
Aaron: My HERO!

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. 4:32 PM - Vindictator1972: Hi there.
  3. 4:32 PM - Vindictator1972: How can I help you?
  4. 4:32 PM - Aaron: yo!
  5. 4:32 PM - Aaron: i have your lowriders
  6. 4:32 PM - Aaron: :)
  7. 4:32 PM - Aaron: crimson
  8. 4:32 PM - Vindictator1972: Bithcin.
  9. 4:32 PM - Aaron: woot!
  10. 4:32 PM - Aaron: lol
  11. 4:32 PM - Vindictator1972: I swear this game sometimes.
  12. 4:33 PM - Vindictator1972: Sweet as.
  13. 4:33 PM - Aaron: woot!
  14. 4:33 PM - Aaron: thanks man
  15. 4:33 PM - Aaron: i saw your post and im lile
  16. 4:33 PM - Aaron: hey i have those!
  17. 4:33 PM - Aaron: ahaa
  18. 4:33 PM - Vindictator1972: have one guy who may or may not sell me his, had agreed to a key last week then sold them then got new ones then tried to get more outta me.
  19. 4:33 PM - Vindictator1972: he littearlly just lost a key from it!@
  20. 4:33 PM - Vindictator1972: Bitchin.
  21. 4:33 PM - Aaron: yeah exactly!
  22. 4:33 PM - Aaron: slow too.
  23. 4:33 PM - Vindictator1972: Thanks man
  24. 4:33 PM - Aaron: glad you got it fast
  25. 4:33 PM - Aaron: yeah no problem!
  26. 4:33 PM - Aaron: thank you for the key :)
  27. 4:33 PM - Vindictator1972: No worrie
  28. 4:33 PM - Aaron: before you go
  29. 4:34 PM - Vindictator1972: Worries*
  30. 4:34 PM - Aaron: anything you have for trade??
  31. 4:34 PM - Aaron: like wheels?
  32. 4:34 PM - Vindictator1972: None sorry.
  33. 4:34 PM - Aaron: ok no prob!
  34. 4:34 PM - Aaron: have a good one :)
  35. 4:34 PM - Vindictator1972: Thank you, the BitchinMobile is complete.
  36. 4:35 PM - Aaron: for sure! niiiice
  37. 4:35 PM - Aaron: editing
  38. 4:35 PM - Aaron: lol nice
  39. 4:35 PM - Vindictator1972: yeah
  40. 4:35 PM - Vindictator1972: I don't know why this one wasn't complete.
  41. 4:35 PM - Aaron: hm?
  42. 4:36 PM - Aaron: this one, being?
  43. 4:36 PM - Vindictator1972: the Marauder or what ever from Dying light.
  44. 4:36 PM - Aaron: aaaaah:P
  45. 4:36 PM - Aaron: nice nice
  46. 4:36 PM - Aaron: anyways
  47. 4:36 PM - Aaron: ill let you go!
  48. 4:36 PM - Aaron: seeya later!
  49. 4:36 PM - Vindictator1972: Later my saviour.
  50. 4:36 PM - Aaron: haha x)
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