
mods to Motivation

Feb 2nd, 2019
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  1. As a child, I was fascinated by machines; systems and was curious of how they functioned. I
  2. cannot perfectly recall but I think this was one of the reasons I began my computer literacy. I
  3. was not focused on any particular area but I remember being interested in both software and
  4. hardware. By the time I was graduating from secondary I was conversant in most programming
  5. languages. Furthermore, I was very good at diagnosing hardware problems in machines of
  6. various architectures. After secondary, even though my interest in computers had not waned, I
  7. was also very much interested in the natural sciences. I always liked how my secondary school
  8. chemistry teacher conducted our lessons. He had this ability of holding our attention even when
  9. conducting a lesson on a seemingly uninteresting topic. When time came for applying to
  10. university, I chose chemistry education for my undergraduate studies. I slowly realized that
  11. chemistry is a wide field and my love for it, particularly the physical and organic branches of
  12. chemistry blossomed. I was largely interested on the impact the computing field had on
  13. chemistry. I began looking into computational research done in relation to both fields and the
  14. perspective of theoretical chemistry.
  16. My undergraduate program was rigorous but rewarding. As I was conducting my studies in a
  17. foreign country, I had to learn two foreign languages prior to starting my education. The most
  18. important duty as a student is to lay a firm foundation in terms of the basic concepts and
  19. experimental procedures so as to advance in knowledge. Based on this I saw it necessary to
  20. have a good know how in all the core courses and to understand the underlying principle in
  21. each phenomenon. My dedicated academic efforts paid off, as I was awarded a full scholarship
  22. for the entire undergraduate education. I also managed to graduate as an honor student with a
  23. GPA of 3.11 out 4.
  25. I am genuinely interested in a scientific career in physical sciences, and highly resolved to pursue this
  26. ambition. With immense effort, I believe that this desire can be accomplished. This is the reason
  27. for my current application to the Translational Neuroscience MSc Program at your University. I have
  28. come to realize that achievements of theoretical and computational chemistry make modern science possible.
  29. The new era of molecular sciences that lies ahead will be ushered by the developments that these disciplines
  30. help create. Following this logic, new generations of scientists with broad knowledge in various
  31. sub-fields of science, is of paramount importance.
  33. I am comfortable in admitting that currently translational neuroscience largely complements
  34. information obtained by neuroscience research, leading to new innovations in science. Great
  35. strides have been made by experts while applying the outcomes of these research in their respectable
  36. scientifical fields. Organic chemistry combined with computational modelling has also led to interesting achievements.
  38. At the end of the studies I hope to be able to apply and develop methods and knowledge with
  39. regards to my professional activities as an expert. I hope to be able to master a wide range of
  40. theoretical information and operate tools necessary to my field of pursuit. It is my dream to be part
  41. of a team that would pioneer in this field of neuroscience in my country. This would greatly help in my
  42. sound command of the knowledge attained through the application and development of scientific codes.
  44. I am motivated by learning new things that will equip me to apply or develop any of the
  45. scientific knowledge mastered throughout my education in a work environment. I hope to be
  46. able to master a wide range of information and experience in order to facilitate the mentoring
  47. and/or coaching of others. This would give me a sense of accomplishment and achievement
  48. with regards to my professional activities as an expert in my field. I am also motivated by
  49. coming up with creative ideas leading to improvement. I believe there is no need in reinventing
  50. the wheel but perfecting it would not be a bad idea. Hence, I apply unconventional thinking to
  51. problems to come up with numerous ways to a solution. This also helps in spotting flaws and
  52. errors so as to arrive to a good end result. I love taking on challenges and would like the
  53. opportunity to participate in this MSc program and hopefully complete projects, seeing them through
  54. to the end.
  56. There are some important reasons for my choosing your esteemed university specifically this program.
  57. The most important reason is that its specialization in the various subfields of neuroscience and its
  58. concentrations in physical sciences would perfectly match my intended research prospects. I hope to
  59. major in a field of neuroscience which would mostly be complimented by computational chemistry specifically
  60. computer aided drug designing. I believe I would fit in the work being done by your research teams
  61. as most objectives of their research interests are perfectly aligned with mine. All these make me believe
  62. that I will receive the best education I can expect.
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