
The Cold Night (Queen Umbra) - Draft

Oct 20th, 2016
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  1. Note: I've decided to post all my notes and ideas on and about Queen Umbra, since I've been dead for a long time and thought that this might serve as some 'entertaining' reading material. Take what ideas you like and contribute it towards more stories.
  3. The Cold Night (Queen Umbra)
  5. Umbra x Anon in Equestia
  7. A Cold Night
  8. - A lone dark alicorn stands before a large, open study, and surveys the night sky. She ties to clear her mind of all thoughts. But she can hear her sister's laughter, and that of a man. She frowns, a sudden moment appears as she's outside the door of her sisters study, with the door slightly ajar she catches sight of a brief intimate moment. She shakes her head to clear her mind again. Why did these old memories haunt her?
  9. - A smaller alicorn appears enters the room as her door knocks echo throughout the chamber.
  10. - The larger alicorn beckons her to come closer, and with that began their lesson. Both horns glowed a shifting colour spectrum, a rainbow river weaving away from their horns up into the vast night sky.
  12. A Cold Night
  14. "Something's wrong..."
  15. >You are Luna, alone in the darkness of the study.
  16. >Presenting yourself before the night sky; you survey the clouded night.
  17. >There's something off.
  18. >You close your eyes and your thoughts wander.
  19. >You hear, laughter?
  20. "... Celestia?"
  21. >Celestia's laughter fills your mind.
  22. >... there's another one belonging too, a colt?
  23. >You frown, trying to clear your thoughts.
  24. >A door frame appears before you, your sister's study room.
  25. >The laughter escapes from the door set ajar.
  26. >You see Celestia's outline behind another.
  27. >She's on her back and ... something is upon her, riding her up and do-
  28. "What filth!" You shake your head free of the memory.
  29. >Was it a memory? Why does it haunt you tonight?
  30. >The knocking on door echoes throughout the study, breaking your thoughts.
  31. >A purple alicorn appears.
  32. "Come forth, Twilight Sparkle, so that our lesson may begin."
  33. >"Yes Princess Luna," she trots over towards you. "I can't believe how exciting this wi-
  34. "Now focus, Twilight Sparkle." You cut her off. "In order to create the aurora borealis, you weave it together with your magic and that which surrounds us."
  35. >"O-okay..." She quietens and concentrates, her horn glows and sparks in failure.
  36. >Aiding your new student of the night, you too being to concentrate.
  37. >You can feel your horn glow, a rainbow river begins to sprout from your tip.
  38. >Twilight pauses, taking one look at you she begins again.
  39. >This time, a small rainbow river sprouts from the tip of her horn, slowly weaving through the air and into yours.
  40. "Very well Twilight Sparkle. Now we shall see how much you can fill the night sky."
  41. >Without a word she frowns and the shifting spectrum of colours flows out through the study balcony and into the night sky.
  43. >You are Anon
  44. >The last thing you remember was falling off from the stern of the ship and crashing into the deep icy waters
  45. >You can feel yourself being dragged
  46. But you can't see
  47. >Everything is dark and you're freezing cold
  48. >You hear doors creak open and the sound of clopping echoes throughout the hall
  49. > Whoever it is stops dragging you
  50. >"So, this is the creature that you captured?"
  51. >"Yes my Queen."
  52. >You're pushed onto your knees and nearly collapse from your exhaustion
  53. >The black bag on top of your head is pulled off by a strange sensation
  54. >You're disorientated by the light
  55. "What's going o-"
  56. >Something hard hits you from the back of your head
  57. >"You will not speak until asked." Barks the gruff voice behind you
  58. >You look ahead and see a pony sitting on throne made out of something like black crystal
  59. >"It appears it's still alive. Interesting."
  60. >You can't believe your eyes, it's a horse though smaller than a pony
  61. >"We found it out in the wilderness with no sign of how it got there. It might be a spy."
  62. >And they're speaking English
  63. >Wait, did they say 'spy'?"
  64. "No! Wait I'm not a spy!"
  65. >You flinch hearing a noise behind you, probably the guard preparing to smack you again
  66. >"Wait."
  67. >Behind you there's another pony but it's clad in steel armor and black furr
  68. >"Yes my Queen." It steps away from you
  69. >Looking ahead of you, you notice that the 'Queen' is also donned in steel armor except she has a thick red cloak behind her
  70. >"What is your name creature?"
  71. >You're hesistant to speak out
  72. >"Answer when you are spoken to!" Barked the guard behind you
  73. "A-Anon. And I am not a creature, I am a human."
  74. >"Well then, Anon the 'hooman', allow me to introduce myself. I am Queen Umbra, Queen of the Crystal Empire."
  75. >This doesn't make any sense
  76. >"Where have you come from? Nopony enters these lands by chance."
  77. "I was on a ship near the Antartic sea when there was an accident, I fell off-"
  78. >"He's a spy! There is no sea here for miles on end, let alone one called 'Antartic'."
  79. "Enough Fortitude, I will be the one to decide what's what."
  80. "My apologies my Queen, your rule is absolute."
  81. "Tell me then Anon, if you were on a ship as you say, how did you end up in my empire?"
  82. "I-I don't know. That's the honest truth! Please listen to me, like I said I had an accident and fell off the ship and the next moment all I know is that I've been dragged from the icy cold and now I'm talking to talking horses accusing me of being a spy."
  83. She's staring at you.
  85. The Jack Wolfskin Jacket
  86. - Anon goes to the Artic on a boat to look at the Northern Lights. One night he goes out onto the deck alone to stare up at the night sky. He encounters the Northern Lights and a strange force pushes him off the boat and into the water.
