

Dec 30th, 2012
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  1. 30.12 16:47:19 [Disconnect] User krustymk has disconnected, reason: disconnect.quitting
  2. 30.12 16:47:19 [Server] INFO Connection reset
  3. 30.12 16:47:19 [Multicraft] Skipped 38 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  4. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  5. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  6. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.listeners.SignShopPlayerListener.onPlayerInteract(
  7. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.operations.takePlayerMoney.setupOperation(
  8. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.util.economyUtil.formatMoney(
  9. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.milkbowl.vault.economy.plugins.Economy_Craftconomy3.format(
  10. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.Common.format(
  11. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.configuration.ConfigurationManager.getDisplayFormat(
  12. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.DisplayFormat.valueOf(
  13. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(
  14. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.DisplayFormat.True
  15. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at
  16. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at
  17. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.q(
  18. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServer.r(
  19. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.r(
  20. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServerConnection.b(SourceFile:30)
  21. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.ServerConnection.b(SourceFile:39)
  22. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.d(
  23. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.NetworkManager.b(
  24. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.Packet14BlockDig.handle(SourceFile:46)
  25. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.a(
  26. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerInteractManager.dig(
  27. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_6.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
  28. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
  29. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(
  30. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
  31. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO at$1.execute(
  32. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException
  33. 30.12 16:47:15 [Server] SEVERE Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to SignShop v2.5.1Beta
  34. 30.12 16:47:15 [Multicraft] Skipped 4 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  35. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  36. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  37. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.listeners.SignShopPlayerListener.onPlayerInteract(
  38. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.operations.takePlayerMoney.setupOperation(
  39. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.util.economyUtil.formatMoney(
  40. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.milkbowl.vault.economy.plugins.Economy_Craftconomy3.format(
  41. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.Common.format(
  42. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.configuration.ConfigurationManager.getDisplayFormat(
  43. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.DisplayFormat.valueOf(
  44. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(
  45. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.DisplayFormat.True
  46. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at
  47. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at
  48. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.q(
  49. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServer.r(
  50. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.r(
  51. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServerConnection.b(SourceFile:30)
  52. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.ServerConnection.b(SourceFile:39)
  53. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.d(
  54. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.NetworkManager.b(
  55. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.Packet14BlockDig.handle(SourceFile:46)
  56. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.a(
  57. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerInteractManager.dig(
  58. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_6.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
  59. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
  60. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(
  61. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
  62. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO at$1.execute(
  63. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException
  64. 30.12 16:47:14 [Server] SEVERE Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to SignShop v2.5.1Beta
  65. 30.12 16:47:14 [Multicraft] Skipped 4 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  66. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
  67. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
  68. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.listeners.SignShopPlayerListener.onPlayerInteract(
  69. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.operations.takePlayerMoney.setupOperation(
  70. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at org.wargamer2010.signshop.util.economyUtil.formatMoney(
  71. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.milkbowl.vault.economy.plugins.Economy_Craftconomy3.format(
  72. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.Common.format(
  73. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.configuration.ConfigurationManager.getDisplayFormat(
  74. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.DisplayFormat.valueOf(
  75. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(
  76. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant com.greatmancode.craftconomy3.DisplayFormat.True
  77. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at
  78. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at
  79. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.q(
  80. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServer.r(
  81. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.r(
  82. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServerConnection.b(SourceFile:30)
  83. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.ServerConnection.b(SourceFile:39)
  84. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.d(
  85. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.NetworkManager.b(
  86. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.Packet14BlockDig.handle(SourceFile:46)
  87. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerConnection.a(
  88. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.PlayerInteractManager.dig(
  89. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_6.event.CraftEventFactory.callPlayerInteractEvent(
  90. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
  91. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(
  92. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
  93. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO at$1.execute(
  94. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException
  95. 30.12 16:47:10 [Server] SEVERE Could not pass event PlayerInteractEvent to SignShop v2.5.1Beta
  96. 30.12 16:46:58 [Server] INFO krustymk[/] logged in with entity id 1109 at ([world] 302.4098559032373, 65.0, 2378.367960884188)
  97. 30.12 16:44:50 [Server] INFO [PreciousStones] (world) cuboids: 66
  98. 30.12 16:44:50 [Server] INFO [PreciousStones] (world) fields: 1
  99. 30.12 16:44:50 [Server] Startup Done (6.812s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
  100. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
  101. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO CraftBookVehicles 1468-72127ce enabled.
