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Feb 2nd, 2016
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  137. return false;
  138. }
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  153. return;
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  242. <li {if $user_lang=='zh'}class="first"{/if}><a class="ch" href="/set_lang.php?lang=zh" title="正体字/繁体字">正体字/繁体字{if $user_lang=='zh'} &#9662;{/if}</a></li>
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  260. <input type="hidden" name="tpl" value="join32" />
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  267. <input type="hidden" name="nextra[EPOCH][version]" value="{$smarty.get.version}" />
  268. {/if}
  269. <div class="info">
  270. <div class="title2 first"><span>1.</span> {i}Create your account{/i}</div>
  271. <div class="account">
  272. <div class="check-email">
  273. <b>{i}Email{/i}:</b><input type="text" id="join_email" placeholder="{i}Must be a valid email{/i}" name="signup[email:1:1:128:::email_check]">
  274. <span class="status"><span class="success"></span><span class="error"><span class="text-holder"><i></i><span class="email-error"></span></span></span></span>
  275. </div>
  276. <div class="check-username">
  277. <b>{i}Username{/i}:</b><input type="text" id="join_username" placeholder="{i}6 or more characters{/i}" name="signup[username:1:6:16:::username_check]">
  278. <span class="status"><span class="success"></span><span class="error"><span class="text-holder"><i></i><span class="username-error"></span></span></span></span>
  279. </div>
  280. <div class="check-password">
  281. <b>{i}Password{/i}:</b>
  282. <input placeholder="{i}6 or more characters{/i}" id="join_password" name="signup[password:1:6:16:::password_check]" type="password">
  283. <span class="status"><span class="success"></span><span class="error"><span class="text-holder"><i></i><span class="password-error"></span></span></span></span>
  284. </div>
  285. <ul>
  286. <li class="first">{i}Payment method{/i}:</li>
  287. <li><label><input type="radio" name="cascade" value="15" checked>&nbsp;&nbsp;{i}Credit Card{/i}<span class="cc visa">visa</span><span class="cc mc">mc</span></label></li>
  288. {if $countrycode == 'GB' || $countrycode == 'DE' || $countrycode == 'ES' || $countrycode == 'AT' || $countrycode == 'FR' || $countrycode == 'IT' || $countrycode == 'RU'}
  289. <li><label><input type="radio" name="cascade" value="4">&nbsp;&nbsp;{i}Direct Debit{/i}<span class="cc dd">dd</span></label></li>
  290. {/if}
  291. </ul>
  292. </div>
  293. <div class="title2"><span>2.</span> {i}Choose your plan{/i}</div>
  294. <div class="membership">
  295. <label {if $program != 9} class="active"{/if}>
  296. <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="signup[optionid]" value="310" {if $program != 9}checked{/if}></span>
  297. <span class="month">{i}12 Months{/i} *</span>
  298. <span class="price small">$12.99 / {i}mo{/i}</span>
  299. <span class="save">75% {i}OFF!{/i}</span>
  300. </label>
  301. <label>
  302. <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="signup[optionid]" value="309"></span>
  303. <span class="month">{i}3 Months{/i} *</span>
  304. <span class="price">$25.65 / {i}mo{/i}</span>
  305. <span class="save">50% {i}OFF!{/i}</span>
  306. </label>
  307. {if $program == 5}
  308. <label>
  309. <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="signup[optionid]" value="77"></span>
  310. <span class="month">{i}1 Month{/i} *</span>
  311. <span class="price">$19.95 / {i}mo{/i}</span>
  312. </label>
  313. {elseif $program == 6}
  314. <label>
  315. <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="signup[optionid]" value="198"></span>
  316. <span class="month">{i}1 Month{/i} *</span>
  317. <span class="price">$14.95 / {i}mo{/i}</span>
  318. </label>
  319. {elseif $program == 7}
  320. <label class="active">
  321. <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="signup[optionid]" value="214" checked></span>
  322. <span class="month">{i}1 Month{/i} *</span>
  323. <span class="price"><span class="old-price">$29.95</span>$7.95 / {i}mo{/i}</span>
  324. </label>
  325. {elseif $program == 9}
  326. <label>
  327. <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="signup[optionid]" value="197"></span>
  328. <span class="month">{i}1 Month{/i} *</span>
  329. <span class="price">$9.95 / {i}mo{/i}</span>
  330. </label>
  331. {else}
  332. <label>
  333. <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="signup[optionid]" value="308"></span>
  334. <span class="month">{i}1 Month{/i} *</span>
  335. <span class="price">$39.95 / {i}mo{/i}</span>
  336. <span class="price"><span class="old-price">$49.95</span>$39.95 / {i}mo{/i}</span>
  337. </label>
  338. {/if}
  340. {if $program == 11}
  341. <!--NO TRIAL-->
  342. {else}
  343. <label>
  344. <span class="input"><input type="radio" name="signup[optionid]" value="307"></span>
  345. <span class="month">{i}3 Days Trial{/i} **</span>
  346. <span class="price small">$1.00</span>
  347. </label>
  348. {/if}
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  406. {if $program == 5}
  407. &nbsp;{i}Monthly memberships rebill at $19.95 per month until cancelled.{/i}
  408. {elseif $program == 6}
  409. &nbsp;{i}Monthly memberships rebill at $14.95 per month until cancelled.{/i}
  410. {elseif $program == 7}
  411. &nbsp;{i}Monthly memberships rebill at $9.95 per month until cancelled.{/i}
  412. {elseif $program == 9}
  413. &nbsp;{i}Monthly memberships rebill at $7.95 per month until cancelled.{/i}
  414. {else}
  415. &nbsp;{i}Monthly memberships rebill at $39.95 per month until cancelled.{/i}
  416. {/if}
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  418. <p>** {i}Trial memberships have limited access which then converts to a full membership at $49.95 per month until cancelled.{/i}</p>
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