  87. - Anon has a dream of a black unicorn and the moon.
  88. - In the next moment he wakes up in a snow field, wet and freezing cold. It looks like he landed in a bad way. He's lucky to be alive but he needs to find the boat and signal for help quickly.
  89. - Large white wolves attack him, never seen something like this before. He uses a pick to barely defend himself with however they begin to maul him as he loses the ability to fight to his injuries and the cold.
  90. - He collapses as he sees several dark figures coming towards him. The wolves run off before he collapses. He remembers seeing the black form of a pony. "You're… the one in my dream..." he says without realising he was talking to her highness.
  92. Thawing Out
  93. - Umbra has Anon moved to her Kingdom kept locked up and under watch.
  94. - Anon suffers severe frostbite and needs to have the limb removed (such as his left arm).
  95. - Umbra is unsure whether or not to let him die or to eat him (Anon x MGRR's Raiden, creating a saviour complex).
  96. - Umbra asks her Librarian to help her to test the subject. Her librarian, Tyrian Moon, informs Umbra that he doesn't seem to react to any magical tests, which suggest that he is magically lame. But they conclude that he seems to have some form of intelligence, and that he comes from a civiised culture due to the quality of his clothes.
  97. - They find a pawprint with a name on his jacket, Jack Wolfskin, which they assume means that he's a warrior of some sort and that his name is Jack (nod to MGRR).
  98. - Anon wakes up in a dim room, hearing a voice saying that he will be awake for the moment with Umbra sitting in front of him.
  99. - She asks who he is, despite his questioning she goes for a simple ask and answer routine, she asks what's his name - using the jacket as proof otherwise that his real name is Jack - then to accuse him of being a spy for lying. Asking him why a warrior would need to lie about his name.
  100. - Anon answers again that he has no idea what she's talking about. Then he starts to feel pain from his left arm and looks down, it's gone all black. >"You're dying, lying won't do you any good now. So unless you want to end up as food, *she licks her lips* I suggest you think carefully about what you want to tell me next."
  101. - Anon recalls what he was doing, letting her know that he is an outsider and stumbled in the snow and then was attacked by wolves.
  102. - Umbra asks what he meant when he said "You're the one in my dreams." She wonders if he meant Sombra.
  103. - Anon mentions that he had a dream shortly before waking up in the snow. And goes quiet after all he's said.
  104. - Umbra gets up to walk to the door. "Your arm… it's as good as dead, so we'll be taking it for now. Better your arm than your life." Anon then feels weary, as though his energy was sucked out of him.
  105. - His last thoughts of talking ponies was that it all a joke taken too far.
  106. - Anon faints.
  108. Nightmares
  109. - Anon dreams of being back on the boat, gazing up at the Northern Lights, until he feels himself falling backwards, off the hand railing and into that deep, dark, freezing water.
  110. - There's snow around him, he hears wolves growling nearby. They all jump at him and everything goes dark.
  111. - He's floating in a black pool of water, and emerging from it a black unicorn and the moon high above him. A cyan eye appears within the moon and stares outward.
  112. - Anon feels afraid of it, it feels like something is pulling him away, something cold. He can see the eye looking out, slowly turning down towards him. All he knows is that he cannot bear to have the eye look at him.
  113. - He feels a horn pierce through his chest, it's a blood red horn. He looks up and sees the eye begin to move.
  114. - He wakes up in a sweat.
  115. - Sixteenth Grace is beside him, with a wet towel and wipes him down. He doesn't move.
  116. - He looks down at his arm, it's been cut off and bandaged.
  117. - Umbra comes in and asks if he's alright. He says yes. She asks if he's still having those nightmares. Anon says yes, and asks where is he, how can a pony talk? She tells him that he'll be save here and that she'll be checking in on him. Just as she's about to leave, she asks with a grin if he eats meat.
  118. - He goes in and out of consciousness but he's becoming stronger despite the nightmares.
  120. Helping Hand
  121. - Anon wakes up to Sixteenth Grace cleaning. He wants a drink of water to which she does. He's awfully hungry and asks if there's anything he can eat. She walks out and comes back in an instance to find a steak of freshly cut, raw steak. He nearly vomits, thinking back to his arm and yells at he. She takes it away to come back when it's been nicely cooked, served with bread. Despite the previous thought and not knowing what meat it is, the smell fuels his desire to eat.
  122. - She quickly attends to him but doesn't really speak with him and leaves him.
  123. - Sixteenth Grace is seen following Umbra with a package she enters the room.
  124. - They give him a set of clothes he has never seen before. They're in black and are thick and warm. They seem to have been designed based on his current torn outfit (they later replicated his winter clothing, except putting plates of armour over it and making it all black to match).
  125. - They decide that in order for him to work, having one arm won't do him much good and so with the librarian they decided to make an arm for him (measured when he was safely asleep) which should be due today for his fitting.
  126. - Umbra and her maid has Anon's magical prosthetic arm brought in from outside.
  127. - It looks like a ball jointed doll's arm.
  128. - Anon asks what happened to his other arm. She jokes that she ate it, but in all seriousness it was rotting before she even had the chance to consider it. That it was beyond all magic to regenerate it, if one simply knew how.
  129. - An outfitter pony, along with the librarian's instructions, fits the left arm on him, and through fitting the arm it confirms what they feared, that he's unable to use magic.
  130. - The arm becomes more of a prop than anything else, being unable to move.
