

Jan 23rd, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was lying on the couch with his cheek resting on the cushion, his eyes staring over at the tv that was on across the room with low volume. He hadnt done much of anything today including going to class, but he had showered and put on his pajamas only to go back to the couch to die.-
  2. Covet: Tae walked into the house and headed into the kitchen with the chinese food she'd brought home. Her keys jangling about. She saw Noah laying down on the couch as she got closer and pursed her lips. She wasn't sure if he'd remember anything from last night so she was waiting to see what his mood was like. She set the to go bag that was smelling delicious on the counter along with her keys.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Her keys sounded like nails on a chalkboard to him in his current condition, letting out a groan and moving his hands to cover his ears. "Ugh stop... you're so loud. Why are you so loud?"-
  4. Covet: "Sorry, I was trying to be quiet." Tae said, not overly sincere, because it was his own damn fault he was feeling shitty. She reached into the cupboard for a couple of plates, setting them on the counter as quietly as possible.
  5. Alexithymiaa: -He groaned and moved his hands to cover his eyes, shielding them from the light and the rest of the room. "Can you get the water in the fridge?" He asked her, not actually being polite or anything, he was just feeling so miserable he didnt have the energy to be any sort of way to her right now.-
  6. Covet: "Yeah, give me just a sec." She said as she started dishing up foods on the plates. When she was done she tucked the leftovers into the fridge and grabbed Noah a bottle of water. tucking it under her arm she grabbed the two plates and the packages of plastic wear, and walked over to the couch to set everything down.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -He pulled his hand away from his eyes, squinting at the plates of food she was setting down. "What's all this?"-
  8. Covet: "Food, hangover remedy." Tae said as she sat down, not really saying much as she looked at him out of the corner of her eyes as she picked up her plate to start in on her foods.
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I don't know if that's a remedy... I haven't been able to eat anything all day." He said as he gently pushed to sit up, rubbing a hand over his face. "What did you get?"-
  10. Covet: "Did you try eating Greasy food? It's supposed to help with coat your stomach or something. It's just Chow Mein and sweet and sour chicken." She said to him, glancing over at her.
  11. Alexithymiaa: "No... I ate ramen. Twice..." He added which was unneccessary because no one wants to know that. He took a deep breath to try to steady himself and leaned forward, picking at the plate of food before putting some chicken in his mouth.-
  12. Covet: "Oh I bet that was fun coming back up." She said with a bit of a cringe as she popped some of the fried sauce covered chicken.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -He chewed and swallowed hard, a little hesitant to continue eating because his stomach was flipping. "Yeah, real fun." He mumbled before looking at her. "Why are you being nice to me?"-
  14. Covet: "Because, Hangovers are a bitch. And you seemed like you needed it last night. You would have woke up frozen half to death on the patio, instead of on the couch." She said to him behind her hand as she talked and chewed.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "So?" He asked with a little bit of attitude, somehow just assuming that she would rather see him dead or something. Moron.-
  16. Covet: "So...I wasn't just going to let that happen. You already seemed pretty miserable, but.. I took care of you, made sure you didn't make a mess or anything." She said to him, just looking down at her plate as she ate.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He moved his hand to rub at his forehead, confused as fuck by her words and then kind of just staring at her. "Why though? You didn't have to do that."-
  18. Covet: "Because it was a nice thing to do, and despite how much you like to yell about how much of an asshole I am, I'm not like that all the time." She said with a shrug. "I didn't want you to freeze to death. Besides, like I said.. you looked like you needed the help."
  19. Alexithymiaa: "All the time." He repeated with a bit of a grin because he thought it was amusing she was admitting to being an asshole sometimes. "I probably did, I don't know. I don't remember."-
  20. Covet: Tae bit the inside of her cheek, not wanting to argue with him, "Yeah yeah. You definitely did. You couldn't even sit up, you were sitting on the ground slumped up against the wall."
  21. Alexithymiaa: "I remember going outside because it was warm and dry in my room from cranking the heat so much, but I don't really remember much after the first case of beer." He gently reached for another piece of chicken to put in his mouth.-
  22. Covet: "The first case. Jeeze... I kept trying to ask you why you got so trashed, but... you never really gave me a coherent answer." Tae said politely eating her food.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Why not?" He asked, not exactly wanting to tell her how he'd been feeling lately since it was her damn fault, but also kind of his fault, but he believes it's her fault.-
  24. Covet: "What do you mean why not?" Tae asked him looking over at him. "It just seemed strange to get that level of drunk on a Monday night." Tae said. "So.. clearly something triggered it."
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Not really. It's Monday. If there's any reason to get that drunk it's because a new semester is starting and it's a Monday." He smirked, trying to make a Monday joke, but sort of failing.-
  26. Covet: "I guess, if you want to put it that way." She said watching him. "So.. do you remember what the reason was?" Tae asked, taking another bite of her food.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "Nope." He said quickly, feeling better as he put food in his stomach and therefore continued to eating, shoveling some noodles into his face.-
  28. Covet: "Oh." She said then set her food on her lap. "Do you remember much of anything from last night?" Tae asked edging last night's events
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  31. Alexithymiaa: "Not really. I woke up at some point last night still drunk and on the couch and I remember that, but I don't remember the journey to the couch at all." He shrugged, setting the plate down. "Did I do anything stupid?"-
  32. Covet: "Hmm, Not really?" Tae said, "Weird, but not stupid. But.. I blame that on the alcohol." She said to him, moving her plate to the coffee table done with her food.
  33. Alexithymiaa: "Why, what did I do?" He asked, trying to run through a mental check list because he was pretty sure he was still clothed when he woke up so he definitely didn't get naked.-
  34. Covet: "It's nothing... you were just concerned about going to see a movie, and something about our faces. I think you were trying to say more, but only half of it was coming out." Tae said.
  35. Alexithymiaa: -He sat and thought hard, unable to remember what he'd been talking about and honestly having no idea what little context she had actually meant. "I have no idea. Our faces and a movie?" He asked, furrowing his brows. "Whatever. Thanks for at least making sure I didn't die, I guess."-
  36. Covet: "You said we need to go see Aquaman, and I told you I could go see it again, because Adam and I went to go watch it, and listen to my brother go on and an on about how the Marvel cinematic universe is still better." She said rolling her eyes, "But the faces thing... that's.. I don't know what that was about." She said even though she totally knew. "Sure, the least I could do. " She said getting up and grabbing her dishes, she looked at his, "Want me to take them to the kitchen?"
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, you've seen it?" He asked, at least happy she'd gone with Adam and Eli and not Colin. "It's fine. You don't have to see it again." He said as he groaned, pushing up to his feet and grabbing his own dish to carry into the kitchen, setting it down in the sink. "He's not wrong..." He mumbled.-
  38. Covet: "Yeah, Adam asked me the other night, trying to make me feel better about everything. I'd still go see it again, It was probably one of the better DCU movies than they've come out with before." She said putting her dishes in the sink to rinse them off, before putting them into the dishwasher, Noah's included. "I'm.. going to head to bed, but glad to see you're doing better today than you were yesterday." She said politely to him and made her way to her room , where she had every intention of messaging Colin like she had been doing all day anyways.
  39. Alexithymiaa: (You're going to make him cry)
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Wonder Woman didn't suck..." He said in a small voice because really it was the only DC movie in the last ten years that he didnt think was garbage. "Yeah... right... thanks..." He said, kind of just hovering in the kitchen because he felt icky and didnt want to move until she was safely in her room away from him.-
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