  102. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO CraftBookVehicles: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt
  103. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO [CraftBookVehicles] Enabling CraftBookVehicles v1468-72127ce
  104. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO CraftBook: 2628 chunk(s) for 4 world(s) processed (0s elapsed)
  105. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO CraftBook: Enumerating chunks for INSTANCE-triggered components...
  106. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO CraftBookMechanisms 1468-72127ce enabled.
  107. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO CraftBookMechanisms: Default configuration file written: en_US.txt
  108. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO [CraftBookMechanisms] Enabling CraftBookMechanisms v1468-72127ce
  109. 30.12 16:44:49 [Server] INFO CraftBook Circuits: 2628 chunk(s) for 4 world(s) processed (0s elapsed)
  110. 30.12 16:44:49 [Multicraft] Skipped 25 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  111. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at
  112. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.DedicatedServer.init(
  113. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.a(
  114. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.e(
  115. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.v1_4_6.MinecraftServer.j(
  116. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_6.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
  117. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_6.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
  118. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
  119. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at
  120. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at
  121. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.earth2me.essentials.protect.EssentialsProtect.onEnable(
  122. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.earth2me.essentials.protect.EssentialsConnect.<init>(
  123. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.earth2me.essentials.protect.EssentialsConnect$ProtectReloader.reloadConfig(
  124. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at<init>(
  125. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at<init>(
  126. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at<init>(
  127. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource.<init>(
  128. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPooledDataSource.<init>(
  129. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource.<init>(
  130. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.PoolBackedDataSourceBase.<init>(
  131. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0ImplUtils.<clinit>(
  132. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0ImplUtils.generateVmId(
  133. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO at
  134. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO
  135. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO Failed to get local InetAddress for VMID. This is unlikely to matter. At all. We'll add some extra randomness
  136. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [EssentialsProtect] Enabling EssentialsProtect vDev2.9.706
  137. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloadedDrops] [MobBountyReloadedDrops] Enabled.
  138. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloadedDrops] Enabling MobBountyReloadedDrops v31
  139. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [PreciousStones] SQLite Connection successful
  140. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [PreciousStones] Version 9.5.4-SNAPSHOT loaded
  141. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [PreciousStones] Enabling PreciousStones v9.5.4-SNAPSHOT
  142. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Enabled
  143. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loaded 3 maps of world 'mountain_world'.
  144. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loaded 2 maps of world 'world_the_end'.
  145. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loaded 2 maps of world 'world_nether'.
  146. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loaded 720 pending tile renders for world 'world
  147. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loaded 3 maps of world 'world'.
  148. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [dynmap] version 0.90-1347 is enabled - core version 0.90-373
  149. 30.12 16:44:48 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Web server started on address
  150. 30.12 16:44:47 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loaded 12 lightings.
  151. 30.12 16:44:47 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loaded 82 perspectives.
  152. 30.12 16:44:47 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loaded 21 shaders.
  153. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Web interface permissions only available for online users
  154. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Using PermissionsBukkit 2.0 for access control
  155. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Enabling dynmap v0.90-1347
  156. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Essentials] Payment method found (Vault - Economy: Craftconomy3 version: 1.2.22-b277)
  157. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO Essentials: Using PermissionsBukkit based permissions.
  158. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy hooked.
  159. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Essentials] Enabling Essentials vDev2.9.706
  160. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Simple Prefix] Enabling Simple Prefix v2.1.0
  161. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloaded] Enabled.
  162. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloaded] Craftconomy3 hooked.
  163. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloaded] Enabling MobBountyReloaded v329
  164. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Version 2.5-b651 (API v18) Enabled - By Rigby, fernferret, lithium3141 and main--
  165. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading anchor: 'terminal'...
  166. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading anchor: 'mobfarm'...
  167. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading anchor: 'sky'...
  168. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading anchor: 'house'...
  169. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading anchor: 'top'...
  170. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading anchor: 'aboveground'...
  171. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading anchor: 'end'...
  172. 30.12 16:44:46 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading anchor: 'underground'...
  173. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] 4 - World(s) loaded.