  131. - Tyrian Moon argues that there might still be a way, even though he might not have the ability to project magic, he was still affected, to a certain degree, by their healing magic.
  132. - They lead him back to his guest room where he rests and has his meal there.
  133. - He is still tired and has a dreamless sleep.
  135. Like a Glove
  136. - The outfitter alongside with the librarian create and imbue a crystal with magic that tethers Anon's nerves to the left arm, allowing him to move it as though it were his real arm and hand.
  137. - Later on, they fit in a spring trap compartment for a knife as a special countermeasure during an event (Kara no Kyoukai's Shiki).
  138. - They take him to the walls where they can test out his arm. He is able to move it again, under the librarian's guide
  139. - Anon helps by breaking down rocks for the walls. It is explained that if defenses are only made from crystal, they could be easily weakened by crystal magic spells.
  140. - Later that night he sleeps back in the guest room.
  143. Testing Times pt. 1
  144. - Anon wakes up in the middle of a snowstorm, he spots the Queen beside him, lying down. He thinks this is a nightmare.
  145. - Just as he goes and wakes her up, a pack of winter wolves appears. She appears to be caught in a fever.
  146. - Without any weapons, he picks her up piggyback style, keeping his left arm outwards for defense.
  147. - A wolf jumps and bites down on his left arm, he can feel it attempting to bite down on it, but the prosthetic arm is strong and holds. He, surprisingly, easily dislodges it and throws the wolf backwards.
  148. - He keeps the Queen away from the attacking wolves and doesn't let any one of them get the better hand.
  149. - As one jumps again, he throws out his left arm, blinding the wolf in the process. Now all of them attack in unison.
  150. - He turns and covers the Queen, shielding her in the snow.
  151. - >"That's enough." He hears her voice ring out in his ear.
  153. Testing Times pt. 2
  154. - He looks down to see the red eyes of the Queen, staring back up at him. She asks him to get off him, with a slight blush on her cheeks. He gets off immediately blushing too. Looking around, the other wolves have gone, though a giant bird-like creature stands with two of them dead in its claws.
  155. - The Griffowl circles and cuts off Anon from the Queen as she explains that this was a test, that they needed to make certain that he wasn't a spy.
  156. - This makes Anon angry, calling the Queen stupid. >"Are you upset with all this?" The Griffowl tenses at the insult towards the Queen.
  157. - >"Since you are no threat to my Kingdom, I will give you a choice. Leave here as you are and try to survive the cold and wilderness, that arm will be our parting gift. Or, you can join my Kingdom and serve me."
  158. - "What? And let you go ahead and concoct more stupid ideas like this? I'd rather save you from your own stupidity." this causes the Queen to be taken aback yet smile. >"Very well then, so be it."
  160. On the Other Hoof
  161. - In a darkened tower, a dark alicorn princess with a smaller one are looking at constellations and maps. >"The reports say that the magical energy surge was found up in the north."
  162. - >"That's where we'll have to look next. This hasn't been the first time, with a magical energy surge of that magnitude surely it's a sign that he-or another one of his kind, has come back… Shouldn't we let your sister know?"
  163. - >"No, not yet. We do not know if whoever came through is still alive. But in our nights we may have found him."
  164. - Turns out that it was Luna and Twilight who were probing the skies, using powerful, ethereal magic to create river of lights in the sky, which created a portal into their own world.
  165. - It also turns out that Luna experiences and knows how much Anon enjoys the night sky. It also explains her behaviour towards Anon, or Jack Wolfskin (further proof of their fate together).
  166. - This was something that Umbra also detected, a great magical surge from the nearby.
  168. Your New Job
  169. - Umbra alongside Sixteenth Grace is walking with Anon to the courtyard and then barracks.
  170. - Anon is given a role suited to his abilities and potential, seeing as how he protected and yet insulted the Queen, he is to be trained as a Kingdom Guard. Not only that, he will be schooled about the history of the Kingdom. He will lodge in the barracks beside the castle.
  171. - Anon is shocked when he sees the Griffowl, Glenn, as his own personal trainer. There is a rack of leather braces and torso.
  172. - He addresses the Griffowl, Glenn, as Sir rightfully, and is trained to suit his abilities. She asks if his name really is "Jack Wolfskin", only to deny him it by saying that he is a worm until she says so.
  173. - He notices that the Griffowl doesn't use magic and doesn't fly, making him learn that he's being trained in such a way to better himself.
  174. - Glenn goes on to describe that being an outsider, he needs to see it as an advantage, unicorns become reliant on magic, pegasi become reliant on flying, earth ponies get rely on their feet.
  175. - Glenn bests Anon in training, his movement is uncoordinated, sluggish and wasted. She easily trips him over several times he lunges at her.
  176. - As Anon goes to change and shower, Sixteenth Grace asks Glenn if he really knows about her true identity. >"T-that's got nothing to do with his training!"
  177. - Afterwards, Anon is taken by Umbra to the castle balcony to look at her Kingdom. Here he learns that her Kingdom is huge, far away from any visible landmarks apart from snow. She says life is tough out here, all the more reason they have to stick and work together.
  178. - Umbra states that he is to meet with the librarian pony to discuss his arm and him coming here. She also mentors him in pony magic. This ends the day.
  180. Night Watch
  181. - Anon is unable to sleep, woken up by another nightmare. He goes out to the balcony and looks out over the Kingdom. The night is clear and still and the moon shines brightly. Queen Umbra appears from the shadows behind him, in a robe rather than the armour he always sees her in. This scares him.
