
Serendipitous Choice of Character Names in Skyrim and FO:NV

Nov 21st, 2015
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  1. So I decided to look into my character's names in Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas, and some of the stuff I learned was pretty cool. The name that my Redguard's (Cobernik) is derived from, Corbenik, is similar to Corbenic, the name of a castle in Arthurian legend. This castle was known as a "place of marvels," one of these marvels being a dragon, sorta like the Dragonborn housing the soul of a dragon. It could also be derived from other foreign words that translate to "raven."
  3. The name I gave to the character I'm playing in New Vegas, Astoria, was just one of a few random choices I thought of and eventually decided on. It turned out to be a name that's already been made up (I guess I heard the name from somewhere and had in in my head?). It's the name of several things like fictional characters and real cities. The name possibly comes from the surname Astor (two of the cities are named after a man named Johann Jakob Astor, German-American guy and first multi-millionaire in America, among other things). The name Astor is derived from the foreign word Astur, which means hawk.
  5. Looking into hawks, I learned they're white and primarily brown (I wasn't entirely certain of how they looked color-wise, not joking), and my character has white hair and his signature outfit is the brown bounty hunter duster. Hawks also have extremely good vision and can see at very long distances. One of my character's signature weapons is scoped weapons, particularly the hunting rifle with a sniper scope. Hawks are supposedly also one of the most intelligent birds, and his highest S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stat is intelligence.
  7. The Raven and the Hawk, very serendipitous choice of names, I'm very proud of them.
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