * Kamon turns back to the others, thinking. "Do any of you happen to know your history worth a damn?"
  1520. Kamon:
  1521. "Or geography?"
  1523. Kamui:
  1524. Uh... not really?
  1526. Kamui:
  1527. (... Did they just?)
  1529. Sun Jing:
  1530. A bit, but not one of the things I really paid attention to.
  1532. Shimizu Nu:
  1533. Um, I was more focused on other things at the time.
  1535. Kamon:
  1536. "Apparently one of the ruins from Ahasyo's time that got sunk is leaking out 'corruption' into the ocean. It's bad enough that a lot of water elementals are searching for it, but they don't know where it is. So they're searching the -entire- ocean."
  1538. Shimizu Nu:
  1539. ...You think it'd be the old shrine that should have a fragment of the mirror?
  1541. Kamon:
  1542. "It might be. But we should try and see if we can think of any others, too. This is probably something on the magical-natural disaster avoidance level of importance, if that many elementals are worried."
  1544. Chun-Hwa:
  1545. Mmm, indeed.
  1547. Chun-Hwa:
  1548. We'll have to keep it in mind going forward.
  1550. Black Snake:
  1551. sounds like something we're going to have to deal with in the future
  1553. Chun-Hwa:
  1554. Speaking of which, didn't it say something about a couple people being ahead in an 'alcove' of some sort?
  1556. Black Snake:
  1557. man could this foreshadowing be any more hamfisted
  1559. Kamon:
  1560. "Yeah. Two mortals in a dry alcove that-a-way. Probably Bao's men."
  1562. Kamui:
  1563. Well, I guess if they find it, they'll give you another wet tunic contest with the news, eh?
  1565. Kamon:
  1566. "... uh?"
  1567. * Sun Jing slides over towards Kamui.
  1569. Shimizu Nu:
  1570. Pretty sure her armor would prevent that.
  1571. * Kamon blinks, a bit confused.
  1572. * Sun Jing flicks Kamui's nose.
  1574. Kamui:
  1575. Ow.
  1577. Sun Jing:
  1578. Back to business.
  1580. Kamui:
  1581. (If it helps, I'm right there with you on the wet tunic business.)
  1583. Kamon:
  1584. "We haven't been commissioned properly with the job, but if we can do it at some point, I'd prefer that. Otherwise I'll have to arrange to do it separately."
  1585. The west wall has an underwater alcove.
  1587. Kamui:
  1588. (Then I'm blaming you for that flick, pal.)
  1589. There's a good amount of wildlife hiding in there, but nothing worth your attention.
  1590. Another underwater corridor leads north.
  1592. Kamui:
  1593. Huh...
  1595. Kamui:
  1596. Feeling a strange sense of deja vu down here.
  1598. Kamon:
  1599. "Northwest and to the right, he said."
  1600. The marking on the wall leads east, as the Elemental said it might.
  1601. * Witch rolls: 1d20+16 (percep) => 12 + 16 = 28
  1602. And then into the alcove to the south.
  1603. * Kamon whispers to Kamui. "What's a wet tunic contest?"
  1605. Kamui:
  1606. (whispers back) Oh, it's where guys pour water over you and other girls and compare which one looks more attractive dripping wet.
  1608. Kamon:
  1609. "... Still doesn't sound familiar, but it might be fun to watch if ladies were doing the pouring and the showing."
  1610. Unknown command: "E halt". Try /help for a list of commands.
  1611. HALT
  1612. As Chun-Hwa treads over the patch of glowing mushrooms, she steps on one and it releases a cloud of luminsescent, green spores that bubble up out of the water and fill the air with a thick fog of spores!
  1613. VinnyDonuts:
  1614. Anyone within 10 feet must make a fortitude save vs. poison.
  1615. Cador:
  1616. Oh, well.
  1618. Kamui:
  1619. (whispers) Hehe, I'd be happy to show you why they call me "Sen'in-shō" back around Tensaki-way~
  1620. Witch:
  1621. gg chun
  1622. * Cador rolls: d20+13 => 1 + 13 = 14
  1623. Cador:
  1624. ...