  182. - >"Another bad dream Jack?" she asks.
  183. - "My name is Anon. And yeah, the same kind... What about you?"
  184. - The Queen becomes hesitant, but replies that she has restless nights. Looking out she notices the moon. >"Do you like our night sky?"
  185. - "Yeah, it's almost like the night back home. Except the moon here is so much more beautiful."
  186. - This causes a shift in the Queen. >"I see. Is that all?"
  187. - "Yeah. What do you mean?"
  188. - >"Speak with Tyrian Moon if you're still having troubles with sleep. Goodnight. 'Jack'."
  190. Trouble Stirring
  191. - As their research progresses and an attempt to connect with Anon's dreams succeeds, Princess Celestia appears before Luna, with Twilight at her side.
  192. - "I'm sorry Luna, Celestia has always been my teacher. I couldn't lie to her."
  193. - "Luna, is it true?"
  194. - "Yes…"
  195. - "Then we are fated to meet once again. Tonight we shall meet post haste"
  196. - Luna comes out on the balcony on her own, gazing up at the moon. "Not this time, not this one sister."
  198. Dream Sessions
  199. - Anon, unable to sleep, goes to Tyrian Moon, located up in the tower. He's surprised to see her somewhat awake over a large book, with a single line of drool falling from her face.
  200. - Anon coughs and causes Tyrian Moon to jump and slam the book shut. She's very quiet and tired, though asks what it is that Anon needs? Her eyes slightly brighten up when she thinks he might be there for more learning.
  201. - Anon explains that he hasn't been getting any sleep. This upsets Tyrian Moon a little but as he explains his dreams to her, in which she becomes interested in educating him about dreams.
  202. - She soon starts smiling with the new prospect. Bad dreams could be a sign of trauma, anxieties or worries. However, there are other causes such as magical causes, like curses and not so menacingly, to communicate with one another. But those ways have been lost to time, only a few or the most studious know how to do it.
  203. - Anon starts nodding, though he is unable to answer back. >"Don't you have any questions?"
  204. - "No, actually. I might not know much about this world but you've explained it pretty well. You're pretty knowledgeable." This causes her to blush and laugh.
  205. - >"Perhaps it is time for you to go sleep. Do not worry, I shall make sure that there will be no nightmares tonight." Tyrian rests her forehead up against Anon's, a glow from her horn puts him to sleep.
  207. Dream Watching
  208. - There's nothing but darkness. Anon feels relaxed. There's no dream, not yet, only a warmth. Suddenly an image appears, but it's different from the other ones. An image of Queen Umbra appears from below Anon, he's leaning over her but there aren't any wolves nearby.
  209. - >"That's enough." Anon hears Queen Umbra speak, but there's another voice mixed in.
  210. - "What did you say?"
  211. - >"That's enough." This time the voice is different. The Umbra below him is blown away into the shadows.
  212. - Everything fades away except for a bright light. An alicorn appears with wings spread out.
  213. - >"Anon, is that you? The resemblance… it's uncanny." The white alicorn speaks as it falters, slowly walking closer around Anon.
  214. - "Who are you?" Anon is shielding his eyes from the bright light.
  215. - >"One moment you were there, and then the next you disappeared. I tried desperately to bring you back. But I couldn't."
  216. - "You're still not making any sense. I-"
  217. - >"I swore to never let it happen again. I was so lonely when you were gone. But you've come back to me." She smiles. Her rainbow mane and tail flicker in the air. The northern lights flash in his mind. They felt so similar.
  218. - >"N-no this cannot be." You look beside you to see a shocked Tyrian Moon.
  219. - She closes her eyes and begins to focus on her magic. The dream starts breaking up.
  220. - >"What are you doing? No, stop! Stop it." She flares her wings. "I won't let anyone take him away from me again!"
  221. - You wake up with a sleepy Tyrian Moon draped all over you who also slowly wakes up.
  222. - >"I-I must… report this to the Queen at once." She gallops off and stops. "Do not worry, this is not your fault. I think…"
  223. - Even though it is early, Anon gets up.
  225. Bad Mornings
  226. - Anon walks downstairs and is greeted by Umbra and a very panicked Tyrian Moon.
  227. - Umbra pulls a knife out with her magic and attempts to charge Anon with it.
  228. - With the basic training he got, he only manages to grasp the knife, leaving him open to get kicked by her hind legs.
  229. - "Umbra what has gotten over you!?"
  231. - Guards surround the corridor, even Glenn appears.
  232. - "I don't know who you're talking about!" Anon manages to push her off. He's getting fed up now, but he's tired and sleep deprived. He stretches out his arms wide open. "And even if I did, do you think I would play your stupid games?"
  233. - >"Do not think I would hesitate to gut you like a pig!" She charges Anon, but he remains still, closing his eyes at the very last minute.
  234. - The knife cuts him by the neck, only drawing a little bit of blood. Umbra's eyes carefully studies him. Soon his eyes open and are met with hers. A slight blush appears on her cheeks.
  235. - "Listen, Queen Umbra, I do not know who that, Princess Celestia pony, was last night in my dreams. It was my first time even seeing her. But if you feel whatever I say isn't at all important, then get on with it."
  236. - >"It seems your words and actions ring true." Umbra speaks. "Leave us."
  237. - All the guards return, except for Glenn.
  238. - Umbra spots the blood by your neck, leans in, hesitates, then licks it clean. This causes Tyrian and Glenn to jump and blush. Sixteenth closes her eyes.
