
4chan Hazbin Hotel story - Career, criminal

Nov 4th, 2020
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  1. from /hhg/ - Hazbin Hotel #447
  2. ----
  3. Time for sad thoughts: The reason Moxxie is so upset with the idea of killing off an entire family, especially the children, is because he and Millie have been trying to start a family of their own for some time but have had difficulty conceiving.
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  5. that a good idea but that hurts, if Millie can't have a kid.
  7. they can just adopted one
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  9. I assumed it was because Mox had a bad relationship with his family so he knows what its like
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  11. that is true as well, he doesn't want to be like his parent's.
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  13. What if its secretly Moxxie isn't 100% Imp he lacks the killing instincts of other imps
  14. Secrety He's got some other blood in him or something.
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  16. Succubus heritage maybe? Only demon line that I can imagine being inherently overly concerned with affection and reproduction rather than violence.
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  18. or ironic, imp are not born evil. they know right from wrong like humans
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  20. Think about it anon,
  21. Moxxie is a nice guy, he sings, cooks, makes drinks. He enjoys fine and delicate beautiful things. He even makes coffee-art.
  22. Meanwhile every other imp we have seen has been pretty chaotic and destructive by nature.
  23. He opposes killing innocents, is very kind and actually cares about people. I'd even go so far as to say hes humane. Its almost as if he doesn't belong in hell right?
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  25. Moxxie's kind of a femme...
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  27. not really, he just want to be a nice person.
  29. look at angel, that femme.
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  31. >He just wants to be a nice person
  32. Which makes him a femme. Angel Dust is turbochad because he dresses like a woman but still unironically uses misogynistic language at the drop of a hat and is incredibly violent toward others and self-destructive with the addictions he refuses to seek treatment for.
  33. --
  34. It really makes me think he'd fit in better with a different crowd as crazy as it seems.
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  37. >It really makes me think he'd fit in better with a different crowd as crazy as it seems.
  39. yeah and he has gold record trophy in his house, he can go back playing music or start a bakery with his wife.
  41. I still have no idea why he is killing people when he has better option to do
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  43. I'd assume something happened to his music career, or hell's/the imp's economy had something occur that made it an even less sustainable job than working for I.M.P. is.
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  45. >I'd assume something happened to his music career
  47. maybe that will play in his backstory?... but
  49. >hell's/the imp's economy had something occur that made it an even less sustainable job than working for I.M.P. is.
  51. if this happen in his backstory then I feel really bad for him, he can easy make it big with a lot of money and have a lot more time with his wife.
  53. fuck
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  55. Yep. Went from being able to live comfortably with a career he loved, to barely making ends meet enough to afford their apartment with a job that's office is located in a literally condemned building, and the only reason it managed to even get off the ground, much less last as long as it has so far is because of a hell Noble who likes fucking their boss over his wife enough to make a deal with him.
  56. ---
  57. More sad thoughts
  59. >Moxxie's music career was strictly a passion thing. It didn't make him much music despite his popularity
  60. >Once he got married, and they decided they wanted to start a family however, he realized he needed a bigger, steadier source of income if they were to raise a child
  61. >Access to the living world is a pretty exclusive thing, so even the most incompetent of businesses based around that can theoretically turn a healthy profit
  62. >In spite of their efforts, they can't seem to bring a baby into Hell, after years of trying
  63. >Moxxie's old connections in the music industry are old and dried up, his style isn't as popular as it once was
  64. >Now he's stuck in a job he doesn't like, playing music only as a nights-and-weekends hobby, and using his marksmanship skills to hurt people he'd rather not hurt
  65. >His wife on the other hand is enjoying the violence, it serves as a cathartic outlet for her anger at both herself and the world in general over her apparent infertility
  66. >This really isn't how he'd hoped his life would go
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  68. I want to hug him now, I hope he find out about charlie and go work for her.
  70. it's a better job than what he have right now
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  72. >This really isn't how he'd hoped his life would go
  73. ooooof
  74. This is realistic enough to be painful.
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  76. yep, let's hope lady luck is on his side and his life get better soon
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  78. >some nights, he wonders if it's him
  79. >...he's far from being the manliest imp there is out there
  80. >rarely stood up for himself
  81. >caused trouble
  82. >he's always been the goody-two-shoes in the family
  84. >...thank Satan he got away from them
  86. >his father wasn't too keen on the idea of him becoming a musician...
  87. >...once the big bucks started rolling in from the concerts and record deals, however, he was singing a different tune
  88. >Hell, he even considered hanging up the ol' trenchcoat and typewriter
  90. >nothing ever came of it
  92. >once he became old news, he faded quickly
  93. >the Don was angry - he relied too much on him for finances, and lost his grip on the underworld
  94. >soon, he and his sons were pushed out of the rackets, unions, drug and arms deals and the like
  96. >the Family shattered
  98. >in one fell swoop, he brought an end to everyone's careers...
  101. >sometimes, he forgets that he's a dead imp walking...
  103. >both he and Millie have been afraid to get themselves checked out
  104. >he especially
  106. >she always wondered why he's so vehemently opposed to adoption
  107. >he fears that she'll think he's selfish
  108. >but then again...
  110. >...she wasn't there, at the orphanage
  111. >didn't see his old man bribe the caretakers
  112. >didn't see the healthiest implings scooped up, trained to be criminals - pickpockets, scam artists, guns-for-hire..
  113. >child soldiers
  115. >he knew, from his brothers, and eventually, from his own experience, that their father would adopt one or two, as "playmates" for them
  116. >have them train with them
  118. >and then, when the time came...
  121. >...had the fight their best friends to the death
  124. >he was lucky - his friend knew what was to come, and attacked first
  125. >he HAD to kill him to survive
  126. >his dad was so proud, as they stood above the corpse
  128. >that night was his birthday
  129. >the old fuck decided to invite a bunch of mascots from the nearby fairground to cheer him up
  131. >they laughed at him, while he mourned his friend
  134. >sometimes, he wonders if it's him
  135. >but then, he realizes
  136. >of course it is
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