  1625. FoxtrotTango:
  1626. Oh whoops
  1627. Witch:
  1628. and nu
  1629. Cador:
  1630. ...One level later. Just one level later I could have laughed my ass off.
  1631. VinnyDonuts:
  1632. chun please make a fort save
  1633. Cador:
  1635. Witch:
  1636. This is why I've been planning the walking path carefully
  1637. VinnyDonuts:
  1638. witch had a feeling something was up with those shrooms
  1639. FoxtrotTango:
  1640. Oh, I've been randomly walking, I didn't think of anything
  1641. FoxtrotTango:
  1642. I was too busy satisfying Kamon's curiosity so
  1643. Witch:
  1644. Mainly for the grouped areas of fungi and the other stuff
  1645. VinnyDonuts:
  1646. ds are you there
  1647. FoxtrotTango:
  1648. Yay for being an active girl, I guess.
  1649. DarkStar:
  1650. I'm sorry parents have been happening to me a lot today.
  1651. VinnyDonuts:
  1652. roll fort vs shrooms
  1653. Avara:
  1654. spores!
  1655. * Chun-Hwa braces herself. « 1d20+7 = 17 + 7 = 24 »
  1656. DarkStar:
  1657. And another +2 for being a Gyucheol.
  1658. Chun-Hwa manages to brace herself and cough out the spores, but Nu looks like she was caught completely by surprise and doesn't look so hot...
  1659. Before Nu's eyes, the world swirls around her. Colors become weird and strange, and as she looks around, reaching hands are coming out of the ceiling.
  1660. FoxtrotTango:
  1661. Oh good, she stepped on an Eversion shroom.
  1662. * Shimizu Nu gasps and coughs heavily, squeezing her eyes shut to block the strange colors out.
  1663. * Kamon pulls a snake-like belt from around her waist, and wraps it around Nu's own, before doing a Heal check to see if there's anything she can do to bring Nu down from her high. « 1d20+11 = 20 + 11 = 31 »
  1665. Kamui:
  1666. Aw, man, what did you step in?
  1667. Avara:
  1668. the belt gives +4 to saves vs poison, in case there's any secondary saves.
  1669. She's swimming in a sea of worms, and the worms are made of candy. The candy is delicious.
  1671. Chun-Hwa:
  1672. Something bad I'm guessing.
  1673. Cador:
  1674. Okay Kamon just crit her heal check.
  1675. DarkStar:
  1676. Kamon: *slaps the acid trip right out of Nu*
  1677. Kamon acertains from Nu's spaced-out expression that whetver it was, it seems to be affecting her mind. A neutralize poison should put some sense into her.
  1678. Cador:
  1679. Surprised there isn't any commentary from the snek
  1681. Black Snake:
  1684. Kamon:
  1685. "Does anyone here have any Neutralize Poison? Or anything that clears out mind-altering effects?"
  1687. Black Snake:
  1689. Witch:
  1690. snek is tripping balls too
  1692. Black Snake:
  1693. I'M AFRAID
  1695. Black Snake:
  1698. Kamui:
  1699. « 1d20 + 6 = 3 + 6 = 9 » Knowledge: Arcana vs. Shrooms
  1700. Those sure are mushrooms.
  1701. Cador:
  1702. Probably would be nature intead of arcana.
  1703. That said, So long as you keep Nu away from anything that might hurt her, she should come down soon enough.
  1705. Kamui:
  1706. Well, maybe we shouldn't touch stuff that glows.
  1707. FoxtrotTango:
  1708. And yeah, she doesn't have nature so that was my best try.
  1710. Kamon:
  1711. "Mm... someone keep an eye on her and help her on the way out. Tai, can you do that? It won't leave permanent damage, as far as I can tell. She just needs to eat and drink, sleep it off, and not hurt herself."