  239. - >"You should not keep others waiting." She motions over to Glenn, then looks back to Tyrian. "Come, we have much to discuss."
  241. Soon to be Daily Routine
  242. - Morning breakfast and training with Glenn. During breakfast he notices that Glenn eats some raw meat and a pretty large apple in two bites. Glenn throws him one, suggesting that he might want to peel the skin. Anon attempts to bite through the skin, but it's pretty tough. He puts it away for later.
  243. - Glenn goes over his actions over the morning and how he can counter those very attacks.
  244. - The thought of meat is brought up.
  245. - Lunch with Sixteenth Grace.
  246. - Goes with very little being said (>"What would you like to have today?), despite Anon's attempts. They finish their meal and she asks "What would you like for dessert?" to which he pulls out the apple. She eyes it, then eyes Anon. She lifts up a knife hidden underneath her skirt (Anon thinks to himself that everyone has a weapon, (knives everywhere)!, all except for him) and begins to expertly peel the apple in one go, slicing it into flower petals as a final touch.
  247. - History and discussion with Tyrian.
  248. - Here she discusses the dream and what was strange about it.
  249. - She won't go into too much detail about the diarchy.
  250. - Dinner with Umbra.
  251. - Umbra briefly discusses the problem with the diarchy.
  252. - She apologises for her behaviour, making sure that he knows this is particularly difficult for her.
  253. - She wants to make up for it, so that they can continue to keep having dinner (though it's been worded that she will keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn't do anything bad).
  254. - Anon brings up the subject of meat and what happens. The hunts are briefly brought up.
  255. - That night he goes back up to Tyrian's tower, but instead finds Tyrian at the stairs. She suggest they sleep in her room. It is messy and crammed full of books, scrolls and strange artefacts. Unsurprisingly, she doesn't change out of her outfit.
  257. Dream Watchers
  258. - They begin to dream, this time Tyrian is present and makes Anon much more aware that she is in his dreams. This time there is no interruptions, they sit in front of each other in a dark void.
  259. - She trains him to of what to look out for, and what could potentially be in his dreams.
  261. A Jealous Queen
  262. - Tyrian and Anon head down to the great all for breakfast and fine the Queen already awake.
  263. - Queen Umbra is surprised to see Tyrian awake so early. She becomes even more surprised when she hears about them sleeping in the same room together.
  264. - She declares that they should not be sleeping in the same room.
  265. - "But then what of my nightmares?"
  266. - >"Yes, somepony needs to look out for Anon. And that qualified pony just so happens to be me."
  267. - Umbra becomes deep in thought, finishing off her breakfast quickly and then decides to pull Tyrian off into a corridor.
  268. - Anon goes to train with Glenn.
  269. - Lunch with Sixteenth, who then informs Anon that he'll have the afternoon off.
  270. - Anon decides to go find Glenn again.
  271. - Dinner comes, just as Queen Umbra promised, but she does not say anything to him. At leat not much.
  272. - Later that night, just as Anon is about to go find Tyrian's room, Umbra and Sixteenth are waiting for him. They lead him down a corridor that he's never been through before. Sixteenth waits outside the door as Anon enters, to his horror, Umbra's bedroom.
  274. The Queen's Chambers
  275. - Anon gulps hard.
  276. - >"If you should do anything… unruly, Sixteenth will come in here and kill you." Anon nods.
  277. - >"Lie down on the bed." Umbra goes off to the another room, Anon thinks it's the toilet. He lies down on the bed and finds a smaller lump next to him. He eyes wander around the room.
  278. - Umbra's bedroom is large, dark and has a large poster bed. A giant portrait hangs on the wall with her and another stallion, which looks similar to her and something Anon has seen before. There is a desk near the balcony window scattered with a few books, scrolls and inkwell. On the wall nearby there is a map of the Kingdom then next to it a larger map of the continent. His eyes wander over to something that looks like a giant walk through closet, then to the bedroom door. It is made of a transparent crystal material, until he sees a dark shadow on the other side.
  279. - Queen Umbra stands in the doorway, her amour has been taken off, with her somewhat damp hair brushed to one side with a thick towel wrapped hanging off her neck.
  280. - >"It's rude to stare Anon."
  281. - "I mean, are you fine with me sleeping in the same room?"
  282. - >"Anon, I have a loyal maid waiting outside. Not only that…" She goes up to the side of the bed you were on, pushing you back onto the lump causing a loud "Eep!" to be heard. "We're not alone."
  283. - Umbra pulls back the duvet to reveal a blushing Tyrian. >"H-hello Anon."
  284. - "Umbra, Tyrian, what's going on?"
  285. - >"It seems like I am unable to set up a dream spell yet." Umbra blushes and looks to a side. "Tyrian here will help me enter your dreams. So there is nothing to be concerned about."
  286. - Anon is awkwardly sandwiched between the middle of the two mares. "Umm, should I…"
  287. - >"Oh no you're in the best position Anon." Tyrian speaks up. "My Queen, if you would just follow what I do." Tyrian scooches up beside Anon and rests her horn and forehead against his forehead.
  288. - Umbra frowns and lightly blushes. "If you dare lay a single hoof… finger… on me…."
  289. - Anon closes his eyes tightly, reciting his last will and testimony in his head.
  290. - For a while, he only heard the mares calm breathing. Then everything went quiet. Then really dark.
  292. The Dream Catcher pt. 1
  293. - Everything feels warm, then becomes separated. The floor then comes up hard as Anon steps onto it. Beside him he sees a floating Umbra and Tyrian floating beside him.
