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Sep 20th, 2011
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  1. Hacked by Shad0w for....
  3. _______ __ __ _____ _
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  8. |_|\___|\__,_|_| |_| |_| \/ \___/_/\_\_____/ \___|_|
  10. --- Alexa Rank 590 --- Traffic Rank in US: 141
  12. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  14. Target:
  15. Host IP:
  16. Web Server: Apache/2.2.16 (Unix)
  17. DB Server: MySQL >=5
  18. Resp. Time(avg): 452 ms
  19. Current User: ecomm_adm@
  20. Sql Version: 5.1.47-log
  21. Current DB: fscre_qa
  22. System User: ecomm_adm@
  23. Host Name:
  24. Installation dir: /usr/local/mysql-server/5147/
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  26. admin:*E73742AD0F744B69ADFEF5E49639F450C1487463:localhost
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  28. ecomm_adm:*76186DAC85CDB5759837B973D2CD8BA5CEFE7491:%
  29. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. databases :
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  33. fscre_qa
  34. mysql
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  227. address_book 
  229. We gonna expose your world ^_^
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