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Sep 16th, 2018
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  1. // Feel free to edit this file, expand it or w/e.
  2. // Just make sure you dont mess up ur own administration interface.
  3. // Functions/Keywords:
  4. // /Cdate = Current date
  5. // /Ctime = Current time
  6. // /MapT = Current map title
  7. // /MapF = Current map filename
  8. // /WebVer = Current webadmin version
  9. // /n = New line (Note that next Web line automatly includes new line code)
  10. // %frd: <Redirect name>% = Forward code to some other int file or keep in this file but different part
  11. // WARNING!!!! Redirecting from part A to part B, then in part B to part A will always crash (runaway loop)!
  12. // %Content: <Webpage content classname>% = Add HTML codes from a UScript class
  13. // Line type: "Alive/" will keep the connection refreshing page every 5 seconds.
  15. // Web site content
  16. [index]
  17. WebContentLen=3
  18. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  19. web1=%frd:Menu%
  20. web2=%frd:Welcome%
  21. web3=%frd:PageEnding%
  23. // The CSS
  24. [CSS]
  25. WebContentLen=0
  26. web0= <style>body,ul{margin:0;padding:0}body{width:100%}body,li a,li span{text-align:center}body{color:#222;background:#ebe8e4}form h3{display:inline-flex;width:7em}form select{vertical-align:middle;width:30em}table,td,th{border:0}li a{display:block;color:#fff;text-decoration:none;padding:14px 16px}li span{display:block;color:#ccc;text-decoration:none;padding:14px 16px}li.dropdown{display:inline-block}li:last-child{border-right:0}li{float:left;border-right:1px solid #bbb}table{margin:1em auto}th{color:#fff;line-height:1.2;font-size:16px;font-weight:unset;padding:0 5px;background:#444}tr:nth-child(even){background:#eee}ul{overflow:hidden;background:#333}.dropdown-content a{color:#000;text-decoration:none;display:block;text-align:left;font-weight:600;padding:12px 16px}.dropdown-content{display:none;position:absolute;min-width:160px;box-shadow:0 8px 16px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.2);z-index:1;background:#f9f9f9}.dropdown:hover .dropbtn,li a:hover{background:green}.dropdown:hover .dropdown-content{display:block}#console{width:50%;text-align:left;height:40em;color:green;font-family:Consolas,Monaco,Lucida Console,Liberation Mono,DejaVu Sans Mono,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono,Courier New,monospace;margin:0 auto;padding:.25em .5em;background:#000}#nav,tr{background:#fff}#nav,ul{list-style-type:none}#nav{border:1px solid #dedede;width:90%;margin:1px auto}#playerlist table{padding-left:65px}</style>
  28. // The script to refresh the console and post.
  29. [console_script]
  30. WebContentLen=23
  31. web0= <script>
  32. web1= setInterval(refresh_console(), 5000); // 5000 = 5 Seconds
  33. web2= function refresh_console() {
  34. web3= "use strict";
  35. web4= var xmlhttp;
  36. web5= if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
  37. web6= xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  38. web7= }
  39. web8= xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function () {
  40. web9= if (xmlhttp.readyState == 4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
  41. web10= document.getElementById("console").innerHTML = xmlhttp.responseText;
  42. web11= }
  43. web12= };
  44. web13="GET", "/console_get", true);
  45. web14= xmlhttp.send();
  46. web15= }
  47. web16= function submit_console() {
  48. web17= var formData = document.getElementById("cmdline").name + "=" + document.getElementById("cmdline").value + "&edit=Enter"; console.log(formData);
  49. web18= var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
  50. web19="post", "ServerConsolePost?UWebAdmin.WebChatWindow");
  51. web20= xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
  52. web21= xmlhttp.send(formData);
  53. web22= }
  54. web23= </script>
  56. [console_get]
  57. WebContentLen=0
  58. web0=%Content:UWebAdmin.WebChatWindow%
  60. // The Menu
  61. [Menu]
  62. WebContentLen=19
  63. web0= <div id=nav>
  64. web1= <ul>
  65. web2= <li><a href="/index">Index</a></li>
  66. web3= <li><a href="/MapChange">Change map</a></li>
  67. web4= <li><a href="/BanListPage">Ban list</a></li>
  68. web5= <li><a href="/ServerConsole">Console</a></li>
  69. web6= <li style="float:right"><a href="/Logout">Logout</a></li>
  70. web7= <li style="float:right"><span>User: %Content:UWebAdmin.GetClientUser%</span></li>
  71. web8= <li style="float:right"><span>ver /WebVer</span></li>
  72. web9= <li class="dropdown">
  73. web10= <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="dropbtn">Configuration</a>
  74. web11= <div class="dropdown-content">
  75. web12= <a href="/GameDefaults">Game</a>
  76. web13= <a href="/ServerInfo">Server Info</a>
  77. web14= <a href="/MapLinksPage">Maplists</a>
  78. web15= <a href="/ModLinksPage">Mods</a>
  79. web16= </div>
  80. web17= </li>
  81. web18= </ul>
  82. web19= </div>
  84. [Welcome]
  85. WebContentLen=4
  86. web0= <h1>Current map: /MapF "/MapT"</h1>
  87. web1= <form id="playerlist" method="post" action="Index?UWebAdmin.PlayersListDebug">