  174. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 3 (Seed: -1623774494)
  175. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [AllPay] - Version 10.0 - hooked into Essentials Economy for Multiverse-Core v2.5-b651
  176. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Enabling Multiverse-Core v2.5-b651
  177. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [TimeLock] Enabled
  178. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [TimeLock] Enabling TimeLock v0.4
  179. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [PermissionsBukkit] Enabled successfully
  180. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [PermissionsBukkit] Enabling PermissionsBukkit v2.0
  181. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Vault][Economy] Craftconomy3 hooked.
  182. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Ready!
  183. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] PayDay Manager loaded!
  184. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Loading the PayDay manager.
  185. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Account Manager Loaded!
  186. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Loading the Account Manager
  187. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Default settings loaded!
  188. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Your database is out of date! (Version 1). Updating it to Revision 2.
  189. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Loading default settings.
  190. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Currency Manager Loaded!
  191. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] null
  192. 30.12 16:44:45 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Database Manager Loaded!
  193. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Loading the Database Manager
  194. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Loading commands
  195. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Loading listeners.
  196. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Loading the Configuration
  197. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Starting up!
  198. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Enabling Craftconomy3 v3.0.5-SNAPSHOT b809
  199. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO WEPIF: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
  200. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO [WorldEdit] Enabling WorldEdit v8-766eec6
  201. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 5480394209155747900)
  202. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO Preparing spawn area: 48%
  203. 30.12 16:44:44 [Server] INFO Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 5480394209155747900)
  204. 30.12 16:44:44 [Multicraft] Skipped 5 lines due to rate limit (30/s)
  205. 30.12 16:44:43 [Multicraft] Failed to calculate resource usage: (pid=31183)
  206. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Vault][Permission] SuperPermissions loaded as backup permission system.
  207. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Vault][Permission] PermissionsBukkit found: Waiting
  208. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Vault][Permission] PermissionsBukkit hooked.
  209. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy found: Waiting
  210. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Vault][Economy] CraftConomy3 found: Waiting
  211. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Vault] Enabling Vault v1.2.22-b277
  212. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [CraftBookVehicles] Loading CraftBookVehicles v1468-72127ce
  213. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [CraftBookMechanisms] Loading CraftBookMechanisms v1468-72127ce
  214. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [CraftBookCircuits] Loading CraftBookCircuits v1468-72127ce
  215. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [EssentialsChat] Loading EssentialsChat vDev2.9.706
  216. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [AntiXRay] Loading AntiXRay v1.5.7
  217. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [SignShop] Loading SignShop v2.5.1Beta
  218. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [CraftBookCommon] Loading CraftBookCommon v1468-72127ce
  219. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Portals] Loading Multiverse-Portals v2.5-b667
  220. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [EssentialsSpawn] Loading EssentialsSpawn vDev2.9.706
  221. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.
  222. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [EssentialsProtect] Loading EssentialsProtect vDev2.9.706
  223. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloadedDrops] Loading MobBountyReloadedDrops v31
  224. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [PreciousStones] Loading PreciousStones v9.5.4-SNAPSHOT
  225. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Loading dynmap v0.90-1347
  226. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Essentials] Loading Essentials vDev2.9.706
  227. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Simple Prefix] Loading Simple Prefix v2.1.0
  228. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloaded] Loading MobBountyReloaded v329
  229. 30.12 16:44:43 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Loading Multiverse-Core v2.5-b651
  230. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO [ProtocolLib] Loading ProtocolLib v1.8.4-SNAPSHOT
  231. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO [Vault] Loading Vault v1.2.22-b277
  232. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO [TimeLock] Loading TimeLock v0.4
  233. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO [PermissionsBukkit] Loading PermissionsBukkit v2.0
  234. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Loading Craftconomy3 v3.0.5-SNAPSHOT b809
  235. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO [WorldEdit] Loading WorldEdit v8-766eec6
  236. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO ----- ------------------- -----
  237. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO If you would like to disable this warning, simply set 'suggest-channels' to false in bukkit.yml.
  238. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO With that set, you will be told whenever a new version is available for download, so that you can always keep up to date and secure with the latest fixes.
  239. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO If you would like to be kept informed about new Beta Build releases, it is recommended that you change 'preferred-channel' in your bukkit.yml to 'beta'.
  240. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO It appears that you're running a Beta Build, when you've specified in bukkit.yml that you prefer to run Recommended Builds.