  1712. VinnyDonuts:
  1713. The hallucination only lasts « 3d6 = 11 » rounds.
  1714. Witch:
  1715. "only"
  1716. VinnyDonuts:
  1717. Well, "only."
  1719. Kamon:
  1720. "Since it's inhaled, it shouldn't last hours, at least."
  1721. Cador:
  1722. So a minute and 6 seconds. Cripes.
  1723. Kamon can also tell that hallucinogens like this tend to produce different effects depending on the mindset of the person experiencing them.
  1724. Avara:
  1725. that'll pass during a talking scene
  1727. Kamui:
  1728. Oh, this reminds me of that time in Ding-Hao. She might think there are glowing pink spiders crawling under her skin, be ready for anything.
  1729. If you were in a stressful situation like, say, combat, the hallucinations would probably be quite frightening.
  1730. Not to mention disorienting.
  1731. * Sun Jing meanwhile just looks back like, 'what the hell happened?' before turning her attention back to the nearby pair she'd spotted, no doubt alerted by what was going on already.
  1733. Kamui:
  1734. If I have to, I'll gum up her legs with some ghost-goop to keep her from running into the water or something.
  1736. Kamon:
  1737. "I think gumming up her legs would make her trip face-first into the knee-high water."
  1738. Cador whispers: I don't want to waste it here but the hallucenations are exactly the sort of thing that might spur Nu into going dragon form.
  1739. Nu thinks the dancing crocodiles should do a samba rather than a ballroom dance.
  1740. You whisper to Cador: they're amusing hallucinations, not frightening ones.
  1742. Kamui:
  1743. Not if we catch her first and lay her out.
  1744. * Kamon walks over to Jing and looks to see if that X is unconscious or a corpse. I don't think it's the usual X.
  1745. A grey-skinned human and an elf are sitting on the sand in the alcove.
  1747. Kamui:
  1748. I'm not a baka, you know.
  1749. Cador:
  1750. That's the unconsious X I think. Red X is the death X
  1752. Sun Jing:
  1753. Hi.
  1754. Avara:
  1755. thanks for verifying.
  1756. The grey-skinned human has his hand on a katana at his waist, but remains sitting.
  1758. Kyo-Moon:
  1759. Who are you, and why the hell would you come to an awful place like this?
  1761. Sun Jing:
  1762. I'll be honest.
  1763. Nu's coming down from the hallucinations right about now.
  1765. Sun Jing:
  1766. We're a group from the Princess here to do what I expect you're here to do for Bao.
  1767. That doesn't seem to put him at ease.
  1769. Sun Jing:
  1770. But we've got an issue that'll be a rather huge thorn in both of our patrons' sides.
  1772. Sun Jing:
  1773. One that I hope working together on will be able to facilitate better relations.
  1775. Kamui:
  1776. Okay, Nu, are you good? I can give you some water if you want.
  1777. VinnyDonuts:
  1778. i'm moving chun off of the acid trip mushrooms
  1780. Shimizu Nu:
  1781. Ugggggggg... No, I don't want to dance, you can't...
  1783. Black Snake:
  1784. rumba rumba rumba rumba...
  1785. * Shimizu Nu manages a full body shudder as the poison works out of her system.
  1787. Black Snake:
  1788. i got... the multiball...
