
ChatEx Config File

Nov 27th, 2016
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  1. # enable: Should the plugin be enabled?
  2. # message-format: The standard message-format.
  3. # global-message-format: The message-format if ranged-mode is enabled.
  4. # ranged-mode: Should the ranged-mode be enabled?
  5. # chat-range: The range to talk to other players.
  6. # multi-prefixes: Should the multi-prefixes be enabled? See readme.txt for more info.
  7. # multi-suffixes: Should the multi-suffixes be enabled? See readme.txt for more info.
  8. # logChat: Should the chat be logged?
  9. # Priority: EventPriority for the ChatListener. See readme.txt for more info.
  10. # Debug: Enables debug mode. Enable this if you get a bug.
  11. # Locale: Which language do you want? (You can choose betwenn de-DE, en-EN and ru-RU by default.)
  12. # Ads.Enabled: Should we check for ads?
  13. # Ads.Bypass: A list with allowed ips or domains.
  14. # Ads.Log: Should the ads be loged in a file?
  15. # Messages.JoinAndQuit.Enabled: Do you want to change the join and the quit messages?
  17. enable: true
  18. message-format: '%faction %prefix%displayname%suffix: %message'
  19. global-message-format: '%faction &9[%world] %prefix%displayname%suffix: &e%message'
  20. ranged-mode: false
  21. chat-range: 100.0
  22. multi-prefixes: false
  23. multi-suffixes: false
  24. logChat: true
  25. Priority: LOWEST
  26. Debug: false
  27. Locale: en-EN
  28. Ads:
  29. Enabled: true
  30. Bypass:
  31. -
  32. - my-domain.com
  33. Log: true
  34. Messages:
  35. JoinAndQuit:
  36. Enabled: false
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