  294. - Strangely enough, Umbra is fully clothed back in her armour. >"So Tyrian, what is this place? Where are we?"
  295. - >"This is the tabula rasa, the blank slate of the dreamscape." She raises her hoof up in the air. "Left alone we would not be aware of this state, and if anything a dream would have already started. But thanks to our magic, we are able to stay within this boundary."
  296. - "So like a blank canvas, I could make stuff in here?"
  297. - This makes Tyrian smile. "In theory, yes."
  298. - Umbra starts to conjure up her red méridienne lounge chair in the empty space, but frowns as she inspects it. Finally lying on it, she scrunches her face and hops off it. >"This is nothing like the one in my room."
  299. - Tyrian inspects the chair, before asking Anon how much that of the chair he remembers in her room. >"My Queen, I would also like you to describe how it feels to sit on the chair in a way that Anon can understand." Tyrian then guides Anon on how to create the chair - using his mind to visualise it, to feel it, to smell the chair. When he finishes he opens his eyes to find another red chair, except his copy lacks the detail of Umbra's version.
  300. - >"Why don't both of you sit on it and tell me how it feels?" They both sit on it at the same time, Anon doesn't react but Umbra is shocked at how springy and soft it feels, despite its looks and size.
  301. - >"Ah!" Umbra cries.
  303. The Dream Catcher pt. 2
  304. - >"This is strange, it feels a lot like my mattress."
  305. - >"Yes my Queen, you are right. You know the intricate details, the touch, the feel and the smell of your chair. However, Anon does not and yet he sat down on the chair as though it were any other. His copy is made from his own experiences of the chair from his experiences. If we were to be in my Queen's dream, there would be no doubt that your chair would be perfect replica of the one in your bedroom."
  306. - "So my experiences limit what can be made in my dreams?"
  307. - >"Not quite, but close enough. Your experience can be a limiting factor, however, once one has the right assertion and the right techniques…" Tyrian closes her eyes.
  308. - Growth sprouts from beneath her hooves, a tree grows and twists up into the night sky, which begin to fill with stars. A moon rises up, unlike any one that he's seen before, a purple moon. The chairs remain where they are, though the land suddenly drops into an ocean of water surrounding their island.
  309. - "What is this place? I've never seen anything like it."
  310. - >"Tyrian, this is your doing?"
  311. - >"Yes my Queen, and Anon, though you might not know this place, it has everything each and every one of us has experienced. You may not have seen the purple moon rise, but in your world, there is a moon and the colour purple. A new combination of known truths that create something seemingly new, yet altogether familiar."
  312. - Umbra smiles and looks over to Anon. >"Anon… How are you finding your dream so far?"
  313. - "It's strange, these past few dreams I've been having aren't like anything I've had before, neither the nightmares. Something about them feels so… real.
  314. - "It's strange, one moment I'm in my own world, and the very next, here I am. It feels like it should all be a dream."
  315. - Both Umbra and Tyrian look past Anon. Umbra frowns. He slowly turns and looks up at the now white moon. There is giant cyan eye looking down at Anon.
  317. The Dream Catcher pt. 3
  318. - A wave spreads from the eye, inverted all colours in the colour spectrum for a split second before returning to normal. Anon glances over at Umbra and Tyrian. They are frozen, greyed out statues.
  319. - >"I've found you." The eye locks onto Anon and shuts, forming a shadow of a black alicorn, flying down from the moon and landing in front of him.
  320. - "Who are you?"
  321. - >" I have been… searching for you." Her form binds together from the shadows.
  322. - "You were the one in my dreams?"
  323. - >"I am Princess Luna, the Princess of the Night and… I am sorry, for all this. I wish I had a better way of finding you, and that we met under better circumstances. Before all this happened.
  324. - "Before?"
  325. - >"Me and my stu- my sister's student, were creating celestial lights." Luna's horn glowed and the moon moved away and the sky became filled with northern lights.
  326. - Anon's eyes brighten up. "The northern lights. It's so… huge, so beautiful. You created this?"
  327. - Tears swell in Luna's eyes to which she turns around to hide. >"Our magic caused a rift that tore into your world. " She shakes her head. "You coming here was an accident."
  328. - Anon has a moment to take it all in.
  329. - >"However." Luna whispers. "There are two sides to the coin. I believe…" Luna walks up and gently brushes her muzzle against Anon's cheek. "That despite all odds, we were fated to gaze up at the same sky, to share the same sentiment, to meet."
  330. - Luna stares into Anon's eyes, drawing him closer towards her.
  331. - Umbra's horn glows a bright green and breaks hold of Luna's hold
  333. The Dream Catcher pt. 4
  334. - Umbra and Tyrian break free of Luna's hold. Tyrian shields herself with her book held opened above her head. Umbra narrows her eyes onto Luna.
  335. - >"Step away from my subject, wicked mare of darkness." Umbra speaks.
  336. - >"Shadow foal. You dare disrespect the Princess of the Night." Luna opens up a wing and shields Anon.
  337. - >"You can protect no pony!" Umbra fires a beam towards Luna.
  338. - Luna dodges and flies up, firing a beam towards Umbra who barely misses the attack. Luna catches sight of this and fires a barrage of scatter shots, covering the dreamscape in dust in the meanwhile Luna charges up a beam attack.
  339. - Umbra emerges from the dust cloud, covering her muzzle and coughing. Luna aims and fires a cutting beam from an angle. Anon dashes in front of the attack, blocking it with his left hand. "Luna stop!"