  1790. Black Snake:
  1791. shooooowtiiiiiime
  1792. Cador:
  1793. Okay I giggled
  1794. * Witch smacks Vincent
  1795. Witch:
  1796. Who didn't want things to get dragged out?
  1797. VinnyDonuts:
  1798. fair
  1799. Witch:
  1800. And on fucking cue, I have to take the damn dog out because no one else can
  1801. VinnyDonuts:
  1802. but this is the end of the session more or less
  1804. Shimizu Nu:
  1805. UUuuuuuu... Okay, what the hell was that?
  1807. Kamui:
  1808. That was magic mushrooms, I guess! Have some not-magic water. The only trip you'll see from this is my mother.
  1810. Shimizu Nu:
  1811. One second I'm fine, nexxt there's a bunch of gas that I end up getting a good lung full of.
  1813. Kamon:
  1814. "We're not here to fight. Especially not in this cave. Getting you out while you're unconscious without you drowning would be hard. But also in general, it's better for us to cooperate. A third, and maybe fourht and fifth, party is meddling in the succession issues of Malali. In the interest of Malalan unity and benefit, we should cooperate. Uh... you're probably wondering why you should trust us. The only answer we can give is 'we came here to save you.'"
  1815. * Shimizu Nu grabs the enchanted bottle and downs a bunch of water from it.
  1817. Kyo-Moon:
  1818. ... Well, I guess I can't argue with that.
  1820. Kamon:
  1821. "Also I can heal you and your friend, if you're hurt."
  1823. Kyo-Moon:
  1824. I'm Kyo, and this is Kimiko. Some dandy-looking ponce sent us here for treasure to see his dad, only for us to get pounced by a giant crab.
  1826. Kamon:
  1827. "Yup. That'd be party three: The Tigers that have taken over the island and are holding everyone in a sort of hostage-prisoner situation."
  1829. Kyo-Moon:
  1830. Fantastic.
  1832. Kamon:
  1833. "You can see why we want to cooperate, yes?"
  1835. Shimizu Nu:
  1836. Oh, did we find them?
  1838. Kamui:
  1839. Yeah, looks like they're talking now. I don't think we'll need to fight.
  1841. Shimizu Nu:
  1842. That's good.
  1843. * Kyo-Moon gestures at his unconcious compatriot.
  1845. Shimizu Nu:
  1846. I think I need a bit more time to properly recover from...
  1847. * Shimizu Nu shudders again.
  1849. Shimizu Nu:
  1850. Ugh.
  1852. Kyo-Moon:
  1853. We ran from the crab and swam through a tunnel, but she got her dumb ass knocked out on the rocks.
  1855. Kyo-Moon:
  1856. Would have drowned if I hadn't hauled her out.
  1858. Kyo-Moon:
  1859. Fat lot of good a healer is when she's unconcious, huh?
  1861. Kamon:
  1862. "The crab's dead now. And we can help you get through the rocks cleaner. Healing usually wakes people up, I find."
  1864. Kamui:
  1865. Still seeing things?
  1867. Shimizu Nu:
  1868. No, thankfully.
  1869. * Kamon steps to the edge of the water, keeping her hands apart and visible for Kyo-Moon's benefit of feeling unthreatened.
  1871. Kamui:
  1872. Oh, my mom's late, I guess.
  1874. The Blue Courtesan:
  1875. boo
  1877. Black Snake:
  1880. Shimizu Nu:
  1881. Not now, please.
  1883. The Blue Courtesan:
  1884. aww.
  1886. Kamui:
  1887. Love you, Mooooom~
  1888. Kyo sighs and removes his hand from his weapon, still eyeing you warily.
  1890. Shimizu Nu:
  1891. Recovering from hallucenogenic spores.
  1893. Kamon:
  1894. "Do I have your permission, as her partner in work, to help her out?"
  1896. Kyo-Moon:
  1897. ... Go for it.
  1899. Kyo-Moon:
  1900. You... sure have a lively crew.
  1901. Cador:
  1902. ...Are we going to have to fight off those sea cats on the way out?
  1903. * Kamon pokes her with Heal Critical Wounds. "We're sellswords at our basic level. Lively keeps us from snapping."
  1904. * Kyo-Moon eyes the commotion behind Kamon and Jing.
  1906. Shimizu Nu:
  1907. ...
