
Keywords for articles

May 11th, 2019
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  1. Keywords for articles
  2. If you have a list of 10 keywords all closely related and you are doing article blogging, can you use those 10 keywords in the same article or do you need 10 separate articles even though they are closely related?
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  17. example, list includes, best bike for women, best bike for girls, best bike for men, best bike for boys, etc
  21. article blogging
  22. What is the purpose of the article? Do you mean guest blogging or posting on your (site's) blog?
  25. The name of the game when it comes to writing articles or any other online content - in 2019 - is adding value. Of course, that's not to say keywords aren't important. Heck... I've ranked plenty of money sites with old school SEO content (they often didn't survive algorithm changes but hey...). That said, just understand search terms are only one piece of a larger puzzle.
  26. Re: your keywords - can't tell if those are each separate focus keywords or if one is the primary phrase and you're viewing the others as related terms. But let's just say those were all offshoots of a single search term - like best bikes.
  27. Well, if you imagine you were the reader, one article with several variations of the same search engine term probably wouldn't raise an eyebrow, right? Because it doesn't jump out at you as unnatural.
  28. Look at my paragraph with the bolded text, those are all variations of one word - keyword. If the text hadn't been called out you may not have even noticed right? Well the cool thing about doing it this way is that instead of potentially ranking for only one term is you may be able to rank for multiple keywords.
  29. So, my approach when worrying is to stick with one article or website page per concept/primary keyword and incorporate multiple related terms into that one article.
  30. Hope that helps.
  34. The name of the game when it comes to writing articles or any other online content - in 2019 - is adding value. Of course, that's not to say keywords aren't important. Heck... I've ranked plenty of money sites with old school SEO content (they often didn't survive algorithm changes but hey...). That said, just understand search terms are only one piece of a larger puzzle.
  35. Re: your keywords - can't tell if those are each separate focus keywords or if one is the primary phrase and you're viewing the others as related terms. But let's just say those were all offshoots of a single search term - like best bikes.
  36. Well, if you imagine you were the reader, one article with several variations of the same search engine term probably wouldn't raise an eyebrow, right? Because it doesn't jump out at you as unnatural.
  37. Look at my paragraph with the bolded text, those are all variations of one word - keyword. If the text hadn't been called out you may not have even noticed right? Well the cool thing about doing it this way is that instead of potentially ranking for only one term is you may be able to rank for multiple keywords.
  38. So, my approach when worrying is to stick with one article or website page per concept/primary keyword and incorporate multiple related terms into that one article.
  39. Hope that helps.
  40. Click to expand...
  41. I understood properly now.
  43. If the keywords are closely related you should target them in the same article. Like @beninbro alluded to, you should focus on adding value. By writing one really good article (as opposed to 10 diluted articles that were written for search engines instead of humans) you're much more likely to see the content get shared and help with your SEO efforts.
  47. If closely related use them all in the same article if it reads well. Google these days understand the closely related semantic keywords so don't feel like you need to use them all. Also try to get the content of the post be 1000+ words, use multi h2 headings, h3s if appropriate, images with alt tag, list items. Google love well formatted content.
  50. Well it depends on the kw's, on what you are targeting and also on the field they are in.
  51. What you need to know is that, can separate articles work? Can you create separate articles for them? How your audience is going to take it? If you create separate articles then users shall follow all of them or just a handful?
  52. As the keywords you mentioned 'bike for girls' & 'bike for women' can be squeezed in to one article and for men & boys another article.
  53. If you are targeting according to age then 'bike for kids' (both boys & girls) will work on one article and another shall be 'bike for adults' (both men & women) for another article.
  54. Like I said it depends.!!
  57. If you use all 10 keywords in one article, your article will be considered as spam because you will just stuff the keywords. It would be better to use two keywords in one article.
  61. If you use all 10 keywords in one article, your article will be considered as spam because you will just stuff the keywords. It would be better to use two keywords in one article.
  62. If they are relevant then why not??!!
  63. And what kw spam are talking about?? kw density? If yes then I will say that it doesn't matter unless the content looks gibberish or automated.
  66. You can use them in one article but it should be readable and long enough. Otherwise, you will get an article with a lot of keywords and people won't read it coz it will be boring like a text for robots.
  69. Imagine you are reading an article and after every change of sentence, there is a keyword which was similar to the one used before. And somehow the trend keeps on repeating itself.
  70. Will you continue reading that article. Of course not!
  71. Usage of keywords is essential for sure to make it more search friendly. But to use it creatively while providing the right value is what makes a business different from others.
  72. So, whenever you are juggling between what to keep and what to ignore with respect to keywords, prefer the ones who have higher search volume with lower to medium competition.
  74. As your keywords are closely related and not the same, in my opinion, you can include them in a single article. In this case, there will be no keyword stuffing, and you'll have to choose one focus keyword that contains inside the article title. I don't think you should write 10 separate articles for your keywords. If you write separate articles, then articles will be short in size but search engines love quality long articles.
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