  241. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO ----- Bukkit Auto Updater -----
  242. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO This server is running CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-1.4.6-R0.1-b2561jnks (MC: 1.4.6) (Implementing API version 1.4.6-R0.1)
  243. 30.12 16:44:42 [Server] INFO Starting Minecraft server on
  244. 30.12 16:44:41 [Server] INFO Generating keypair
  245. 30.12 16:44:41 [Server] INFO Default game type: SURVIVAL
  246. 30.12 16:44:41 [Server] INFO Loading properties
  247. 30.12 16:44:41 [Server] INFO Starting minecraft server version 1.4.6
  248. 30.12 16:44:41 [Server] INFO 27 achievements
  249. 30.12 16:44:41 [Server] INFO 210 recipes
  250. 30.12 16:44:41 [Multicraft] Loaded config for "Craftbukkit Beta 1.4.6 B2561 (Updated automatically to latest BETA build)"
  251. 30.12 16:44:41 [Multicraft] Starting server!
  252. 30.12 16:44:41 [Multicraft] Loading server properties
  253. 30.12 16:44:41 [Multicraft] Server stopped
  254. 30.12 16:44:39 [Multicraft] Server shut down
  255. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO Stopping server
  256. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO Saving chunks for level 'mountain_world'/Overworld
  257. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO Saving chunks for level 'world_the_end'/The End
  258. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO Saving chunks for level 'world_nether'/Nether
  259. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO Closing listening thread
  260. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO Saving chunks for level 'world'/Overworld
  261. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO Saving worlds
  262. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] WARNING DSCT: Socket closed
  263. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO Saving players
  264. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [WorldEdit] Disabling WorldEdit v8-766eec6
  265. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Closing the connection to the database.
  266. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [Craftconomy3] Disabling Craftconomy3 v3.0.5-SNAPSHOT b809
  267. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [PermissionsBukkit] Disabling PermissionsBukkit v2.0
  268. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [TimeLock] Disabled
  269. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [TimeLock] Disabling TimeLock v0.4
  270. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [Vault] Disabling Vault v1.2.22-b277
  271. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [ProtocolLib] Disabling ProtocolLib v1.8.4-SNAPSHOT
  272. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Core] Disabling Multiverse-Core v2.5-b651
  273. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloaded] Disabled.
  274. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloaded] Disabling MobBountyReloaded v329
  275. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [Simple Prefix] Disabling Simple Prefix v2.1.0
  276. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [Vault][Economy] Essentials Economy unhooked.
  277. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [Essentials] Disabling Essentials vDev2.9.706
  278. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Disabled
  279. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Saved 720 pending tile renders in world 'world
  280. 30.12 16:44:39 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Saved 720 pending tile renders in world 'world
  281. 30.12 16:44:38 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Stopping map renderer...
  282. 30.12 16:44:38 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Unloaded 11 components.
  283. 30.12 16:44:38 [Server] INFO [dynmap] Disabling dynmap v0.90-1347
  284. 30.12 16:44:38 [Server] INFO [PreciousStones] Disabling PreciousStones v9.5.4-SNAPSHOT
  285. 30.12 16:44:38 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloadedDrops] [MobBountyReloadedDrops] Disabled.
  286. 30.12 16:44:38 [Server] INFO [MobBountyReloadedDrops] Disabling MobBountyReloadedDrops v31
  287. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [EssentialsProtect] Disabling EssentialsProtect vDev2.9.706
  288. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [EssentialsSpawn] Disabling EssentialsSpawn vDev2.9.706
  289. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [Multiverse-Portals] Disabling Multiverse-Portals v2.5-b667
  290. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [CraftBookCommon] Disabling CraftBookCommon v1468-72127ce
  291. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [SignShop] Disabled
  292. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [SignShop] Disabling SignShop v2.5.1Beta
  293. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [AntiXRay] Disabling AntiXRay v1.5.7
  294. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [EssentialsChat] Disabling EssentialsChat vDev2.9.706
  295. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [CraftBookCircuits] Disabling CraftBookCircuits v1468-72127ce
  296. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [CraftBookMechanisms] Disabling CraftBookMechanisms v1468-72127ce
  297. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO [CraftBookVehicles] Disabling CraftBookVehicles v1468-72127ce
  298. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                16:44:37 [INFO] Stopping server
  299. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO CONSOLE: Stopping the server..
  300. 30.12 16:44:37 [Server] INFO CONSOLE: Forcing save..
  301. 30.12 16:44:37 [Multicraft] Stopping server!
  302. 30.12 16:44:37 [Multicraft] Received restart command
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