  1909. Kyo-Moon:
  1910. Hmph. I prefer it when people don't talk too much.
  1912. Kamon:
  1913. « 4d8+8 = 9 + 8 = 17 » HP
  1914. * Shimizu Nu spots something in the corner of her eye behind Kamui.
  1916. Kyo-Moon:
  1917. Which is why it was nice when Kimiko was out for a while...
  1919. Shimizu Nu:
  1920. Wait. Aren't those more of the statues like the one we saw earlier?
  1921. * Shimizu Nu points behind Kamui
  1923. Kamon:
  1924. « 3d8+8 = 22 + 8 = 30 » And Cure Serious Wounds to follow up.
  1925. * Kamui turns and looks in the same direction.
  1927. Kamui:
  1928. Oh, shoot, you might be right. I was wondering what that familiar feeling was.
  1930. Kamon:
  1931. "That should be enough to set her upright and mobile. Don't know how much more damage was done yet."
  1933. Shimizu Nu:
  1934. We should probably keep away from those, they're probably still animate.
  1935. Kimiko yawns and stretches as the healing revives her, stretching and placing her head on Kyo's lap, looking up at Kamon.
  1937. Shimizu Nu:
  1938. Good thing those two went south instead of further east.
  1940. Kimiko:
  1941. Why, hello there, mysterious savior~
  1942. Kyo unceremoniously shoves Kimiko off of himself.
  1943. Kamon: (( need the princess's name. ))
  1944. VinnyDonuts:
  1945. chau
  1946. * Kamui immediately joins Team Kimiko.
  1948. Kamon:
  1949. "Hello. You, soldiers of ... What's his title? General? Bao, have recently agreed to a cooperative time with us, soldiers of Princess Chau. We're going to work together to kick tiger invaders out of our nation, and see what-all we can do to sort things out here. My name's Kamon. Nice to meet you."
  1951. Kimiko:
  1952. Something something we're friends for now, got it.
  1954. Kamon:
  1955. "Close enough."
  1957. Kimiko:
  1958. Though, I'd hardly say I'm a soldier...
  1960. Kimiko:
  1961. A rather dour way of putting it, don't you think?
  1963. Kamui:
  1964. If we want to check out those statues, we might have to get just a teensy bit closer.
  1966. Kamon:
  1967. "I'm a priestess among a band of mercenaries. It's just clearing out formalities."
  1969. Kimiko:
  1970. I prefer "Secret agent" or "spymaster."
  1972. Kyo-Moon:
  1973. She has a habit of deluding herself."
  1975. Kimiko:
  1976. And you have a habit of being a stick in the mud!
  1978. Kamon:
  1979. "That's -far- from the weirdest character trait I've seen. In the past five minutes. You have no right to complain, Kyo-Moon."
  1981. Kamon:
  1982. "Same to you, Kimiko."
  1984. Kamui:
  1985. Anyhow, let's go help collect the Bao toys so we can play adventurer with them.
  1987. Kyo-Moon:
  1988. So, I'm guessing the line about treasure was a load of bull?
  1990. Chun-Hwa:
  1991. Right.
  1993. Kyo-Moon:
  1994. Since it was supposed to impress the somebody.
  1996. Kimiko:
  1997. Sambati.
  1999. Kamon:
  2000. "Less the treasure was fake, more the tunnel is super deadly."
  2002. Sun Jing:
  2003. May be true, but more than likely. This whole place floods horifically at high tide.
  2005. Kamon:
  2006. "Sambati is a family name."
  2008. Kamon:
  2009. (brb)
  2011. Kyo-Moon:
  2012. Yeah, the somebody guy.
  2014. Kamon:
  2015. (family is making smores. i trust y'all to not burn everything to the ground while i'm gone. this was sprung on me.)
  2016. VinnyDonuts:
  2017. oh shit smores
  2018. FoxtrotTango:
  2019. (got it, Ruki)
  2021. Sun Jing:
  2022. At any rate, he's got the unfortunate position of sending people this way lest the cats lay into his family like they did another one that got burned to the ground.