  88. web2= %Content:UWebAdmin.PlayersListDebug%
  89. web3= </form>
  90. web4= <span>Your IP: %Content:UWebAdmin.GetClientIP% has been logged on server.</span>
  92. [ServerInfo]
  93. WebContentLen=5
  94. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  95. web1=%frd:Menu%
  96. web2=<h1>Server Configuration</h1>
  97. web3=%Content:UWebAdmin.RepPageConfig%
  98. web4=%Content:UWebAdmin.WebChatWindow%
  99. web5=%frd:PageEnding%
  101. // Server console page
  102. [ServerConsole]
  103. WebContentLen=9
  104. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  105. web1=%frd:Menu%
  106. web2= <h1>Console</h1>
  107. web3= <h3>Playing on /MapF: /MapT</h3>
  108. web4= <div id="console">
  109. web5=%Content:UWebAdmin.WebChatWindow%
  110. web6= </div>
  111. web7=%frd:ServerConsoleLine%
  112. web8=%frd:console_script%
  113. web9=%frd:PageEnding%
  115. // Server console input line
  116. [ServerConsoleLine]
  117. WebContentLen=5
  118. web0= <form action="ServerConsoleLine?UWebAdmin.WebChatWindow" method="post" id="ServerConsoleLine">
  119. web1= Console Command:
  120. web2= <input id="cmdline" type="text" name="Cmd" size="56" value="Say " maxlength="80">
  121. web4= <input class="button" type="submit" onclick="submit_console(); return false;">
  122. web5= </form>
  124. // Restart map
  125. [MapRestartPage]
  126. WebContentLen=3
  127. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  128. web1= <h2>Restarting map, please wait.</h2>%Content:UWebAdmin.RestartMapCode%
  129. web2= <h3>Please click <a href="/Index">here</a> once its done.</h3>
  130. web3=%frd:PageEnding%
  132. // Switch map
  133. [MapSwitchingPage]
  134. WebContentLen=3
  135. web0=%frd:PageHeader%w
  136. web1= <h2>Server is now switching the map, please wait...</h2>
  137. web2= <script>setTimeout(function(){window.location.href="/Index"},1500);</script>
  138. web3=%frd:PageEnding%
  140. // Banlist page
  141. [BanListPage]
  142. WebContentLen=6
  143. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  144. web1=%frd:Menu%
  145. web2= <h1>Banlist</h1>
  146. web3= <form method="post" action="BanListPage?UWebAdmin.BanListGen">
  147. web4=%Content:UWebAdmin.BanListGen%
  148. web5= </form>
  149. web6=%frd:PageEnding%
  151. // User logging out
  152. [Logout]
  153. WebContentLen=2
  154. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  155. web1= <h2>You have successfully logged out from webadministration page.</h2>%Content:UWebAdmin.UserLogout%
  156. web2=%frd:PageEnding%
  158. // Basic game configures (server packages/server actors/admin/game passwords).
  159. [GameDefaults]
  160. WebContentLen=8
  161. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  162. web1=%frd:Menu%
  163. web2= <h1>Game Configuration</h1>
  164. web3= <form method="post" action="GameDefaults?UWebAdmin.GameConfigPage">
  165. web4=%Content:UWebAdmin.GameConfigPage%
  166. web5= </form>
  167. web6= <form method="post" action="GameDefaults?UWebAdmin.NetConfigPage">
  168. web7=%Content:UWebAdmin.NetConfigPage%
  169. web8= </form>
  170. web9=%frd:PageEnding%
  172. // Maplist Links page
  173. [MapLinksPage]
  174. WebContentLen=6
  175. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  176. web1=%frd:Menu%
  177. web2= <h1>Maplist configuration</h1>
  178. web3= <form method="post" action="MapLinksPage?UWebAdmin.MapListLinkPage">
  179. web4=%Content:UWebAdmin.MapListLinkPage%
  180. web5= </form>
  181. web6=%frd:PageEnding%
  183. // Mod Link page
  184. [ModLinksPage]
  185. WebContentLen=4
  186. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  187. web1=%frd:Menu%
  188. web2= <h1>Custom mod configuration</h1>
  189. web3=%Content:UWebAdmin.ModLinkPage%
  190. web4=%frd:PageEnding%
  192. // Mod based game configures (works using special hacks).
  193. [ModConfigPage]
  194. WebContentLen=3
  195. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  196. web1=%frd:Menu%
  197. web2=%MODBASED%
  198. web3=%frd:PageEnding%
  200. // Maplist game configures (also works using special hacks).
  201. [MapLConfigPage]
  202. WebContentLen=3
  203. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  204. web1=%frd:Menu%
  205. web2=%Content:UWebAdmin.MapListPage%
  206. web3=%frd:PageEnding%
  208. // Map switch page.
  209. [MapChange]
  210. WebContentLen=4
  211. web0=%frd:PageHeader%
  212. web1=%frd:Menu%
  213. web2= <h1>Change Map</h1>
  214. web3= <h2>*<a href="/MapRestartPage">Restart Current Map</a></h2>
  215. web4= <form method="post" action="MapSwitchingPage?UWebAdmin.MapSwitchPage">/n%Content:UWebAdmin.MapSwitchPage%</form>
  216. web5=%frd:PageEnding%
  218. // Global stuff
  219. [PageHeader]
  220. WebContentLen=8
  221. web0=<!DOCTYPE HTML>
  222. web1=<html lang="en">
  223. web2= <head>
  224. web3= <meta charset="utf-8">
  225. web4= <meta name="description" content="Server WebAdministration code /WebVer">
  226. web5= <title>Unreal Gold Server Administration</title>
  227. web6=%frd:CSS%
  228. web7= </head>
  229. web8= <body>
  231. // The "ending" part of this page.
  232. [PageEnding]
  233. webContentLen=1
  234. web0= </body>
  235. web1=</html>
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