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- import {MnistData} from './data.js';
- async function showExamples(data) {
- // Create a container in the visor
- const surface =
- tfvis.visor().surface({ name: 'Input Data Examples', tab: 'Input Data'});
- // Get the examples
- const examples = data.nextTestBatch(20);
- const numExamples = examples.xs.shape[0];
- // Create a canvas element to render each example
- for (let i = 0; i < numExamples; i++) {
- const imageTensor = tf.tidy(() => {
- // Reshape the image to 28x28 px
- return examples.xs
- .slice([i, 0], [1, examples.xs.shape[1]])
- .reshape([28, 28, 1]);
- });
- const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
- canvas.width = 28;
- canvas.height = 28;
- = 'margin: 4px;';
- await tf.browser.toPixels(imageTensor, canvas);
- surface.drawArea.appendChild(canvas);
- imageTensor.dispose();
- }
- }
- async function run() {
- const data = new MnistData();
- await data.load();
- //await showExamples(data);
- const model = getModel();
-{name: 'Model Architecture', tab: 'Model'}, model);
- await train(model, data);
- }
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', run);
- function getModel() {
- const model = tf.sequential();
- const IMAGE_WIDTH = 28;
- const IMAGE_HEIGHT = 28;
- const IMAGE_CHANNELS = 1;
- // In the first layer of our convolutional neural network we have
- // to specify the input shape. Then we specify some parameters for
- // the convolution operation that takes place in this layer.
- model.add(tf.layers.conv2d({inputShape: [IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, IMAGE_CHANNELS],kernelSize: 5,filters: 8,strides: 1,activation: 'relu',kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling'}));
- // The MaxPooling layer acts as a sort of downsampling using max values
- // in a region instead of averaging.
- model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({poolSize: [2, 2], strides: [2, 2]}));
- // Repeat another conv2d + maxPooling stack.
- // Note that we have more filters in the convolution.
- model.add(tf.layers.conv2d({kernelSize: 5,filters: 16,strides: 1,activation: 'relu',kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling'
- }));
- model.add(tf.layers.maxPooling2d({poolSize: [2, 2], strides: [2, 2]}));
- // Now we flatten the output from the 2D filters into a 1D vector to prepare
- // it for input into our last layer. This is common practice when feeding
- // higher dimensional data to a final classification output layer.
- model.add(tf.layers.flatten());
- // Our last layer is a dense layer which has 10 output units, one for each
- // output class (i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9).
- const NUM_OUTPUT_CLASSES = 10;
- model.add(tf.layers.dense({units: NUM_OUTPUT_CLASSES,kernelInitializer: 'varianceScaling',activation: 'softmax'}));
- // Choose an optimizer, loss function and accuracy metric,
- // then compile and return the model
- const optimizer = tf.train.adam();
- model.compile({
- optimizer: optimizer,
- loss: 'categoricalCrossentropy',
- metrics: ['accuracy'],
- });
- return model;
- }
- async function train(model, data) {
- const metrics = ['loss', 'val_loss', 'acc', 'val_acc'];
- const container = {
- name: 'Model Training', tab: 'Model', styles: { height: '1000px' }
- };
- const fitCallbacks =, metrics);
- const BATCH_SIZE = 512;
- const TRAIN_DATA_SIZE = 55000;
- const TEST_DATA_SIZE = 10000;
- const [trainXs, trainYs] = tf.tidy(() => {
- const d = data.nextTrainBatch(TRAIN_DATA_SIZE);
- return [
- d.xs.reshape([TRAIN_DATA_SIZE, 28, 28, 1]),d.labels];
- });
- const [testXs, testYs] = tf.tidy(() => {
- const d = data.nextTestBatch(TEST_DATA_SIZE);
- return [
- d.xs.reshape([TEST_DATA_SIZE, 28, 28, 1]),d.labels];
- });
- return, trainYs, {
- batchSize: BATCH_SIZE,
- validationData: [testXs, testYs],
- epochs: 10,
- shuffle: true,
- callbacks: fitCallbacks
- });
- }
- const classNames = ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Nine'];
- function doPrediction(model, data, testDataSize = 500) {
- const IMAGE_WIDTH = 28;
- const IMAGE_HEIGHT = 28;
- const testData = data.nextTestBatch(testDataSize);
- const testxs = testData.xs.reshape([testDataSize, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, 1]);
- const labels = testData.labels.argMax(-1);
- const preds = model.predict(testxs).argMax(-1);
- testxs.dispose();
- return [preds, labels];
- }
- async function showAccuracy(model, data) {
- const [preds, labels] = doPrediction(model, data);
- preds.print()
- const classAccuracy = await tfvis.metrics.perClassAccuracy(labels, preds);
- const container = {name: 'Accuracy', tab: 'Evaluation'};
-, classAccuracy, classNames);
- labels.dispose();
- }
- async function showConfusion(model, data) {
- const [preds, labels] = doPrediction(model, data);
- const confusionMatrix = await tfvis.metrics.confusionMatrix(labels, preds);
- const container = {name: 'Confusion Matrix', tab: 'Evaluation'};
- tfvis.render.confusionMatrix(container, {values: confusionMatrix, tickLabels: classNames});
- labels.dispose();
- }
- await showAccuracy(model, data);
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