  2023. FoxtrotTango:
  2024. (Smores are great)
  2025. Witch:
  2026. take that shit to skype
  2027. FoxtrotTango:
  2028. Honestly just said it to cover the fact that she forgot to un-impersonate
  2030. Sun Jing:
  2031. That all being said, we've got reason to believe the person they're working for is also setting up some kind of coup. Pretty obvious if he's got a band of felines for company.
  2033. Kyo-Moon:
  2034. Where I come from, having a kitty-cat as a bodyguard isn't all that uncommon.
  2036. Sun Jing:
  2037. Let me ask you this. Does Malai look like a place Hushi are commonly seen?
  2039. Kyo-Moon:
  2040. ... Now that I think of it, no.
  2041. * Kimiko has a smug "Told you so" look on her face.
  2043. Kimiko:
  2044. I toooold you that it was fishy that he had a Hushi bodyguard!
  2046. Kamui:
  2047. We have one, but he drinks too much to be dangerous. Unless he thinks you're a dragon, I guess.
  2049. Sun Jing:
  2050. At any rate. This guy's got a whole company of them from what we can tell based on the story. Either the families throw in with him or they get taken down by the cats' dragon killing specialties.
  2052. Kimiko:
  2053. I'm from Tensaki, too, and even I knew that they're not so popular around here!
  2055. Kimiko:
  2056. Talking too much has its perks after all! Who knew!
  2058. Kamui:
  2059. Really? What part?
  2061. Kimiko:
  2062. The capital.
  2063. * Kimiko puffs up her chest.
  2065. Sun Jing:
  2066. At any rate. Let's get you two out of here. We can plan our next move after we get out of this place.
  2067. Cador whispers: wait, I forget. Did Uncle live at the capital?
  2068. Upon closer inspection, you can see that Kimiko isn't the sort you'd often see around here- A blonde elf, like from the north, but she speaks with the confidence of a Tensaki native.
  2069. FoxtrotTango:
  2070. I know my Sense Motive is crap right now, but I'm going to Sense Motive that one through base Wisdom.
  2072. Sun Jing:
  2073. Though...
  2075. Kamui:
  2076. « 1d20 + 1 = 2 + 1 = 3 » Wisdom (Sense Motive)
  2078. Sun Jing:
  2079. The path we came from is likely to be blocked by those Sea Cats after we killed the crab.
  2080. You don't think she has any reason to lie.
  2082. Sun Jing:
  2083. We may need to look for a secondary exit
  2085. Kamui:
  2086. (Eugh. A capitalite.)
  2088. Sun Jing:
  2089. That or fight our way out.
  2091. Kyo-Moon:
  2092. Fantastic.
  2094. Kamui:
  2095. (Well, as long as you aren't one of the expansionists, I'll stay on your side...)
  2097. Shimizu Nu:
  2098. Huh. Come to think of it, I'm pretty sure Uncle was from the capital.
  2100. Kyo-Moon:
  2101. Well, I can tell you already that the ruins aren't an exit.
  2102. * Kyo-Moon points towards the northeast.
  2104. Kamui:
  2105. I lived a ways out from the capital. Air smells nicer in the country.
  2107. Kimiko:
  2108. But the art is nicer in the city~
  2110. Sun Jing:
  2111. Hm. Explored the northern portion yet?
  2112. * Kamui furrows her brows.