  340. - Luna ceases her attack just as Anon collapses, clutching his left arm. Umbra fires another beam which pierces through her shadow form. Anon stares in shock. The dream starts to collapse where everyone begins to fall.
  341. - Anon wakes up. The last thing he hears is Luna's voice saying how she was sorry.
  343. Another Bad Morning
  344. - Anon wakes up, his left arm has stopped moving. Anon also finds two adorable sleeping mares, and notices how Umbra has a very gentle side to her sleeping face. Just as he's strokes her mane out of her face, Tyrian leans over to Anon and finds out his left arm is slumping.
  345. - She opens the access panel and takes out a depleted jewel. She guesses that it was the dream's fight that had absorbed the attack, since dreams cannot hurt one physically, it can affect one indirectly through his spiritual body.
  346. - She hops off the bed and says she'll be back with a spare jewel in a jiffy.
  347. - Anon goes back to facing and attempting to stroke Umbra in her sleep when he freezes.
  348. - Umbra is awake, lying in the same position with a devilish grin on her face. >"Anon, in this situation you would be mistaken for taking advantage over a defenceless, sleeping mare."
  349. - "U-Umbra I-I-"
  350. - The doors slam open. Sixteenth is poised with a knife in her hoof as a blushing Tyrian falls flat onto the floor. >"My Queen, give me the order and I shall end him." >"Thought's quite enough Sixteenth. Anon has been… looking out for my welfare." Sixteenth sheathes her knife and resumes her normal pose.
  351. - Anon wonders just how long Sixteenth has been waiting outside Umbra's room.
  352. - Umbra turns to Tyrian. >"I need to you to find out a way to stop our night prowler from entering Anon's dreams again."
  353. - >"Y-yes my Queen! I'm sure I'll figure something out!" Tyrian quickly turns to rush out, stopping before running back to Anon to help reinsert a new crystal jewel into his arm. Once she can see him moving his arm again, she rushes back out.
  354. - >"Sixteenth, please prepare and take some breakfast up to Tyrian's tower. She has an important task on hoof." >"Yes my Queen." And with that, Sixteenth disappears without a trace.
  356. Past Shadow pt. 1
  357. - The Queen gets out of bed and walks towards the shower. Just before she enters, she eyes anon. >"Anon, aren't you forgetting about something?" This leaves Anon flustered. >"I am simply alluding to you being late for your early morning training session, unless you wish to bathe with your Queen." Anon quickly dresses and goes to his training. Inside the shower Umbra briefly smirks at the impossible idea that he'd really come in.
  358. - A knock sounds on the shower room door, causing Umbra to jump with surprise. >"W-what is it?" >"My Queen. Tyrian has been seen to… Are you alright?"
  359. - Umbra walks down the same crystal corridor towards the throne room with Sixteenth obediently at her side. She looks out at the overcast sky.
  360. - Anon is meets up with Glenn, this time he is not concentrating on his sparring, allowing the Griffowl to easily knock him over. >"What's the matter today Jacky boy? You're not concentrating at all!" "Glenn, Sir, can I ask you a question?" Glenn flaps down and sits in front of him. >"What is it you want to know?" "Do you have someone you want to protect?" Glenn blushes at the question, before coughing. >"W-why no! I mean yes! The Queen - of course!" Anon looks at her. Glenn scowls. >"Okay I get it, you have a certain somepony you want to protect. So what do you want me to do?" "I need a weapon." Glenn eyes him with intent. >"Hmm. No. Not yet, we'll start your weapon training. Then, I'll talk with the Queen."
  362. - Past Shadow pt. 2
  363. - A hunter pony stands before Umbra in the throne room. They've been having problems hunting in the past week, their prey have been allusive and that this time some hunters have not returned and are feared dead, so the hunting chief wants to increase the hunting grounds further up north.
  364. - Hunting groups usually consist of two to three members.
  365. - Umbra frowns and tells him that he is this is the third time he's come before her. Simply increasing the grounds is not an option. Rather than risk troubles with the neighbouring villages and upsetting the wild reserves, she asks for the actual yields and demands for meat, stating that actual ponies do not have the taste for meat, only the other kind and certain northern pony tribes consume it. Then asks for what they have in high reserves. they can afford to trade on the market for meat.
  366. - She tells the hunter that she will send a team to help investigate the issue caused.
  367. - Umbra is then reminded of her brother, Sombra, who had said the same thing about power, to expand and take all that they can, even considering taking over the smaller villages nearby. She protested but instead was thrown and locked up in her room by her brother. >"Don't you ever dare embarrass me like that again!" She opens her eyes and she's back in the throne room. Beside her lies the empty chair that once belonged to her brother.
  369. The Hunted pt. 1
  370. - Anon is sent on a hunt for experience alongside Glenn to gather information and the hunter chief and another two.
  371. - They find a trail leading to a group of winter wolf travellers carrying a large wagon. The wagon halts and about half a dozen winter wolves are there. They seem agitated, stiff. One of them, their leader, White Fang, beckons them to stand down, saying that the bad weather and that they were mistaken for bandits put them off. The hunter inspects it and finds old fur, and despite their hostility towards Anon and Glenn, Glenn spots something different.
  372. - The winter wolves have been taught how to hunt within Kingdom grounds, they are overhunting to affect the Kingdom.
  373. - They dress up to avoid being seen as prey.
  374. - They have been taught a how to respond to questions.
  375. - They have a kingdom traveller's permit pass.
  376. - They hide their catch under old fur and heavy spice.