  2114. Kyo-Moon:
  2115. No. I didn't want to walk too far away.
  2117. Kyo-Moon:
  2118. I'd have to explain to the prince how I found Kimiko getting snacked on by a sea-cat.
  2120. Kamui:
  2121. Yeah, yeah, I'll give you that, but the, uh... roads are clearer in the country, yeah.
  2123. Sun Jing:
  2124. Heh.
  2126. Sun Jing:
  2127. Well, we've still got plenty of time before we have to worry about the tide.
  2129. Kimiko:
  2130. Ah, but in a market, a crowded road is a good thing!
  2132. Shimizu Nu:
  2133. Probably a good thing you didn't get too close.
  2135. Sun Jing:
  2136. We can explore the north for another exit and if we don't find one, south it is.
  2138. Shimizu Nu:
  2139. We found one of the statues in front of those ruins back near the town, and it looked like it was once animated. These ones probably still are.
  2140. Kimiko is sporting a smug, playful smile as Kamui approaches. It's like she wasn't even laid out on the ground knocked out moments before.
  2142. Kamui:
  2143. Sure, sure, but I mean... don't you just want to enjoy living simply once in a while? Take a vacation from it all?
  2145. Kamon:
  2146. ((back, catching up. smores have been had.))
  2148. Kimiko:
  2149. Isn't that what the capital's gardens and temples are for?
  2150. * Kamui gives her a hard stare, seeing Kimiko matching her wit for wit and... well, let's just stick with the pertinents for now.
  2152. Kyo-Moon:
  2153. I walked right up to the statues, actually.
  2155. Kamui:
  2156. You know, I'm having a hard time staying mad at you.
  2157. Kamon: (( all caught up. had to skim. kamon's good with being quiet now anyway. ))
  2159. Kyo-Moon:
  2160. I had a feeling they were watching me, but all they did was that.
  2162. Kamui:
  2163. Maybe it's because you look like a city-fed version of me.
  2165. Kyo-Moon:
  2166. I didn't feel like testing them.
  2168. Sun Jing:
  2169. A good idea.
  2171. Kamui:
  2172. We should be friends.
  2174. Kimiko:
  2175. And you look like me, if I was an adoable country girl!
  2177. Kimiko:
  2178. I think we'll get along like a house on fire~
  2179. VinnyDonuts:
  2180. adorable, even
  2181. * Kamui wonders vaguely if her mom ever had a hazy night in the capital, then brushes off the idea.
  2182. If Kamui could hear her mom right now, she'd hear her pointing out that they're not even the same race.
  2184. Kamui:
  2185. And we can both annoy Mister Moon twice as hard, am I right?
  2187. Kyo-Moon:
  2188. Oh, good. Two of them.
  2189. DarkStar:
  2190. Yeah, and if Pokemon taught me anything, Kimiko would be a Kitsune because the child is always the mother's species.
  2192. Kyo-Moon:
  2193. On second thought, maybe I'll go talk to the statues and see if they'll put me out of my misery.
  2195. Kamon:
  2196. "You adapt to the madness or you let it take you, Kyo-Moon. That's the only two choices. Roll with it or, eventually, break."
  2198. Kamon:
  2199. "That's what it means to deal with people."
  2201. Kamui:
  2202. I dunno, I think it's kind of refreshing that your eyes aren't rolling all over me.
  2204. Chun-Hwa:
  2205. Flexibility is an important attribute as a mercenary, I've learned.
  2207. Kyo-Moon:
  2208. My part of dealing with people has usually been the pointy part.
  2210. Kyo-Moon:
  2211. All the other stuff is what Kimiko is for.
  2213. Kamui:
  2214. Look, maybe there's some loot in there, you don't want to get killed before you find it, right?
  2216. Kamon:
  2217. "If you can't handle a bit of both, you're not trained roundly enough."
  2219. Kamui:
  2220. And if you DO die, I can harness the power of ghosts.
  2221. * Kyo-Moon sighs.
  2223. Chun-Hwa:
  2224. In any case, we probably should find a way out soon.
  2225. The good news is that you found your escorts!
  2226. The bad news is you have to escort them out.
  2227. That's always the fun part, isn't it?
  2228. Witch:
  2229. The extra bad news is that there's two Kamuis now
  2230. Indeed.
  2231. Pool's closed. Too many Kamuis.
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