  377. - How Glenn spots them:
  378. - They have old, dirty weapons. They lack the care and smell of blood as winter wolves hunt with their claws and teeth.
  379. - Their clothes are dirty and smelly but it just hides their bloodied muzzle. A few of them cover their muzzles.
  380. - Inconsistencies in their speech and information. They have a forged pass.
  381. - They claim the fur is for trade, but it is in such low quality to be worth it. The heavy smell of spice masks the smell of blood underneath their stock.
  382. - Glenn then smashes a scented paint berry on the underside of the cart.
  383. - They let them leave before following their tracks where they came from. They find a hidden slaughter field with blood and footprints. They've killed, eaten and left corpses in a nest. The hunter is furious.
  384. - They head back to Kingdom, to report to Umbra.
  386. - The Hunted pt. 2
  387. - Anon, Glenn, Sixteenth Grace, the hunter trio and a puppet unicorn doll crafted by Tyrian go out to track and follow the cart.
  388. - Anon holds the puppet and hears Tyrian's voice despite it having its own monochrome and very blunt voice. It has wings but appears to be capable of flying and levitating.
  389. - It is snowing.
  390. - They find a makeshift camp, where they find the winter wolves a few are complaining about their clothes. Another wants to fills his bloodlust. Their leader, White Fang, tells the others to hush since he smells something outside of their camp.
  391. - Glenn and Anon appear before the party, with Sixteenth just behind them.
  392. - >"Even now, more show up. Outsiders. But now… we have enough meat to start again. Kill them." White Fang signals the dozen winter wolves surround the trio baring their fangs.
  393. - >"You seem to forget who rules these lands." The puppet speaks out with Umbra's voice. "Queen Umbra?" >"Why hello Anon, when things got… interesting, Tyrian came before me. Now back to matters on hand - White Fang, you and your party are guilty of conspiring against the Kingdom and stand accused for the murder of the missing hunters. Surrender now."
  394. - >"No point in surrendering to our killers. You will never let us live. Now you all die."
  395. - >"Very well." The puppet reaches for its tail and pulls out in front, the strands swirl together, its length grows and solidifies and becomes a lance. The puppet then attempts to dash towards White Fang, only to be swatted away. >"Owies."
  396. - "Wait what-" >"Defend yourself!" Glenn shouts.
  397. - Glenn jumps into the foray and starts attacking with the hunting trio.
  398. - ">A rare outsider! I wonder how you taste." White Fang jumps at Anon. Remembering his training he grapples the winter wolf, using his left arm to as a biting hook then using his right arm to wrap around the neck of the wolf, causing it to struggle. >"Brothers! His back is turned! " He howls loudly and three winter wolves leap towards Anon.
  399. - Anon swings around throwing White Fang into the attack, stopping two of them.
  400. - The third is nearly upon Anon. He aims and shoots his left arm forward in a piecing movement, it goes through the open jaws of the wolf and out the side of its neck. "These are the rules of nature."
  401. - In one swift and clean motion, a knife is thrown by Glenn and pierces the head of one wolf. Anon runs towards it, pulling it out and then plunging it into wolf standing before White Fang. It yelps and falls down.
  402. - Behind him one of the hunter mares has her neck caught between a wolf, but is soon freed by her companions and Glenn.
  403. - Sixteenth is walking straight towards where Anon and White Fang are when half dozen surround her. A heavy cloud of snow blows across them. Gasps are heard and Sixteenth emerges with a bloodied knife, when the cloud disappears there are the dead bodies of the half dozen.
  406. Past Reflections
  407. - A hint of Umbra's past, alone with Anon.
  408. - Queen Umbra wants to take revenge against the two sisters for her brother's death and ultimately have some sense of closure.
  410. Untitled
  411. - Sombra return's to try and overrule Umbra, he takes Anon as hostage, against all the Princesses. Celestia and Luna do not wish to lose Anon again, giving them a hard decision to not act out against Sombra.
  414. Gossip
  415. - A reporter tries to slander her highness by taking bad photos of her and Anon, making Umbra taking things into her own hooves to punish the reporter.
  416. - She has already taken photos of you side by side walking outside of the walls, when Umbra licked your neck and when she was resting her head against your chest while you were asleep.
  421. Forbidden Tome
  422. - During one of expeditions she finds a hidden tome, a book that once belonged to her brother. Most of the spells are too advanced, but she starts to learn the shadow spells.
  423. - Her horn, like her brother, allows her to regenerate her body should anything happen to her.
  425. The Red Moon
  426. - In a turn of events, Anon discovers that he isn't the only one there. And because of your presence the Anon prior to your arrival switched places with you/only a few Anons are allowed in this universe.
  427. - This leads to Celestial going after you thinking that you are her Anon reincarnate (an accident happened).
  428. - Prev. Anon stated how in their universe their world revolved around the Sun, therefore dictates her rightful rule over Anonymous.
  429. - Anon loses an eye in a fight against the two sisters.
  432. - Anon befriends a winter wolf during one of his hunts, and tries to teach him. Umbra warns him that winter wolves have a habit of having bloodlust when the moon is out, or if there's any blood. The Winter wolves that are able to come to the Kingdom, do so out of their sentience and one law, that they do not fall to this bloodlust, for that if they are caught attempting to harm, or having harmed another citizen of the Kingdom, they are to be put to death. Anon's winter wolf becomes a companion in hunting, though at times the bloodlust becomes too intense and almost kills someone during the night. Anon has the heavy task of putting it down.
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